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Red shirts have little faith in reconciliation

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Try reading and being less selective I didn't chose to hang around wih them, they were in the same regiment, which was split catholic/Protestant

I am a supporter of the Blue side, and you are again making judgements on why you're reading.

I never once stated I agreed that the cheering was an act of supporting terrorism, but please tell me which part of Thailand were you born in to have such a staunch support of the yellows/junta or are you just a bandwagon jumper?

To be honsest, I never understood how serving army guys could support a team that was mired in Irish republicanism but you know what Rob? That was their choice.

You have little knowledge about terrorism and how it works and how it has many tentacles and reaches many places and people, I'll ignore your ignorance of such a subject as I doubt you know terrorism as well as you seem to know about people!!

I guess ignorance really can be bliss.

Will I tell you WHY I cannot and will not criticise the previous Yingluck regime, or any other ones post this? I never dealt with them directly as I also suspect many other Farang.

None of their policies policies affecte me either as I'm still classed as a tourist, I've lived here just short of 3 years, I don't work in the Kingdom not do I intend to, I don't have a business in the Kingdom not do I intend to have either but what I do have is a wife and a family, and for things to change, it's is them, NOT ME who has to make that happen.

Your last sentence is the biggest falacy posted yet about normal people don't support acts of terror, what would you call the intimidation and obstruction by normal people who blockaded polling stations back in February last year?

Normal people don't do a lot of things as individuals but when they're in with a crowd they adopt the sheeple mentality.

Were you in favour of blockading and intimidating people rights to vote rob?

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Try reading and being less selective I didn't chose to hang around wih them, they were in the same regiment, which was split catholic/Protestant

I am a supporter of the Blue side, and you are again making judgements on why you're reading.

I never once stated I agreed that the cheering was an act of supporting terrorism, but please tell me which part of Thailand were you born in to have such a staunch support of the yellows/junta or are you just a bandwagon jumper?

To be honsest, I never understood how serving army guys could support a team that was mired in Irish republicanism but you know what Rob? That was their choice.

You have little knowledge about terrorism and how it works and how it has many tentacles and reaches many places and people, I'll ignore your ignorance of such a subject as I doubt you know terrorism as well as you seem to know about people!!

I guess ignorance really can be bliss.

Will I tell you WHY I cannot and will not criticise the previous Yingluck regime, or any other ones post this? I never dealt with them directly as I also suspect many other Farang.

None of their policies policies affecte me either as I'm still classed as a tourist, I've lived here just short of 3 years, I don't work in the Kingdom not do I intend to, I don't have a business in the Kingdom not do I intend to have either but what I do have is a wife and a family, and for things to change, it's is them, NOT ME who has to make that happen.

Your last sentence is the biggest falacy posted yet about normal people don't support acts of terror, what would you call the intimidation and obstruction by normal people who blockaded polling stations back in February last year?

Normal people don't do a lot of things as individuals but when they're in with a crowd they adopt the sheeple mentality.

Were you in favour of blockading and intimidating people rights to vote rob?

Stating that you are not a redshirt supporter does not make it true.. most who have read you post know what side of the fence you are on.

Now your telling me I can't have an opinion because I have not been born here and because (according to you) YL her policies did not affect me. (sorry I lived through the flooding and that has only increased my anger towards her and her party)

Nice trying to silence the opposition by telling them they cant have an opinion if they are not born here.

I have been here longer as you, you were inserted halfway and have not seen all the lies of the PTP and Thaksin government. Most people who have share my views. I been here close to 10 years so I have seen and read a lot more news then you about him and his thugs.

Just because you been a big bad soldier does not mean you know more about terrorism then I do. you might have been in the front-line getting shot at (not a place where smart people would go). But if you can't see that the red shirts are terrorists and are the worst of all fighting parties in Thailand your obviously blind. (south excluded). Cheering on stage about 5 alleged deaths is clearly in support of terrorism. Around 30 people have been killed by the redshirts in all the clashes. That is at least 5 to 6 times as much as yellow shirts.

The yellow shirts had at least the courage to hand over their guards that misbehaved, while the redshirts were protected from prosecution by the PTP. (wonder how legitimate an having an armed terrorist wing is).

Comparing the blockading of some voting stations with 30 deaths is weak.. but that is what the whole red shirt argument is.

I rather live under a benevolent junta then under the criminal PTP.

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Bevause the red shirts are evil and have committed terribke crimes under their ousted fugitive leader.

They are dangerous for the future of Thailand.

IQ is going down from the second post on....

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"Red Shirts have little faith in reconciliation"

Not surprising coming from a cradle of "leaders" that were handpicked with the express intention of creating social division and hatred in order to advance the agenda of a clan with dynastic ambitions.


And, of course, Abhisit and the Yellow Shirts were perfect angels, weren't they?

Notwithstanding the irrelevance of your post (please feel free to enlighten me if you feel I've missed something), why would you make the link between Abhisit and the Yellow Shirts?

The Yellow Shirts have been very critical of him on several occasions, including calls for his resignation... even though the majority of them were pretty happy when he was elected Prime Minister by his peers in Parliament.

I kind of agree. The link should be between PDRC. If I remember right, Abhisit was bit troubled to be a part of the Bangkok shutdown, but finally joined it. I do not think he joined because of the ideology, which there was not, but because of blackmail from The Monks side.


First off I know my place here.. its nothing.. my opinion is not valued by Thais. I post here for relaxation. I am not stressed at all.

You call us kool aid drinkers i call you red-sighted.. fair is fair.

I have seen your ilk too.. soldiers with more brawn as brain thinking they know something. Your kind was made for fighting not thinking. That explains how red propaganda drips in so easy. Your remark about not liking violence.. strange thing for a soldier to say as without violence you would be out of a job.

The reason i brought up my time here was not about demonstrating superior knowledge just been exposed to the PTP far longer as you.. so I seen more lies more scams and more violence. I was in BKK during the 2010 riots. I seen those peaceful redshirts (i dont believe their lies that they were unarmed as I seen them with assault rifles with my own eyes). I have been exposed to the lies and corruption of the Shins for so long that any party that is not them seems good. Remember in the past 10 years it was them who were in power most of the time. So my dislike for them has grown in time with all the bad things they have done and the corruption and lies.

So after such a long time of lies one kinda supports the other side because its hard to believe anyone can be that corrupt and power hungry.

If there is one here who can call an other an old fool its me calling you an old fool. I am pretty sure I am younger as you.

As for my health or mental state its not influenced by Thai politics.. this is merely an distraction from real work. I don't take it as seriously

You are posting a lot too so you believe in giving your opinion too even though it counts as much as mine (not)

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Bevause the red shirts are evil and have committed terribke crimes under their ousted fugitive leader.

They are dangerous for the future of Thailand.

The Red Shirts are the future! Fight progress as much as you want, discriminately persecute and unjustly prosecute everyday Reds day and night, ban their leaders and their parties from the political process over and over again - no matter how hard you try, you cannot adjust the attitudes of the majority of the citizenry to support a fading, dying, crippled unwanted ideology and social order. The Red Shirts are the future of this nation and they will eventually make it free, open, progressive, egalitarian, just and fair.

You are talking rubbish as usual.

The future of Thailand belongs to NONE of the current generation of any political party.

It belongs to the CHILDREN of Thailand and just look at the political examples they have little choice in looking up to.

Is it any wonder that Thailand is losing its way.

Also Mr Perfect have you any idea how the Thais will value your opinion, my opinion or anybody elses opinion on Thai Visa.

We will all be ignored, as we should be, having NO rights to input anything into the discussion other than amongst ourselves.

So shout, scream and rant all you like here as the Thais won't give a flying fart about it.

What parent doesn't want the best for their children? Grow up in a oppressive, authoritarian, heavily censored, economic failing, militaristic, unequal and unfair pariah state or grow up in a free, fair, open, inclusive, internationally liked and welcomed united nation. In due course,Thailand will be a democracy, as much as that displeases rabid selfish and bigoted right winger oldies on this forum, it is as good as cast in stone.

Now where will my son find

quote "a free, fair, open, inclusive, internationally liked and welcomed united nation. In due course,Thailand will be a democracy, as much as that displeases rabid selfish and bigoted right winger oldies on this forum, it is as good as cast in stone."

Under a government owned and run by a convicted criminal fugutive who refuses to return to Thailand to face his accusers? I think not.

That would be the same as

quote "as living in an oppressive, authoritarian, heavily censored, economic failing, militaristic, unequal and unfair pariah state which it was under Thaksin many times.


"hardline red-shirt leader Kwanchai Praipana"

This habitually very violent criminal is the absolutely last person to speak about reconciliation.

If the red shirts want to progress, they need to dump these thugs and miscreants (including Thaksin) that supposedly are speaking for them.

Until such time, they remain tainted by the despicable actions of those that are seen as in charge of them.


I fully agree. RS's will be part of the next election as should all Thai's. The key, as you say, is to eradicate the violent element.


Bevause the red shirts are evil and have committed terribke crimes under their ousted fugitive leader.

They are dangerous for the future of Thailand.

So, you are saying only some people are allowed to have rights, only some people can speak, only some people should be treated fairly, and only some people deserve justice instead of revenge?

So, you are saying that the yellow shirts were not evil when they kidnapped a man and held him for a week ion Lumpini park without food or water, nor was it evil when PDRC thugs attacked a man in a truck and put him in a coma in front of his pregnant wife for the horrible crime of knocking over one of their illegal traffic cones, or the yellow thugs who killed a child then set a bus on fire and a shot and killed a non-political student near Don Muang airport, or it wasn't evil that the yellow shirt thug held a man by the throat surrounded by a cheering crowd when he (stupidly) tried to vote last year? Or letys go back to the students slaughtered in 1973 or 1988 or....

I'm sorry. I forgot what you were trying so hard not to say. Selective memory is only convenient for people sitting in front of a keyboard with a full stomach and lots of free time on their hands. Selective memory is inconvenient for everyone else....


Bevause the red shirts are evil and have committed terribke crimes under their ousted fugitive leader.

They are dangerous for the future of Thailand.

So, you are saying only some people are allowed to have rights, only some people can speak, only some people should be treated fairly, and only some people deserve justice instead of revenge?

So, you are saying that the yellow shirts were not evil when they kidnapped a man and held him for a week ion Lumpini park without food or water, nor was it evil when PDRC thugs attacked a man in a truck and put him in a coma in front of his pregnant wife for the horrible crime of knocking over one of their illegal traffic cones, or the yellow thugs who killed a child then set a bus on fire and a shot and killed a non-political student near Don Muang airport, or it wasn't evil that the yellow shirt thug held a man by the throat surrounded by a cheering crowd when he (stupidly) tried to vote last year? Or letys go back to the students slaughtered in 1973 or 1988 or....

I'm sorry. I forgot what you were trying so hard not to say. Selective memory is only convenient for people sitting in front of a keyboard with a full stomach and lots of free time on their hands. Selective memory is inconvenient for everyone else....

But a vivid imagination in regard to a rather simple statement is handy in extracting non-existing statements.


How apt that a a person that encourages supporters to disrespect the law when the constitutional court gives rulings yet has no qualms taking supporters to visit a convicted criminal fugitive in Laos.

You cannot get more UDD that this guy who has absolute respect for law and order.


Bevause the red shirts are evil and have committed terribke crimes under their ousted fugitive leader.

They are dangerous for the future of Thailand.

So, you are saying only some people are allowed to have rights, only some people can speak, only some people should be treated fairly, and only some people deserve justice instead of revenge?

So, you are saying that the yellow shirts were not evil when they kidnapped a man and held him for a week ion Lumpini park without food or water, nor was it evil when PDRC thugs attacked a man in a truck and put him in a coma in front of his pregnant wife for the horrible crime of knocking over one of their illegal traffic cones, or the yellow thugs who killed a child then set a bus on fire and a shot and killed a non-political student near Don Muang airport, or it wasn't evil that the yellow shirt thug held a man by the throat surrounded by a cheering crowd when he (stupidly) tried to vote last year? Or letys go back to the students slaughtered in 1973 or 1988 or....

I'm sorry. I forgot what you were trying so hard not to say. Selective memory is only convenient for people sitting in front of a keyboard with a full stomach and lots of free time on their hands. Selective memory is inconvenient for everyone else....

You kind of lost all credibility with this statement "kidnapped a man and held him for a week ion Lumpini park without food or water" It amazes me that you can fit two lies into such a small sentence. I assume you enjoyed watching 20 dwarfs get out of a small VW at the circus? It was alleged to be for 5 days at his own admission and it happened in March where the average temperature in Bangkok is 35 degrees meaning Yuem Nillar therefore would have only have been able to survive without water for about 3 days.

So from the very get go you fabricate stories therefore all the rest would be one sided, stretching of the truth, agenda driven view points to suit the narrative of an unelected criminal that supports coups when it makes him richer and doesn't support them when it makes him poorer.

Ever thought of writing the next Lord of the Rings novel? You have a knack for fantasy writing.

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