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Australians on death row file lawsuit against Indonesian President Joko Widodo


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I think he is talking about the AUSSIE Government.

And i agree, they should stay out of foreign governments policies.

They knew the law before they offended.

Then we should have no protest to a country when people are whipped for disagreeing on the internet ---we should not raise any concerns, when a woman is stoned to death in another country "allegedly" for having sex outside marriage. China should be allowed to jail anyone that speaks out...its the Government that's doing it.

No one should have protested about the extermination in Germany--it was state sanctioned.

Government laws are sacrosanct aren't they bridge2bridge ? Apartheid was OK it was voted on in the all white parliament & became a government law.

If ISIS should ever manage to defeat a country & establish a government ----then in line with your view that no one should ever protest against barbaric laws because its government policy, other countries should keep quite while they bring their laws in.

Good point............

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For heaven's sake, please get the executions over with so I don't have to read any more of this, and Australia can stop embarrassing itself (for a short time at least) with it's meddling in international affairs.

I am vehemently against drugs, but I don't agree with the death penalty for drug offences. For life-taking, rape, other serious offences which can be proven with NO doubt, hang 'em high, eye for an eye. But really Australia, tiny little Australia, insignificant Australia....you dobbed them in, you and they knew the consequences of being caught. Deal done.

and nobody like a dobber do they mate?

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For heaven's sake, please get the executions over with so I don't have to read any more of this, and Australia can stop embarrassing itself (for a short time at least) with it's meddling in international affairs.

I am vehemently against drugs, but I don't agree with the death penalty for drug offences. For life-taking, rape, other serious offences which can be proven with NO doubt, hang 'em high, eye for an eye. But really Australia, tiny little Australia, insignificant Australia....you dobbed them in, you and they knew the consequences of being caught. Deal done.

Wipe out their lives to make you feel better? Yes the world is so lucky to have people like you. Your family must be proud.

Edited by Time Traveller
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No doubt this move will ensure the boys die painfully as the initial bullets are almost guaranteed to miss the mark now.

I wonder how many people would of died if the heroin the Bali 9 was carrying if it made it to the streets of Austra

Maybe u can trade places with them ...

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No doubt this move will ensure the boys die painfully as the initial bullets are almost guaranteed to miss the mark now.

I wonder how many people would of died if the heroin the Bali 9 was carrying if it made it to the streets of Austra

Maybe u can trade places with them ...

Enlighten me. Why would I do that? I didn't cart dangerous drugs or commit crimes.

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Sydney Morning Herald website


"Amid the unremittingly grim news of late for the Australians, there was further encouragement from media reports that Serge Areski Atlaoui from France and Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso from the Philippines will be allowed to have their legal appeals heard.

Both Atlaoui and Veloso are on a list of 11 death row inmates scheduled for imminent execution that was drawn up last month by Indonesian authorities. Chan and Sukumaran are also on the list."

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No doubt this move will ensure the boys die painfully as the initial bullets are almost guaranteed to miss the mark now.

I wonder how many people would of died if the heroin the Bali 9 was carrying if it made it to the streets of Austra

Maybe u can trade places with them ...

Enlighten me. Why would I do that? I didn't cart dangerous drugs or commit crimes.

Well u would not be the first innocent person that received a death penalty...(so at least you will know how that feels then)

And if we can have these 2 aussie guys released from death row and u then get the death penalty instead then we still safe one life ..So i think its an excellent trade...:)

Some people if you ask me should not even have be born anyways!

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So much publicity for criminals, and what about the Brazilian man

accompanying these two, no mention of him, why not splash on

the front page news the faces of the doctors and nurses who

tirelessly have to deal with the young faces of drug overdoses or

the family who lose their children from bad drugs or the family

who find their child steals everything they can to get their next

fix, these scum are the cancer of our society, give me the gun.

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No doubt this move will ensure the boys die painfully as the initial bullets are almost guaranteed to miss the mark now.

I wonder how many people would of died if the heroin the Bali 9 was carrying if it made it to the streets of Austra

Maybe u can trade places with them ...

Enlighten me. Why would I do that? I didn't cart dangerous drugs or commit crimes.

Well u would not be the first innocent person that received a death penalty...(so at least you will know how that feels then)

And if we can have these 2 aussie guys released from death row and u then get the death penalty instead then we still safe one life ..So i think its an excellent trade...:)

Some people if you ask me should not even have be born anyways!

Try to keep up, I know it must be hard for you.

These guys admitted their guilt. They are guilty. They did it, end of story.

Now I spent decades diligently serving the Australian community. I dare say I have done greater things for Australia in just minutes than these two little germs achieved in all their lives & of course if they wernt caught what else would they have got up to, especially when being dealt with by an extremely weak australian criminal justice system.

So again, why should I swap places with the and be executed?

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1990 - Amongst Barbarians is set far away from Margaret Thatcher's Britain in Penang, Malaysia, a former British colony, where two young Englishmen have been arrested for drug trafficking. As they both face the death penalty, their relatives travel to Penang to come to their rescue. However, they soon find out that there is nothing they can do to save the boys' lives. In the course of their futile attempts at influencing the authorities, their racism becomes more than apparent. The question which is never made explicit is of course who the real barbarians are.Wall's play is based on a true story.

If my memory serves me well, one of the females even offered her body to a government official, to no avail. As it says here, who are the real barbarians?

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So much publicity for criminals, and what about the Brazilian man

accompanying these two, no mention of him, why not splash on

the front page news the faces of the doctors and nurses who

tirelessly have to deal with the young faces of drug overdoses or

the family who lose their children from bad drugs or the family

who find their child steals everything they can to get their next

fix, these scum are the cancer of our society, give me the gun.

Please also take out some of the brain dead PC people who think these grubs have been badly done by.

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A dilemma- sometimes life offers no easy choices.

For those who say alcohol or tobacco kill far more people- well that's because they're far more readily available and ubiquitous. If heroin was sold down at 'The Jolly Farmer' or in 7-11 we'd be seeing a lot more car accidents and wasted folk on the streets.

Back in Goa, India in the mid 80s I rented a room in a bungalow right on the beach, it was wonderful being next to the waves day and night. In the rooms next to me were 2 heroin users from the UK, one was an ex sound engineer for Radio 1, he'd developed a habit back in the UK and decided to come to Goa for the far cheaper smack.

All day they just lay on their beds, strung out, at sunset they'd descend to the beach for a spot of frisbee. Wasted, waxen skin with frequent vomiting, it seemed absurd to come to such a lovely place and just lie in their rooms. They might as well have stayed in south London, only the smack was much more expensive there.

I don't think you can compare heavy opiates to tobacco or alcohol, drink can turn people crazy, ( lao khao for sure) but heroin turns people into the living dead.

But having said that, these 2 young Australians sentenced to die never killed anyone, sure they helped export misery to Australian youth solely for profit but they were just kids, thinking they were Mr Big.

The problem is if they don't execute them it sends a signal to any aspiring Aussie drug importer that in the end they will only end up serving some time-''It's worth it boys''

On the other hand to spend 10 years pleading for your life and see all the options close down one by one in utter helplessness whilst the anguish you've caused your family and loved ones just grinds on and on is truly torture all round.

If any good comes out of this it must surely be - don't be stupid and try to smuggle drugs in S.E. Asia and for that these two must die.

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Interfering in the internal works of a foreign government.wink.png

Filing a lawsuit is not interfering. And it's not like Indonesia is a model of judicial fairness anyway. They're like the worst country in the world for corruption on every single survey.

Not sure what you're looking at, but they didnt even make the bottom 20 on the Corruption Perception Index in 2013 -


If you go to the 2014 results you'll find that Vietnam is considered more corrupt than Indonesia:


The nature of corruption is that we'll probably never have indisputable empirical data, but if the survey these results are based on is even vaguely accurate, Indonesia would be competing with countries like Somalia for the title of 'worst of the worst' : do you honestly think any country in Southeast Asia is that bad ?? I'd like to think otherwise even if Cambodia and Myanmar didnt do too well in 2013's survey.

Edited by MrWorldwide
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There was no outcry from the Australian Government when Barlow and Chambers were hanged in Malaysia.

WHAT? has changed now.----bridge2bridge

Where on earth do you get your- "facts" -- from Bridge2bridge..... no wonder you never put a link to anything that you say-----There was such an outcry to the hangings from the then prime minister that it caused a rift between the 2 countries that lasted for some years, not only the Prime minister (Bob Hawke) who called the country Barbaric...but also unheard of was the queens rep (Governor General ) speaking out against the Killing.

Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke made a passionate plea for a stay of execution on behalf of the two men.

Hawke later described the hanging as "barbaric", a remark which chilled Australian relations with Malaysia.[23] Relations between the two nations were reportedly affected for a decade afterwards. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barlow_and_Chambers_execution

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An emapathetic person goes to and fro....yes and no.............honestly. looking at the response. Looking at the parents and family.......why wouldnt locking then away another ten or fifteen years be enough?.....

Just dont know anymore.

least im honest...

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Well, this adds a little twist: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/smh-editorial/president-joko-widodo-pushes-for-release-of-indonesian-prisoners-overseas-but-no-clemency-granted-to-foreigners-20150216-13f336.html

"President Joko Widodo had ordered that no effort be spared to secure the release of more than 200 Indonesians on death row around the world. 'The President has instructed that the state be involved in every legal case," Ms Retno said."

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I wonder how many people would of died if the heroin the Bali 9 was carrying if it made it to the streets of Australia.

Well considering the Aus Fed Police knew about it all I doubt they would have arrived in Australia without detection, hence none of it would have made it to the streets.... well not taking into consideration corrupt aus police that is.

As someone who worked alongside Aust Police for 20 + years I would say their integrity is better than most Police Forces around the world.

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Well, this adds a little twist: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/smh-editorial/president-joko-widodo-pushes-for-release-of-indonesian-prisoners-overseas-but-no-clemency-granted-to-foreigners-20150216-13f336.html

"President Joko Widodo had ordered that no effort be spared to secure the release of more than 200 Indonesians on death row around the world. 'The President has instructed that the state be involved in every legal case," Ms Retno said."

The hypocrisy of the Indonesian government stance on death sentences is absolutely clear. Both from that SMH article and the 2014 case of the Indonesian maid in Saudi Arabia when blood money was paid by the government to secure her release from both the death sentence and incarceration in jail. Sure, different circumstances, but the principle remains the same.


Edited by dabhand
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Death penalty is barbaric and solves nothing. Indonesia remains the key SE Asia drug hub.

Really ? Where are you getting your facts from ? The Bali Nine were trafficking heroin, not methamphetamine. No shortage of drugs in Indonesia - or corrupt police and officials - but that's not where the heroin came from and its not where it comes from in 2015. 'Drugs' is a very broad term - if you want to discuss synthetics I'm happy to do so.


Most of the world's heroin came from the Golden Triangle until the early 21st century when Afghanistan became the world's largest producer

Chan didnt get the heroin from an Indonesian - he got it from a Thai. The AFP handed the nine Australians to the Indonesians knowing they faced the possibility of the death penalty - might be time to refocus your indignation towards the Australians who made this happen - the couriers themselves, Scott Rush's father and the AFP.


Opium and heroin base produced in northeastern Myanmar are transported by horse and donkey caravans to refineries along the Thailand–Burma border for conversion to heroin and heroin base. Most of the finished products are shipped across the border into various towns in North Thailand and down to Bangkok for further distribution to international markets.

In the past major Thai Chinese and Burmese Chinese traffickers in Bangkok have controlled much of the foreign sales and movement of Southeast Asian heroin from Thailand, but a combination of law enforcement pressure, publicity and a regional drought has significantly reduced their role. As a consequence, many less-predominant traffickers in Bangkok and other parts of Thailand now control smaller quantities of the heroin going to international markets.

Heroin from Southeast Asia is most frequently brought to the United States by couriers, typically Thai and U.S. nationals, travelling on commercial airlines. California and Hawaii are the primary U.S. entry points for Golden Triangle heroin, but small percentages of the drug are trafficked into New York City and Washington, D.C.


After receiving information from the AFP about the group, including the names, passportnumbers and information relating to their links to possible illegal drug trade, Indonesian police placed the group under constant surveillance for a week before their arrest. Indonesian police believe a 22-year-old Thai woman, Cherry Likit Bannakorn, supplied Chen with the heroin. She is wanted by Interpol

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No doubt this move will ensure the boys die painfully as the initial bullets are almost guaranteed to miss the mark now.

I wonder how many people would of died if the heroin the Bali 9 was carrying if it made it to the streets of Australia.

people don't generally die from using heroin...jeese, you are not very bright about the use of heroin.

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Chan didnt get the heroin from an Indonesian - he got it from a Thai.

And in which country did the transaction take place ?

Indonesia. Now show me a link to a credible source for the claim that Indonesia is the number one hub for drug trafficking in SEA. I'm happy to accept that I'm wrong if you have the link - till then I doubt that LEA in the States and Europe are ignoring people returning from Indonesia simply because it's not part of the Golden Triangle.

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