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Litter police on Sukhumvit treble pricing!


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Not sure what department the work for, but basically fine anyone, well only foreigners who throw cigarette ends on the street.

The sign near Emporium says clearly in Thai a fine of 5000 Baht is applicable, whilst further up between Asoke and Nana BTS it is only 2000 where they tend to target the Koreans. A motorcycle taxi driver told me Thais only pay 200 Baht but have never seen them stop a Thai- why would they.

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The fine is too low. It's a disgusting thing to do and is a main cause of pollution in rivers and oceans.


Cigarette filters are the most common form of litter in the world, as approximately 5.6 trillon cigarettes are smoked every year worldwide.[15] Of those it is estimated that 4.5 trillion cigarette filters become litter every year.[16] In the 2006 International Coastal Cleanup, cigarettes and cigarette butts constituted 24.7 percent of the total collected pieces of garbage, over twice as many as any other category.[17]


Many governments have sanctioned stiff penalties for littering of cigarette filters; for example the Washington state imposes a penalty of $1,025 for littering cigarette filters.


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If they cared about the littering, they would put some freaking rubbish bins along Sukhumvit, not gouge the crap out of tourists that haven't a clue that they are falling victim to one of the oldest "legitimate" scams in Bangkok...

There are wheelie bins placed at 100 metre intervals along Sukhumvit, at least from Phrom Phong (Emporium) up to Asok. Plus there are always bins outside 7-11s and Family Marts. No excuse!

But the fine should be a maximum of 2,000 baht.

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They tried that trick on me a couple of years ago. Luckely I had my wife with me, as they (bastards) hardly speak any English, when they wanted to fine me for 5,000 THB. She told them to buzz off while I was a non-smoker for 15 years.

Edited by FredNL
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If they cared about the littering, they would put some freaking rubbish bins along Sukhumvit, not gouge the crap out of tourists that haven't a clue that they are falling victim to one of the oldest "legitimate" scams in Bangkok...

There are wheelie bins placed at 100 metre intervals along Sukhumvit, at least from Phrom Phong (Emporium) up to Asok. Plus there are always bins outside 7-11s and Family Marts. No excuse!

But the fine should be a maximum of 2,000 baht.

News to me on rubbish bins, but you missed the point... This is a government sponsored scam that targets foreigners... 2000 - 5000 baht for farang while locals are only charged 200, and that's only if they are stopped, which they are not...

It's not a scam, although it is unfair that Thais are rarely stopped or fined. As someone who lives in the area I'm glad that something is being done to at least try to keep it clean. Litterers get no sympathy from me!

So you don't see it as a problem that the law is selectively enforced and that foreigners are charged anywhere from 10X to 25X what locals are charged? You can't be serious, but if you are, your Thainess is showing...

This debate is ludicrous as anyone that can see beyond their nose knows that Thais are flagrant litterers... To label this activity as anything other than a scam is also ludicrous...

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The cigarette police are not real police. If you say, no problem, take me to the police station to pay the ticket -- they will turn into fish with blank stares. Then, they will start to drive you to the local station to pay, and suddenly the fine gets smaller and smaller, with dire warnings of course. The long and short is, the most it will cost you is to is the cab ride back to where you were because....once at the station, they will just drive off.

I got scammed and paid the first time, having crushed a butt on private property sitting at a table outside. A clever Brit told me what to do, and the next time they tried it, I followed the above steps -- it only cost me 100 baht for the taxi.

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There seems to be one law for Thais and another for Farang. This seems unfair, unreasonable and racist.

I like the advice given by FangFerang. A bit of a "ball ache" to have to go to police station but hell if it saved THB 2,000 - 5,000 then would be worth it. Perhaps the litter police think that they are missing other opportunities to make money whilst they are processing the Farang through the, no doubt, time consuming process at the Police Station!!!

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I am a smoker. I also carry a portable ash tray with me in Thailand and elsewhere. I think littering is lazy and careless. If I forget to take it, I extinguish the smoke and put the butt in the box.

I realise this is a small compensation to the smokers are evil crew.

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The cigarette police are not real police. If you say, no problem, take me to the police station to pay the ticket -- they will turn into fish with blank stares. Then, they will start to drive you to the local station to pay, and suddenly the fine gets smaller and smaller, with dire warnings of course. The long and short is, the most it will cost you is to is the cab ride back to where you were because....once at the station, they will just drive off.

I got scammed and paid the first time, having crushed a butt on private property sitting at a table outside. A clever Brit told me what to do, and the next time they tried it, I followed the above steps -- it only cost me 100 baht for the taxi.

They are City officials (BMA) and are empowered to impose fines (just like council officers in the UK). If you refuse to pay, they can call the police, although in practice they are more likely to let you go or reduce the fine.

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Of course there won't be any fine if you don't throw away your cigarette butt....

Yes, this is the point and stop the crying. You throw away your cigarette at your living room. AAAA don't? Don't do here also

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Please discard your cigarette butts into a bin. If there isn't one, put it back in the pack until you find one. It's your problem, not the environment's. Why should we have to walk through your biohazard mess? You wanna play, u gotta pay.

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Yes its big nasty scam..

Always these scam create more damage then they bring in for the country...

In the end people do not come back that country after they realize they be fooled.

Seems to me they let u pay but seldom they present you a official receipt..

With a receipt u can try go to consumer protection board and make a case

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If they cared about the littering, they would put some freaking rubbish bins along Sukhumvit, not gouge the crap out of tourists that haven't a clue that they are falling victim to one of the oldest "legitimate" scams in Bangkok...

There are actually quite a few rubbish bins around Sukhumvit road, to be honest I feel there are more rubbish bins on Sukhumvit road than there are in Western countries. Not to mention a 7-11 every where with rubbish bins outside also. Aside from that, Thais and some foreigners just don't have the habit of throwing trash out properly, it really has nothing to do with not enough trash cans and blaming the city for it.

Example, many people throwing cigarette butts on the floor can be seen in Germany at bus stops and subways.

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There are wheelie bins placed at 100 metre intervals along Sukhumvit, at least from Phrom Phong (Emporium) up to Asok. Plus there are always bins outside 7-11s and Family Marts. No excuse!

But the fine should be a maximum of 2,000 baht.

News to me on rubbish bins, but you missed the point... This is a government sponsored scam that targets foreigners... 2000 - 5000 baht for farang while locals are only charged 200, and that's only if they are stopped, which they are not...

It's not a scam, although it is unfair that Thais are rarely stopped or fined. As someone who lives in the area I'm glad that something is being done to at least try to keep it clean. Litterers get no sympathy from me!

So you don't see it as a problem that the law is selectively enforced and that foreigners are charged anywhere from 10X to 25X what locals are charged? You can't be serious, but if you are, your Thainess is showing...

This debate is ludicrous as anyone that can see beyond their nose knows that Thais are flagrant litterers... To label this activity as anything other than a scam is also ludicrous...

Yeah, of course it's a scam and of course they're gouging the prices and selectively enforcing the laws. But Brewster's spot on about the fact that there are plenty of bins available and nobody is forcing anyone to litter.

If someone wants to avoid being scammed then they can use their brain and not chuck their butts on the ground. It's pretty disgusting behaviour and I say that as a smoker.

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If they cared about the littering, they would put some freaking rubbish bins along Sukhumvit, not gouge the crap out of tourists that haven't a clue that they are falling victim to one of the oldest "legitimate" scams in Bangkok...

There are wheelie bins placed at 100 metre intervals along Sukhumvit, at least from Phrom Phong (Emporium) up to Asok. Plus there are always bins outside 7-11s and Family Marts. No excuse!

But the fine should be a maximum of 2,000 baht.

News to me on rubbish bins, but you missed the point... This is a government sponsored scam that targets foreigners... 2000 - 5000 baht for farang while locals are only charged 200, and that's only if they are stopped, which they are not...

It's not a scam, although it is unfair that Thais are rarely stopped or fined. As someone who lives in the area I'm glad that something is being done to at least try to keep it clean. Litterers get no sympathy from me!

wish those guys would patrol indoor venues and fine smoking where smoking is outlawed.

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Last year, I had been smoking somewhat near Sunrise Tacos after eating lunch there. I tossed my cigarette in the bin which is next to the bus stop and kept walking north a bit to go catch the BTS at Asoke. I had a small piece of food stuck in my teeth and used my finger to pluck it out. A cop was behind me and started yelling to get my attention.

He scolded me for throwing my cigarette butt down and stated that in Thailand nobody does this (he obviously meant it's not allowed, but his English was simple). I explained that I wasn't smoking but flicked out a bit of food, which happened to land by about 10 previously smoked butts. I tried to show him the motion of picking and flicking, but I think that made him more angry. He said, "I saw you smoke," then just said to follow him, so I did.

He had some laminated flyer showing how costs of littering cigarette butts is a 5,000 fine, to be paid immediately (no ticket), or a trip to the police station. I figured I was stuck, so I agreed to his side of the story and began the bargaining/ pleading process. I told him I was leaving tomorrow (I was), that I was planning to quit (I was), and that I was really sorry (I wasn't). He was very unfriendly and seemed to just hate me.

I ended up paying him 500 baht cash and went on my way.

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I was walking on Sukhumvit after having breakfast with a friend a while ago. A police man riding on the back of a bike came up behind me and demanded I stop. He told me he saw me throw away a cigarette. I don't smoke, so I told him this. He told me to turn out my pockets. I laughed and said no. He told me again to empty my pockets. I told him NO. I was carrying a backgammon set in one hand and a iced coffee from starbucks in the other. I said arrest me! I turned and walked away. I knew if I had emptied my pockets he would extract money from me somehow. plus I had just gone to the atm and had over 30K in my pocket.

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in london you will be fined £50 - £75 (depending on the borough) if you drop a cigarette end or litter on the ground. quite right too.

if you dont want a fine dont drop litter. what part of this is difficult to understand?

What's the fine in London or anywhere else 'got to do with Bangkok".........

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