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Briton jumps to his death from Pattaya condo room

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Don't blame him, Pattaya must be a very depressing pace to live in, one day is enough for me.

You must be a very weak person.

Pattaya is brilliant.

It's not that good use to be too many idiots around now

Another one? I wonder what the suicide rate is among tourists in Thailand....there are less folk jumping out of windows in the whole of England in a whole year than in the city of Pattaya in one month....

I'd rather look at the demographics - what is the percentage of alcoholicc, psychologically unbalanced, drug dependent people among home country population and that among those vacationing or living in Thailand.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't blame him, Pattaya must be a very depressing pace to live in, one day is enough for me.

You must be a very weak person.

Pattaya is brilliant.

Anyone who thinks Pattaya is wonderful is delusional


She refused to return to England with him. Surely that would have involved a visa and how on earth would he get her one, particularly as he is alleged to be on overstay.

I'm pretty sure the UK Embassy would have been sympathetic and said 'We'll do a rush job for you, even though your papers are not in order and this is a casual girlfriend"

On the other hand, Birmingham City might win the European Cup next season.!!

There's something not quite right with this story...nothing unusual.


Security officers, you mean some low paid, untrained persons! With a badge!

What a rude comment! At least they're out working instead of sitting on the street begging or out robbing someone!!!!!@ idiot

It is true , they are working, however it does not stop them from begging for 20 baht and turning a blind eye when someone wants to rob or just falling asleep.


Don't blame him, Pattaya must be a very depressing pace to live in, one day is enough for me.

You must be a very weak person.

Pattaya is brilliant.

yes i agree............1 day is not enough!

1 day is 1 day too much for me!


Don't blame him, Pattaya must be a very depressing pace to live in, one day is enough for me.

I'm living in Pattaya, full time , for 6 years and Love it. Great city with most everything available within a short motorbike ride.

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what is brilliant about the biggest sex tourist destination in SEA? apart from the obvious? IMO it's a national disgrace and an embarrassment. To dislike the place is not 'weakness.' Obviously the jumper had enough of it.

Whilst Pattaya might have some areas that are not quite as nice, I very much doubt it was the reason the gentleman jumped; it is not "obvious" to me at all.

Indeed, from the article it would appear that problems at home in the UK were the root cause of his demise, not Pattaya persay!

The reason the article gives about pressure from home are hardly convincing and there is no evidence to support the claims. I have known a 3 top themselves in that dumping ground, it seems to be a last stopping off place for the desperate the lonely and the misfits. At first the prostitution scene might be fun but it's a fools paradise. We will probably never know the real reason why this guy killed himself, pointing the finger back home is typically Thai. Pattaya behind the glitz is a crime ridden horror story riddled with corruption, prostitution and falseness, if some choose not to see that up to them.

Oh, that's so pathetic.

How anybody can connect this story about a poor guy's suicide to Pattaya per say beggars belief.

Have you any idea how many people actually live in Pattaya, or how many tourists per day visit? Many, many thousands and they don't all rush up the high rises to jump off and top themselves the minute a working girl curls her lip at them. But have a look at the suicide statistics for those oh so clean, love to boast they are "prostitution free" Nordic countries.

Then look at the rates for the UK - all much higher than Thailand.

What on earth people like you are doing living in Thailand and not seeing beyond your nose is beyond my ken - but you probably don't, your probably just a pensioned-of Walter who dreams of installing moving staircases outside all the high rise buildings in Pattaya, so a constant stream of broken hearted lovers can be taken up on one-way tours to satisfy your misguided, misogynistic preconceptions about a place that is as good to live in as anywhere else in Thailand. Or the rest of the world.

Get a life.

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Not sure why you all bashing Pattaya.. This was in Naklua..
I happen to know the place where this happened, and its without doubt one of the most beautiful condos around - its not cheap or nasty. and I bet it way more upmarket than where the the idiots on here, that are bashing Pattaya, live.
Wong Amat is a very nice area. I'd be more than happy to stay around there..

The sleazy side of Pattaya is 7 or 8 klicks away.

I feel for this chap and those he left behind.
Also, all those that had to deal with the aftermath, including those I know that had to witness it.

Bashing Pattaya over something unrelated that happened 7 kms away is puerile and childish, grow up!



A condo at wang amat beach !!! you bet its expensive. any these days any greedy person will go all out to grab it any way its possible.

One simple bottle of beer makes few of the security guards very happy or a small tips, wondering if offered a big amount what can be done...???

Call me cynical still the story doesnt seem right.

Remember like the story of a farang who was shot dead and the security guard and the manager claimed it was on self defense but later the CCTV footage from the other establishment clearly showed how the murder was staged and planted upon.

Are you saying there's something sinister about this and it wasn't suicide .... ?

I think that is exactly what he is implying; that there is some "Thainess" about this and their willingness to lie will forever hide the truth of just about anything.

How about you? Have you ever heard or read a confession from a Thai that he, she or they pushed the foreigner, or threw the foreigner over the balcony rail, or hung them up, hacked them to pieces on a beach, raped, robbed, shot, stabbed, kicked, punched, framed, embezzled, extorted, blackmailed, lied to, etc.?

Have you ever heard or read them accept blame personally for any wrongdoing over a crime committed, whereas the foreigner was innocent?

I think the poster has a lot of merit to be skeptical; a lot more than you have to believe anything they utter or put into print.

There is nothing wrong with being skeptical in a country where lies are considered a woven in part of the culture, and therefore entirely fitting to suit any demand or need.

Simply my take on this.

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I hope they are not the same sort of security officer's who killed that greek guy, he is that old and needs his parents permission to stay, hhmmm, that is the sort of thing that Thai parents do, and then the argument, hhhmmm, did he really slip from the grip, that will be another episode to look out for, in next weeks episode of, did he jump, or was he pushed


Don't blame him, Pattaya must be a very depressing pace to live in, one day is enough for me.

Always one somewhere on the Forum who feels the need to say it..............Normally the ones that secretively love it the most I might add

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Virtually all who take their own lives do so to hurt others, what is worse there are many others hurt by their selfish actions.

I am not sure what faith the deceased in question was and why his family was threatening to report him, but they were probably reminding him he had responsibilities.

Maybe he did not intend to end it, maybe his G/F and security guy did not hold him tight enough, maybe he thought his family would send him all the money he wanted, well what ever his intentions, a hundred meter drop sure is a long way down to regret ones actions.


*i have to wonder of the previous posters.

more british people commit suicide in britain in a month then thailand in a year. your press will not allow suicides reporting, same, same, canada..what other , besides thailand what other countries in the world report suicides????????


this poor dude, with a equally poor family wish to report him as overstay??????????

wow, lots of family support there!!!!!!!!!

he is suicidal and his g/f for 2 years seeks help, witnessed by security in a *luxurious condo* cannot stop him and he is dead,

RIP, brother, with the compassion here, no wonder u chose the ez way out.

bet your *british family must feel proud*

You are absolutely right.

Reading the US and UK online newspapers every day it appears not to take much to make people commit suicide these days, especially the younger people it seems.

Kids hanging themselves or jumping under trains or off high buildings because they are having problems at school, a break up with boyfriends or girlfriends, or someone abuses them online. Adults killing themselves and even their whole families because they have a bit of debt or a marriage breakup. According to what I have read in the media it seems suicides have become an epidemic.

My wife blames most of this on the social media where it depicts life as being cheap and not something of value worth preserving. I think she`s right.

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How many baht changed hands , before they came up with that bu...it story?

could well be the case but no way to prove it unless she had motive and gained a large amount of money from the death

Her name is rather interesting, perhaps a history check might reveal something also


There just has to be a conspiracy here somewhere!


She refused to return to England with him. Surely that would have involved a visa and how on earth would he get her one, particularly as he is alleged to be on overstay.

I'm pretty sure the UK Embassy would have been sympathetic and said 'We'll do a rush job for you, even though your papers are not in order and this is a casual girlfriend"

On the other hand, Birmingham City might win the European Cup next season.!!

There's something not quite right with this story...nothing unusual.

A plausible scenario is that he had been telling her how "wealthy" he is, and how money is always coming in, and that taking her to the UK, marriage, or whatever was the plan. Then she found out he had no money, and there was probably not much future with him. So she gets mad, tries to shake him down for whatever he has left so she can at least get a taxi ride home. Things get out of hand. I just really don't believe that so many farangs kill themselves over there and it is always after a fight or argument with the thai girl friend. I think in western countries, when these arguments or disputes happen, the guy gets mad and the girl "jumps" off the balcony.


How many baht changed hands , before they came up with that bu...it story?

could well be the case but no way to prove it unless she had motive and gained a large amount of money from the death

Her name is rather interesting, perhaps a history check might reveal something also


Exactly what I thought, interesting name, she could be a poor widow.

Pattaya and other parts of Thailand fast becoming a favorite location for Bungi jumping without the rubber band.

Killagains Island, Bungi death jumping and the land of death dodging it seems the LOS is fast becoming sadly the Land Of Suicide's.



Don't blame him, Pattaya must be a very depressing pace to live in, one day is enough for me.

Hardly, it is a party town if you want it to be and a good place to live.

We don't miss you!

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Don't blame him, Pattaya must be a very depressing pace to live in, one day is enough for me.

You must be a very weak person.

Pattaya is brilliant.

Totally agree



Most would agree, (I'm sure), that Thailand is far from what most, (who holiday within Thailand), believe it to be? I've lived in the Kingdom for many years, experiencing what I can only describe as, a massive 'let-down'. from and by the, Thai culture, Thai citizens and Thai mentality.

Thailand, in my opinion, is becoming or become, a no-go place. For such a country to demonstrate to the rest of the world, so called 'Thainess', is in my view, a massive fraud..

Expats may understand where I'm heading with this?

I'm in fear of loosing my life everyday, I do not want to end-up as just another unclear 'FARANG' death statistic,, based on 'smoke-screen' information, as read in this sad report, of yet another FARANG citizen passing away within this Kingdom, plus so many more past reports on such incidences.




A condo at wang amat beach !!! you bet its expensive. any these days any greedy person will go all out to grab it any way its possible.

One simple bottle of beer makes few of the security guards very happy or a small tips, wondering if offered a big amount what can be done...???

Call me cynical still the story doesnt seem right.

Remember like the story of a farang who was shot dead and the security guard and the manager claimed it was on self defense but later the CCTV footage from the other establishment clearly showed how the murder was staged and planted upon.

Are you saying there's something sinister about this and it wasn't suicide .... ?

I think that is exactly what he is implying; that there is some "Thainess" about this and their willingness to lie will forever hide the truth of just about anything.

How about you? Have you ever heard or read a confession from a Thai that he, she or they pushed the foreigner, or threw the foreigner over the balcony rail, or hung them up, hacked them to pieces on a beach, raped, robbed, shot, stabbed, kicked, punched, framed, embezzled, extorted, blackmailed, lied to, etc.?

Have you ever heard or read them accept blame personally for any wrongdoing over a crime committed, whereas the foreigner was innocent?

I think the poster has a lot of merit to be skeptical; a lot more than you have to believe anything they utter or put into print.

There is nothing wrong with being skeptical in a country where lies are considered a woven in part of the culture, and therefore entirely fitting to suit any demand or need.

Simply my take on this.

Replace 'Thai' with Brit,Yank,Frog,German,Swiss etc etc etc - Whats your point ?

Are you suggesting crimes only occur in Thailand ?

That not guilty pleas are never netered in countries outside Thailand which are then found guilty ?

Wow some of you really need to leave Thailand - you are going mental !

You are absolutely correct, yet you must admit that this is a "Thailand" topic, and my comments are directed accordingly. Had I known that you, personally, were viewing this in a broader scope, then perhaps I could have added that caveat into my post... but thanks for hijacking my views with your broader perspective, just the same... and thanks for the parting snipe as well.

Perhaps if you exercised a bit of restraint, as you imply I should, then we would not have had to waste two posts to describe a moot point.



Most would agree, (I'm sure), that Thailand is far from what most, (who holiday within Thailand), believe it to be? I've lived in the Kingdom for many years, experiencing what I can only describe as, a massive 'let-down'. from and by the, Thai culture, Thai citizens and Thai mentality.

Thailand, in my opinion, is becoming or become, a no-go place. For such a country to demonstrate to the rest of the world, so called 'Thainess', is in my view, a massive fraud..

Expats may understand where I'm heading with this?

I'm in fear of loosing my life everyday, I do not want to end-up as just another unclear 'FARANG' death statistic,, based on 'smoke-screen' information, as read in this sad report, of yet another FARANG citizen passing away within this Kingdom, plus so many more past reports on such incidences.



I just really don't believe that so many farangs kill themselves over there

and it is always after a fight or argument with the thai girl friend.

You just ignore that the argument came from the serious financial problem he had

and that he just learned that his house in Ireland was repossessed ! sad.png

A very destabilizing news and seems enough to me to think about "suicide"...


She later decided to go downstairs to seek help from security officers but when she returned to the room with security officers, North ran out to the balcony. Security officers tried to pull him back but he broke free and jumped down, Kalaya told police.

Ok so later on she wanted to involve securiteeee man..

For what purpose?? was she p eed off. and he ran off a 36 floor balcony.

Yeah right Babe!!!

Why didn't you just go home....

Maybe, just maybe it was her own condo?

...or Mr Napier's?


Most would agree, (I'm sure), that Thailand is far from what most, (who holiday within Thailand), believe it to be? I've lived in the Kingdom for many years, experiencing what I can only describe as, a massive 'let-down'. from and by the, Thai culture, Thai citizens and Thai mentality.

Thailand, in my opinion, is becoming or become, a no-go place. For such a country to demonstrate to the rest of the world, so called 'Thainess', is in my view, a massive fraud..

Expats may understand where I'm heading with this?

I'm in fear of loosing my life everyday, I do not want to end-up as just another unclear 'FARANG' death statistic,, based on 'smoke-screen' information, as read in this sad report, of yet another FARANG citizen passing away within this Kingdom, plus so many more past reports on such incidences.


If you have really 'lived in the Kingdom for many years', you would already be aware that this aint Kansas. 'Thainess' is a fabrication by the disenchanted and usually bitter farang that didn't read up properly on Thailand before moving here but happily sucked up all the pap they could from various retirement advice publications. "Yes Toto, them be hoo'ers over there too!"

I am an expat and I have absolutely no clue where you are 'headed with this'. Maybe you need to tell us what your definition of an expat is.

Needless to say, nobody is holding anyone hostage in Thailand (variation on the "don't let the door bang you on the arse on the way out" comment).

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