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Thai prosecutors press criminal charges against ex-PM Yingluck


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"The move is widely seen as an attempt to cripple the political machine of Yingluck's brother, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in the 2006 coup, and to prevent his allies from returning to power."

The move is widely seen as seeking justice with the former PM Yingluck's self-financing scheme having lost 700 billion Baht and she frequently stating the scheme reached it's goal, she to be in charge.

In the civilized Western world it's seen as a political agenda. In the civilized world the junta is seen as illegitimate and illegal and lacking standing to prosecute anyone.

I have seen no proof that Yingluck stole the rice money herself. I have seen allegations of negligence.

This is a political cleansing to rid Thailand of the Shinawatra influence.

If criminal charges are to be brought they should have proof as to who the thieves were. Buying rice for above market price isn't illegal. Stealing that rice, cooking the books and so on is illegal. Who did that? Are they saying that YS did?

Sit back and relax...the court will itemized the proofs before reading out the verdict, like they did for Thaksin many years ago.

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They are charging her with negligence.

That means for those not paying attention...well put simply, not paying attention.


If I was charged with a crime every time in my life that I didn't pay attention, I'd never get out of jail.

I believe that a lot of people at the warehouses and millers and trucking companies and who knows where else cooked the books on the amount of rice that was stored. I also believe a lot of the rice was stolen. Those are the thieves I want to see punished.

YS was in charge of a "scheme" to buy rice above market price and hold it, believing it would drive the world rice price up. But there were bumper crops of rice and the world became awash in rice. The price actually dropped.

I'd feel a lot better about an illegal junta bringing criminal charges if it was known that YS was involved in cooking the books and getting money from the rice scheme but I haven't heard that yet.

Please don't tell me that this isn't the junta doing this. The junta is a d word.

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She should release a statement to the international press along the lines of:

I didn't attend today's hearing because as a Prime Minister chosen by the people of Thailand I don't recognize the legitimacy of the NCPO's court to prosecute me. The NACC, the OAG, the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders and the NLA are all under the control of Prime Minister Prayuth and his NCPO and it is not possible for me to receive a fair trial while these circumstances prevail.

When electoral democracy and a genuine separation of powers return to Thailand and replace the current military rule and martial law I would answer charges should they be made.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'd like to ask people of supporters of both factions a question,

Why is it not the priority of the law to go after the people that stole the rice and money to fund the project? why are they not in the spotlight? and lets face it,

It wasn't just politicians, there were warehouse's contractors, millers, large rice growing company's, middle men, go after them and get the money back.

About three weeks ago charges were laid against most of the categories you mention. (From memory 34 people charged.)

I read the Thai news every day. It's part of my job. I am willing to entertain the notion that 34 indictments somehow got past me, and my boss would be displeased, nonetheless; please provide links proving this claim of 34 indictments of the above mentioned groups that took place three weeks ago.


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Ms Yingluck did not appear before the supreme court....

The star of the show didn't come to the theatre. I believe she may have garnered more sympathy from some had she attended.

Stay tuned for Act 2.

The star of the show didn't come to the theatre.

Very apt Abraham Lincoln metaphor there, ratcatcher.

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The primary figure being bandied about is 700 billion...and writers for the BP, the Nation, Coconuts and even the Khoasad English rag all have said that number is imaginary...

It's a serious case of saying something over and over again somehow makes it true.....

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It's the leaders of illegal coups that need to be arrested, not the winners of landslide elections. The verdict on PM's should be at the polls and not in court on trumped up charges at the behest of a military junta. Thailand = Burma+ electricity, a sad state of affairs.

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And the WITCH HUNT continues

And if I were her I would of ran a long time ago she has no chance of any fair trial or anything with a government that imposed itself at the point of a gun

Which they did for a very good reason, and it is all coming out now ...

Nope they did it to take over the country the only way they could at the point of a gun because they could not win a fair election pure and simple.

The did it to prevent a civil war!!

That's right, now you understand, repeat after me

They did it to prevent a civil war!!

They did it to prevent a civil war!!

They did it to prevent a civil war!!

They did it to prevent a civil war!!


That's my boy!

Edited by TheDiva
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"The move is widely seen as an attempt to cripple the political machine of Yingluck's brother, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in the 2006 coup, and to prevent his allies from returning to power"

This move might have the unintended consequences of raising the sympathy factor for YL and subsequently and PT related / influenced party during the next elections (whenever that might be).

There is also the danger that this sets a precedent for future politicians in implementing any policies that might be for the good of the country - in the event the policy does not work out for whatever reason, the politicians involved would be personally liable for both the financial losses suffered as well as serve jail time. This would effectively cripple any sort of innovative thinking or ideas, keeping Thailand as a 3rd world country and continuously slipping back down the slope until they join the likes of Congo and Somalia.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I read the Thai news every day. It's part of my job. I am willing to entertain the notion that 34 indictments somehow got past me, and my boss would be displeased, nonetheless; please provide links proving this claim of 34 indictments of the above mentioned groups that took place three weeks ago.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'd like to ask people of supporters of both factions a question,

Why is it not the priority of the law to go after the people that stole the rice and money to fund the project? why are they not in the spotlight? and lets face it,

It wasn't just politicians, there were warehouse's contractors, millers, large rice growing company's, middle men, go after them and get the money back.

About three weeks ago charges were laid against most of the categories you mention. (From memory 34 people charged.)


No need. It was clearly stated in the press, since you seem to be missing things perhaps you need more news spotting practice.

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Ms Yingluck did not appear before the supreme court....

The star of the show didn't come to the theatre. I believe she may have garnered more sympathy from some had she attended.

Stay tuned for Act 2.

The star of the show didn't come to the theatre.

Very apt Abraham Lincoln metaphor there, ratcatcher.

Ford's Theatre...

Our American Cousin...

John Wilkes Booth...

Anything relevant there?

Well maybe, if you stretch your imagination.

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Since there so far has been no corruption found. Yingluck is basically being prosecuted for having a failed policy during her government. This is a landmark case that will have consequences for every future pm that ever comes to power.

It means that any government policy that fails, can be prosecuted, and the pm along with their aids can be imprisoned. There are always going to be some failures.

Who the heck would want to be pm of Thailand now.

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She should release a statement to the international press along the lines of:

I didn't attend today's hearing because as a Prime Minister chosen by the people of Thailand I don't recognize the legitimacy of the NCPO's court to prosecute me. The NACC, the OAG, the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders and the NLA are all under the control of Prime Minister Prayuth and his NCPO and it is not possible for me to receive a fair trial while these circumstances prevail.

When electoral democracy and a genuine separation of powers return to Thailand and replace the current military rule and martial law I would answer charges should they be made.

Now why didn't she think of that?

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Effectively a criminal organisation filing criminal charges against a person perceived as a criminal.

What a farce. If I were YS I would challenge it under the fact that the current gov has no legitimacy under international law and therefore it is them who should be facing criminal charges for treason.

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