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Drug dealers


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Why is it that ordinary non drug users such as my self, know where drugs are available, but the Samui police do not appear to know where these dealers are. Drugs are freely available from a dealer on the beach at Maenam who has traded there for at least a couple of years. rolleyes.gif

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I asked a similar question to a cop in my hometown. That's the answer I got : If they close the traffic at one place, it will reappear at an other place. So it's better to let it go in places where the "honest" people are not inconvenienced, basically not in areas where they live, and just monitor the place to make from time to time the arrests required by the hierarchy. Very cynical indeed.

Edited by JohnnyJazz
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Well, since Thailand is considered to be a haven for foreign criminals according to the head of the Royal Thai Police, General Pumpanmuang, it's hardly surprising: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Also, you've only got to look at the salaries the boys on the beat earn which is around 6,500 Baht a month and then compare that with their lifestyles to realize that without frequent backhanders, they could never maintain that style of living.

Edited by Rooo
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It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

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The war on drugs has been a complete failure. Maybe the police are tired of knocking their heads against a wall.

Police often bang their heads against the wall when people tell them they are tired.

Many police I personally know LOVE ❤️❤️ locking up druggies and drug related criminals and kicking the shiiit out of them while doing so.

Take the criminality out of drugs and these low life individuals will take pleasure in dealing in some other form of crime where they are paid highly for doing very little.

You can bank on it. wink.png

Making drugs legal may increase the number of drug affected ppl per square inch and all the problems that brings.

Of course the sugar coated drug supporting clan will enter now screaming their tripe from the treetops.

The only good druggie is a dead druggie.

And yes other legal drugs are just as bad....if not worse, ie; take a hint.....LEGAL ONES ARE WORSE !

Adios, have a good day

Tobacco, alcohol, coffee, non perscription viagra?

If you partake, you too are a druggie.

Should yo be a dead druggie?

Lighten up!

Edited by willyumiii
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