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Wanted Phuket drug kingpin busted with meth, pistol, M16 and ammunition

Lite Beer

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To me a kingpin is someone who pulls all the strings along with collecting vast amounts of cash but does not actually soil his hands by personally dealing the drugs. I would say this guy is in the middle of the pecking order & probably does not even know who the top dog is.

Edited by Valentine
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Drug Kingpin? Are they kidding? Just take a look at the photo. He's palpably just another poor sap who found it impossible to live on 200 baht a day (who wouldn't?) and turned to crime. The same story is repeated across the world as the phony international drugs war continues to target small fry while ignoring the sharks.

The real villains who deserve to end up behind bars, but seldom do, are the wealthy drugs barons, the bent law enforcement officials they bribe and the bankers who launder their ill-gotten gains.

Illicit drugs constitute a multibillion dollar global industry, like prostitution part of a black economy without which a number of heavily indebted countries would collapse economically. Eight years ago, the liquidity provided by drug money flowing around the system saved the US from bankruptcy during the credit crunch.

We need to stop seeing the world through the distorting lens of the tame mass media. The real criminals in society are not, as the presstitutes would have us believe, petty crooks a la the Phuket drug dealer. They are the well-heeled politicians who cynically conspire with their big business backers to pay millions of their fellow citizens a wage impossible to live on.

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Drug Kingpin? Are they kidding? Just take a look at the photo. He's palpably just another poor sap who found it impossible to live on 200 baht a day (who wouldn't?) and turned to crime. The same story is repeated across the world as the phony international drugs war continues to target small fry while ignoring the sharks.

The real villains who deserve to end up behind bars, but seldom do, are the wealthy drugs barons, the bent law enforcement officials they bribe and the bankers who launder their ill-gotten gains.

Illicit drugs constitute a multibillion dollar global industry, like prostitution part of a black economy without which a number of heavily indebted countries would collapse economically. Eight years ago, the liquidity provided by drug money flowing around the system saved the US from bankruptcy during the credit crunch.

We need to stop seeing the world through the distorting lens of the tame mass media. The real criminals in society are not, as the presstitutes would have us believe, petty crooks a la the Phuket drug dealer. They are the well-heeled politicians who cynically conspire with their big business backers to pay millions of their fellow citizens a wage impossible to live on.

On the other hand if they did pay a decent wage there would be no jobs, Asia is used by manufacturers in the west as a lengthened work table,with those on the end ( Asia ) as cheap labour. Increase the wages and the jobs go back to the west. Thailand has no technology of its own and very little know-how, it was never necessary as there was always an abundance of cheap workers available. Having said that, even the poor seem to be living a not too distraught life compared with many of their SE Asian comrades.

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In the West how many times does the "King Pin" get caught? Not often so why try to belittle the good work the Thai police have done in getting someone in the middle of the link?

Everyone here wants instant results. Just a pity back home they dont do any better and I dont hear the criticism of them.

Thailand is actually a country with real people who dont always get the results we would all wish for.

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There's a very telling statement here from the drug dealer: 'I'd rather do this than earn 200bht a day', he said. And isn't that just the point. This felon aside, if you look at the young hill tribe guys who are always getting caught in the north with car loads of drugs, and their sisters working in bars - prostituting themselves to foreigners, a pattern begins to emerge. They are often used by wealthy people, drug/sex barons, perhaps police or other officials, as cheap fodder for their illegal dealings. Surely these young people deserve something better?

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Do you think now the "when will they ever get the big boys instead of the mules" mantra that gets trotted out every time the police do their job might stop now ?

Only when they actually arrest & jail a Mr Big. This guy is certainly not one.

Ah ok to qualify this statement could you please provide a list of the 'Mr Big's' else without it the police will never do well enough for you will they.

Could you also tell us what you know about this guy to confirm you KNOW he's not a Mr Big - obviously that won't be based on what he's wearing so I look forward to your biography on this guy

Yes I am happy he has been arrested & yes I am stating my opinion as we tend to do here on TV. A Mr Big comparison would be the high up police guy who has already been jailed after being involved in high level crime of 100s of millions of Baht & still facing further charges. if this guy had that kind of money & assets stashed away the police would be shouting it from the rooftops. Now continue looking forward to the biography & enjoy the wait.

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Do you think now the "when will they ever get the big boys instead of the mules" mantra that gets trotted out every time the police do their job might stop now ?

Only when they actually arrest & jail a Mr Big. This guy is certainly not one.

Ah ok to qualify this statement could you please provide a list of the 'Mr Big's' else without it the police will never do well enough for you will they.

Could you also tell us what you know about this guy to confirm you KNOW he's not a Mr Big - obviously that won't be based on what he's wearing so I look forward to your biography on this guy

Yes I am happy he has been arrested & yes I am stating my opinion as we tend to do here on TV. A Mr Big comparison would be the high up police guy who has already been jailed after being involved in high level crime of 100s of millions of Baht & still facing further charges. if this guy had that kind of money & assets stashed away the police would be shouting it from the rooftops. Now continue looking forward to the biography & enjoy the wait.

Please provide us with a link detailing the high-up policeman busted for drugs. Thanks.

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I don't know where he is going to get a gun to stop the bad boys hurting his arse in jail, and as far as the other guy who got caught with 2 pills, somehow I think he will not be around for long now, and now he is going to work for 200 baht a month in the slammer, if he lives that long,

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I wonder who told the joke that got them all smiling and laughing. Must of been one hell of a joke!

He said, I will be out on bail soon, and could you please wrap that gun up to go, as the price tag is pretty cheap so yes I will buy that off you, thank you

Edited by cookee68
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His arrest followed one of his underlings, Sorasak “Jo” Sukjai, being nabbed by Phuket police with two Ya ba pills on February 18.

Following interrogations, Jo supplied police with details about Boo, and his wherabouts.

Goodbye to the witness protection program.

We wish Jo a long and healthy life.

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His arrest followed one of his underlings, Sorasak “Jo” Sukjai, being nabbed by Phuket police with two Ya ba pills on February 18.

Following interrogations, Jo supplied police with details about Boo, and his wherabouts.

Goodbye to the witness protection program.

If he is really a "kingpin" then I am sure we all wish Jo a long and healthy life.

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Only when they actually arrest & jail a Mr Big. This guy is certainly not one.

Ah ok to qualify this statement could you please provide a list of the 'Mr Big's' else without it the police will never do well enough for you will they.

Could you also tell us what you know about this guy to confirm you KNOW he's not a Mr Big - obviously that won't be based on what he's wearing so I look forward to your biography on this guy

Yes I am happy he has been arrested & yes I am stating my opinion as we tend to do here on TV. A Mr Big comparison would be the high up police guy who has already been jailed after being involved in high level crime of 100s of millions of Baht & still facing further charges. if this guy had that kind of money & assets stashed away the police would be shouting it from the rooftops. Now continue looking forward to the biography & enjoy the wait.

Please provide us with a link detailing the high-up policeman busted for drugs. Thanks.

If you can find one enlighten us all. I said high level crime

Edited by LivinginKata
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@ Valentine

The link you posted will soon be removed.

However, when they raided this guy's house, they also found billions of baht, as well as all the assets listed in the article.

I believe the only reason he was arrested is because he is a relation to the wife of a VIP in Thailand, who was seeking to divorce her, so, needed to discredit her, and her family, otherwise, it would have been business as usual for a long and prosperous career in the Thai Police.

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Up till now, any thoughts I ever had of eliticting any respect towards the police just went down the toilet when I saw the photo of them all smiling with their buddy in cuffs. When I think of all the unnecessary deaths this dirt bag has been the chief factor for, and I know that these officers should know the graveness of the situation, yet see them all acting like foolish, idiotic, long lost chums, the bile rising in my throat is almost too much to swallow back.

Yet another new low for Thailand..., and yes... that is exactly how I view this sort of despicable behavior and those responsible for getting these kinds of sub humans out of society permanently.

Laugh it up you idiots, and you might also want to go piss on the graves of those who OD'd on this dirt bag's drugs while you are at it. You disgust me.

What I'd really like to see is this dirt bag hanging from a gibbet, and then those smiling officers would be in the kind of perspective I could understand.

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Well done the Police.

And I never seen Police smiling up until now.

But the suspect is smiling even more. He seems to have no worries....

See your not smarter than us, The Smiling Police, and the rejoicing as he wont get the death penalty but lost his cash stash upon arrest.

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there is no finger pointing in the photo so how do you know who is the bad guy smile.png

I would surmise it is the guy holding the gun...clap2.gif while he is humorously recognizing the gun that they previously sold in the black market and now it is coming back full circle...to be sold again.....biggrin.png


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