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Women who say "Khrap" to the foreigner


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Yes, all a bit weird.

When I really cared about the Thai language I noticed that my missus used both versions when talking to me.

you gave up caring too?

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I often hear Thai women using the male particle when talking to young boys up to teenage years or foreigners learning Thai. I think it is a caring, teaching thing and not much more. My wife uses it with her 15 year old son all the time.

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This happened to me many times and i always thought it was fun and respectful. Kind of like, i know you speak Thai and I know that you will enjoy this light cajolery.

But as khrap stories go try this one. I was at the launch of a major new international school at the presitigious Grand Hyatt hotel in Bangkok. On stage were the founding fathers of the school and in the large audience the hiso mums and dads who wanted their offspring to attend this school. The director of studies, a very nice culturally sensitive man but fresh out of the UK got up to deliver his opening speech. Having read somewhere that khrap is used for men and kha for women he started his speech proudly: "Sawatdee khrap , Sawatdee kha...." Bless!

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When they use "ka" they are being respectful to a male...when the use 'khrap' to a foreigner...it is disrespectful...like the joke is on you...

Biggest nonsense I have ever heard.. where did you learn thai ?

If a female uses the word krap to a male it has bugger all to do with age or social position .. it is purely the same as saying .. Mr !

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Actually when that is said (in the context in which you describe) it would really mean "thanks", and not a polite particlle. (the addition of the "r" sound is how correct the speaker wishes to sound).

Please remember .. thais love to leave out the L and the R and also interchange then randomly .. no set rule that can't be broken... enjoy and don't try to over analyse it ;-)

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" Women Can Also Say ครับ krap

When talking with young men, usually someone younger than the woman. A woman might say ครับ to make the sentence sound more friendly. "

I experience this too with the ladies working in 7/11. Which might actually be older than me. This happens only after some Thai was spoken, never with the Thais I speak only english with.

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When I see spelling KHRAP,I'm thinking Crap. I say KOP, or COP. And the females say KA to me.I never hear Crap- KHRAP

Thais often drop the R sound in everyday language so you will rarely here Khrap prounced correctly and foreigners follow and pronounce it like you. But Khrap is the correct way to pronounce the word.
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I am still a man, but sometimes I have used kaaaa with my most melodious voice and the girls always liked it. Try it. The manlier you are the funnier it sounds.

While I understand the topic well, I rather enjoy another Thai habit. All golf players know that. I am searching for my ball. Then the pretty caddy points at one and says "my ball". Then I say "OK, YOUR ball, but I am looking for MY ball". All caddies seem to do that. So, I wasn't shocked when my new girl friend asked "Where is my house" talking about my house before I even had considered making it "her house".

But, don't worry.

It is not a Freudian mistake. Thais seem to have a problem with the concept of pronouns.


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My wife uses "khrap" to a 17-year old male student we know. She says she uses this term to him in order to remind him that he needs to use this word when he is speaking, a bit like telling him to tuck his shirt in and tie his shoe laces.

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The cutest thing I saw at a hawker centre in Patts. Father talking to the cutest puss daughter like teaching her some rules: She just said ka ka ka ka ka

Father:.. and then you do this and... then he said "Khao Jai Ba"

I like the "Ba" I think its cute and sounds good and I also like "Ja" to say yes. I dont like "Krup" for some reason will use instead Krup Pom or pronounced KarrPom (Probably wrong!)

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