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Prayut spared from pricey microphone investigation


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Goodness : red-shirts accusing other of having double standards. What a bunch of hypocrites.

The point they are choosing to avoid is that Prayuth was made aware of the corruption and lo-behold : a full investigation is underway.

It's clear to me that this is the usual permanent staff up to their usual tricks which were obviously ignored when Pheu-Thai were in power.

Stop humming and take your fingers out of your ears, open your eyes, pull in your bottom lips and let us know which differences between this and the last lot of dirty cronies you are unable to grasp.

"Prayuth was made aware of the corruption and lo-behold : a full investigation is underway."

Ummm.... did you read the same article I did (i.e., the one posted here)? To quote:

The NACC was initially reluctant to launch an inquiry into microphone purchase, leading to accusations that the agency was collaborating with the junta. The commission eventually agreed to investigate the incident after a group of activists submitted a letter of protest to the NACC in September 2014.

If you see the world through red and yellow lenses, you're liable to miss these nuance. Well, they're not really nuances, are they?

Edited by Docno
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The future of Thailand depends on the purchase of the microphones and TV screens.

Please spare me of all that rubbish and concentrate on your efforts to reform Thailand and get rid of the cancer called Siwanatras.

Could work, remove minor cancer cells with major cancer cells.

Oh, one problem, with minors the country would be still alive, with the present major cells, the country is dying slowly ......

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One law for the microphone scam and another for the rice scheme

68 million vs. 700 billion baht. I can see a little difference.

no, there is no difference. Stealing is stealing.

They had the same logic in Britain in the 18th century when people were hung for stealing a loaf of bread when starving.

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"top executives like Prayuth and Panadda Diskul, Minister of the Prime Minister's Office, will not be investigated because they merely "approved" the purchases, Vicha said. "

Now, someone remind me why Yingluck was recently indicted for negligence over alleged corruption in the rice subsidy scheme...

Because she did exactly what Prayuth has done.

Not quite. When brought to his attention he did something about correcting it. When brought to her attention she removed the messengers. He admitted things were wrong and stopped it. She simply lied and still claims nothing was wrong.

Different really.

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Kind of sounds like this is opening a nice big wide door for Yingluck and others to slip through ... i.e. they didn't actually "do" the things that they are accused of, they merely "approved" of them ... therefore it's someone else's fault, and the underlings will take the fall, not the higher ups again.

logic is irrelevant in a purge...

if you didn't break the law and weren't on the fiddle you couldn't be charged - purge or no purge.

That is besides the point related to my post, but you are still smart enough to know that is not true, right?

People lost their heads on trumped up charges in Medieval Europe. Tudor Britain being a wonderful example. Thailand reminds me so much of that history - corrupt powerful rich families vying for the best positions at the trough. And the poor just suffered as expendable pawns.

None of the rich powerful elite family and clan members or high up cronies get really punished here. That's reserved for the minions.

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The NACC was also going to look into the more important government-to-government deal with the Chinese on the dual rail project. Other than a few brief MOUs, the details of the deal and all the side deals have been largely hidden from public disclosure.

Looks like NACC will spare Prayuth there as well.

Life is great when one owns the Rule of Law as does the NCPO.

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'However, top executives like Prayuth and Panadda Diskul, Minister of the Prime Minister's Office, will not be investigated because they merely "approved" the purchases, Vicha said'

The hypocrisy of the fools in charge at the moment is outstanding. Their time will come and history will not look kindly at these morons!

Yingluck merely approved the rice pledging scheme which wasn't her idea and had no idea how much her brother and his cronies were gouging out of it after that. But without her approval it could never have happened. So she should take responsibility.

Soon she will help restore some happiness to the people by returning the B550 billion, or at least the B603 million of her last assets declaration. The remaining B549.4 billion she can repay in installments. If she works in prison and earns the minimum wage of B15,000 a month for a bachelors graduate, it will only take her 3,052,205 years.

Edited by Dogmatix
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The NACC was initially reluctant to launch an inquiry into microphone purchase, leading to accusations that the agency was collaborating with the junta. The commission eventually agreed to investigate the incident after a group of activists submitted a letter of protest to the NACC in September 2014.

Does anyone on TVF have a link to any reputable news source stating "The NACC was initially reluctant to launch an inquiry into microphone purchase, leading to accusations that the agency was collaborating with the junta."? If so please post it.

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The NACC was initially reluctant to launch an inquiry into microphone purchase, leading to accusations that the agency was collaborating with the junta. The commission eventually agreed to investigate the incident after a group of activists submitted a letter of protest to the NACC in September 2014.

Does anyone on TVF have a link to any reputable news source stating "The NACC was initially reluctant to launch an inquiry into microphone purchase, leading to accusations that the agency was collaborating with the junta."? If so please post it.

Well, your own link to Khaosod (apparently not reputable to you) quotes - not paraphrasing like the Nation so often does - but quotes the chairman of the NACC:

"The NACC is not investigating the matter," said Panthep Klanarongklang, chairman of National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) at a press conference yesterday.

which was a quote from Sept 10th, 2014...

The bkkpost makes the point a couple of days later that the 'PM' had just started an investigation. His quote on that day is the now familiar "classic-Prayuth" commentary,

"We probe all (suspected corruption) issues. Just be patient. Don't pressure us and don't jump to conclusion either," he said.


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The microphones "doubled" in price after speculation ???

Would have thought they'd have "halved" after speculation.

As I understand it the supplier doubled the price shown for the microphone so that it seemed a fair price instead of giving the buyer a refund on the original price which was grossly inflated
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One law for the microphone scam and another for the rice scheme

So much good done and so much more still to be done. And then this!!!!!! With great disappointment I agree. A case of what were they thinking , or were they even thinking at all?

Edited by The Deerhunter
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The future of Thailand depends on the purchase of the microphones and TV screens.

Please spare me of all that rubbish and concentrate on your efforts to reform Thailand and get rid of the cancer called Siwanatras.

Diversionary, evasive, self - important ramblings so far off topic that even PM Prayuth would laugh.thumbsup.gif

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One law for the microphone scam and another for the rice scheme

68 million vs. 700 billion baht. I can see a little difference.

Sure, and only 1,100 deals like this swept under the rug exceeds 740 billion...and I think those 1,1000 deals could easily have taken place in the two years the junta has been in public service.

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Goodness : red-shirts accusing other of having double standards. What a bunch of hypocrites.

The point they are choosing to avoid is that Prayuth was made aware of the corruption and lo-behold : a full investigation is underway.

It's clear to me that this is the usual permanent staff up to their usual tricks which were obviously ignored when Pheu-Thai were in power.

Stop humming and take your fingers out of your ears, open your eyes, pull in your bottom lips and let us know which differences between this and the last lot of dirty cronies you are unable to grasp.

Ok. The lottery is corrupt and run by a military faction, so....no changes there. The financial industry has taken the public hostage and now has bad bonds the government is planning to pay, so... no changes there. And the MOE is still subsidizing private schools with public taxes, so...no changes there.

I do not see a lot of difference at all -- a few well-advertised and highly selective single steps "in the right direction" were made and then annulled, so... no changes there either.

I think it's the same herd of pigs wearing new shirts.

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The NACC was initially reluctant to launch an inquiry into microphone purchase, leading to accusations that the agency was collaborating with the junta. The commission eventually agreed to investigate the incident after a group of activists submitted a letter of protest to the NACC in September 2014.

Does anyone on TVF have a link to any reputable news source stating "The NACC was initially reluctant to launch an inquiry into microphone purchase, leading to accusations that the agency was collaborating with the junta."? If so please post it.

Well, your own link to Khaosod (apparently not reputable to you) quotes - not paraphrasing like the Nation so often does - but quotes the chairman of the NACC:

"The NACC is not investigating the matter," said Panthep Klanarongklang, chairman of National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) at a press conference yesterday.

which was a quote from Sept 10th, 2014...

The bkkpost makes the point a couple of days later that the 'PM' had just started an investigation. His quote on that day is the now familiar "classic-Prayuth" commentary,

"We probe all (suspected corruption) issues. Just be patient. Don't pressure us and don't jump to conclusion either," he said.


Thanks for the reply but please don't stop now. Have the microphones and all other items been reinstalled and approved by the PM? If so what was the final price tag?

And yes it is my opinion that Khaosod is not a reputable news source because of its obvious bias but that is only my opinion. To each his/her own opinion.

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