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Buying a bar in Hua Hin


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Have you seen the bars in Hua Hin they are all empty and have been for years. Walk away now before the amount mounts up.

How many of her friends are on the pay roll that he now has to fund ?

I take it he hasn't registered his bar as a company yet or will ?

Walk away now. Sorry run away now.

If I'm right what has he actually bought ?

One of you must be at least partially correct and I suspect it's the above post.


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Posted Today, 10:51

Bob's Bar. Has a certain ring to it.

Might turn out to be a good thing. Hua Hin Is busy.

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Shag her and later find out what various forms of STD's he has from the numerous foreigners that demand never using a condom. Stay tuned for Part # 2 . Known of a few of Koh Samui who enjoy spreading their deadly diseases. These guys should be S***T!

Well, my only advice to Bob is to enjoy it while he can. Shag her every which way he can every night for the memories.

On the other hand, sometimes things may work out fine, look at some of the couples you see running around, some of them started off this way.

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The trouble with many mere men is, they just want to keep 'junior' happy.

Bob is retired and the lady knows he won't be around forever.

There are some honest, loving Thai ladies with family qualities that are now long forgotten by many Euro woman. If you are lucky Bob- then good for you.

Talk to an honest lawyer before proceeding further.

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Go grab him by the scruff of the neck and walk/run him away. 200,000 is a small price to pay for stupidity.

If you are a mate you will do it.

Get him to read some stories on TV and give a slap to wake him up.

He won't be the last unfortunately.

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Where in Hua Hin is this bar?

Most bars that I see here are pretty quiet at the moment and have been for the last year or so. In fact I can't see how most of them make any money ( maybe, 1-2 customers every night)

Edited by lucifer666
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It's not my business and it's not your business.

He, 'Bob' didn't ask your opinion before spending his money. He is not even looking for your approval.

People must go through their own life experiences. I know that we all would like to protect those that we care about but in doing so only is a reflection of our own thoughts and our own experiences. He is his own person and must live and have his own experiences.

Be a friend and let him be. Support him with your friendship and not try and get in between him and his current sweetheart.

For most, as life moves forward and we get older we begin to reconize this and what I'm trying to share with you. Please do not take what I'm saying in the wrong way. I'm sure that you are a good friend but people must walk down their own path. Time tells all. If it's right for him then it's right for him. If not, he will have to deal with the consequences.

Nice to have a friend like you but in this instance (after the fact) it's better to hold your Peace.

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99 Baht breakfasts are the way forward, The OP could get some advice from one of the more experienced breakfast eaters

I actually think you are on to something here MrToad.

If I had a bar, I'd definitely have 99 baht breakfasts to attract the early drinkers, then offer happy hours until lunch time...then a 99baht lunch.

I'd offer awesome hotdogs all day for 49baht with a beer and try to have some reliable hotties staff the place.

A quality pool table and a decent sound system where Punters could access Yotube on put on songs and videos...and...bugger it...I'm opening a bar.

I got the plan all worked out...

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Fast forward to last night. I get a call from Bob telling me he has bought a bar in Hua Hin for £15,000. He goes to tell me that the bar is in Leks name and that he has had a contract made by a lawyer to say she cant sell the bar without his consent. I was half asleep when he told me this so it has only sank in this morning. To me this sounds like madness and im worried about the situation Bobs got into (buying a bar in a girls name who has known for 6-7 weeks!)

'' Bob '' has not bought a bar. He has paid to take over the rental of a bar. He owns the take away furnishings, nothing else.

If indeed you are not a troll and the op is a load of cr@p.

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Easy Answer #1 Alcohol #2 Zero common sense #3 Just Plain Dumb

Why are foreign guys here such goddamn suckers?

disagree, the fact they are thinking with the head which is not on their shoulders factors heavily in this equation

plain dumb comes in second, zero common sense comes in third and alcohol may or may not come up the rear...

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It's too late already.Warn him not to put anymore money into the business and not to give any money to Lek.( even if its for 'dying' relatives, funerals etc)..If it's just in her name she owns 100% of that bar.He has no rights!! What a tool! If I were you i would consider giving him some advice and then staying away from this whole situation...

What a wonderful idea. Move to a country on the other side of the world.Pick up a hooker and a few days later give her 15,000 pounds to open a bar. The amount of people who lack common sense is really startling.Perhaps they should teach it in school as a separate subject...( No offence intended! but this sort of story makes me a little angry, not at the opportunism of the girl but at the lack of sense from the man!)....

looks like he using Viagra,

than some part up in head gets temporarely disfunctions;

Very said for him;

but maybee its justa month selary for him ??

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It either works or it doesnt. Bob is either happy for awhile or gets conned and gets a 'real girl' that he only has to 'help her help help her family every month'....due the math I bet he is still in the black compared to most of the I PAY FOR MY WIFE MONTHLY CROWD!!!!! Ha ha ha....no she loves me.

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It's a little late to do anything now. Just wish him luck and tell him to be careful. Suggest the bar to your other friends and ring the bell on your first visit. Don't be negative now as he will have enough of that later....

tell him not reto repeat it in Combodia or other where he intended to travell next;

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An old pal of mine, sadly recently deceased, did exactly the same thing, but he should have known better. He had lived here in Pattaya for some time. His parents popped off and left him some considerable amount of dosh. He, at his woman's prompting opened a bar/restaurant. It was not long after that that she told him that the business was nothing to do with him and threw him out. He told me that he blew over a million baht on the venture. Or should I say misadventure. Tell your friend to pull out while he has the chance. Many men seem to have their brains in their trousers.

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A little bit more info on the situation. At the moment Bob has only put a deposit down on the bar. Im not sure what contracts have been signed but hes due to take over the bar end of March.

well know. ... telling us about ol bob..... yea ol' bob.... your friend ol' bob did this... ya seem to know a lot about "ol bob" we all do foolish things, and yet all we hear about is a "friend" or work mate named bob. kiss the deposite gby, and run forrest run :-)

Talking about oneself in a third person is quite common on TV. In Thailand this form is quite popular. Your g/f Nam may say "Nam hungry". Illeism as it is called can be used for various reasons. If you live in a SM relationship you might want to tell your Master "this slave deserves a hiding". There are many famous examples of Illeism in politics, sports, music and literature. The TV use of illeism is typical for an anonymous forum. It protects the poster. "My friend has done something stupid" sounds much better than "I, or this poster, is an idiot". So, please, have mercy with your fellow posters (and their friends)..


Edited by CapeCobra
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As long as Bob invest only what he can afford to loose with a smile, you (OP) should not be concerned – he is not the first in that business, and he will presumably not be the last – some has done very well in kind of partnership with an trade-experienced lady controlling a bar-investment.
I wish Bob good luck with his investment...
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IF this story is true...

Seems like people who lack confidence in themselves seek recognition from others in order to feel more confident... Gifts are used to increase self-confidence....

Considering the size of this gift, (It is a gift) This fellow needs recognition and self-confidence, at a very high level...

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I would not venture into this line of buisiness,i instead invest in rice farm's,safer,but all buisness venture carry an element of risk,nothing is 100%.

i invested in rice farm, until i realised the parents og my missis had no idea how to do the farming,

they just did know, Thaksin will pay;

Now all work is done by hired people,

after balance all expenses,

I happy that no land tax to be paid by my monthly allowence;;

now i got recommandation,

to let out the land,

and I will get back 1/3 of the harvest,

propably the 1/3 which have q for animal food :-((

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I always worry about people who decide to invest in restaurants, bars, rice farms.

All of them are extremely hard bushiness in which to actually make money, the failure rate of restaurants in the US is something around 23% in the first year. Farming even harder, even on a large scale.

So people come to Thailand, probably with absolutely no experience in the business that they intend to open, 'invest' a ton of money then are shocked when it all goes belly up.

Thai's look on things differently, to then it's subsistence. A rice farm is successful if it provides rice for the family for a year. I doubt many of us would think the same

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I once heard a story,(fact or fiction) of an American guy who

bought a parcel of land in the centre of Bangkok for a steal.

Probably 300 square meters, big enough for a BigC.

After much negotiation, money was exchanged and contracts

signed and exchanged, the American guy returned with much

papers under his arms and an architect, a builder and prject

manager, while walking around on their newly acquired purchase

half a dozen Thai men walked over to greet the white boys and

asked them,,,,,

Thai = ''What are you doing on our land''?

Yankee = ''Your land,, i bought this land, it's mine, i have the title deed''

Thai = ''Show me the title deed,, you didn't buy this land,, this is the

title deed for that noodle trolley on the side of the road.

The moral to this story,

One born every day.

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I would not venture into this line of buisiness,i instead invest in rice farm's,safer,but all buisness venture carry an element of risk,nothing is 100%.

i invested in rice farm, until i realised the parents og my missis had no idea how to do the farming,

they just did know, Thaksin will pay;

Now all work is done by hired people,

after balance all expenses,

I happy that no land tax to be paid by my monthly allowence;;

now i got recommandation,

to let out the land,

and I will get back 1/3 of the harvest,

propably the 1/3 which have q for animal food :-((

What are you talking about???

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You guys are all wrongagain. If Bob can manage the cash coming in he can become a wealthy man. I bought a bar for 700,000 bahts in Chiang Mai. First month profit 89,000. After 5 months and it was still low season were making 150,000 bahts profit per month. Bars can be huge profit making business.

A neighbor bar is owned by a friend. He paid 500,000 for his bar and would not sell it for anything less than 2,500,000 bahts. The problem few people have that kind of money.

All you need is 7000/night. I found we made 50% profit. That becomes 3500/night. That comes out to about 1.2 m bahts a year. Payback was only a few months. And let me add, in a good night you can sell 20,000. The profits are huge.

There is no reason to sell the bar if it is any good.

Bob---go every night and take the money. You can become rich if the bar does even a small amount of business. Most farangs are ignorant of the real Thai scene.

Most farangs can read a page on a phone at arms length no need for font so big that it can be read from space....
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