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11 Thai Airways passengers and crew members injured from air turbulence


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On recent flights to and from the UK with Emirates we encountered turbulence, seat belt sign was on announcements made to return to seats over the PA system but passengers just ignored them, going to the toilet ,opening the over head lockers. They repeated the announcments but still passengers ignored them. No surprise they get injured, what annoys me is they could fall and injure me !

Yes. Witnessed some of the strangest things while flying. Flew out of Hong Kong once and as the plane went down the runway to take off several people left their seats to check their luggage.

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Hit them with big insurance claims. Why do you think the top man is visiting people at hospital ? . Probably couldn't give a toss under company orders, smooth them over keep claims down

You may wish to read the Warsaw Convention that governs compensation and liability.

The visit to the hospital is part of Thai customs and is one of those aspects of Asian culture that is admirable. When is the last time one of the western CEO's visited injured pax, let alone apologized for anything?

Edited by geriatrickid
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I hope they had an opportunity to spray black paint on the fuselage and tail so that people won't know it's a Thai Airways flight/plane.

Only Thai Air planes get affected by turbulence?

Err... no, and that's my point. What's yours?

Just the black paint comment. Only Thai Air?
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Cruising at 21,000 feet?? Isn't that highly inefficient in terms of fuel consumption?

As the turbulence occurred early in the flight, it would indicate that the airplane was climbing out of NRT as it went to its cruising altitude of 36,000 feet. (That's what the flight record shows.)

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I hope they had an opportunity to spray black paint on the fuselage and tail so that people won't know it's a Thai Airways flight/plane.

Only Thai Air planes get affected by turbulence?

Err... no, and that's my point. What's yours?

Just the black paint comment. Only Thai Air?

Obviously, not only Thai Airways planes experience turbulence, therefore by blacking out the livery, one hopes onlookers will think it's another airline. Anyway, that was a sarcastic jab in reference to a previous event where Thai Airways sprayed black paint on its fuselage and tail (and I can only assume) in the hope that people don't see it's a Thai Airways plane. Save face, I guess? Too lazy to find the link to the 'previous event' and re-post... LOL... I'm sure you can find it on Google. It's pretty recent.

Edited by outsider
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I wonder how many of the injured passengers had their seat belts fastened? Zero, I suppose. Now, why is it that the flight deck advises passengers to keep their seat belts fastened while seated? Could perhaps have been standing in line for the lavatory...

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Hit them with big insurance claims. Why do you think the top man is visiting people at hospital ? . Probably couldn't give a toss under company orders, smooth them over keep claims down

Why? Turbulence can hit any aircraft from any airline at any time, that's why they all advise their passengers to keep their seat belts fastened at all times while seated. It's essentially force majeure, which would make any normal insurance claim null and void. I see it as simply a good will gesture from Thai that they are actually visiting the injured and picking up their medical bills.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's no wonder they are losing money considering a flight with 227 people requires 22 Thai crew members. WOW.

That money saving scheme by shutting down the engines and sort of gliding could come under scrutiny as well.

All kidding aside, no one, pilot nor airline has control of the wind. Wish the injured well and good luck.

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I flew Thai several times, economy seating, and their crew service was very good. I was also very fortunate enough to be bumped up to first class and the service was the same through and through, very good.

I have been a flying passenger for 37 years and I know bad service. I do not recall experiencing bad service on Thai.

Used to use them myself. Always a good flight. They stopped flying from my departure point so had to change airline. My opinion about airlines is if it is a full jet service will be mediocre. Empty jet always wonderful service.

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Glad I wasn't on that flight, I'm a bag of nerves over the last few years. I'd be screaming like a little bitch.

Slight improvement on your description of your reaction could be "I'd be screaming like a little Thai soap opera bitch".

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Use to fly the Japan route very often on the way to the US, I noticed there was turbulence during almost every flight, most of time it is light, had one time where we dropped vertical like a stone for 30cm during meal time, my tray slammed back down on the tray table.

If you search online for turbulence prone areas, you will find areas around Japan are one of the most frequent areas.

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A very bad day for THAI. Four more injured passengers at Hong Kong onboard an arriving Phuket-Hong Kong flight. Somehow neither the parking brake was set nor were the wheel chocks in place, resulting in the aircraft rolling unattended about 30 meters backward from the gate. It's not really difficult to get it right if procedures are followed.


Those ruddy evil spirits again !!

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It's no wonder they are losing money considering a flight with 227 people requires 22 Thai crew members. WOW.

Depends on the configuration of the cabin, and the number of exits. The standard is 1 FA to 50 seats (loaded or MT), NOT PAX.. BUT some Countries go up to 1 FA per 36 seats. Then there is the flight crew to be included.

Obviously, there was crew returning Home Pax. That is very very common, when allowable hours expire, or flights are cancelled. etc etc

Considering Thai wages are pretty low, I am sure, the wages bill on that flight is hardly a concern, as most people on here bitch about the high prices Thai charge. Thai, like Singapore, built it's business on service... that service isn't so great now, but is still miles ahead of other airlines I have used over the years.

I am not sure what airlines you have flown before Maybe Pterodactyl Air. The service on Thai air is poor and I am not just talking about the stews. The airplanes are out of date relics from 25 years ago. Video Screens do not work Seats do not go down they way they are supposed to

Matenance is just as important as are the Crews and I have no idea how you can compare Singapore Airlines to Thai Air Its like comparing a VW to an Mercedes

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A very bad day for THAI. Four more injured passengers at Hong Kong onboard an arriving Phuket-Hong Kong flight. Somehow neither the parking brake was set nor were the wheel chocks in place, resulting in the aircraft rolling unattended about 30 meters backward from the gate. It's not really difficult to get it right if procedures are followed.


The pilot or co pilot or whoever should lose their job over this . Its like not having the handbrake on in your car, on an incline with passengers.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I give thumbs up to Thai airline.

My 8 year old daughter vomited once on a flight from Singapore. Two hostesses arranged new seating and cleaned up my young girl, spent some time doing this and wouldn't take a tip for this, they said 'all part of the service'.

I have no complaints about Thai anyway and traveled with them, at least monthly, for years.

I became a Royal Orchid Plus member in 1993 and have been a loyal passenger of TG and flown to U.S. Europe, Around Asia Pacific, Australia on numerous occasions, I am holding the highest loyalty card. As a frequent flyer I also have had to travel on many other airlines, especially within China and the U.S . Of course there have been occasions where Thai has let me down and I have brought these issues with the management and they have attended to those promptly and efficiently. There also have been occasions where I have found that some other airlines have been much better in certain aspects than Thai. One such issue is the Business Class configuration of the T.G A 380 as opposed to Singapore Airlines or Emirates. But that is life.

That being said that the software ( human touch ) of Asian airlines are far superior than U.S and European airlines. In this aspect Thai crew, have been exceptionally customer oriented and as a regular business clsss passenger I have no issues. On a few occasions I have taken TG Royal Fisrst and again, Emirates and SQ are certainly better than TG but I have no qualms about it.

It is unfair and uncouth to criticize an organization or people without a proper reason or logic, just for the sake of bashing a nation. Turbulence is not uncommon and TG cannot be faulted for that.

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It's no wonder they are losing money considering a flight with 227 people requires 22 Thai crew members. WOW.

Quite possibly an extra crew returning back to Thailand if their rotation was out of sync.....happens sometimes.

Their whole operation is out of sync.............I've given them the flick.

Flew Dubai - BKK - Dubai on Thai recently in Business. What--no lie-flat seats in Business? Get with the program!

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