elliss Posted March 23, 2015 Posted March 23, 2015 Wasn't a lot of homelessness caused by the so called "Care in the Community" for people with mental issues Quite correct , I was born into the working class , who indeed have mental issues . and need counselling . Why work? , when you are better off , not working, and reaping the free benefits from social security , paid for by the tax payer. The stupid Working class , have mental illness , sure .
JockPieandBeans Posted March 23, 2015 Posted March 23, 2015 This post just highlights your ignorance, or should that be arrogance ? You assume that all Ex Servicemen get pensions. No, They don't. Those that are in receipt of a pension have so on 2 grounds. They completed their full service, which now means that they will NEVER get any benefits whatsoever. Or, they were pensioned out on medical grounds. Unfortunately, those pensioned out on medical grounds have in the past been treated like sh!te. Although, thankfully that is now getting better. Those few that have mental problems ( PTSD ) are far from a few. In a very high % of these cases, it is a direct result of their service, and perhaps a bottle or stoned are the only way they have of blotting out their demons. Their choice, their problem ? Wrong. It is the Governments problem. Why is it always someone else to blame? Rightly or wrongly, when Governments take the decision to send Service Personnel into hell holes. They are responsible for the care and rehabilitation of those that suffer the untold damage of that decision. Is that so difficult to understand ? This started out about the "terrible Tories" I doubt there are so many ex servicemen on the streets,because those nasty Tories forced them there,in fact it was traitor Blair and the Labour party sent them off to fight not the Tories Right. So lets blame the Tories / Labour. I did not mention any Party. I said Governments. So there are no vets from the Falklands suffering from PTSD. That was Thatchers Government. Take 2 Bruffen and man up. Thankfully those days are long gone. If you really want to get into an argument, try doing a bit of research, rather than opening your mouth and letting your teeth rattle.
JB300 Posted March 23, 2015 Posted March 23, 2015 Wasn't a lot of homelessness caused by the so called "Care in the Community" for people with mental issues Quite correct , I was born into the working class , who indeed have mental issues . and need counselling . Why work? , when you are better off , not working, and reaping the free benefits from social security , paid for by the tax payer. The stupid Working class , have mental illness , sure . You must be a lot younger than me (49) as I was born into a working class family/community where people did just that... Worked. Nobody in my family claimed benefits until my father retired for health reasons. Have never claimed a single penny of benefits & in all likelihood won't do until I get my state pension, which 1) is an entitlement given the amount of NI I paid over the 26 years I worked in the UK & 2) of no financial benefit to me as it means my final salary scheme pension is reduced by that amount.
i claudius Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 Jock pieand beans ,get back to Scotland ,your the tooth rattler ,and as for the Falklands war ,lets go back to the second world war ,labour were in power then as well ,not Thatcher .
i claudius Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 This thread should be closed it has nothing to do with us here in Thailand ,just because some losers and immegrants are sleeping rough in London ,its their fault not "the nasty Tories"
mogandave Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 When 7-11 pays more and offers better benefits, more people want to work at 7-11. When being homeless pays more and offers better benefits, more people want to be homeless. Pretty complex.
JockPieandBeans Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 This thread should be closed it has nothing to do with us here in Thailand ,just because some losers and immegrants are sleeping rough in London ,its their fault not "the nasty Tories" Close the thread came the loud call. Nothing to do with Thailand. Here's a hint, that is why it is in the '' Home Country Forum '' This from the Independent today. The Independent’s Homeless Veterans campaign for ex-servicemen and women who have fallen on hard times was given another boost today, with a £250,000 donation from the Government The donation brings the total raised by the campaign to at least £1.25m http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/campaigns/homeless-veterans/homeless-veterans-appeal-government-gives-250000-10128820.html Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you. It is a big problem in the UK for Ex Service Personnel. It is the responsibility of the sitting Government to provide the funds to make sure that these personnel are given the support that they need. Regardless of how much it costs. 1
NeverSure Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 "...give them the shirt off someone else's back." There are too many Europe peons and not enough shirts. 1
Eff1n2ret Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 "...give them the shirt off someone else's back." There are too many Europe peons and not enough shirts. Very subtle, thank you for that. I thought 'Europe peons' was just an illiterate rendering of 'Europeans' until I looked up the word. (peon = unskilled labourer). 2
i claudius Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 This thread should be closed it has nothing to do with us here in Thailand ,just because some losers and immegrants are sleeping rough in London ,its their fault not "the nasty Tories" Close the thread came the loud call. Nothing to do with Thailand. Here's a hint, that is why it is in the '' Home Country Forum '' This from the Independent today. The Independent’s Homeless Veterans campaign for ex-servicemen and women who have fallen on hard times was given another boost today, with a £250,000 donation from the Government The donation brings the total raised by the campaign to at least £1.25m http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/campaigns/homeless-veterans/homeless-veterans-appeal-government-gives-250000-10128820.html Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you. It is a big problem in the UK for Ex Service Personnel. It is the responsibility of the sitting Government to provide the funds to make sure that these personnel are given the support that they need. Regardless of how much it costs. Why,,,? It was their choice to join the forces,if they had been forced to go and fight I would agree,but they were not,so why is it up to the govt to look after them when they leave?
pgt99 Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 How many of the homeless are born in the UK? Not many I bet. Charity is meant to begin at home. All the 'sally army' places are full. Sorry but the UK is now a sh-- ho-- and the horse has bolted. One of the many reasons I prefer LOS. 2
elliss Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 IMO , there are too many moaner farlangs living in Thailand . They should return to their native mother land , and moan to their hearts content. The good news is, whatever Political party win the next election , the age of pension entitlements , will be raised . A new generation of home less ,?
elliss Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 IMO , there are too many moaner farlangs living in Thailand . They should return to their native mother land , and moan to their hearts content. The good news is, whatever Political party win the next election , the age of pension entitlements , will be raised . A new generation of home less ,?
i claudius Posted March 28, 2015 Posted March 28, 2015 Yes the pension age will rise ,so benefits will have to do until you get it
nong38 Posted March 29, 2015 Posted March 29, 2015 In 6 weeks or so we will all be able to change the situation and the problem will be solved! Well not really, few problems are ever solved completely and this sort of politically motivated clapp trap really has no place here, it just pushes all into the different camps, all of which we believe ours to be the right (or left) one, ends up with abusive comments to each other, do we really need that? Homelessness is not something within our power to change and I doubt any government would be able to eradicate it completely, there will always be homeless people where are their friends and family one might ask? 1
i claudius Posted March 29, 2015 Posted March 29, 2015 Nothing changes ,except those at the top,it's the rich wot gets the pleasure and the poor wot gets the pain ,even if they often inflict it on themselves,maybe if that poor guy Millifool gets in( you know that poor soul what has to live in a 2 million pound house,like what us poor folk do,will make things alright,(with the help of the SNP)
Nignoy Posted March 29, 2015 Posted March 29, 2015 Why should an Ex serviceman end up on the streets,with their pension and some benefits they could get accommodation,the fee who have mental problems I have sympathy for.but most of the people I have ever seen on the streets usually seem to be clutching a bottle or are stoned,,their choice their problem, Many of of the exservicemen on the streets are suffering fromhealth problems mental and physical, abandoned by by the govt and people they served, PTSD and injuries incurred while serving are many of the causes, we military disabled receive pensions but!!!!!!! let some one lose a bit of your paperwork,or cock up a diagnosis and your pension and support get suspended, if you have no savings or family ,you are on the street with nothing sometimes for months, what happens with quite a few exservicemen,who have been injured on operations that at the time come under the OSA, their injuries are registered in their records as sport injuries,try explaining to some chinless wonder 20 years later,that the lumps of metal you would like removed from your body were not picked up playing soccer or rugby, because when you were discharged from the forces, it was considered non essential surgery to remove them!!I know this is off topic ,maybe things were different in a perfect world when I Claudius was a Centurion 1
billd766 Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 Why should an Ex serviceman end up on the streets,with their pension and some benefits they could get accommodation,the fee who have mental problems I have sympathy for.but most of the people I have ever seen on the streets usually seem to be clutching a bottle or are stoned,,their choice their problem, Many of of the exservicemen on the streets are suffering fromhealth problems mental and physical, abandoned by by the govt and people they served, PTSD and injuries incurred while serving are many of the causes, we military disabled receive pensions but!!!!!!! let some one lose a bit of your paperwork,or cock up a diagnosis and your pension and support get suspended, if you have no savings or family ,you are on the street with nothing sometimes for months, what happens with quite a few exservicemen,who have been injured on operations that at the time come under the OSA, their injuries are registered in their records as sport injuries,try explaining to some chinless wonder 20 years later,that the lumps of metal you would like removed from your body were not picked up playing soccer or rugby, because when you were discharged from the forces, it was considered non essential surgery to remove them!!I know this is off topic ,maybe things were different in a perfect world when I Claudius was a Centurion Quote the last four lines of a poem called Tommy by Rudyard Kipling written in 1982 and nothing much has changed. http://www.kiplingsociety.co.uk/poems_tommy.htm For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an` Chuck him out, the brute! " But it's " Saviour of 'is country " when the guns begin to shoot; An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please; An 'Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool - you bet that Tommy sees! 1
Eff1n2ret Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 Quote the last four lines of a poem called Tommy by Rudyard Kipling written in 1982 ..... Perhaps you mean 1892? Kipling died in 1936
billd766 Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 Quote the last four lines of a poem called Tommy by Rudyard Kipling written in 1982 ..... Perhaps you mean 1892? Kipling died in 1936 Thank you for that. My apologies. I know what I wrote but I sometimes get a disconnect between my brain and fingers when typing. Also my computer has a sneaky habit of mis-spelling my worms if you see what I mean.
i claudius Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 Why should an Ex serviceman end up on the streets,with their pension and some benefits they could get accommodation,the fee who have mental problems I have sympathy for.but most of the people I have ever seen on the streets usually seem to be clutching a bottle or are stoned,,their choice their problem, Many of of the exservicemen on the streets are suffering fromhealth problems mental and physical, abandoned by by the govt and people they served, PTSD and injuries incurred while serving are many of the causes, we military disabled receive pensions but!!!!!!! let some one lose a bit of your paperwork,or cock up a diagnosis and your pension and support get suspended, if you have no savings or family ,you are on the street with nothing sometimes for months, what happens with quite a few exservicemen,who have been injured on operations that at the time come under the OSA, their injuries are registered in their records as sport injuries,try explaining to some chinless wonder 20 years later,that the lumps of metal you would like removed from your body were not picked up playing soccer or rugby, because when you were discharged from the forces, it was considered non essential surgery to remove them!!I know this is off topic ,maybe things were different in a perfect world when I Claudius was a Centurion I was never a centurian ,i would have you know i was a God! as for soldiers on the streets ,ok some have had bad luck ,but i doubt there are only a few actually living on the streets ,this thread was about the "evil "Tories " and the 55% rise in homlesness, well as there are thousands and thousands more immegrants in Britain thanks to Blair and the labour party ,i am suprised the figure is so low. And again i do not know what this has to do with Thailand,yes its a home forum ,but its a home forum with regards to things pertaining to us here in Thailand ,and some Drunks and immegrants and drug addicts living rough are of no interest to us really.that is unless the govt intend sending them here.
Nignoy Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 Why should an Ex serviceman end up on the streets,with their pension and some benefits they could get accommodation,the fee who have mental problems I have sympathy for.but most of the people I have ever seen on the streets usually seem to be clutching a bottle or are stoned,,their choice their problem, Many of of the exservicemen on the streets are suffering fromhealth problems mental and physical, abandoned by by the govt and people they served, PTSD and injuries incurred while serving are many of the causes, we military disabled receive pensions but!!!!!!! let some one lose a bit of your paperwork,or cock up a diagnosis and your pension and support get suspended, if you have no savings or family ,you are on the street with nothing sometimes for months, what happens with quite a few exservicemen,who have been injured on operations that at the time come under the OSA, their injuries are registered in their records as sport injuries,try explaining to some chinless wonder 20 years later,that the lumps of metal you would like removed from your body were not picked up playing soccer or rugby, because when you were discharged from the forces, it was considered non essential surgery to remove them!!I know this is off topic ,maybe things were different in a perfect world when I Claudius was a Centurion I was never a centurian ,i would have you know i was a God! as for soldiers on the streets ,ok some have had bad luck ,but i doubt there are only a few actually living on the streets ,this thread was about the "evil "Tories " and the 55% rise in homlesness, well as there are thousands and thousands more immegrants in Britain thanks to Blair and the labour party ,i am suprised the figure is so low. And again i do not know what this has to do with Thailand,yes its a home forum ,but its a home forum with regards to things pertaining to us here in Thailand ,and some Drunks and immegrants and drug addicts living rough are of no interest to us really.that is unless the govt intend sending them here. The Reason it is on Topic,is from 1963 to 1968 british troops took part on Operation Crown in North east Thailand this was before the real start of the Vietnam war, the british govt only admitted that we were there in 1989, but there were no entries in our part 2,s or service records that we had served in Thailand ,I was on permanent staff there for over 3 years, and in later years I had to fight tooth and nail to get treatment for the diseases such as Leptospirosis, Liver flukes, intestinal parasites and recurring leg ulcers which have since then accompanied me, of course for many years the old favourite malaria which would attack unexpected and lay me flat for a week, a couple of employers sacked me for such absences from work,there were quite a few of us who came home like this, not to forget the ones that died too, some whose wives or parents did not know the locations of their sons graves but that's another story,only last year I went to an op crown vets funeral in Australia ,he died homeless on the streets of Brisbane, Lest we forget 2
MaeJoMTB Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 I was never a centurian ,i would have you know i was a God! as for soldiers on the streets ,ok some have had bad luck ,but i doubt there are only a few actually living on the streets ,this thread was about the "evil "Tories " and the 55% rise in homlesness, well as there are thousands and thousands more immegrants in Britain thanks to Blair and the labour party ,i am suprised the figure is so low. And again i do not know what this has to do with Thailand,yes its a home forum ,but its a home forum with regards to things pertaining to us here in Thailand ,and some Drunks and immegrants and drug addicts living rough are of no interest to us really.that is unless the govt intend sending them here. Are you confusing immigrants with EEC citizens using their right of free movement in the EEC? And wasn't the EEC a Conservative idea? "the European Economic Community (EEC), often known as the Common Market at the time, which it had entered in 1973 under the Conservative government ..." Tony Blair became PM in 1997, nearly 25 years after the Conservatives allowed everyone into the country, explain again how he is to blame for the EEC?
i claudius Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 I was never a centurian ,i would have you know i was a God! as for soldiers on the streets ,ok some have had bad luck ,but i doubt there are only a few actually living on the streets ,this thread was about the "evil "Tories " and the 55% rise in homlesness, well as there are thousands and thousands more immegrants in Britain thanks to Blair and the labour party ,i am suprised the figure is so low. And again i do not know what this has to do with Thailand,yes its a home forum ,but its a home forum with regards to things pertaining to us here in Thailand ,and some Drunks and immegrants and drug addicts living rough are of no interest to us really.that is unless the govt intend sending them here. Are you confusing immigrants with EEC citizens using their right of free movement in the EEC? And wasn't the EEC a Conservative idea? "the European Economic Community (EEC), often known as the Common Market at the time, which it had entered in 1973 under the Conservative government ..." Tony Blair became PM in 1997, nearly 25 years after the Conservatives allowed everyone into the country, explain again how he is to blame for the EEC? Ted Heath ,may he rot in hell started the EEC myth knowing full well what it entailed , but it was Blair, may he burn in hell with Heath who opened the floodgates to the eastern european block
billd766 Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 Why should an Ex serviceman end up on the streets,with their pension and some benefits they could get accommodation,the fee who have mental problems I have sympathy for.but most of the people I have ever seen on the streets usually seem to be clutching a bottle or are stoned,,their choice their problem, Many of of the exservicemen on the streets are suffering fromhealth problems mental and physical, abandoned by by the govt and people they served, PTSD and injuries incurred while serving are many of the causes, we military disabled receive pensions but!!!!!!! let some one lose a bit of your paperwork,or cock up a diagnosis and your pension and support get suspended, if you have no savings or family ,you are on the street with nothing sometimes for months, what happens with quite a few exservicemen,who have been injured on operations that at the time come under the OSA, their injuries are registered in their records as sport injuries,try explaining to some chinless wonder 20 years later,that the lumps of metal you would like removed from your body were not picked up playing soccer or rugby, because when you were discharged from the forces, it was considered non essential surgery to remove them!!I know this is off topic ,maybe things were different in a perfect world when I Claudius was a Centurion I was never a centurian ,i would have you know i was a God! as for soldiers on the streets ,ok some have had bad luck ,but i doubt there are only a few actually living on the streets ,this thread was about the "evil "Tories " and the 55% rise in homlesness, well as there are thousands and thousands more immegrants in Britain thanks to Blair and the labour party ,i am suprised the figure is so low. And again i do not know what this has to do with Thailand,yes its a home forum ,but its a home forum with regards to things pertaining to us here in Thailand ,and some Drunks and immegrants and drug addicts living rough are of no interest to us really.that is unless the govt intend sending them here. The Reason it is on Topic,is from 1963 to 1968 british troops took part on Operation Crown in North east Thailand this was before the real start of the Vietnam war, the british govt only admitted that we were there in 1989, but there were no entries in our part 2,s or service records that we had served in Thailand ,I was on permanent staff there for over 3 years, and in later years I had to fight tooth and nail to get treatment for the diseases such as Leptospirosis, Liver flukes, intestinal parasites and recurring leg ulcers which have since then accompanied me, of course for many years the old favourite malaria which would attack unexpected and lay me flat for a week, a couple of employers sacked me for such absences from work,there were quite a few of us who came home like this, not to forget the ones that died too, some whose wives or parents did not know the locations of their sons graves but that's another story,only last year I went to an op crown vets funeral in Australia ,he died homeless on the streets of Brisbane, Lest we forget Thank you for that information. I had no idea that us Brits were here in Thailand during that period. I was with the RAF in Singapore from August 1968 until September 1971 and the main health problems I had were drinking too much Tiger and the after effects of too much beef stew with chillies.
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