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Partial shutdown? US House rejects Homeland Security funding

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Partial shutdown? US House rejects Homeland Security funding
DAVID ESPO, Associated Press
ERICA WERNER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives unexpectedly rejected short-term funding for the Department of Homeland Security on Friday, increasing the prospect of a partial shutdown at midnight of an agency with major anti-terrorism responsibilities.

The vote was 224-203 against the measure, as 52 Republicans defected on the legislation backed by their leaders.

A combination of conservative, tea party-backed Republicans on one side of the political aisle and Democrats on the other opposed the bill. The first group was upset because the legislation had been stripped of changes to President Barack Obama's immigration policy, and the second because it lacked full-year funding for the sprawling department.

Much of the Department of Homeland Security was to remain open, even if funding expired at midnight. Airport security checkpoints would remain staffed, immigration agents would be on the job, air marshals would do their work and Coast Guard patrols would sail on. Of the department's 230,000 employees, an estimated 200,000 would remain at work, either because they are deemed essential, or because their pay comes from fees that are unaffected by congressional spending disputes.

With a few hours remaining before the deadline, it was unclear what House Speaker John Boehner and other Republican leaders would next propose.

Democrats led by Rep. Nancy Pelosi urged them in advance to allow a vote on a bill to keep the department in funds through the Sept. 30 end of the budget year — a step the Republican high command had previously refused to take.

"You have made a mess," Pelosi said to Republicans as debate neared an end on the measure.

That wasn't how tea party-backed rebels saw it.

"It does not make any difference whether the funding is for three weeks, three months or a full fiscal year. If it's illegal, it's illegal," said Rep. Mo Brooks, a Republican, referring to Obama's actions.

Other conservatives disagreed with that sort of analysis in large numbers — and said so.

"It's the best solution that we have available to us right now," said Rep. Steve Womack, a Republican. "Nobody wants to shut down the Department of Homeland Security."

Across the Capitol, the Senate waited to add its assent after playing out a series of acts in the Republicans' effort to use the measure to wring concessions on immigration from the White House.

A largely symbolic attempt to advance legislation that would repeal Obama's immigration directive of last fall failed on a vote of 57-42, three short of the 60 required in the 100-member chamber.

That separate proposal was "commonsense legislation that would protect our democracy from the egregious example of executive overreach we saw in November," said Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell , who successfully led his rank and file in recent days to a decision to pass Homeland Security legislation without immigration-related provisions.

And ironically, a federal court order has blocked implementation of Obama's immigration policies that most Republicans seek, at least temporarily.

Taken together, the day's events at the Capitol underscored the difficulty Republicans have had so far this year in translating last fall's election gains into legislative accomplishment — a step its own leaders say is necessary to establish the party's credentials as a responsible, governing party.

Republicans gained control of the Senate in last November's balloting, and emerged with their largest House majority in more than 70 years.


Associated Press writers Charles Babington, Andrew Taylor, Matthew Daly and Laurie Kellman contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-02-28

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One of the most fundamental steps that would make America safer is ridding the country of the 5-6 million illegals that Obama and Democrats want to amnesty. And that is the reason this funding is on hold. More Americans are killed by illegals every day than by ISIS since its inception. The threat is from within, not without. And Homeland Security is currently devoted to rolling out the red carpet for illegals, whether overstays or border jumpers. That is at the core of this funding argument.

Edited by Paulc01
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Hillary Clinton must be delighted. Once again proof that Republicans are hopelessly split and unable to govern.

Actually, proof once again that Democrats and Jeb Bush Republicans are willing to hold America hostage and endanger American lives for the special interests of illegal aliens, including a horde of jihadis.

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I thought this was about funding the Department of Homeland Security, yet we're hearing about illegal immigration.

And I had thought the immigration beef was about the authority of the president to issue an executive action or not under the constitution. That is the case before the federal courts at this time so the tea party in Congress should let immigration be.

The Senate yesterday passed a bill to fully fund DHS, 68-31. The House will not consider the bill and instead we now get the House funding a temporary bill of 7 days.

All this while the Congress has repeatedly refused to write and produce any laws to reform or improve the immigration laws. If the Congress had passed some new immigration laws all of this could be precluded and thus not occurring.

It's a good thing for the United States the people at the Department of Homeland Security are professionals and do their job anyway.

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Time for a multi-party system in the US. Must be clear by now that the 2-party system does not work.

Looking from a european standpoint, how in hell is it possible?

Well, shows. They must hate each other.

Nice place!!

actually a 3 party system.

democrat, republican and special interest

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Time for a multi-party system in the US. Must be clear by now that the 2-party system does not work.

Looking from a european standpoint, how in hell is it possible?

Well, shows. They must hate each other.

Nice place!!

actually a 3 party system.

democrat, republican and special interest

Well it's actually probably still two, since people like the Kochs are "especially interested" in owning the republicans.


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One of the most fundamental steps that would make America safer is ridding the country of the 5-6 million illegals that Obama and Democrats want to amnesty. And that is the reason this funding is on hold. More Americans are killed by illegals every day than by ISIS since its inception. The threat is from within, not without. And Homeland Security is currently devoted to rolling out the red carpet for illegals, whether overstays or border jumpers. That is at the core of this funding argument.

and how many Americans are killed every day by legal Americans?? How many illegals are killed by legals?

Votes like this go to show that the congress and senate don't give two sh!#$ about their citizens or the country they say they love so much. Their end game for the last 6 or 7 years has been to do everything they can to make sure they make the current administration look bad and try to stop any laws being past.

It is not so much a lame duck President as a completely broken and partisan congress that has only their best interest at heart. Everyone else be damned.

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Hillary Clinton must be delighted. Once again proof that Republicans are hopelessly split and unable to govern.

Actually, proof once again that Democrats and Jeb Bush Republicans are willing to hold America hostage and endanger American lives for the special interests of illegal aliens, including a horde of jihadis.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. My opinion is that both parties should quit trying to "piggyback" additional amendments to the main issue of a bill. In this case, I want to see a "clean" funding bill for the fiscal year. Immigration is definitely a major issue to be dealt with. I want to see a comprehensive bill drafted, debated, statistical research and arguments presented and then a vote taken. Only directly related amendments to be allowed. Yes, I am well aware of how the politics of bill passage has worked in the past but if we are to see movement past stalemate, then clean bills argued on their separate merits are the direction to go.

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Hillary Clinton must be delighted. Once again proof that Republicans are hopelessly split and unable to govern.

Actually, proof once again that Democrats and Jeb Bush Republicans are willing to hold America hostage and endanger American lives for the special interests of illegal aliens, including a horde of jihadis.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. My opinion is that both parties should quit trying to "piggyback" additional amendments to the main issue of a bill. In this case, I want to see a "clean" funding bill for the fiscal year. Immigration is definitely a major issue to be dealt with. I want to see a comprehensive bill drafted, debated, statistical research and arguments presented and then a vote taken. Only directly related amendments to be allowed. Yes, I am well aware of how the politics of bill passage has worked in the past but if we are to see movement past stalemate, then clean bills argued on their separate merits are the direction to go.

Agree 100%, piggybacky laws should be illegal. One law at a time and not need to make it 300,000 pages long either. These piggyback laws can also currently be added anonymously so no one knows who put these ridiculous special interest laws in there. Absolutely wreaks of corruption. The Congress needs major reform and is one of the biggest threats to Americans in my opinion.

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One of the most fundamental steps that would make America safer is ridding the country of the 5-6 million illegals that Obama and Democrats want to amnesty. And that is the reason this funding is on hold. More Americans are killed by illegals every day than by ISIS since its inception. The threat is from within, not without. And Homeland Security is currently devoted to rolling out the red carpet for illegals, whether overstays or border jumpers. That is at the core of this funding argument.

And, " Give me your tired, your poor, your humbled masses yearning to breath free..."? How do you propose throwing 5-6 million people out of the country. Not matter if they are facing death in their home country? I understand your frustration, it is indeed a complicated matter, however, so I am afraid a lot of thought has to go into any comprehensive immigration bill. A slap at Obama might be a feel good moment but it would not address the issue which is, afterall, immigration not slapping Obama. The courts are addressing this Presidential Powers issue.

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Time for a multi-party system in the US. Must be clear by now that the 2-party system does not work.

Looking from a european standpoint, how in hell is it possible?

Well, shows. They must hate each other.

Nice place!!

actually a 3 party system.

democrat, republican and special interest

Well it's actually probably still two, since people like the Kochs are "especially interested" in owning the republicans.


I don't necessary disagree but, in all fairness, I think the wealthy interests are willing to support either party where they can get support. It does appear that business interests feel a warmer reception among the Republicans.

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Time for a multi-party system in the US. Must be clear by now that the 2-party system does not work.

Looking from a european standpoint, how in hell is it possible?

Well, shows. They must hate each other.

Nice place!!

Probably a waste of breath but when teaching my Western Civ classes, I always pointed out the philosophic difference in approach of the American party system versus the European party system. I fear that the American system, although bottom up organized still suppresses the minority views by the time the national political party platforms evolve.

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One of the most fundamental steps that would make America safer is ridding the country of the 5-6 million illegals that Obama and Democrats want to amnesty. And that is the reason this funding is on hold. More Americans are killed by illegals every day than by ISIS since its inception. The threat is from within, not without. And Homeland Security is currently devoted to rolling out the red carpet for illegals, whether overstays or border jumpers. That is at the core of this funding argument.

And, " Give me your tired, your poor, your humbled masses yearning to breath free..."? How do you propose throwing 5-6 million people out of the country. Not matter if they are facing death in their home country? I understand your frustration, it is indeed a complicated matter, however, so I am afraid a lot of thought has to go into any comprehensive immigration bill. A slap at Obama might be a feel good moment but it would not address the issue which is, afterall, immigration not slapping Obama. The courts are addressing this Presidential Powers issue.

you mean throwing out over 300,000,000 people is more like it. All those that are complaining about immigration are themselves descendants of immigrants!! It was not that long ago when the dreaded immigrants that were coming to America were the Irish, before that Germans, then Polish, etc. etc. post-95526-0-93718300-1425117040_thumb.j

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One of the most fundamental steps that would make America safer is ridding the country of the 5-6 million illegals that Obama and Democrats want to amnesty. And that is the reason this funding is on hold. More Americans are killed by illegals every day than by ISIS since its inception. The threat is from within, not without. And Homeland Security is currently devoted to rolling out the red carpet for illegals, whether overstays or border jumpers. That is at the core of this funding argument.

You are right!!

Every time a bunch of illegal Mexicans put a white American to farm with them on the fields......the American die before the end of the day.

Those hard working Mexicans doesn't have compassion for lousy people!

Edited by umbanda
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One of the most fundamental steps that would make America safer is ridding the country of the 5-6 million illegals that Obama and Democrats want to amnesty. And that is the reason this funding is on hold. More Americans are killed by illegals every day than by ISIS since its inception. The threat is from within, not without. And Homeland Security is currently devoted to rolling out the red carpet for illegals, whether overstays or border jumpers. That is at the core of this funding argument.

And, " Give me your tired, your poor, your humbled masses yearning to breath free..."? How do you propose throwing 5-6 million people out of the country. Not matter if they are facing death in their home country? I understand your frustration, it is indeed a complicated matter, however, so I am afraid a lot of thought has to go into any comprehensive immigration bill. A slap at Obama might be a feel good moment but it would not address the issue which is, afterall, immigration not slapping Obama. The courts are addressing this Presidential Powers issue.

What are you saying, because somebody put a poem on a statue (years after the statue was built) that the US cannot have immigration law enforcement? The Statue has a name, "Liberty Enlightening the World," not "Liberty Inviting the World."

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One of the most fundamental steps that would make America safer is ridding the country of the 5-6 million illegals that Obama and Democrats want to amnesty. And that is the reason this funding is on hold. More Americans are killed by illegals every day than by ISIS since its inception. The threat is from within, not without. And Homeland Security is currently devoted to rolling out the red carpet for illegals, whether overstays or border jumpers. That is at the core of this funding argument.

You are right!!

Every time a bunch of illegal Mexicans put a white American to farm with them on the fields......the American die before the end of the day.

Those hard working Mexicans doesn't have compassion for lousy people!

Gee, how is it possible that anything ever got done in the US until Mexican illegals started coming across the border? How do Australians manage to grow citrus without Mexicans? BTW, automation is increasing. Soon, no need for mexicans or anybody else in the fields in large numbers.

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Another classic from Boehner....

“I just think it’s outrageous that Senate Democrats are using Homeland Security funding for blackmail to protect the actions of the president,” the Speaker argued.

Really? From the party that won't pass a bill to fund the DHS unless it contains additional language to roll back Obama's Relief order?

Don't suppose the turnip has thought of actually putting the Bipartisan Immigration bill to a vote, then all of this would be moot anyway.


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