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Unmasking of 'Jihadi John' as a London lad shocks Britain

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I look at videos of London University where Muslim groups spew their hatred against everybody - particularly Jews and it pales into nothing when I watch the American Universities! These radical slags have truly penetrated American and British Universities to the core. A lot of Universities (I hesitate to say 'most') are not educational institutions now, just hotbeds of hatred and grooming future radicals just like Jihadi John. I bet you didn't know this about him though..

1. Aug 2009, refused entry to Tanzania: travels to Tanzania with two friends, but is refused entry at Dar es Salaam. Tanzanian police have denied Emwazi's name is on their database of suspected foreign criminals detained and deported in 2009, as he had claimed. Emwazi and his friends are put on flight to Amsterdam, where they are questioned. They return to Dover and are questioned again.
• 2. Sept 2009, travels to Kuwait for work: leaves the UK for Kuwait for work.
• 3. May/June 2010, returns to UK for holiday: he returns to the UK for an eight-day visit.
• 4. July 2010, refused re-entry to Kuwait: Emwazi returns to the UK once more for a couple of days. He is stopped at Heathrow on his return to Kuwait and told he cannot travel as his visa has expired.
• 5. 2013, travels to Syria: Emwazi changes his name to Mohammed al-Ayan and attempts to travel to Kuwait but is stopped and questioned. Three days later, he heads abroad. Police later inform his family he has travelled to Syria.
Source: Cage
'Jihadi John' movement mapped

Emwazi 'claimed harassment'.... Right....


I'm British and I have to say this doesn't shock me in the least.

What shocks is that having managed to get them to leave for Syria, we ever even contemplate the idea of welcoming them back.

We should be looking at it as voluntarily giving up their British citzenship.


7/7/05 we were shocked. Now we should be way past that. Not on;y did we fail to stop the enemy at the gate, we are holding it open and ushering them through. all the while being told it's all our own fault.

Difficult it is to be an open society yet not open -Yoda' ( well mightbe). Sorry, no simple answer. How do we maintain the society mores we believe in while dealing with the treat to our way of life?

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So much for "it's only a small minority of extremists"

Obviously even apparany "normal" Muslims are scum and need to be eradicated.

It would be great if one political party to a strong anti Islamic line for the next election! Sadly, it won't happen because they are only interested in votes even Muslim votes

I do think now is the time for a general upsurge of anti Islamic attitudes

Nothing too extreme. Just make life more difficult and more unfriendly

Just be less inclined to provide taxi licences to Pakistanis

Ban Halal butchery

Ban headscarves in public

Make foreign funding for mosques illegal

Ban Islamic faith schools

Avoid buying anything from Muslim run shops and businesses

Just generally create an unwelcoming environment

Eventually we will have them getting off the pavement/sidewalk when we walk by.

No need for pogroms yet, just open the exits and take away their passports on the way out.

I'm up for all those as long as i can still get my kebabs


Its not a shock., hes not even British born just a migrated Iraqi family that ran to Kuwait then after the UK and naturalised. He's not a London Lad in anything but where his family ended up.

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A London lad? He was Kuwaiti. And I don't believe it shocked British citizens so much as angered them.

'"People of his kind believe that death in combat is an honor, something special ..."' I don't believe, for one moment, Emwazi is any kind of hero, or even a martyr. Killing helpless captives is entirely different to facing skilled combatants whose objective is to kill him, and the rest of his ilk who don't surrender - or, perhaps in dealing with the cowards of Isis, even those who do.


Now they know his name, why are they still calling him Jihadi John?

Let's just call him what he is, Murderous Mohammed.

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Why is it that I find this OP as a misdirection of responsibility by the British government towards the security services?

Whereas nobody wants a police controlled state, there needs to be a common ground found that allows the security services to do their job to completion and remove the threat before innocent people die because of restrictions put into place because of our PC orientated society that our middle class have strived for for decades. Now that it is working, reality has raised its ugly head and shown us that the theory of everyone being entitled to full protection of these social rules does not work in practice without lives being put at risk.

People (I use this term loosely) like Mohammed Emwazi have been known to the security services for years, yet, the very people who compile the data and information are at present helpless to do anything more unless the suspects are caught in the act of committing a crime. As is evident, in Emwazi's case anyway, he had been under surveillance for a long time, as reflected in his complaints to CAGE about his interviews with MI5, yet he was still able to depart the British shores to commit the atrocities that he is currently involved in.

Whereas I would never support internment as an answer to the situation, I feel that the government must recognize the problems the country faces and give more power of control to those that are there to protect us. Do not allow the bean counters to control operational issues.

OK, 5 minute rant over.

  • Like 1
  • 5 years later...

UK rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary aka Jihadi John arrested on suspicion of fighting for Islamic State
Wednesday 22 April 2020 00:48, UK Sky News
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary was arrested on Monday in southern Spain, according to The Associated Press, which cited two sources close to the investigation.


55 minutes ago, katana said:

UK rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary aka Jihadi John arrested on suspicion of fighting for Islamic State
Wednesday 22 April 2020 00:48, UK Sky News
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary was arrested on Monday in southern Spain, according to The Associated Press, which cited two sources close to the investigation.


Article clearly states London-born Bary was initially suspected of being "Jihadi John" and police say he represented a "high danger".

The real Jihadi John turned out to be Mohammed Emwazi

so your title of AKA Jihadi John is False and incorrect

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Yes, I should have put 'suspected' instead of aka, although since the man was masked in the James Foley execution footage, they'll never really know for sure. The Sunday Times and Sunday People listed Bary as a member of a group of four British-born ISIL members that have guarded, tortured, and beheaded foreign hostages in Syria, a group they called "The Beatles" ("John", "George", "Paul", and "Ringo") because of their British accents.


"He is believed to have become radicalised after his father Abdel Abdul Bary was extradited to the US in 2012.

The older Bary was convicted of charges relating to the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 224 people. He was jailed in 2015 for 25 years."


Like father like son.



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