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Famous Thai Temple to Build Separate Toilets for Non-Chinese

Lite Beer

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Yes but this measure is saying all Chinese are the same. That is judging all by the alleged actions of one. That is bigotry.
Seems you cannot separate the wheat from the chaff.

Your solution?
Solution? A solution to curing the selfish and ignorant of their behaviour? If I had that I'd market it the world over.

However I do know the solution is not to be found in bigoted measures such as this.

The individual who made the mess is responsible for it. To blame the whole of China for something it is alleged a Chinese tourist did is just stupid.

Unless you provide a practical solution, your whinging is worse than bigotry.

A} Having an opinion you don't like isn't whining, it's called having an opinion.

B} Whining is worse than bigotry! Dear Lord, the worst atrocities ever committed by the human race have come about because of bigotry. I won't say nothing is worse than bigotry, but very few things are worse than it's consequences.

C} To not argue against bigotry in any of it's forms is to be complicit in it.

D}A bigoted solution is no solution at all. It is just bigotry.

Complaining about something repeatedly without offering a solution is whinging and is worse than bigotry because it shows cowardice in decision making.

Put up an idea or shut up.

At least the bigots are not afraid to say SOMETHING.

So you are.

Now please read A - D above again. Edited by Scott
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Ive only sh*t in a way that would be considered shameful once in my life. That time was in the UK, when I was dropping off some items of mine at a storage facility i was renting at the time. I was suddenly caught short. I tried getting to the warehouse toilets as fast as i could walk, which as i recall wasn't easy as i had to clench as I walked and to do that fast you have to walk with your elbows high at your sides, swinging up and down to maintain speed. But at the same time you have to walk in small, shuffling steps. There were a few other people around and i suppose i was seen. I must have walkup up and down the same ones a few times in greater and greater panic as i couldn't find the toilets. I was also breathing very loudly with in and out rushes of air, The signs were pointing in ridiculous and contradictory directions. In desperation i ducked into a cleaners storage room but immediately thought better of that and rushed out again. I then saw the reception area and sped out of the building at full speed, after a brief fluster with the door, and i walked and around to the side of the building. There was an alley way with a dumpster parked half way down. So i crouched down to hide behind the dumpster and dumped away. I literally made it by less than a second. Even so, i don't think what i did is in any way as bad as these Chinese people.

Congratulations! The mental image I have just had has brightened my day considerably - thank you!

Another thing to remember when in Thailand - especially after eating Thai food, is "Never trust a f**t!" (Courtesy of Jack Nicholson)

Edited by sambum
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At least in Asia people are honest enough to admit some cultures can offend the heck out of other cultures. Currently the Chinese tourists appear to be clueless about their own failings, it will take a generation or two before some awareness will take root. Same as the Russians.

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This Thread is still going strong.

Apparently when this article came out, the shit hit the fanlaugh.png

I know, I known, cheesy jocksad.png I admite I have not read all responses, only the shitty onestongue.png , I wonder how many others have made the same jock.

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Oh dear..can you imagine showing your ID to prove you're not from China (for Asian Chinese)when visiting the toilets in the future..:0

Just don't arrive in a tour bus and you'll be fine.

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I am glad to see the owner of the White Temple has a great sense of humour, as I visited his wonderful

temple not long before the earthquake. This is one place that I will go back to visit again in the future.

I have been in China for 3 tours now, and one thing to note, is Do Not stop at a highway restroom,

unless you absolutely have to! It was like being in a human pig pen for the smell, an open room with a trough

along the outer wall to urinate, and holes in the floor along one side to crap in, pretty disgusting.

I hope the country of China will improve its restroom facilities in the future. I also hope the

country of China will educate the people there who plan on venturing outside of China as tourists.

Instructions should include, no public spitting, no littering, no tossing your cigarette butts everywhere,

be polite to those around you, and maybe read some Thai phrase books and culture books, and

remember that you are not in China so behave yourself! Actually these instructions could be

used for all tourists anywhere in the world, and it would be better for those around them.

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In addition to my last post, I wanted to say that on my first tour in
the southern part of China, the locals at the farmers style markets would
try to knock me down, and my Thai relatives said that was so they could get my wallet
and belt or what ever they were after. I stayed close to my Thai family during that trip
and I was pretty disgusted with the bathrooms along the highways. I will include some
pictures of what the highway toilets were like as well as a couple of hotel toilets
were like. In Thailand at my brother in laws house they have the old style
toilets and new ones, western style, pictures included.
I also noticed that a lot of people in China smoke and are not very clean in
how they get rid of the butts after. I seen that a lot of them also spit everywhere
even inside of the restaurants, and public places. I think that even though China
is a very old country, it still has many people to civilize, and teach how to behave
when they are in public, or travelling abroad. I can say the same for a few American I have seen in various parts of the world as well as some Mexicans. I know lots of
Canadians who could improve their behaviour and habits, including some of my relatives,
I have some kin who live in B.C., in God's country and they tend to forget they
are not on the farm and are quite embarrassing to be around.

Just Saying!








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Reminds me of going to a festival where I discovered uni sex toilets, not cubicals, just a large tented space. I got into position and then a female squatted next to me,all of a sudden I was suddenly constipated, couldn,t move it for quids. I had to head into the Forest for some peace and quite.

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This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

no, its not. nice try though.

this is about hygiene, nothing else, get off your high horse

At the heart of Hong Kong, urine was on the floor. Unavoidable amounts of it!

In Vietnam I saw an old man pee on the floor 5 feet away from the urinal...

Thais are pretty serious about personal hygiene. But then, I have no idea who the Chinese are who are retching and spitting on floors wherever they may be.

(In Chiang Mai, there was an uproar over urinating and doing #2 in public)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Will Cantonese and Tibetans be classed as Chinese. That could cause real political tensions for sure!

Cantonese yes , Tibet is not really part of PRC so they can use the Thai Khazi

Tibet is very much part of the PRC, what planet are you from? Whether you like it or not, the international community recognizes Tibet as being an integral part of China and so do I. Taiwan may be a different story, but Tibet is most definitely part of the People's Republic of China, even if they administer it slightly outside of the conventions that the rest of the country is administered under.

Fair enough they can all use the Chinese Kharzi then.

We are having a bit of a laugh about Toilets mate , that doesn't mean you have to be Anal

Oh dear, look what I started. It's toilet humour!

I do think it's cruel to lump others in with the Chinese though. The Hong Kong people are a very civilised bunch and would be not be seen dead taking a number 2 on the floor in public. Mainland only please!

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This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

I think you are off the mark there as its not about their color but their habits and cleanliness which seems to be lacking, more power to him. I grew up in Texas it wasn't only bathroom but drinking fountains and restrurants and buses.I appauld the ower of the White Temple trying to furnish clean facilities to all of his visitors even at no small cost to himself

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Will Cantonese and Tibetans be classed as Chinese. That could cause real political tensions for sure!

Cantonese yes , Tibet is not really part of PRC so they can use the Thai Khazi

Tibet is very much part of the PRC, what planet are you from? Whether you like it or not, the international community recognizes Tibet as being an integral part of China and so do I. Taiwan may be a different story, but Tibet is most definitely part of the People's Republic of China, even if they administer it slightly outside of the conventions that the rest of the country is administered under.

Fair enough they can all use the Chinese Kharzi then.

We are having a bit of a laugh about Toilets mate , that doesn't mean you have to be Anal

I get your point, but without being too political I don't think we need to start discriminating against regions or minorities in China and trying to differentiate them from the rest of the country or pretending that parts of the country are not really China. That's like saying Hawaii isn't really the USA, neither is Alaska, not to mention Guam, or that Tahiti is not French.

Even a westerner with Chinese citizenship is Chinese. Basically anyone holding a mainland Chinese passport is Chinese, irrespective of their ethnic group and would therefore have to use the "Chinese" crapper.

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Fair enough they can all use the Chinese Kharzi then.

We are having a bit of a laugh about Toilets mate , that doesn't mean you have to be Anal

I get your point, but without being too political I don't think we need to start discriminating against regions or minorities in China and trying to differentiate them from the rest of the country or pretending that parts of the country are not really China. That's like saying Hawaii isn't really the USA, neither is Alaska, not to mention Guam, or that Tahiti is not French.

Even a westerner with Chinese citizenship is Chinese. Basically anyone holding a mainland Chinese passport is Chinese, irrespective of their ethnic group and would therefore have to use the "Chinese" crapper.

I don't think that's fair. They should introduce some kind of National Socialist type racial profiling

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SImple solution.

Start charging a deposit for people to use the toilets. The toilet-goer is then given a receipt to hand to a man waiting at the toilet door. Once the toilet-goer has dropped his contents the person waiting at the door checks the condition of the toilet before signing off part or all of the deposit amount back to them. They hand the ticket to the receipt giver at the entrance and get their deposit percentage back. There can be a scoring system such as

Lose 15% if you piss on the floor

Lose 25% if you block the toilet

Lose 50% if your poo lands outside of the toilet

Lose 75% if you not only miss the toilet but write your name on the walls with poo too

Just an idea.

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A point and a possible solution (too many posts to read them all so apologies in advance if this has already been suggested).

Apartheid was, in effect, being practiced for many years in South Africa before it became part of a political system. Many argue that it was the legalising of it that caused the problem. They argue that people of the same race, colour, creed, nationality, generally and naturally want to associate with each other to a greater extent than people of different races, colours, creeds, nationalities.

Solution: Two toilet ares; a free, basic one, cleared and hosed down once a day and a de luxe one, properly cleaned every hour, for, say, 10 baht - both available to all (providing they've got 10 baht).

Up to you.

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Ive only sh*t in a way that would be considered shameful once in my life. That time was in the UK, when I was dropping off some items of mine at a storage facility i was renting at the time. I was suddenly caught short. I tried getting to the warehouse toilets as fast as i could walk, which as i recall wasn't easy as i had to clench as I walked and to do that fast you have to walk with your elbows high at your sides, swinging up and down to maintain speed. But at the same time you have to walk in small, shuffling steps. There were a few other people around and i suppose i was seen. I must have walked past the same ones a few times in greater and greater panic as i couldn't find the toilets. I was also breathing very loudly with in and out rushes of air. The signs to the toilets were pointing in ridiculous and contradictory directions. In desperation i ducked into a cleaners storage room but immediately thought better of that and rushed out again. I then saw the reception area and sped out of the building at full speed, after a brief fluster with the door, and i walked around to the side of the building. There was an alley way with a rubbish skip parked half way down. So i crouched down to hide behind the skip and dumped away. I literally made it by less than a second. Even so, i don't think what i did is in any way as bad as these Chinese people.

Brilliant!!!!!!!!!! Loved the bit about "dropping off some items"!!!:lol: Edited by roo860
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