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Crackdown on Bangkok street stalls as pedestrians vie for space

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I suppose the vendors add to the history and buzz of the city .... but to those who live there and need to get around, the vendors are a plan in the arse. I particularly go nuts when you get a family of 'people from certain countries' who just stop dead in their tracks, completely oblivious to those walking behind them, and hold up the foot traffic. I also get agitated when the vendors who are setting up, need to walk from one side of the pavement to the other, don't look first and bang into anyone just walking along, who by rights, have right of way. They act if they own the place .... they don't. My solution would be to reduce the numbers to stop the congestion and perhaps introduce a license system to control it (which of course would be manged perfectly by the authorities without incentive payments flying around ?)

"Plan in the arse" Love the (presumed!) unintentional pun!


Id be happy if there werent metre deep holes ,or paving stones sticking up 10 inches, or electric poles slap bang in the middle or road signs at head height to inflict maximum damage alond with shop awnings at the same height to take an eye out or electric cables finished off with tape etc etc.....apart from that the street vendors arent my worry.they can stay.

If you want things up to Western standards you may have to start paying Western wages. Do they have sewage plants in Thailand?

if they werent so bone idle theyd fix this stuff in fact no theyd do it right first time not continually bodge it, I dont think asking for metre deep holes to be filled in requires a 40% tax rate most of the bodges could be easily remedied I mean how much does it cost to NOT put an awning at eye level? no more than to put it at eye level.

I am over 6 feet tall, and have lost count of the number of times I have taken skin off the top of my head from awnings, signs, even the casing at the top of doors (Duck or Grouse!) I can understand it "in the sticks", where they are catering for mostly locals who are on average at least 6 inches shorter than myself, but in a city like Bangkok, the vendors especially should be more aware of the height of the tourists who are in fact paying their wages!

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At last, an article which never uses the wrong word - footpaths - and uses the right ones - pavements and sidewalks.

let me guess you're a yank.
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It's good move as ffod stall vendor washing and throwing leftover into drain which cause rats will one day bringing health harzard to the city people. Bravo!

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Just my random two cents. Why not paint a line down the center of the sidewalk. Vendors on one side, foot traffic on the other. Then fine drivers and impound motor bikes that ride the sidewalk.

Yeah, I know - easier said than done.unsure.png

Maybe you mean first change the law so that motorbikes are no longer allowed to ride on the side walk under certain conditions?

Although i admit to also riding on the footpath if the road is blocked but only because its allowed.

There are large signs posted along one stretch of Sukhumvit warning that motorcycles using the pavement to drive or park on will receive a 5000 baht fine.

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I'd quite like to be able to walk down the street without it being an obstacle course, and I don't really give a shit if that fits into some idea of how you think the city should look.

You can do that easy .... don't come to Thailand ... go to Paris, London, New York, Adelaide etc

  • Like 1

As usual, this discussion is soooo boring, because...

Group A: we need all the sidewalks /pavements/walkways cleaned up now, because ME/MYSELF and I don't like it!

Group B: everything has to stay dirty and congested as it is, because....culture and if you don't like it: go home!

As usual: there is no moderation, no middle- ground, no decent planning...and that is -of course- how you could also describe the plans of the government.

  • Like 1

It is a bit rich indeed when the majority of the whiners here are most likely retired or on holiday ... and are in a hurry to get where exactly?

How much walking do you all actually do? And why? Are you so broke that the excellent mass transit system is beyond your reach?

Are the omnipresent motorbikes that can get you from A to B pronto presto (and when you are really up against it and NEED to be somewhere, you will thank your lucky stars they can shave 10 minutes off a ride jumping onto the sidewalk to get to the next Soi) ... are those 30 baht fares endangering your budget?

Is a taxi ride in some of the world's most reasonably priced (and best air-conditioned) in the world just too much for you?

No No and No. What it is .... is simple ... walking down the crowded street packed with happy Thai people enjoying THEIR country forces you to rub shoulders with them (literally)

It is not the commerce, it is not having to walk a little more slowly and in tempo with the city YOU have elected to be in ... it is you are hip deep in Thai People.

Now I look at these postings, and where are most of the whiners coming from. Correct. The Red Light districts. Amazing.

Listen to me, my soi is famous for amazing food and temple market. In one kilometer you can buy pretty much anything you need. Guess what you can NOT buy? Sex toys, Viagra, and kiddie porn. Thank you "Foreign Chicken S***" (ummm.... that is what they call you) for creating a market for porn ... and ... wait for it .. then complaining about it.

The constant frustration on TV is the steady stream of complaints about Thailand and the solution is so simple, so within your grasp ... it is lost on may of us what holds you here. I know if I walk into a room and the stink is so bad, my eyes tear up , i head for the exit, and I mean NOW.

if Thailand is so awful, if the stench of real Thai people enjoying THEIR country brings tears to your eyes ... there are so many better places for you to be ... or ARE there?? I am giving you all the benefit of the doubt you are sane, rational and solvent. If you do not like a situation, why oh why do you continue in it?

The definition of insanity is to repeat a behavior and expect a different result.

Therefore, we must allow for the possibility you are either insane, stupid, or both.

I know you tire of us "Thai Lovers" telling you to shove off and go to that utopia just around the next corner, but take a moment and answer this question, "If money were no object, would you live in the Kingdom?"

If the answer is no, unless your perfect world is Park Avenue, on your own Feadship, etc ... that place is probably within reach, and it may be better to be a little broke in that paradise than suffer the torment of being in a fantastic country and culture where each day is a blessing and have a few ducats in the bank.

Don't go away mad ... Just go away.


I'd quite like to be able to walk down the street without it being an obstacle course, and I don't really give a shit if that fits into some idea of how you think the city should look.

You can do that easy .... don't come to Thailand ... go to Paris, London, New York, Adelaide etc
Can stay in Thailand because government is removing vendors from the public sidewalk.

It is a bit rich indeed when the majority of the whiners here are most likely retired or on holiday ... and are in a hurry to get where exactly?

How much walking do you all actually do? And why? Are you so broke that the excellent mass transit system is beyond your reach?

Are the omnipresent motorbikes that can get you from A to B pronto presto (and when you are really up against it and NEED to be somewhere, you will thank your lucky stars they can shave 10 minutes off a ride jumping onto the sidewalk to get to the next Soi) ... are those 30 baht fares endangering your budget?

Is a taxi ride in some of the world's most reasonably priced (and best air-conditioned) in the world just too much for you?

No No and No. What it is .... is simple ... walking down the crowded street packed with happy Thai people enjoying THEIR country forces you to rub shoulders with them (literally)

It is not the commerce, it is not having to walk a little more slowly and in tempo with the city YOU have elected to be in ... it is you are hip deep in Thai People.

Now I look at these postings, and where are most of the whiners coming from. Correct. The Red Light districts. Amazing.

Listen to me, my soi is famous for amazing food and temple market. In one kilometer you can buy pretty much anything you need. Guess what you can NOT buy? Sex toys, Viagra, and kiddie porn. Thank you "Foreign Chicken S***" (ummm.... that is what they call you) for creating a market for porn ... and ... wait for it .. then complaining about it.

The constant frustration on TV is the steady stream of complaints about Thailand and the solution is so simple, so within your grasp ... it is lost on may of us what holds you here. I know if I walk into a room and the stink is so bad, my eyes tear up , i head for the exit, and I mean NOW.

if Thailand is so awful, if the stench of real Thai people enjoying THEIR country brings tears to your eyes ... there are so many better places for you to be ... or ARE there?? I am giving you all the benefit of the doubt you are sane, rational and solvent. If you do not like a situation, why oh why do you continue in it?

The definition of insanity is to repeat a behavior and expect a different result.

Therefore, we must allow for the possibility you are either insane, stupid, or both.

I know you tire of us "Thai Lovers" telling you to shove off and go to that utopia just around the next corner, but take a moment and answer this question, "If money were no object, would you live in the Kingdom?"

If the answer is no, unless your perfect world is Park Avenue, on your own Feadship, etc ... that place is probably within reach, and it may be better to be a little broke in that paradise than suffer the torment of being in a fantastic country and culture where each day is a blessing and have a few ducats in the bank.

Don't go away mad ... Just go away.

Your anger is being vented at the wrong people. It is the government that is removing the vendors from the sidewalks not some TV members. It just so happens that some of those TV members agree with the governments decision. You don't but that does not give you the right to insult those who do. And it is really you who are whining at the loss of sidewalk vendors rather than the other way round.
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Bangkok would be boring without the stalls and vendors.

It's boring with them. Managed to stay away from the place for 12 years and have no intention to go there again.


It is a bit rich indeed when the majority of the whiners here are most likely retired or on holiday ... and are in a hurry to get where exactly?

How much walking do you all actually do? And why? Are you so broke that the excellent mass transit system is beyond your reach?

Are the omnipresent motorbikes that can get you from A to B pronto presto (and when you are really up against it and NEED to be somewhere, you will thank your lucky stars they can shave 10 minutes off a ride jumping onto the sidewalk to get to the next Soi) ... are those 30 baht fares endangering your budget?

Is a taxi ride in some of the world's most reasonably priced (and best air-conditioned) in the world just too much for you?

No No and No. What it is .... is simple ... walking down the crowded street packed with happy Thai people enjoying THEIR country forces you to rub shoulders with them (literally)

It is not the commerce, it is not having to walk a little more slowly and in tempo with the city YOU have elected to be in ... it is you are hip deep in Thai People.

Now I look at these postings, and where are most of the whiners coming from. Correct. The Red Light districts. Amazing.

Listen to me, my soi is famous for amazing food and temple market. In one kilometer you can buy pretty much anything you need. Guess what you can NOT buy? Sex toys, Viagra, and kiddie porn. Thank you "Foreign Chicken S***" (ummm.... that is what they call you) for creating a market for porn ... and ... wait for it .. then complaining about it.

The constant frustration on TV is the steady stream of complaints about Thailand and the solution is so simple, so within your grasp ... it is lost on may of us what holds you here. I know if I walk into a room and the stink is so bad, my eyes tear up , i head for the exit, and I mean NOW.

if Thailand is so awful, if the stench of real Thai people enjoying THEIR country brings tears to your eyes ... there are so many better places for you to be ... or ARE there?? I am giving you all the benefit of the doubt you are sane, rational and solvent. If you do not like a situation, why oh why do you continue in it?

The definition of insanity is to repeat a behavior and expect a different result.

Therefore, we must allow for the possibility you are either insane, stupid, or both.

I know you tire of us "Thai Lovers" telling you to shove off and go to that utopia just around the next corner, but take a moment and answer this question, "If money were no object, would you live in the Kingdom?"

If the answer is no, unless your perfect world is Park Avenue, on your own Feadship, etc ... that place is probably within reach, and it may be better to be a little broke in that paradise than suffer the torment of being in a fantastic country and culture where each day is a blessing and have a few ducats in the bank.

Don't go away mad ... Just go away.

'... Are you so broke ...' 'Not so broke, I imagine, as you are, evidently, bone idle.

  • Like 1

Nahh. All this gives life to the city. Do we really want to see Bangkok turned into yet another bland, faceless capital city, with clean, well paved, streets, well dressed people, and starbux and KFC on every corner?

Hexackory, thinking about it ,it could be the big boys who are loosing trade wanting to force the street vendors out.

Just sounds like greed could be the motive here but I don't think it will happen on a grand scale and it would only increase robbery and crime from unemployment.


It is a bit rich indeed when the majority of the whiners here are most likely retired or on holiday ... and are in a hurry to get where exactly?

How much walking do you all actually do? And why? Are you so broke that the excellent mass transit system is beyond your reach?

Are the omnipresent motorbikes that can get you from A to B pronto presto (and when you are really up against it and NEED to be somewhere, you will thank your lucky stars they can shave 10 minutes off a ride jumping onto the sidewalk to get to the next Soi) ... are those 30 baht fares endangering your budget?

Is a taxi ride in some of the world's most reasonably priced (and best air-conditioned) in the world just too much for you?

No No and No. What it is .... is simple ... walking down the crowded street packed with happy Thai people enjoying THEIR country forces you to rub shoulders with them (literally)

It is not the commerce, it is not having to walk a little more slowly and in tempo with the city YOU have elected to be in ... it is you are hip deep in Thai People.

Now I look at these postings, and where are most of the whiners coming from. Correct. The Red Light districts. Amazing.

Listen to me, my soi is famous for amazing food and temple market. In one kilometer you can buy pretty much anything you need. Guess what you can NOT buy? Sex toys, Viagra, and kiddie porn. Thank you "Foreign Chicken S***" (ummm.... that is what they call you) for creating a market for porn ... and ... wait for it .. then complaining about it.

The constant frustration on TV is the steady stream of complaints about Thailand and the solution is so simple, so within your grasp ... it is lost on may of us what holds you here. I know if I walk into a room and the stink is so bad, my eyes tear up , i head for the exit, and I mean NOW.

if Thailand is so awful, if the stench of real Thai people enjoying THEIR country brings tears to your eyes ... there are so many better places for you to be ... or ARE there?? I am giving you all the benefit of the doubt you are sane, rational and solvent. If you do not like a situation, why oh why do you continue in it?

The definition of insanity is to repeat a behavior and expect a different result.

Therefore, we must allow for the possibility you are either insane, stupid, or both.

I know you tire of us "Thai Lovers" telling you to shove off and go to that utopia just around the next corner, but take a moment and answer this question, "If money were no object, would you live in the Kingdom?"

If the answer is no, unless your perfect world is Park Avenue, on your own Feadship, etc ... that place is probably within reach, and it may be better to be a little broke in that paradise than suffer the torment of being in a fantastic country and culture where each day is a blessing and have a few ducats in the bank.

Don't go away mad ... Just go away.

It's not about foreigners dictating what Thais must do.

I would guess a majority of Thais would like to see the markets better regulated.

I have asked lots of Thais and every single one of them gets pissed off with the overcrowding of the streets.


Nahh. All this gives life to the city. Do we really want to see Bangkok turned into yet another bland, faceless capital city, with clean, well paved, streets, well dressed people, and starbux and KFC on every corner?

They have done this to themselves, as they completely block pavements in some areas with stalls on both sides of the pavements. Worst examples are between skytrain station and Patpong Rd on Silom, and Sukhumvit from Soi 3 to way past Nana skytrain station.

I will shed no tears if they are removed from those areas.


It is a bit rich indeed when the majority of the whiners here are most likely retired or on holiday ... and are in a hurry to get where exactly?

How much walking do you all actually do? And why? Are you so broke that the excellent mass transit system is beyond your reach?

Are the omnipresent motorbikes that can get you from A to B pronto presto (and when you are really up against it and NEED to be somewhere, you will thank your lucky stars they can shave 10 minutes off a ride jumping onto the sidewalk to get to the next Soi) ... are those 30 baht fares endangering your budget?

Is a taxi ride in some of the world's most reasonably priced (and best air-conditioned) in the world just too much for you?

No No and No. What it is .... is simple ... walking down the crowded street packed with happy Thai people enjoying THEIR country forces you to rub shoulders with them (literally)

It is not the commerce, it is not having to walk a little more slowly and in tempo with the city YOU have elected to be in ... it is you are hip deep in Thai People.

Now I look at these postings, and where are most of the whiners coming from. Correct. The Red Light districts. Amazing.

Listen to me, my soi is famous for amazing food and temple market. In one kilometer you can buy pretty much anything you need. Guess what you can NOT buy? Sex toys, Viagra, and kiddie porn. Thank you "Foreign Chicken S***" (ummm.... that is what they call you) for creating a market for porn ... and ... wait for it .. then complaining about it.

The constant frustration on TV is the steady stream of complaints about Thailand and the solution is so simple, so within your grasp ... it is lost on may of us what holds you here. I know if I walk into a room and the stink is so bad, my eyes tear up , i head for the exit, and I mean NOW.

if Thailand is so awful, if the stench of real Thai people enjoying THEIR country brings tears to your eyes ... there are so many better places for you to be ... or ARE there?? I am giving you all the benefit of the doubt you are sane, rational and solvent. If you do not like a situation, why oh why do you continue in it?

The definition of insanity is to repeat a behavior and expect a different result.

Therefore, we must allow for the possibility you are either insane, stupid, or both.

I know you tire of us "Thai Lovers" telling you to shove off and go to that utopia just around the next corner, but take a moment and answer this question, "If money were no object, would you live in the Kingdom?"

If the answer is no, unless your perfect world is Park Avenue, on your own Feadship, etc ... that place is probably within reach, and it may be better to be a little broke in that paradise than suffer the torment of being in a fantastic country and culture where each day is a blessing and have a few ducats in the bank.

Don't go away mad ... Just go away.

Why should anyone have to walk in the street with the vehicles just to get somewhere ( and it doesn't matter where it is )? The blocked pavements don't just stop tourists getting around. In case you hadn't noticed, Thais use the pavements as well, and they do want to be able to use the pavements to get where they want in a reasonable time.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As usual, this discussion is soooo boring, because...

Group A: we need all the sidewalks /pavements/walkways cleaned up now, because ME/MYSELF and I don't like it!

Group B: everything has to stay dirty and congested as it is, because....culture and if you don't like it: go home!

As usual: there is no moderation, no middle- ground, no decent planning...and that is -of course- how you could also describe the plans of the government.

No dude, the government (general) is cleaning up the pavements, since some weeks.

I asked you before to mention what you don't like about the General and then you were too scared to mention anything. Now you do mention something and it is not the case. Cleaning up BKK is the plan.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Nahh. All this gives life to the city. Do we really want to see Bangkok turned into yet another bland, faceless capital city, with clean, well paved, streets, well dressed people, and starbux and KFC on every corner?

while tourists are readily found haggling over knock-off handbags, T-shirts or cut-price DVDs.

How many of them do you think come back if Bangkok turns into yet another bland, faceless capital city

These people come here because of this....

Those tourists can eat there heart out on the Jatujak weekend market.

  • Like 1

It is a bit rich indeed when the majority of the whiners here are most likely retired or on holiday ... and are in a hurry to get where exactly?

How much walking do you all actually do? And why? Are you so broke that the excellent mass transit system is beyond your reach?

Are the omnipresent motorbikes that can get you from A to B pronto presto (and when you are really up against it and NEED to be somewhere, you will thank your lucky stars they can shave 10 minutes off a ride jumping onto the sidewalk to get to the next Soi) ... are those 30 baht fares endangering your budget?

Is a taxi ride in some of the world's most reasonably priced (and best air-conditioned) in the world just too much for you?

No No and No. What it is .... is simple ... walking down the crowded street packed with happy Thai people enjoying THEIR country forces you to rub shoulders with them (literally)

It is not the commerce, it is not having to walk a little more slowly and in tempo with the city YOU have elected to be in ... it is you are hip deep in Thai People.

Now I look at these postings, and where are most of the whiners coming from. Correct. The Red Light districts. Amazing.

Listen to me, my soi is famous for amazing food and temple market. In one kilometer you can buy pretty much anything you need. Guess what you can NOT buy? Sex toys, Viagra, and kiddie porn. Thank you "Foreign Chicken S***" (ummm.... that is what they call you) for creating a market for porn ... and ... wait for it .. then complaining about it.

The constant frustration on TV is the steady stream of complaints about Thailand and the solution is so simple, so within your grasp ... it is lost on may of us what holds you here. I know if I walk into a room and the stink is so bad, my eyes tear up , i head for the exit, and I mean NOW.

if Thailand is so awful, if the stench of real Thai people enjoying THEIR country brings tears to your eyes ... there are so many better places for you to be ... or ARE there?? I am giving you all the benefit of the doubt you are sane, rational and solvent. If you do not like a situation, why oh why do you continue in it?

The definition of insanity is to repeat a behavior and expect a different result.

Therefore, we must allow for the possibility you are either insane, stupid, or both.

I know you tire of us "Thai Lovers" telling you to shove off and go to that utopia just around the next corner, but take a moment and answer this question, "If money were no object, would you live in the Kingdom?"

If the answer is no, unless your perfect world is Park Avenue, on your own Feadship, etc ... that place is probably within reach, and it may be better to be a little broke in that paradise than suffer the torment of being in a fantastic country and culture where each day is a blessing and have a few ducats in the bank.

Don't go away mad ... Just go away.

You are aware it is the Thai government that is getting rid of the stall's ?

May I ask why you object to people walking. I walk most days from Thonglor to Asoke do a few rounds in the park then walk back again.

Some people enjoy walking. Are you suggesting people shouldn't be allowed to walk on the pavements if they are not Thai ?

Get a bike or a taxi you say, you are in no hurry to get anywhere so why do you want to walk you say. You say people who are in no hurry to get anywhere should stop walking and take a taxi or the sky train to get where they are in no hurry to get too far quicker.


I must admit your point is well made and it is the government who has elected to ... for reasons I am not sure I totally get ... strip away the character of BKK. I think my venting was pointed at the constant whine that comes via TV about "changing and improving' a country they are... a guest in. Still, your point here is correct.

My point however is the tone and the constant Thai bashing and "Us verses Them" we see here constantly. No one put a gun to anyone's head and said "You must live in Thailand" and there is a point where some need to &lt;deleted&gt; and move on.

I, like you, love walking ... and will walk from Thonglor all the way to Siam Paragon, if I have nothing to do. I also enjoy walking. I do not bitch about the streets or the number of people on them. This is a metropolis ... not a quite county town.

As to the walking, what I was trying to say is, if you are in no big hurry, then what is the big deal. Enjoy the stroll, enjoy being in Bangkok. if you do not enjoy crowds and congestion, ummm ... reality check ... you elected to live in a city with 16,000,000 people constantly on the move.

If you are in a hurry, there are many easy ways to get around. That is all I meant to say.

(This is the poetic "you" ... not you specifically)

Your point is correct, and it is I who am having a problem with the idea that "progress" equals the sterilization and Americanization of "Mall to Mall, wall to wall .." with long stretches of nothing .. cultural deserts in between. And those happy well adjusted families making it and staying together?

"Gone with the whim"


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As usual, this discussion is soooo boring, because...

Group A: we need all the sidewalks /pavements/walkways cleaned up now, because ME/MYSELF and I don't like it!

Group B: everything has to stay dirty and congested as it is, because....culture and if you don't like it: go home!

As usual: there is no moderation, no middle- ground, no decent planning...and that is -of course- how you could also describe the plans of the government.

No dude, the government (general) is cleaning up the pavements, since some weeks.

I asked you before to mention what you don't like about the General and then you were too scared to mention anything. Now you do mention something and it is not the case. Cleaning up BKK is the plan.

Yes, "Dude"...and it is going from "block all sidewalks as much as you want and whenever you want" to "we ban all vendors everywhere" in just a blink!

That is what I call no moderation, no planning just blind actionism!


  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As usual, this discussion is soooo boring, because...

Group A: we need all the sidewalks /pavements/walkways cleaned up now, because ME/MYSELF and I don't like it!

Group B: everything has to stay dirty and congested as it is, because....culture and if you don't like it: go home!

As usual: there is no moderation, no middle- ground, no decent planning...and that is -of course- how you could also describe the plans of the government.

No dude, the government (general) is cleaning up the pavements, since some weeks.

I asked you before to mention what you don't like about the General and then you were too scared to mention anything. Now you do mention something and it is not the case. Cleaning up BKK is the plan.

Yes, "Dude"...and it is going from "block all sidewalks as much as you want and whenever you want" to "we ban all vendors everywhere" in just a blink!

That is what I call no moderation, no planning just blind actionism!


No that is not the plan. Read the op and you'll see relocate to designated zones or stop selling at peak hours. So some planning has been done and a middle ground offered. It is not a complete ban.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As usual, this discussion is soooo boring, because...
Group A: we need all the sidewalks /pavements/walkways cleaned up now, because ME/MYSELF and I don't like it!
Group B: everything has to stay dirty and congested as it is, because....culture and if you don't like it: go home!

As usual: there is no moderation, no middle- ground, no decent planning...and that is -of course- how you could also describe the plans of the government.

No dude, the government (general) is cleaning up the pavements, since some weeks.

I asked you before to mention what you don't like about the General and then you were too scared to mention anything. Now you do mention something and it is not the case. Cleaning up BKK is the plan.
Yes, "Dude"...and it is going from "block all sidewalks as much as you want and whenever you want" to "we ban all vendors everywhere" in just a blink!
That is what I call no moderation, no planning just blind actionism!

No that is not the plan. Read the op and you'll see relocate to designated zones or stop selling at peak hours. So some planning has been done and a middle ground offered. It is not a complete ban.

Don't mention that, it doesn't fit in his opinion that the General is very bad for Thailand. Many folks here can't stand the fact he has the biggest guns and power at the moment.

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