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cockroaches in toilet. should I worry?


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Whenever I come home, there are 4-5 cockroaches waiting for me. They do not bite or touch me so I am not too bothered personally but I'm more concerned about what my guests may think. How to get rid of them (the cockroaches, that is)? Thank you.


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Me and the Missus were staying in a Hotel I got up to go for a wee wee (Not allowed to say Piss)and there was the Mother of all cockroaches on the floor in front of the Bog . I wont lie the word Terrified wouldn't do it justice , so being as I'm a Gentleman I got the missus up and asked her to get rid of it, which she did, picked it up with a bit of bog roll.So I went in to do my wee wee picked up the roll of Bog roll the missus had put on the deck and there was another one inside AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and out the bathroom accusing the missus of negligence.

I detest them with a passion

Edited by ExPratt
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Me and the Missus were staying in a Hotel I got up to go for a wee wee (Not allowed to say Piss)and there was the Mother of all cockroaches on the floor in front of the Bog . I wont lie the word Terrified wouldn't do it justice , so being as I'm a Gentleman I got the missus up and asked her to get rid of it, which she did, picked it up with a bit of bog roll.So I went in to do my wee wee picked up the roll of Bog roll the missus had put on the deck and there was another one inside AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and out the bathroom accusing the missus of negligence.

I detest them with a passion


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Me and the Missus were staying in a Hotel I got up to go for a wee wee (Not allowed to say Piss)and there was the Mother of all cockroaches on the floor in front of the Bog . I wont lie the word Terrified wouldn't do it justice , so being as I'm a Gentleman I got the missus up and asked her to get rid of it, which she did, picked it up with a bit of bog roll.So I went in to do my wee wee picked up the roll of Bog roll the missus had put on the deck and there was another one inside AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and out the bathroom accusing the missus of negligence.

I detest them with a passion


On occasion

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I've had cockroaches in a 2 different apartment before.

the first one, I just left the bathroom light on and threw some Diatomaceous Earth in 2-3 places and almost never saw one again for the 2 months I was there.

they apparently hate the light and will stay away as much as possible, they hate DE probably 50 times more, it sticks to them and makes them die from dehydration. not sure if you can easily find DE in thailand tho, maybe the pool grade you can but I was using Food Grade that I brought in with me from Canada.

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I too hate them with a passion. Every morning as a teenager working in a bakery, we'd lift the bread tins off the floor and have hundreds scurrying about.

The sight of them scurrying about around my feet and the crunchy sound of them dying underfoot will haunt me forever.

Chaindrite does the job of killing them. Though they never seem to die quickly.

Yes they like dirty, dark places and come from drains quite often. If there is plenty of food about, they will stay and feast.


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Buy a cockroach glue box(89thb)and place it in the room and pray you don't have the German roaches than you need pest control.

From the WiKi:

For example, although it is widely known as the "German cockroach" in English-speaking countries, in Germany in turn, it is known as the Russian roach.

biggrin.png (and not true, never heard that in Germany where it is best known as 'Küchenschabe")

but more recent evidence suggests that it actually originated in Southeast Asia.


The German WiKi article is more detailed and lists the dangerous pests those creepers can transmit.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Buy a cockroach glue box(89thb)and place it in the room and pray you don't have the German roaches than you need pest control.

From the WiKi:

For example, although it is widely known as the "German cockroach" in English-speaking countries, in Germany in turn, it is known as the Russian roach.

biggrin.png (and not true, never heard that in Germany where it is best known as 'Küchenschabe")

but more recent evidence suggests that it actually originated in Southeast Asia.


The German WiKi article is more detailed and lists the dangerous pests those creepers can transmit.[/quote

Kakerlake is the common German term...

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Get some borax gel, I got some from foodland when I was living in BKK... mix it with a few drops of redbull (only a tiny bit), put your mixture in bottle tops dotted around the bathroom also in your kitchen counters/near drain openings (keep away from kids/pets). This will also kill any ants too, not straight away but after its been eaten.

Give it 1-2 weeks and they should be gone for a while, although from my experience in BKK your never going to completely get rid of them as they come up the drains. Cleaning will help as others say, but given they can live for months on a crumb of food it is not going to completely remove them. Also use a roach spray in-between counters and places they like to hide.

If your living in a condo, they may have a pest control service which might be worth asking about,


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Plenty of poisons to kill bugs and of course they are 100% safe for humans. If they weren't those nice companies wouldn't sell them.

And you can certainly trust the FDA even though they rubber stamp dangerous drugs and GMO foods, right? All those articles about them approving, without even checking the research, anything large companies sell are all viscous lies.

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Our big orange cat Mr. Bitey (the one on the right) is quite the cockroach hunter. When adopted him in off the soi, we lived in a townhouse next to a bar favored by loud-mouthed long-stay tourists. Their little kitchen must have been absolutely filthy, because we never could rid ourselves of cockroaches coming up from the floor drains. Mr. Bitey loved to chase them (the roaches, not the tourists) around our place; he'd get up early and listen for 'em coming up from the floor drain in the bathroom next to the bar, then play with them until they lost too many legs and ceased to be interesting. Never ate them -- just played with them until they started spinning in circles due to lack of legs. Most days he toyed with 8 or 10 and would thoughtfully herd them into the middle of the living room for ease of pick-up.

Poor Mr. Bitey. No more cockroach play toys when we moved across town to a high-rise condo. He spent the first three nights sitting over the floor drain in the bathroom, but no friends came to visit. Finally, he had to take up chattering at the pigeons that gather on the ledge outside the dining room window. Not nearly as much fun.

To this day, if I see a cockroach, I'm tempted to take it home for Mr. Bitey to play with for a while.

Edited by NancyL
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