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Chinese women shock travelers with bathroom strip acts

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I don't think this is a big deal . Its a woman's bathroom with a woman changing cloths I am sure she was washing up. This happens in the men's bathroom as well with men and I don't see a problem with this. You have been on a flight for 10 hours and feel like something the cat dragged in You want to freshen up.

What does this woman want the woman who is changing to go into a stall and use toilet water

The woman who feels prudish about this should get over it . Its a human body of the same sex in a same sex bathroom facility.

Grow up

You're exactly right. Before I retired I flew all over Asia attending meetings. Sometimes I would have just enough time to get to the meeting directly from the airport. I would go into the mens room at the airport, freshen up and change into my suit.The person who took the photo and spread it around definately has a problem.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh my god the human body is such a horrible, disgusting, pornographic thing that the very sight of one shocks people, even one of their own sex.

Oh I don't know.

The human body can indeed be horrible and disgusting.

I think I might be a little upset if some 250 kg Chinese guy were to end up b o l l o c k naked in the Gents if I was washing my hands.

Call me fussy if you like.......................wink.png

OK. "Fussy!" Happy now?


They are the qualiy tourists from China that TAT were looking for. Please do not upset the Chinese.


Ridiculous title as well - 'Stip act'. Changing your shirt in the bathroom - &lt;deleted&gt;. At least she is trying to stay fresh.

Maybe this Thai lady will have the good fortune to sit next to me after my 20+ hour travels. I do brush my teeth, but tend to wait till I get home before changing etc.


The new puritanism in Thailand is worrying. Some Thais really are terrified of nudity. In a country that used to have more brothels [before the junta closed them] than any other country, this is rather hypocritical. I have seen the look of shock and disgust on Thai teachers faces when I have shown them paintings by Renoir, and Botticelli [The birth of Venus]. Something must be seriously amiss here. 100 + years ago it would have been normal to see rural Thai women walk around topless.

Nuh, not 100+ years ago.

Post WW11 would be more accurate since the edict issued by the military government prescribing the required modern dress was only issued in 1941.


One thing that really pissed me off in an office toilet was coming in and seeing other staff either shaving or brushing their teeth - In a small bathroom. That is for HOME!! not the bloody office. People eating cereal at their desks are just plain idiots.


don't get it? I really do not like Chinese tourists in any way, shape or form. In fact, I'm not a great fan of Chinese people. Period. But what on Earth is wrong with changing tops in a bathroom? She might be landing in Beijing tonight where -8c is expected and just changing into warmer clothes, for example. What a crock..

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The problem with this news report is that there are many men and might i add older men reading this forum. Unless the women are really old, ugly etc they wouldn't mind. Comeon admit it which one of you were thinking show her front when you saw that picture.

I WAS , I WAS er possibly . But seriously for a mo , if she was sat in the corner with a new born latched on the photographer would of thought ' How cute '


Boob jealousy

Nose jealousy

White skin jealousy

Blond hair jealousy

Smartphone jealousy

Wealth jealousy

Gold jealousy

Car jealousy

Love jealousy

Toydog jealousy

are alive and well in Thailand.

Fixed :D

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pop down siam square any saturday afternoon and look at how the female thai teenagers dress. a lot of flesh on display.

i'm sure many western parents would not allow their teenage daughters to go out dressed in such a way.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Boob jealousy is alive and well in Thailand.

Boob jealousy

Nose jealousy

White skin jealousy

Blond hair jealousy

Smartphone jealousy

Wealth jealousy

Gold jealousy

Car jealousy

Love jealousy

Toydog jealousy

are alive and well in Thailand.

Fixed biggrin.png

This shows chinese are a superior race compared to thais.


Shocked? Not in your lifetime.

Amused? You bet. thumbsup.gif

Come on. I live in Thailand. The land where the Bathroom Cleaning Lady comes in and cleans the urinal right next to the one you're currently using while maintaining a completely blank face.

So, topless Chinese gals looking for some fun. Who am I to interfere. Take the pants off too. Maybe the Bathroom Cleaning Lady will smile too!


I'm sure the offended Thai poster would have no problem sitting in public with a finger embedded knuckle deep in a nostril as she picks out and inspects each 'surprise' that she pulls out.

Now there is something that will make me gag. 'AAAhhhhhggg!' And condoned in Thai culture. bah.gif

So, yes! Moral relativism.

The Chinese gal without a shirt on. Now that thought just leaves me with a big smile. biggrin.png


Back in 1900 that's how they dressed here, she was likely just trying to go native.

Yeah, the hypocrisy of all that 'modesty' thing has really reached heights, and when Thai women would know a thing or two about the, real, history of their country, they would realise it was a repressive code imposed to women by a medieval conservatist elite of machos and some integrist, sex perturbated, monks.

Before that, women were indeed mostly not covering their breasts in Siam, nor in bordering Laos, Cambodia, Birma, and Bali f.i., in fact in many tropical Buddhist and Hinduist countries. The concept of shame and sin about this very old, and healthy, tradition, was introduced by the spreading Islam, later Christianity in the colonised countries (but as Siam/thailand is not a Muslim nor a colonised country...)

The sin is/was not in the women's, innocent, nudity, the sin is the lust in the eyes of sex-obsessed and depraved men!

And then to hear the scandalised outcry of the many adapted moralists and rancid bigots among women, like today in this non-event, oh my Buddha!

You nailed it. The 'sin' is not the observed, but entirely in the eye's of the observer. Then you wonder why women in certain area's of the ME where Burkas. And this whole hypocrisy over the 'shame' of nakedness. Pick a non-European tropical/sub-tropical country 500 years or so back. It all changed with the advent of Western religion. Now, wear a string and you're covered, lose the string and you're an indecent nude. It's all incredibly laughable.


I agree with the Thai lady who was offended. I certainly wouldn't want to go to a toilet and find a naked bloke in there.

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This further highlights the lack of facilities at Thai airports. One should not have to fly business class to get access to shower and change facilities.

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I agree with the Thai lady who was offended. I certainly wouldn't want to go to a toilet and find a naked bloke in there.

I can think of countless times in my life where the proper (and only) place to change clothes was in the men's toilet (yeah, I'm a guy), or for women, the women's toilet. Totally and culturally acceptable in everyplace I've ever lived, and I've lived a lot of places.

I must scare the bejesus out of guys who are offended by the human body when I decide to bare my butt and walk between the locker room and the showers with the boyz free in the breeze. But then again, I was brought up in a time and place where males dressed, undressed, walked around butt naked, took communal showers and thought naught of it. Acceptable in all my schools, acceptable in the military, and for me now, at the gym - as long as I'm in the shower room labels 'Men', as far as I'm concerned, clothes are optional. I've always considered the guys who 'cover-up' or who are obviously ashamed of their own bodies to be the ones who have personal insecurities and other issues. If you acted like a priss in any of the schools I went to, you more than likely end up with a moniker such as 'nancy-boy' attached to your name.


This further highlights the lack of facilities at Thai airports. One should not have to fly business class to get access to shower and change facilities.

Paymaster -- You've actually have accurately described the problem. The lack of facilities at airports for those who are not flying "Hi-So" air.

Ever been in-transit for over 24 hours? Many of us have been. At some point you want to wash the stink off, freshening up, and maybe put on some fresh clothes to boot. But, the only place to do it that is not in full view of the public is: the restroom.

Now, a segment of society have been raised to believe the mere sight of the naked human form is a step away from unredeemable sin. Then there are the vast majority of travelers who have been in the same position, and realize that a restroom is a place to relieve yourself and to take care of functions that you probably yourself would be happy to do in privacy, but given that there is little to no privacy for economy, you do it where is will be viewed the least offensive, let's say, as compared to doing the same in the main terminal.

So what were the Chinese gals really doing? Probably trying to freshen up and put on a fresh set of cloths. I can't find any fault in that at all. They probably smell a whole lot better than some puritanical-type who festers in their own bodily fluids and filth for two days -- than let's talk about offending people -- with smell, on a crowded plane.


I am shocked that a Thai woman would be shocked by another woman

in the Ladies washroom changing her clothes. This woman must have been an

older person over 50 years old. The one taking the picture I mean.

I was in a bar called Lollipop several years ago and the dancers used to come

into the men's bathroom to put their clothes back on after a performance,

it was quite the experience. In these days and age I would be shocked

not to see someone in an airport washroom changing their clothes.

Maybe it is time for the Thai women to realize that the world around them

is changing. Too bad the picure was not a frontal one, it would have been much

more pleasant to view.

Just my old guy opinion of course.


[post-217497-0-23831600-1425411606_thumb.:Chinese lady at airport washroom.jpg]post-217497-0-87466300-1425411592_thumb. Here is my real reply, three pictures, of 1. cute lady with sign. 2. Chinese lady changing clothes,

3. Offended lady who took the picture, oops a bit old, yes!


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She could be Thai from the back, and what is it with Thailand, the prostitute capital of the world, and they moan about some tourist, why did she not confront her instead of filming her, morals are wrong there too


The The Thai women should be arrested and this paper suede for publishing this picture without the women's consent.

It is a bathroom were you can open up your suite case on the floor , get your clothes out and change.

The story should be a picture of the Chinese women pointing at the Thai sighting voyeurism. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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