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Leaving Thailand


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After the events of yesterday both I and my friend have decided to leave. We both have lives, wives, children.houses, we love dearly...But under these circumstances! we cannot live. Oh my friend is Norwegian; a country apparently very popular with Thais. I ythink the whole thing is very sad...In 20 years Bangkok will be Atlantis..Better leave then to get on with it . Th rest of you?Why are you here? <deleted>, Beaches. Money, Somewhere where you are not from....??

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I know a lot of people leaving Thailand and who has left during the past year. Not people on pension here, but really good and successful business people, who have moved their businesses, families and spending elsewhere.

Personally, my plans are to do the same during 2015. I know many people will say "Good bye, You will not be missed", to which I can only reply "No worries, I will also not miss you or anything else here!".

Besides losing millions of THB in yearly profit-tax and employee taxes from our Thai-company, I guess Thailand will not really benefit from anything else, than being happy to get rid of yet another long-term farang. But I am also sure and know, that they do not really care, which is totally fine with me.

For sure, I will never invest any more money in Thailand again. Not because I have ever lost money here, but simply because "Why invest in a place, where you are basically not welcome?"

There are loads of countries out there, happy to welcome productive skilled foreigners... no matter how big or small the investment. And since Thailand clearly believes it can do everything without foreigners, then its better just to let them at it. It relieves both parties of a lot of headache and worries.

Don't misunderstand me... There are many things I love and like about this place (The Weather, The fair prices and The fake smiles etc.). I just don't want to get in the way of Thailands ambitious progress and aim to become a developed country on Singapore level in 10-15 years time.

I really hope isolating themselves from the outside world, "happiness" and espeicially their truly amazing educational system, will bring them to their goal faster than expected... And I will not be the one to stand in their way :-)

However... Who knows? Maybe Thailand will be a better place for foreigners, when the expected Singapore-level has been reached. It should still be in my lifetime, if things go as planned. So maybe I will return later or maybe I will return, when the illusion economy and real estate market colapses. Could possiblily be a good time to buy a very cheap house here.

Edited by khunpa
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Silly and an over-reaction to ONE incident and you want to change your whole life ?, sorry but that's just absurd and suggests you should never have left your "nanny" state to start with.

Agree, that based on only one incident it would be a stupid move. However, I think in many cases (like my own) it is not just one incident, but a series of incidences, that in the end just becomes enough.

Another thing is. Many foreigners living here do not really have much choice. They can either live here or return back home on their pension. But there are also many, who have the ability to move whereever they want and will do so, without much consideration. And these people will actually be the biggest loss to Thailand, because they have the financial power to take their losses, sell their stuff here and move to a totally new place.

Thailand is always talking about "quality" tourists. I believe they could also benefit from focusing on "quality" long-term foreigners. But I think that might first come, when things gets hard here :-) When enough foreigners are pushed away, I am sure they will change their mindset and laws in relation to long-term foreigners and foreign owned businesses here.

Edited by khunpa
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While I don't live in Bangkok and have the opportunity to meet such persons, all the +/- age 30 persons I know -- either the sons/daughters of relatives or friends -- who have advanced degrees, have started businesses, develop high-tech products, work in the arts/cultural field, etc. and who routinely travel overseas either for clients, outsource, or to attend conferences etc., have the slightest intention of starting a business outside the USA.

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What happened yesterday? Please enlighten us.

Anyway, it doesn't seem like TH really depends on expat income that much. So I'm sure they won't miss any of us that decide to leave. Good luck wherever you go. I think you will absolutely find the next place to be less frustrating, but maybe not as fun.

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What happened yesterday? Please enlighten us.

Anyway, it doesn't seem like TH really depends on expat income that much. So I'm sure they won't miss any of us that decide to leave. Good luck wherever you go. I think you will absolutely find the next place to be less frustrating, but maybe not as fun.


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While I don't live in Bangkok and have the opportunity to meet such persons, all the +/- age 30 persons I know -- either the sons/daughters of relatives or friends -- who have advanced degrees, have started businesses, develop high-tech products, work in the arts/cultural field, etc. and who routinely travel overseas either for clients, outsource, or to attend conferences etc., have the slightest intention of starting a business outside the USA.

The one constant I find here is unless it's your gf or wife, Thai people don't seem that interested in making money with foreigners. Only from them. It seems like they never trust us and always have their eye on ways to screw us over. I wouldn't even say they're consciously thinking about it. But the notion that we can make money off of their people seems absurd to many.

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What happened yesterday? Please enlighten us.

Anyway, it doesn't seem like TH really depends on expat income that much. So I'm sure they won't miss any of us that decide to leave. Good luck wherever you go. I think you will absolutely find the next place to be less frustrating, but maybe not as fun.


Weird. Seems like an overreaction though. Hopefully the guy calms down tomorrow and can carry on with his life here.

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Is it time to start a 'why I'm leaving' subforum?

Not for me.

Yep, I would also prefer a "why I am coming" subforum... cause that is what I will do in 2015..

While I agree there CAN be reasons to move to another place, I read from too many people who constantly moan about things that I believe you must be able to accept when you want to live here... but then it is "up to you" whether you want to adjust to changing conditions in Thailand or not. Comparing Thailand to what is was 10y or 20y ago is just not correct, because EVERY country in the world changed during this time period, Switzerland including.

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I know a lot of people leaving Thailand and who has left during the past year. Not people on pension here, but really good and successful business people, who have moved their businesses, families and spending elsewhere.

Personally, my plans are to do the same during 2015. I know many people will say "Good bye, You will not be missed", to which I can only reply "No worries, I will also not miss you or anything else here!".

Besides losing millions of THB in yearly profit-tax and employee taxes from our Thai-company, I guess Thailand will not really benefit from anything else, than being happy to get rid of yet another long-term farang. But I am also sure and know, that they do not really care, which is totally fine with me.

For sure, I will never invest any more money in Thailand again. Not because I have ever lost money here, but simply because "Why invest in a place, where you are basically not welcome?"

There are loads of countries out there, happy to welcome productive skilled foreigners... no matter how big or small the investment. And since Thailand clearly believes it can do everything without foreigners, then its better just to let them at it. It relieves both parties of a lot of headache and worries.

Don't misunderstand me... There are many things I love and like about this place (The Weather, The fair prices and The fake smiles etc.). I just don't want to get in the way of Thailands ambitious progress and aim to become a developed country on Singapore level in 10-15 years time.

I really hope isolating themselves from the outside world, "happiness" and espeicially their truly amazing educational system, will bring them to their goal faster than expected... And I will not be the one to stand in their way :-)

However... Who knows? Maybe Thailand will be a better place for foreigners, when the expected Singapore-level has been reached. It should still be in my lifetime, if things go as planned. So maybe I will return later or maybe I will return, when the illusion economy and real estate market colapses. Could possiblily be a good time to buy a very cheap house here.

There is one thing I know for sure in what u write and that is that Thailand won't achieve the same wealth as singapore in 15 years.

They will have had 2 more coups by then.

I left, don't really think about the place at all anymore.

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Poor OP - he wasn't afforded the respect (and the obligatory sacrifice of a lamb) he felt his long, illustrious career in the West and advanced years entitled him to so he and his mate are chucking their homes, wives and colostomy bags.

With their "crybaby" attitude, it's a wonder they lasted as long as they did

Anyway, see ya; wouldn't wanna be ya

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Brian Tracy

You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.

Kahlil Gibran

Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.

William James

The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.

In short, its only a problem if you allow it to be.

Love your Qoutes Charlie !!! Lol

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I know a lot of people leaving Thailand and who has left during the past year. Not people on pension here, but really good and successful business people, who have moved their businesses, families and spending elsewhere.

Personally, my plans are to do the same during 2015. I know many people will say "Good bye, You will not be missed", to which I can only reply "No worries, I will also not miss you or anything else here!".

Besides losing millions of THB in yearly profit-tax and employee taxes from our Thai-company, I guess Thailand will not really benefit from anything else, than being happy to get rid of yet another long-term farang. But I am also sure and know, that they do not really care, which is totally fine with me.

For sure, I will never invest any more money in Thailand again. Not because I have ever lost money here, but simply because "Why invest in a place, where you are basically not welcome?"

There are loads of countries out there, happy to welcome productive skilled foreigners... no matter how big or small the investment. And since Thailand clearly believes it can do everything without foreigners, then its better just to let them at it. It relieves both parties of a lot of headache and worries.

Don't misunderstand me... There are many things I love and like about this place (The Weather, The fair prices and The fake smiles etc.). I just don't want to get in the way of Thailands ambitious progress and aim to become a developed country on Singapore level in 10-15 years time.

I really hope isolating themselves from the outside world, "happiness" and espeicially their truly amazing educational system, will bring them to their goal faster than expected... And I will not be the one to stand in their way :-)

However... Who knows? Maybe Thailand will be a better place for foreigners, when the expected Singapore-level has been reached. It should still be in my lifetime, if things go as planned. So maybe I will return later or maybe I will return, when the illusion economy and real estate market colapses. Could possiblily be a good time to buy a very cheap house here.

There is one thing I know for sure in what u write and that is that Thailand won't achieve the same wealth as singapore in 15 years.

They will have had 2 more coups by then.

I left, don't really think about the place at all anymore.

Clearly demonstrated by your continued posts on a website dedicated to expat life in Thailand!

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Poor OP - he wasn't afforded the respect (and the obligatory sacrifice of a lamb) he felt his long, illustrious career in the West and advanced years entitled him to so he and his mate are chucking their homes, wives and colostomy bags.

With their "crybaby" attitude, it's a wonder they lasted as long as they did

Anyway, see ya; wouldn't wanna be ya

Very immature comments..why bother to make such comments?

I remember a farang similar to yourself (immature) who I was sitting with on the sidewalk last week enjoying a 40 baht meal...i was enjoying our meeting until he suddenly made immature and childish comments to a gay couple holding hands that were walking past...i decided there and then to part our company.

The response was commensurate with the immaturity and puerilty of the OP's over reaction to an isolated incident.

I remember a farang much like yourself (pompous) I was standing next to at a nightclub bar. He took issue with another guy's attempt at chatting up a waitress whose number he'd apparently secured earlier. As I walked away I heard a dull thud and turned to see the pompous ass slumped against the bar with his lights banged out.

Edited by Cypress Hill
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Silly and an over-reaction to ONE incident and you want to change your whole life ?, sorry but that's just absurd and suggests you should never have left your "nanny" state to start with.

Agree, that based on only one incident it would be a stupid move. However, I think in many cases (like my own) it is not just one incident, but a series of incidences, that in the end just becomes enough.

Another thing is. Many foreigners living here do not really have much choice. They can either live here or return back home on their pension. But there are also many, who have the ability to move whereever they want and will do so, without much consideration. And these people will actually be the biggest loss to Thailand, because they have the financial power to take their losses, sell their stuff here and move to a totally new place.

Thailand is always talking about "quality" tourists. I believe they could also benefit from focusing on "quality" long-term foreigners. But I think that might first come, when things gets hard here :-) When enough foreigners are pushed away, I am sure they will change their mindset and laws in relation to long-term foreigners and foreign owned businesses here.


Are you assuming pension is government pension, as private pensions are far better, and a few of my good friends are very well of thank you,and still under 60 year old.

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