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My time in Thai prison


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Thanks for sharing your story Colin.

It's moving and also a warning for the less savvy. My brother had a Thai wife who gambled everything. He also lost a leg in a bike accident and also spent time in Thai jail. A lot more time than you. Thailand is not always the paradise it might seem to first time visitors.

After my first holiday here I told some farrang friends here "I think I'm going to buy a bar". Their response. "Don't be a stupid effin tourist". Luckily I listened to them and made some better choices but it's not always so obvious. I have a number of friends who came here, spent their life savings on a house and car etc.. and are now back in the UK with now't.
I'm glad you have someone good to care for you Colin.

All the best mate.

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Colin well done and said,you are a man that has faced his bad choices with courage and strength,your present wife recognised your strength and courage and decided you were her man,quit rightly.She can see her strength in you,and it is in her, regardless of the quest ahead of you both she will continue and between you both life will be very bareable.It is now that you have found the right person who will be there come what may,there are many just like her,but the haystack is very large and difficult to find that needle.There is many a thousand men in Thailand who, given the chance,would swap beds with you,but I know this will never be available.Good luck to you both and thank you for sharing your bad times,the good times are coming to you now,the grass is always greener on the other side.Keep the chin up pal.

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Thanks for your story Colin. Yes there are good partners and bad, what % on TV have found good ones and what % have had the ones who want all you have which is never enough. Glad to say mine has been good from the start , met her 10 years ago and doesn't ask for much, If I see something like a dress or T shirt in the market and I want to buy it she says " No need ", Sometimes she will even pay for a meal out , might not sound much and a lot of you out there get the same but soo much better than take-take-take like the wife in the uk. Thai wife better in everything.

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That is terrible that you spent time in prison for something you didn't do.

One day or ten years. There is no difference when you are an innocent person with your freedom taken away.


Never give up.

Never give in

Never surrender. ?

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I was not in prison for 1 night. If my post was read correctly you would know it was four nights.

Also comments about not a big deal ,i was lucky i was treated with respect by prisoners and guards.

Believe me when they closed the gate behind me i was scared.

1 night or 4 nights, Thai prison or western prison, it is a scary experience for anyone who has never been inside.

Furthermore, once that door is closed, the events inside are beyond your control. Anything can happen inside of a prison cell. At any time. It is scary and it is very disheartening. Unless one has spent time behind bars, they cannot understand the true feeling of the total loss of freedom and control.

Those who would downplay your experience should volunteer to go inside and report back to us. Many will talk big, few will walk inside unless they are dragged in.

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