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DSI team in Lop Buri to trace 119 million baht cheque given to a monk for children’s foundation

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DSI team in Lop Buri to trace 119 million baht cheque given to a monk for children’s foundation


BANGKOK: -- The Department of Special Investigation has despatched a team of officials to Lop Buri province on Friday to investigate a report that a wellknown monk in Kok Samrong district, Phra Khru Palad Vijarn, had received a 119 million baht cheque from Mr Supachai Srisupa-aksorn, former chairman of Klong Chan Credit Union Cooperative.

Initial police report said that the donation from Mr Supachai was meant to set up a foundation to help children but, so far, the said foundation remains unfunctional.

Pol Lt-Col SomboonSarasith, the officer in charge of special cases of the DSI, said that the team was trying to wrap up the case quickly.

Five teams have been set up to trace altogether 878 cheques illegally issued by Mr Supachai during the period from 2009 to 2012 to several people, among them Phra Dhammachayo, abbot of Wat Dhammakaya, and the temple itself in the form of donations.

In the next step, Pol Lt-Col Somboon said that the DSI would question officials of Cooperatives Auditing Department which oversees the accounting of all cooperatives, Phra Dhammachayo and other Dhammakaya monks.

15 cheques worth about 800 million baht were issued to Phra Dhammachayo.

Meanwhile Pol Col Sihanart Prayoon, secretary-general of Anti-Money Laundering Office, said that AMLO would not get involved in the criminal investigation which is the responsibility of the DSI but would focus on illegally acquired assets.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/dsi-team-in-lop-buri-to-trace-119-million-baht-cheque-given-to-a-monk-for-childrens-foundation

-- Thai PBS 2015-03-06


Guess it takes a LOT of money to setup a foundation, especially when you have no intention of really using the money to setup a foundation.

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Honest officer, the paperwork is all legit!

Nothing to see here.....since all the money has been washed through several accounts.

Monks doing things dishonest, who would have thought!

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Monkness like Thainess is a virtue. All powerful, all knowing. Cannot be corrupt. This know this. Stupid farang foreigners are the problem.

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That's the twisted Buddhism most monks are practicing and preaching now days, if you give us

enough money i.e donations, this will atone for your worldly sins, and you're assured of heavenly

after life, and the more you sin, the more you have to give... win win situation...

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Initial police report said that the donation from Mr Supachai was meant to set up a foundation to help children but, so far, the said foundation remains unfunctional."


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so the temple does not have a public bank account ?

what are the chances that one monk will just deposit the money on his account and go on a shopping spree ? it is not like this never happend before


800 million baht is a lot of money for monks who don't need money. Where did it go?

No doubt to many good causes like new luxury vehicles and deserving personal bank accounts etc.


Could be Tomorrows Headlines:

Sorry make big mistake, so many cheques, deposit in my account by mistake. Please note other cheque where I

returned 80%. Must keep 20 % to cover inconvenience. No money laundry here. Must keep small account to cash cheques and cover

minor expenses. Now account so large, I not realize this happen so quick. BMW 7 series only gift, I not buy.


Ah this fake buddhism - all show and no substance, criminals wearing orange robes, raping children and stealing from children, slapping innocent people on video - is there no end to the stupidity here

  • Like 1

The reason for so little philanthropy in SE Asia per se is that those fabulously wealthy would rather spend it on another new temple construction (read Burmese Days, for instance) to ensure a better afterlife/reincarnation. Gifting to those less fortunate simply doesn't compute. A temple is, in their view, a direct connection. Much like an ATM other than actually having to deal with a bank teller.


Thais are too tight with money to handing over huge amounts of it to insure when they

die they do not come back as a cockroach. This case, as well as the jet set monk case, is

simply out and out money laundering. And, I suspect, given the high powered people

involved, that this case will never be " solved". I noticed the jet set monk case

did the gentle Thai fade away..... So we have monks raping children, money

laundering on a massive scale, endless temples whose sole function seems to

be to make money, and what amounts to bums wondering around in orange robes

collecting food from poor people in the morning. And of course there are the famous

five precepts of Buddhism, which no one seems to follow. So I say time to

remove Buddhism from Thai culture. It was an import from India anyway..... :-)

Am curious how the money laundering part works. Does anyone actually know ?

Once the money is given to the temple, how does the clean money get back to

the elite/ general/ politician/whoever ?

Have asked myself the same question.
Black money from the drug trade or protection money comes cash in suitcases to the temple.
The temples do seem to make any accounting.
They pay no taxes and are not subjects to any tax audits.
So the leading or involved monks then also have plenty of bank accounts at different banks.
Then, when they come into the bank with sacks full of cash, nobody ask stupid questions,
because the bankers think, that the money are donations and belongs to the temple.
So they break up a big amount in smaller amounts and park them in many, many accounts.
The next step is easy and it gives a lot of variations.
For example the owners of the Black money open or buy a publicly traded company,
which can be a small mine or any other form of a company with cheap shares.
You can buy on the Stock Exchange “dead” companies complete for 2-3 million baht.
If they have complete control over such a ghost company, then the monks get the order to buy

via there banks worthless shares for a lot of money.

The owner from the black money is then a genius and has made there fortune legally in the stock market.

His money is now more white then a baby butt.

The temple is holding shares from a worthless company, but nobody ask about it.
On the statement of deposit of the bank it looks all good too.
There are many high officials who have earned on the stock market with penny stock millions and billions.
The money laundering can also be done with some cheap land, which is then sold back to the temple expensive.
  • Like 2

Generals and other elite Thais launder their money thru big monks at the temples. Nobody usually investigates the big monks.

The monks we see being busted now are on the wrong side of politics.

We are witnessing the junta & elite cutting off their political enemies.

Nobody usually investigates, but now they do. And this is bad, because.......?


Generals and other elite Thais launder their money thru big monks at the temples. Nobody usually investigates the big monks.

The monks we see being busted now are on the wrong side of politics.

We are witnessing the junta & elite cutting off their political enemies.

Nobody usually investigates, but now they do. And this is bad, because.......?

It's called doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

Typical third world, banana republic, junta payback time. Mafia wars.


Thais are too tight with money to handing over huge amounts of it to insure when they

die they do not come back as a cockroach. This case, as well as the jet set monk case, is

simply out and out money laundering. And, I suspect, given the high powered people

involved, that this case will never be " solved". I noticed the jet set monk case

did the gentle Thai fade away..... So we have monks raping children, money

laundering on a massive scale, endless temples whose sole function seems to

be to make money, and what amounts to bums wondering around in orange robes

collecting food from poor people in the morning. And of course there are the famous

five precepts of Buddhism, which no one seems to follow. So I say time to

remove Buddhism from Thai culture. It was an import from India anyway..... :-)

Am curious how the money laundering part works. Does anyone actually know ?

Once the money is given to the temple, how does the clean money get back to

the elite/ general/ politician/whoever ?

it gets back in that way , when they reborn,

they will not be reborn as a street dog,

but as an MP or Senator; :-)))


All religions are Hocus Pokus to me and many other. There is no proving and disproving their origins. What worries me about Thailand, more so with the Junta in charge, is the promotion of the 3 virtues, nationalism, monarchy and Buddhism. The classic 3 legged stool, and we all know what happens if a stool leg breaks...sure it collapses.


This is the anti-Buddhist thread, is it?

Beware dragging Thai Buddhism through the mud whilst living in Thailand its as taboo as talking about you know who.

Not really, my wife and family complain all the time about how bad the monks have become.

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