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Just an observation:

I have met a large number of my partners thai friends and family all over Thailand and one thing i always notice it there own picture on the home screen and back ground of there phone.

Last night we caught up with a group of 16 school friends and i noticed the same thing, I asked her friends why they have pictures of them selfs and not of cars, chicks, partner or kids etc. None of them could answer and just laughed it off then we went back to drinking.

Anyone else observed similar or can anyone explain.

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Their universe is very small,family friends etc...you will never see your pic on the screen of your tilak's phone.

Better tell Mrs S she is behaving in an Un-thai manner then according to TV finest Thai cultural experts .rolleyes.gif

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They have photos because they believe the whole universe revolves around themselves...

Remember that next time you fall out with someone here (not recommended)

I disagree 100%. I would not call the average Thai self centered as compared to the average westerner. Not in a million years.

Edited by Kaalle
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They just love taking pictures of themselves. Just take a look at any of their facebook pages and all day it's a constant stream of pictures of themselves doing just about anything except in the shower or on the toilet.

Most Thai's seem to be attention seekers in one way or another, something to do with an inferiority complex maybe ? Perhaps they doubt that they actually live in 'The greatest Nation on Earth' and find it a worry !

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vanity is common among many people and cultures.

of course how many aging farang's do you see in Thailand with "bad" dye jobs on their hair ?

and some even have silly and very obvious "rugs" on their bonces...I mean who are they kidding ?

chaps grow old gracefully, the dye in your grey hair is obvious, as is the beast of a thing your calling a wig on your heads


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Their universe is very small,family friends etc...you will never see your pic on the screen of your tilak's phone.

But sometimes that is a small mercy.

My wife is good friends with her.


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They have photos because they believe the whole universe revolves around themselves...

Remember that next time you fall out with someone here (not recommended)

I disagree 100%. I would not call the average Thai self centered as compared to the average westerner. Not in a million years.

For sure.

Farangs are a lot worse.

Growing up, everyday was Wan Dek for many of us.

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