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PM rebuked for punch remark

Lite Beer

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"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

No, he is not. He is a self appointed autocrat.

What planet are you living on?

He is the appointed PM and has been royally endorsed.

You might not like it - but that's irrelevant.

He was appointed head of the NCPO by himself - the top general. He then appointed the government which is 60% military -- those military officers follow the chain of command. Do you think they would reject him once he put himself forward. For all intensive purposes, he appointed himself.

The royal endorsement was a non-issue.

So what?

The doesn't change the fact he's still the current PM.

If you think royal endorsement is a non issue here then your either very naive or outside of Thailand.

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No, he is not. He is a self appointed autocrat.

What planet are you living on?

He is the appointed PM and has been royally endorsed.

You might not like it - but that's irrelevant.

He was appointed head of the NCPO by himself - the top general. He then appointed the government which is 60% military -- those military officers follow the chain of command. Do you think they would reject him once he put himself forward. For all intensive purposes, he appointed himself.

The royal endorsement was a non-issue.

So what?

The doesn't change the fact he's still the current PM.

If you think royal endorsement is a non issue here then your either very naive or outside of Thailand.

When has a leader (coup or democratically elected) put forward for endorsement not been approved? The position is outside and above politics (so I cannot really go farther - which is why I suspect you brought it into the discussion).

Yes, he is PM but it was YOU that was arguing that somehow he is was somehow not a self-appointed autocrat..... Obviously you failed to have a counter argument so it became "So what?"....

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He should do a Yingluck and run off crying.

Or a Thaksin and sue the reporter.

You really can't help it, can ya'?
Junta apologists always have to spin it and make it about Thaksin because they can't defend this splenetic behavior. I bet they'd do the same if prayuth actually physically punched the man.

He Can do no wrong in their eyes, too blinded by hate.

You don't understand. I flew to Bangkok yesterday on BA9, which encountered a fair amount of turbulence - one of the cabin attendants received some quite nasty scalds, I was told.

I suppose you are going to sit there and tell me Thaksin was not personally behind this incident, which was clearly an attempt of his to damage the tourist industry?

The usual "let's blame Thaksin for ridiculous things in the hope it obscures his conviction and all those outstanding criminal court cases" ploy.

Go on amuses. Why not list all the good and marvelous things Thaksin has done.

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's remark during his weekly TV programme on Friday night that he "would almost punch the reporter in the face"

When will "these people" learn to engage their brain before spouting off? In the Prime Minister's case, it may be explained by his military background, but is it not about time that he was given a bit of coaching by his advisors /PR people in what and what not to say when in the public eye?

Going back to pre coup days, do you remember when an arrest warrant was issued for a certain anti government politician, and the BIB could not serve the warrant because the politician was in a protestors' camp surrounded by his own armed security guards? The cop in charge threatened to don a wig and go in disguise into the camp and arrest the said politician!

The politician's reply was to offer to settle the whole dispute by having a fist fight with the police chief!!!

These kind of statements, by people who are, or would like to be in charge of the country, make Thailand an absolute laughing stock in the eyes of the world, and IMHO one of the reasons why Thailand will always be a 3rd World Country.

You seem to be unable to fathom the gravity of a country leader devoid of decorum and ordinary politicians. Politician challenging a fist fight is a dime a dozen in many countries but a leader of a country physical intimidation only happen in 3rd world country and in most dictorial countries.

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He was appointed head of the NCPO by himself - the top general. He then appointed the government which is 60% military -- those military officers follow the chain of command. Do you think they would reject him once he put himself forward. For all intensive purposes, he appointed himself.

The royal endorsement was a non-issue.

So what?

The doesn't change the fact he's still the current PM.

If you think royal endorsement is a non issue here then your either very naive or outside of Thailand.

When has a leader (coup or democratically elected) put forward for endorsement not been approved? The position is outside and above politics (so I cannot really go farther - which is why I suspect you brought it into the discussion).

Yes, he is PM but it was YOU that was arguing that somehow he is was somehow not a self-appointed autocrat..... Obviously you failed to have a counter argument so it became "So what?"....

Do you usually have problems with comprehension?

I was responding to a poster who claimed he isn't the PM. He is and has been royally endorsed as such. That makes him the legal PM regardless of how he got there, or whether you personally approve which is of no importance.

I did not argue at all about how he was appointed. "The doesn't change the fact he's still the current PM." Or do you see a counter argument in this statement?

I think you'll find royal endorsement is not something that can be taken for granted.

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He should do a Yingluck and run off crying.

Or a Thaksin and sue the reporter.

You really can't help it, can ya'?
Junta apologists always have to spin it and make it about Thaksin because they can't defend this splenetic behavior. I bet they'd do the same if prayuth actually physically punched the man.

He Can do no wrong in their eyes, too blinded by hate.

You don't understand. I flew to Bangkok yesterday on BA9, which encountered a fair amount of turbulence - one of the cabin attendants received some quite nasty scalds, I was told.

I suppose you are going to sit there and tell me Thaksin was not personally behind this incident, which was clearly an attempt of his to damage the tourist industry?

The usual "let's blame Thaksin for ridiculous things in the hope it obscures his conviction and all those outstanding criminal court cases" ploy.

Go on amuses. Why not list all the good and marvelous things Thaksin has done.

Nope, don't like him one little bit and have said so on here a fair few times. Nice try, though.

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He should do a Yingluck and run off crying.

Or a Thaksin and sue the reporter.

You really can't help it, can ya'?
Junta apologists always have to spin it and make it about Thaksin because they can't defend this splenetic behavior. I bet they'd do the same if prayuth actually physically punched the man.

He Can do no wrong in their eyes, too blinded by hate.

You don't understand. I flew to Bangkok yesterday on BA9, which encountered a fair amount of turbulence - one of the cabin attendants received some quite nasty scalds, I was told.

I suppose you are going to sit there and tell me Thaksin was not personally behind this incident, which was clearly an attempt of his to damage the tourist industry?

The usual "let's blame Thaksin for ridiculous things in the hope it obscures his conviction and all those outstanding criminal court cases" ploy.

Go on amuses. Why not list all the good and marvelous things Thaksin has done.

Nope, don't like him one little bit and have said so on here a fair few times. Nice try, though.

Oh not another of the "I don't like Thaksin but brigade.............."

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"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

No, he is not. He is a self appointed autocrat.

What planet are you living on?

He is the appointed PM and has been royally endorsed.

You might not like it - but that's irrelevant.

Cut that out. All coup leaders got royally endorsed almost like a royal tradition. Key word self appointed and that mades a world of difference to the free world.

Nonsense Eric. Thaksin was self appointed care taker when removed, but don't see you decrying that.

However he got there, Prayut still the current official legal PM.

Why the crying when it's within the constitution for Thaksin or Yingluck to be elected caretaker unlike current junta tearing up the constitution and set up their own interim constitution to be the PM. Expect a re-write for an insertion of a non elected lower house representative to be PM soon.

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Does anyone watch this guys party political broadcasts? He always looks to me like someone is pulling his strings. Anyway punching, attitude adjustment, rants and so on are all the hallmarks of a military leader and that is what he is. Not a Prime Minister but the head of country he took over by the barrel of a gun.

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He's just being honest...refreshing from a politician.

You mean, true to his character? As the head of government, he is expected to maintain a level of decorum and to conduct himself appropriately.

I think he was just having a bad day. It happens. We all snap at someone sometimes. The General doesn't have that allowance for misbehaviour as he is a senior military officer and the current head of government. He screwed up. Maybe he'll learn his lesson, or more likely than not, he will continue to slowly unravel as he discovers that being the big boss isn't what he expected it to be.

As surprised as I am, I agree with you gk.

The PM should conduct himself appropriately but as a former high ranking military man he probably did not major in diplomacy and has no time for idiots, and lets them know it.

He should be more like TS, instead of insulting the press or threatening with violence just sue them if they say something he does not want to hear or read.


And with that you believe that teaching democracy is best coming from Armed Forces personnel where it's an autocratic system they use?

This isn't an isolated incident, he's flying off the handle and has done all to easily, if he can't stand the heat, he shouldn't have barged into someone else's kitchen!! ?

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's remark during his weekly TV programme on Friday night that he "would almost punch the reporter in the face"

When will "these people" learn to engage their brain before spouting off? In the Prime Minister's case, it may be explained by his military background, but is it not about time that he was given a bit of coaching by his advisors /PR people in what and what not to say when in the public eye?

Going back to pre coup days, do you remember when an arrest warrant was issued for a certain anti government politician, and the BIB could not serve the warrant because the politician was in a protestors' camp surrounded by his own armed security guards? The cop in charge threatened to don a wig and go in disguise into the camp and arrest the said politician!

The politician's reply was to offer to settle the whole dispute by having a fist fight with the police chief!!!

These kind of statements, by people who are, or would like to be in charge of the country, make Thailand an absolute laughing stock in the eyes of the world, and IMHO one of the reasons why Thailand will always be a 3rd World Country.

You seem to be unable to fathom the gravity of a country leader devoid of decorum and ordinary politicians. Politician challenging a fist fight is a dime a dozen in many countries but a leader of a country physical intimidation only happen in 3rd world country and in most dictorial countries.

"Politician challenging a fist fight is a dime a dozen in many countries"

"physical intimidation only happen in 3rd world country and in most dictorial countries"

Is a challenge to a fist fight not physical intimidation? I don't understand the point you are trying to make?

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's remark during his weekly TV programme on Friday night that he "would almost punch the reporter in the face"

When will "these people" learn to engage their brain before spouting off? In the Prime Minister's case, it may be explained by his military background, but is it not about time that he was given a bit of coaching by his advisors /PR people in what and what not to say when in the public eye?

Going back to pre coup days, do you remember when an arrest warrant was issued for a certain anti government politician, and the BIB could not serve the warrant because the politician was in a protestors' camp surrounded by his own armed security guards? The cop in charge threatened to don a wig and go in disguise into the camp and arrest the said politician!

The politician's reply was to offer to settle the whole dispute by having a fist fight with the police chief!!!

These kind of statements, by people who are, or would like to be in charge of the country, make Thailand an absolute laughing stock in the eyes of the world, and IMHO one of the reasons why Thailand will always be a 3rd World Country.

You seem to be unable to fathom the gravity of a country leader devoid of decorum and ordinary politicians. Politician challenging a fist fight is a dime a dozen in many countries but a leader of a country physical intimidation only happen in 3rd world country and in most dictorial countries.

"Politician challenging a fist fight is a dime a dozen in many countries"

"physical intimidation only happen in 3rd world country and in most dictorial countries"

Is a challenge to a fist fight not physical intimidation? I don't understand the point you are trying to make?

Really, politicians challenge a fist fight with citizens?.... A reporter is just a citizen
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"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

Come on HiSoLow some of these reporters deserve it, and the PM is a straight forward guy he says what he see's. Good on him. Reporters in the world cause a lot of problems and conflict with some of the bull shit they report.

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.......its not the first time this reporter asked him the same question repeatedly, but several times over several days.

Sometimes these reporters are a pain in the neck, and if I were in his shoes, I would take one of my aides to the side out of view

of the camera's and Mikes, and tell him to give that reporter the business. I mean isn't this a third world country, and he's in charge

to do what any Military man of power would do in his position?......come on now....This is Thailand, we do things the old way!!!!

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.......its not the first time this reporter asked him the same question repeatedly, but several times over several days.

Sometimes these reporters are a pain in the neck, and if I were in his shoes, I would take one of my aides to the side out of view

of the camera's and Mikes, and tell him to give that reporter the business. I mean isn't this a third world country, and he's in charge

to do what any Military man of power would do in his position?......come on now....This is Thailand, we do things the old way!!!!

Sounds about right, instead of answering the questions you send a piss ant to give the man a slap as you're not man enough to do it yourself or answer the question?

I don't ever recall Stormin Normin, General Mike Jackson or even Colin Powell , David Patreus send any of their aides to give a reporter a wee bit of education!!

I think you might have seen this in Germany in the 1930's, Iraq in the 80's and 90's and Zimbabwe through the 2000's and China and North Korea since forever!!

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He is the appointed PM and has been royally endorsed.

Hmmm. Yea. I remember he told everyone that. I also remember he told everyone a lot of stuff. In fact he tells everyone pretty much everything these days. Some items just don't gel too well though.

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He's a General , when in the armed services did you ever confront or talk back to a superior officer? He's not used to being chalenged on any front as it never happened when he was serving in Thai Army but he's supposed to be leader of the country now---not the same rules.

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The article says he was rebuked? By who?

The guy that rebuked him will certainly get attitude adjustment course youd think.

I thought some of Taksins comments were out there but this guy takes the cake.

Seems as he is the head of everything there is no-one in his camp brave enough to tell him to quit his attitude adjustments shows and keep the hell away from public speaking as much as poss.

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He should do a Yingluck and run off crying.

Or a Thaksin and sue the reporter.

You really can't help it, can ya'?
Junta apologists always have to spin it and make it about Thaksin because they can't defend this splenetic behavior. I bet they'd do the same if prayuth actually physically punched the man.

He Can do no wrong in their eyes, too blinded by hate.

You don't understand. I flew to Bangkok yesterday on BA9, which encountered a fair amount of turbulence - one of the cabin attendants received some quite nasty scalds, I was told.

I suppose you are going to sit there and tell me Thaksin was not personally behind this incident, which was clearly an attempt of his to damage the tourist industry?

The usual "let's blame Thaksin for ridiculous things in the hope it obscures his conviction and all those outstanding criminal court cases" ploy.

Go on amuses. Why not list all the good and marvelous things Thaksin has done.

Nope, don't like him one little bit and have said so on here a fair few times. Nice try, though.

Oh not another of the "I don't like Thaksin but brigade.............."

But what? I don't like the chap.

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Off topic posts and replies have been removed.

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

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But what? I don't like the chap.

Your either for him or against him....

Or, The enemy of your enemy is your friend.... even if you despise him....

At least that seems to be what his simplistic view of the world is. It is also why there are so many problems in Thailand - two camps far apart and no compromise.

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"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

Yes, he is the coup leader and junta boss, GENERAL, and Prim Minister. Apparently he is also very statesmanlike as well.

According to the 2007 constitution PM's was elected, last time I checked he was not elected and thus in my eyes and that of the majority Thai's he is not the legitimate PM of this country. We will not resist him nor plot his downfall, but are waiting for him to plot his own downfall. Karma is a b...ch.

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"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

No, he is not. He is a self appointed autocrat.

What planet are you living on?

He is the appointed PM and has been royally endorsed.

You might not like it - but that's irrelevant.

He was appointed head of the NCPO by himself - the top general. He then appointed the government which is 60% military -- those military officers follow the chain of command. Do you think they would reject him once he put himself forward. For all intensive purposes, he appointed himself.

The royal endorsement was a non-issue.

So what?

The doesn't change the fact he's still the current PM.

If you think royal endorsement is a non issue here then your either very naive or outside of Thailand.

I think he is doing excellent job to unite the country. Both sides are now thinking he is not suitable for the job (I actually wrote first an idiot). United we are!

He is definitely calling himself PM, but based on the fact that he demolished the constitution there is no such thing called PM. It is just a dream world for a boy that just got into power.

This case. If he is so eager to punch someone then what does he do when there are no reports etc. kill?

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