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Just noticed my datatransfer skyrocketed on my iptv account...close inspection reveiled I have been on line for over 50 hours/day the last couple of days :D A little strange I would say


First contacted customer support by phone, but the guy didn't think being online more then 24 hours in one day was even a little bit suspicious!!! He suggested I might have a virus on my PC...right...

Day after went to my local dealer (in Pattaya), who then contacted CSLoxinfo. By that time they had noticed something rather out of the ordinary was going on...

As of now they didn't correct my usage, and I'm not really sure how the'll ever find out what my real usage is. Normally I average around 70mb/day, last few days it went up to over 250mb/day...

Supposedly the IPstar account might be affected as well, so I think it would be a good idea to check your account and see wether you're affected as well...

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On line account management has been inaccessible most of the day...

I just got in again, the usage of the last two days was correct again at 23:54 hours of usage and around 60 mb datatransfer (i have been tracking my exact usage with BMextreme bandwith monitor, only a very small discrepancy with their numbers).

Only I still have 7 days of more the 50 hours a day and over 250 mb transfer on each of those rather long days...

Wonder when and how they are going to correct this, especially as I'm getting very close to my maximum allowed monthly datatransfer! They do cut you off if you try to go over, happened already once...


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My maximum data limit has arrived and yes, they cut me off even after acknowledging they have a problem :o

Immediate call to support, they told me they weren't able to solve the problem because the engineer went on holiday!!! (do they only have one????) so they had to cut me off...

took about 10 minutes of cursing and pleading before they allowed me to get online again! They gave me an extra 200 Mb to keep me going until the engineers holiday is over....

I do have to say it's the first time I had any serious problem with them, but it sure is a weird one...

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