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Arab-Israelis not loyal to state should be beheaded, says Israel's FM


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One of the biggest internal threats Israel faces must have to be the giant sucking sound of welfare payments going into the ultra orthodox community all the while they refuse to do military service. Even the bedouions have a more celebrated military service record...

Didn't you yourself refuse to do military service in Thailand and actively take steps to avoid it?

And how much social welfare did he suck out of the country?

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He might have a point, but hanging would be more civilized.

Yeah just like that! When ISIS does it, it's barbaric. When an Israeli official says it, well he might have a point.

Go get your facts straight man!

The Israel-haters attempts at "logic" is absurd. ISIS murders innocent people for no legitimate reason. Israel's FM has suggested killing traitors and throwing enemies out of the country, which is not all that unusual in any country at war. There is a BIG difference. rolleyes.gif

I thought we were talking about the act of beheading. Anyway forget about it! I'm not an Israel hater but you seem to be a loyal Israel lover! 555

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He might have a point, but hanging would be more civilized.

Yeah just like that! When ISIS does it, it's barbaric. When an Israeli official says it, well he might have a point.

Go get your facts straight man!

The Israel-haters attempts at "logic" is absurd. ISIS murders innocent people for no legitimate reason. Israel's FM has suggested killing traitors and throwing enemies out of the country, which is not all that unusual in any country at war. There is a BIG difference. rolleyes.gif

I thought we were talking about the act of beheading. Anyway forget about it! I'm not an Israel hater but you seem to be a loyal Israel lover! 555

The people who ISIS murders are seen by them as enemies. Lieberman has suggested beheading dissenters or practitioners of free speech, not necessarily traitors.

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Stand back and let the Zionists and the radical Islamists behead each other until the Middle East is rid of them all.

Agree with that but the unfortunate part is that 1000's of innocents will be subjected to this barbaric practice. It will be past my lifetime but the west will suffer and western civilisation, as we know it, may not exist because our gutless leaders stood by and allowed this to happen. Look around us, we are being invaded by stealth.

Why is this allowed to happen? It's all about greed and corruption with the west, nothing of value, who gives a darn, oil or other valuable commodities, gee, we better go in and try and try stop it. Oops, messed up again and the killings continue because 100's of years of inbreeding has given rise to the mental instability that is present in some of these inhuman barbarians.

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Stand back and let the Zionists and the radical Islamists behead each other until the Middle East is rid of them all.

Agree with that but the unfortunate part is that 1000's of innocents will be subjected to this barbaric practice. It will be past my lifetime but the west will suffer and western civilisation, as we know it, may not exist because our gutless leaders stood by and allowed this to happen. Look around us, we are being invaded by stealth.

Why is this allowed to happen? It's all about greed and corruption with the west, nothing of value, who gives a darn, oil or other valuable commodities, gee, we better go in and try and try stop it. Oops, messed up again and the killings continue because 100's of years of inbreeding has given rise to the mental instability that is present in some of these inhuman barbarians.

I really wish there were a way to stand back and let them duke it out, keeping it local. I am uncertain local isn't everywhere now.

IMO, the statement never should have been uttered. While there is no moral equivalency between Israel and DAESH because Israel does not actually behead people and stick children's heads on pikes, Israel is consistently at the losing end of global PR and one would have to be a dumb ass to say such a thing and not consider the blow-back. However, the palpable threat being stewed in Israel has many millions of $ being pumped into "managing" the upcoming elections in a way that defeats Israel by the very tools of its own democratic processes; in this regard, I can see where the significant threat is perceived- it is a valid threat. Basically, taking the gravest threat the Right of Return poses to Israel and force multiplying that from the arab population that currently is available to work with. I am not mistaken about this and this is what Netanyahu spoke to recently regarding external money manipulating the process. I suppose its technically legal, but the threat of the right of return will be realized without the return at all if the arab population is mobilized against its own country. But this was a stupid thing to say for a statesman.

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There are so manly categories of hate expressed on this forum. What does it matter if this guy only hates Arabs who support their Arab roots over their country of residence. Happens daily on this forum.

There are plenty of American Jews who say nothing of America bashing but really get their knickers in a twist regarding bashing Israel.

My personal view has always been and will continue to be that any individual can like or dislike a category of people based upon perceived group behavior. Plenty of Russian haters on this forum of late. The Arab haters are pretty loud as a group but those that hate Israel are always segregated into one special category.

I think this guy's comments could be a reason to vote him out office but little else. If the majority of Israelis approve of his thoughts, let him stay and do what he does. I have more respect for this guy because he says what other people are only thinking.

Edited by Pakboong
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One of the biggest internal threats Israel faces must have to be the giant sucking sound of welfare payments going into the ultra orthodox community all the while they refuse to do military service. Even the bedouions have a more celebrated military service record...

Didn't you yourself refuse to do military service in Thailand and actively take steps to avoid it?

I didn't move to Thailand till I was an age where I was exempted. Happy coincidence yes that i got offered a job that expatriated me here. Never hidden that fact. Never paid anything for my exemption letter either. There are rules. I followed them.

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In response to Lieberman’s remarks, Israeli peace activist David Harel asked RT to imagine if Secretary of State John Kerry said the same thing about African-Americans or Hispanics:

“Can you imagine John Kerry making a similar statement about the Mexicans, or the Hispanics, or the Blacks in the United States. Imagine John Kerry saying publicly that you have to have their heads chopped off with an axe.”

It’s a viable question. Because if John Kerry did make such horrible statements the American people would be outraged and calling for him to resign or be fired from his job. So why does the American public continue to support Israel as an ally? Why do we tolerate such extremism from Israeli officials that we would never tolerate from our own? First, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lies to the faces of the American people and disrespects President Obama during a speech to Congress in an effort to sabotage US foreign policy initiatives seeking peace, and now the Foreign Minister is openly calling to behead people like ISIS does. It’s seriously time to cut ties with Israeli before they drag us into a campaign of extermination against Muslims.

They're allowed to say such things as they're all a bunch of children in that region in any case that should be ignored... though he does have a point. rolleyes.gif

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In response to Lieberman’s remarks, Israeli peace activist David Harel asked RT to imagine if Secretary of State John Kerry said the same thing about African-Americans or Hispanics:

“Can you imagine John Kerry making a similar statement about the Mexicans, or the Hispanics, or the Blacks in the United States. Imagine John Kerry saying publicly that you have to have their heads chopped off with an axe.”

It’s a viable question. Because if John Kerry did make such horrible statements the American people would be outraged and calling for him to resign or be fired from his job. So why does the American public continue to support Israel as an ally? Why do we tolerate such extremism from Israeli officials that we would never tolerate from our own? First, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lies to the faces of the American people and disrespects President Obama during a speech to Congress in an effort to sabotage US foreign policy initiatives seeking peace, and now the Foreign Minister is openly calling to behead people like ISIS does. It’s seriously time to cut ties with Israeli before they drag us into a campaign of extermination against Muslims.

They're allowed to say such things as they're all a bunch of children in that region in any case that should be ignored... though he does have a point. rolleyes.gif

You appear to contradict yourself. You call them all a bunch of children to be ignored, then you conclude by agreeing with him.

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He might have a point, but hanging would be more civilized.

Yeah just like that! When ISIS does it, it's barbaric. When an Israeli official says it, well he might have a point.

Go get your facts straight man!

The Israel-haters attempts at "logic" is absurd. ISIS murders innocent people for no legitimate reason. Israel's FM has suggested killing traitors and throwing enemies out of the country, which is not all that unusual in any country at war. There is a BIG difference. rolleyes.gif

Any idea how many innocent people the facist regime of Israel has killed over the last 50 years for no legitimate reason?

Very few unless you include combat situations where it is pretty much impossible not to kill some civilians. Something like half of the deaths caused by war happened to civilians all over the world, but Israel has pretty much the lowest civilian to combatant casualty ratio in history in the setting of combating terrorism.

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Very few unless you include combat situations where it is pretty much impossible not to kill some civilians. Something like half of the deaths caused by war happened to civilians all over the world, but Israel has pretty much the lowest civilian to combatant casualty ratio in history in the setting of combating terrorism.

How can you call it "war" and "in the setting of combating terrorism" at the same time? Which is it?

Massive civilian casualties were not a common part of warfare until the 19th or 20th century. There were exceptions, but to just assume a lot of civilian casualties is a new thing. In many wars, armies met on the battlefield without ever encountering civilian populations.

And there are many, many examples of terrorists being dealt with in countries right now, across the world, without civilian casualties.

I'd love to see the cites of Israel's impressively low civilian casualties. Let me guess - any man who is killed where their bomb lands is immediately deemed a terrorist?

On top of all that, it's false to compare the situation to an actual war. Israel is dropping bombs on an imprisoned sub-segment of its own population. It is not "at war"...and if it is, who is it currently at war with, and has it limited casualties to members of that group?

I guess you missed the news that Israel unilaterally vacated Gaza years ago. So to refer to dropping bombs on an imprisoned sub -segment of their population is utter nonsense.

Israel controls Gaza's land, sea and air routes. Under international law it is the occupying power and has a duty of care to its residents, same as in the West Bank.

Israel is blockading Gaza as a collective punishment for Palestinians who freely and fairly elected a government that Israel didn't like.

And talking of nonsense here comes its high priest. Gaza is not occupied, except by Hamas no matter how many times you write otherwise.

Anyway it looks like an Israeli Arab has been decapitated for real. I await an avalanche of posts concerning this from some of our esteemed members.


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He might have a point, but hanging would be more civilized.

So if someone annexed your country as their territory, and you were against that, then you believe you should, and even your family if they were like minded, be hung?
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Hey, look how quickly the goalposts moved! Apparently Steely Dan read my mind and decided to discern that I was only speaking of Gaza, and Gaza hasn't been occupied at any time in the last 50 years, and that Israel clearly hasn't killed any civilians over the course of the last 50 years in any other occupied territories, right?

You do realize that we were talking about all the civilians killed in the last 50 years, right? So why did you make such a blatantly false reply to my comment? Do you just like Red Herring diversions?

By the way, I welcome the news that Israel is no longer in control of Gaza. So I assume that it's free to form its own international government, control its own borders, issue its own passports, raise its own military, join the UN, and negotiate its own foreign treaties, right? And Israel shouldn't carry out military actions within its borders without it de facto being an act of war against a foreign government, right?

I guess you should ask Hamas as to why Gaza is subject to the restrictions it faces.

P.s Its a bit rich you talking about diversions when you engage in diversionary trolling as a reflex. For example my comment on An Al-Azhar cleric calling for the hand and foot of ISIS fighters to be chopped off was a comment confined to Sharia law, not all Muslims, not all Egyptians, but I guess you knew that full well but persisted in dishonestly misrepresenting my comments there and now persist in spilling over here with the same rubbish. Indeed your metaphor here is a non-sequitur seeing as Israel does not even have the death penalty. In sharia law death sentences are as numerous as mentions of the word Zionist from some of our esteemed members here.

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Israel commits grave, systematic violations of international law; expands beyond its borders; and seriously abuses the human rights of Palestinians terrorised by settlers acting with impunity. The evidence is irrefutable - and the theatrics of apartheid apologists can no longer hide it.

I suppose you are referring to west bank Gaza non-Israelis. But the OP is about actual Arab Israelis. No way can their situation be described as apartheid.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well it does show what lunatics are running Israel. He is clearly an anti Semite of the most murderous wanting kind.... sicko sick.gif

Anyone who holds political office and even so much as suggests anyone should be beheaded even in jest or passing should be sacked on the spot.

This is why Israel will never be part of NATO, its got far too many nutcases and many are basically just Arabs too ( Semites ) so think in the same intolerant and zealot manner.

Nice to remind the world what the FM would like to do to and thinks of its own citizens, should do wonders for sympathy and international support. facepalm.gif

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Israel commits grave, systematic violations of international law; expands beyond its borders; and seriously abuses the human rights of Palestinians terrorised by settlers acting with impunity. The evidence is irrefutable - and the theatrics of apartheid apologists can no longer hide it.

I suppose you are referring to west bank Gaza non-Israelis. But the OP is about actual Arab Israelis. No way can their situation be described as apartheid.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Israeli exstremists and non-extremists do sometimes respond to the call of their extremist leaders.

Shouldn't every single Israeli Arab and all non Ashkenazi's fear for his life after the words of MK Lieberman ?

There are just a few milion judges waiting them outside their doors...just to see if they are enough loyal to the state.

That the governement and people can judge of targetted minorities is just 'apartheid'...

Read Israeli history closely and you will see that this has been a ritual of euh self-defence and security. Domestically and internationally.

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Israel commits grave, systematic violations of international law; expands beyond its borders; and seriously abuses the human rights of Palestinians terrorised by settlers acting with impunity. The evidence is irrefutable - and the theatrics of apartheid apologists can no longer hide it.

I suppose you are referring to west bank Gaza non-Israelis. But the OP is about actual Arab Israelis. No way can their situation be described as apartheid.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If Arabs in the West Bank aren't in Israel, then why have Israelis been settling in the West Bank? Are they immigrating to a new country?

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