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Cabinet OKs civil lawsuits against Ms Yingluck Shinawatra and Boonsong Teriyaphirom


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So the law suits will continue until they finally force her to leave the country.

Anybody who considers this administration reconciliatory is ignorant.

'Reconciliatory' you mean 'forgive' witrh no further action and let them get back to the tough as fast as possible.

That's exactly what Thailand doesn't need.

On the other hand, what do you consider to be reconciliatory?

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It's doubtful that anyone in the government wants to see her jailed... it would create too much sympathy for her.

She did nothing wrong.

It was a subsidy.

It was supposed to lose money.

Don't the fools understand.

Some policy to help the poor lose money.

Bad policy. Yes.

Corruption by yingluck.


Fools and horses.

Problem is that the money did not go to the farmers

It went to friends families and off shore accounts

They would not start this process unless they have at least a little bit of evidence

Jail or run ... her two choices

The court cases will drag on for years, and in the meantime she will be out of the game politically.

Rather doubtful your comment and compassion will impress anybody.

Ask around and you'll find many Thais who are tired of all the corruption and nepotism and ready to see some action to punish those responsible.

Also relevant, there can be no doubt that Thailand needs to get more serious about respect for obeying the law and proper / fair application of the law, demand higher morals and ethics from it's leaders, demand transparency etc. Until this happens nothing much will improve. As obvious as the nose on your / my / everybody's face.

And yet clear as day cases of nepotism happen within the NLA and nothing happens......

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She did nothing wrong.

It was a subsidy.

It was supposed to lose money.

Don't the fools understand.

Some policy to help the poor lose money.

Bad policy. Yes.

Corruption by yingluck.


Fools and horses.

Like the fake government to government deal with arismans wife?

Subsidy for a new Bentley.......

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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....


Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definintive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

Oh, I can't wait for this one ! biggrin.png

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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....


Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definintive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

Oh, I can't wait for this one ! biggrin.png

I can but I won't hold my breath while I am waiting.

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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....

There are losses as in money spent incorrectly, unrealised income, etc., etc.

Government Officials (which includes PM and cabinet members) can by law be held responsible for losses as in money having spent inappropriately or for losses by sales at loss making prices.

So, shall we leave it at that or shall we continue with a few more charges for Ms. Yingluck for causing protests causing economical damage, Abhisit not giving in to protesters in 2010 causing losses, or Somchai in 2008, Thaksin in 2006.

Hi Rubl,

which law is this you are referring to?

Good question, my dear Smutty. That would be

"Administrative law matters such as judicial review are handled by the Administrative Court, which was established under The Act on Establishment of Administrative Courts and Administrative Court Procedure BE 2542 (1999). The jurisdiction of the court includes unlawful act by an administrative agency or State official (e.g., ultra vires, inconsistent with law, bad faith etc.), neglecting or unreasonable delay in official duties, wrongful act or other liability of an administrative agency, administrative contracts, mandating a person to do something or an injunction.[10]"


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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....

There are losses as in money spent incorrectly, unrealised income, etc., etc.

Government Officials (which includes PM and cabinet members) can by law be held responsible for losses as in money having spent inappropriately or for losses by sales at loss making prices.

So, shall we leave it at that or shall we continue with a few more charges for Ms. Yingluck for causing protests causing economical damage, Abhisit not giving in to protesters in 2010 causing losses, or Somchai in 2008, Thaksin in 2006.

Hi Rubl,

which law is this you are referring to?

Good question, my dear Smutty. That would be

"Administrative law matters such as judicial review are handled by the Administrative Court, which was established under The Act on Establishment of Administrative Courts and Administrative Court Procedure BE 2542 (1999). The jurisdiction of the court includes unlawful act by an administrative agency or State official (e.g., ultra vires, inconsistent with law, bad faith etc.), neglecting or unreasonable delay in official duties, wrongful act or other liability of an administrative agency, administrative contracts, mandating a person to do something or an injunction.[10]"


Thanks Rubbie, took you a long time to search for that, and i think you will agree its fairly vague as to whether the law you have quoted answers my question- not to mention any law like this where things are judged inappropriate are very much matters of opinion and therefore open to manipulation.

Was the current Govt giving a 40 bn baht 'gift' a loss? or irresponsible. Some would say yes, some no. Should they be held responsible?

Its very subjective and sticky ground when people are being punished for something deemed inappropriate by certain people.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's doubtful that anyone in the government wants to see her jailed... it would create too much sympathy for her.

She did nothing wrong.

It was a subsidy.

It was supposed to lose money.

Don't the fools understand.

Some policy to help the poor lose money.

Bad policy. Yes.

Corruption by yingluck.


Fools and horses.

Problem is that the money did not go to the farmers

It went to friends families and off shore accounts

They would not start this process unless they have at least a little bit of evidence

Jail or run ... her two choices

The court cases will drag on for years, and in the meantime she will be out of the game politically.

Rather doubtful your comment and compassion will impress anybody.

Ask around and you'll find many Thais who are tired of all the corruption and nepotism and ready to see some action to punish those responsible.

Also relevant, there can be no doubt that Thailand needs to get more serious about respect for obeying the law and proper / fair application of the law, demand higher morals and ethics from it's leaders, demand transparency etc. Until this happens nothing much will improve. As obvious as the nose on your / my / everybody's face.

And yet clear as day cases of nepotism happen within the NLA and nothing happens......

That might be because the cases of nepotism you refer to are not actually against the law in Thailand (and very similar things like it happen in the UK too).

Questionable ethics, morals, and judgment - but perfectly legal.

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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....


Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definintive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

Oh, I can't wait for this one ! biggrin.png

I can but I won't hold my breath while I am waiting.

several references to the economic costs of the 'intervention' have been posted or pointed to before...

this one from the economist is an example... http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2014/10/thailands-economy

one blurb from the article;

Paul Collier, a professor of economics at Oxford who has noted that coups “are not a cheap way of replacing a government”, calculates that the cumulative effect of a coup, tracked over several years, is to reduce incomes by 7%.

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So the law suits will continue until they finally force her to leave the country.

Anybody who considers this administration reconciliatory is ignorant.

Anybody who thinks they should be reconciliatory is an apologist for criminals.

Halloween has done us a favour here giving us an insight into the minds of the junta & yellows. This attitude is exactly why they are hated & will fail.

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Just when you think this Junta reached the limit of conflict of interest and abuse of power, it consistently takes one more step beyond the last limit. Yet, at every step towards further feudalism, it seems oblivious to the effects of its unrestrained and arbitrary exercise of power over the Thai people. But then when one possesses unaccountable power, such minor oversights can be expected.

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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....


Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definintive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

Oh, I can't wait for this one ! biggrin.png

I can but I won't hold my breath while I am waiting.

Wise decision. wink.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's doubtful that anyone in the government wants to see her jailed... it would create too much sympathy for her.

She did nothing wrong.
It was a subsidy.
It was supposed to lose money.
Don't the fools understand.
Some policy to help the poor lose money.
Bad policy. Yes.
Corruption by yingluck.
Fools and horses.

Problem is that the money did not go to the farmers

It went to friends families and off shore accounts

They would not start this process unless they have at least a little bit of evidence

Jail or run ... her two choices

The court cases will drag on for years, and in the meantime she will be out of the game politically.

Rather doubtful your comment and compassion will impress anybody.

Ask around and you'll find many Thais who are tired of all the corruption and nepotism and ready to see some action to punish those responsible.

Also relevant, there can be no doubt that Thailand needs to get more serious about respect for obeying the law and proper / fair application of the law, demand higher morals and ethics from it's leaders, demand transparency etc. Until this happens nothing much will improve. As obvious as the nose on your / my / everybody's face.

And yet clear as day cases of nepotism happen within the NLA and nothing happens......

And I agree, wrong, and they should have known better.

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Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definintive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

Oh, I can't wait for this one ! biggrin.png

I can but I won't hold my breath while I am waiting.

several references to the economic costs of the 'intervention' have been posted or pointed to before...

this one from the economist is an example... http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2014/10/thailands-economy

one blurb from the article;

Paul Collier, a professor of economics at Oxford who has noted that coups “are not a cheap way of replacing a government”, calculates that the cumulative effect of a coup, tracked over several years, is to reduce incomes by 7%.

What a pity that was not the question that I asked ikke. Possibly a bit off topic but why worry about things like that.

Perhaps you could answer the question that I asked ikke?

quote ikke

Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....


Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definintive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

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So the law suits will continue until they finally force her to leave the country.

Anybody who considers this administration reconciliatory is ignorant.

Anybody who thinks they should be reconciliatory is an apologist for criminals.

Halloween has done us a favour here giving us an insight into the minds of the junta & yellows. This attitude is exactly why they are hated & will fail.

Who are they hated by?

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Oh, I can't wait for this one ! biggrin.png

I can but I won't hold my breath while I am waiting.

several references to the economic costs of the 'intervention' have been posted or pointed to before...

this one from the economist is an example... http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2014/10/thailands-economy

one blurb from the article;

Paul Collier, a professor of economics at Oxford who has noted that coups “are not a cheap way of replacing a government”, calculates that the cumulative effect of a coup, tracked over several years, is to reduce incomes by 7%.

What a pity that was not the question that I asked ikke. Possibly a bit off topic but why worry about things like that.

Perhaps you could answer the question that I asked ikke?

quote ikke

Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....


Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definintive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

Well, I am sorry to have not been able to reply to your question satisfactorily, but that was the reference that ikke was making and many have pointed this out before. The cost of the 'intervention' has already been significant and the experts - not my claim, nor the claim of posters here, but the people who do this for a living - put the cost at around 7% of income for the entire country.

As noted, the links and references for google (some links must be found an cannot be posted) have been posted many times and you might have missed them, but please go ahead and read the article and the references in the article and you'll be pretty far down the path to understanding how much and why the coup costs Thailand money.

Interesting that you say "why worry about things like that" when it is exactly the topic of the OP - the junta authorizing action against the former PM in order to recoup losses to the country.

Except in this case (OP) the losses were due to a government policy and the costs that you don't want to worry about were due to a military 'intervention'.

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So the law suits will continue until they finally force her to leave the country.

Anybody who considers this administration reconciliatory is ignorant.

Just think one day, she might even answer the Ombudsman's question about the illegal passport her cousin the former foreign minister issued and hand delivered to her criminal fugitive brother at a time the country was facing the worst floods in living memory.

Hope cousin number 1 has a receipt for the cost of the new passport and the air fare - hate to see him charged with misusing tax payers money as well as illegal issuing of a passport to a criminal fugitive.

And what's stopping that passport being cancelled? It can happen at the stroke of a keyboard so why hasn't it been done?

I hope its not too long that the board of directors of THAi are indicted soon for their negligence in the national carrier Losing money by the hundreds of millions annually.

No problem seeing Yingluck punished for neglect if the intent it to punish all those who have been negligent with piss poor performance then also a wee look into the bomb detector scam!!

As for the poster who said the money from the rice scam is in offshore personal accounts, I'd love to see a link that has acknowledged where the missing money has been located ?

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So the law suits will continue until they finally force her to leave the country.

Anybody who considers this administration reconciliatory is ignorant.

Just think one day, she might even answer the Ombudsman's question about the illegal passport her cousin the former foreign minister issued and hand delivered to her criminal fugitive brother at a time the country was facing the worst floods in living memory.

Hope cousin number 1 has a receipt for the cost of the new passport and the air fare - hate to see him charged with misusing tax payers money as well as illegal issuing of a passport to a criminal fugitive.

And what's stopping that passport being cancelled? It can happen at the stroke of a keyboard so why hasn't it been done?

I hope its not too long that the board of directors of THAi are indicted soon for their negligence in the national carrier Losing money by the hundreds of millions annually.

No problem seeing Yingluck punished for neglect if the intent it to punish all those who have been negligent with piss poor performance then also a wee look into the bomb detector scam!!

As for the poster who said the money from the rice scam is in offshore personal accounts, I'd love to see a link that has acknowledged where the missing money has been located ?

A washing machine in Dubai ?

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So the law suits will continue until they finally force her to leave the country.

Anybody who considers this administration reconciliatory is ignorant.

Anybody who thinks they should be reconciliatory is an apologist for criminals.

Halloween has done us a favour here giving us an insight into the minds of the junta & yellows. This attitude is exactly why they are hated & will fail.

Who are they hated by?

Criminals and wrong doers hate the Junta, as previously that could get away with it

And now only the Junta can get away with it. Reducing the numbers immensely ????

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