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South Korean tourist knocked out by taxi motorcyclist

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Pattaya, Chon Buri:- A South Korean tourist was hit and knocked out by a taxi motorcyclist after he allegedly refused to pay for his fare Wednesday night, an eyewitness said.

A video clip of the unidentified tourist was posted on YouTube late Wednesday night shortly after the incident happened.

The man was seen in the clip trying to attack a man with crash helmet on. Eventually, the man with crash helmet landed a punch on the first mans mouth and nose, sending him down and apparently knocking him out.

Jongrak Thiengmak, a staff of Ann Bar on Pattaya 2 Road, said the incident happened in front of his bar late Wednesday night.

Jongrak said the South Korean man came to eat and drink at the shop Wednesday night and he became drunk and refused to pay his bill. The man abruptly left the bar at 10 pm. He owed the bar for Bt1,500.

But at 11 pm, he reappeared in front of the bar, quarrelling with a taxi motorcyclist because he refused to pay his fare for Bt200, Jongrak said.

The quarrel led to a brawl and the tourist was hit and became unconscious for about three minutes. One of his teeth also fell off and his nose was bleeding.

Jongrak said staffs of the bar helped stop the bleeding nose with ice and escorted him to his hotel. They also informed the hotel that the tourist owed the bar Bt1,500.

Jongrak said the tourist came to the shop Thursday evening and paid his bill so the bar would not press any charge against him.

Watch the video here: http://news.thaivisa.com/thaivisa-news/south-korean-tourist-knocked-out-by-taxi-motorcyclist/38442/


I only spent 5 hours in Seoul, and enjoyed it. The people were generally quite polite.

But in those 5 hours, I witnessed three very aggressive, physical confrontations, including some guy slamming a monk to the ground and kicking him in the head.


So, we are to believe that a bar in pattaya let a tourist leave without paying a 1500 baht tab? And then he returned to make trouble. OIC.

agreed, sounds a bit odd

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The moto taxi guy has been well trained, and he did not put the boots to the assailants head. Well done! The wanabe, on the other-hand, did not even keep his hands high. My guess is that he is a bully who uses his size to intimidate fellow Koreans.

Agreed ...

I hope the next time he tries to pick a fight he will remember, hands at your sides, feet together, looking at your right knee is the fighting stance suggested by .... no one ever.


Sweet punch

Only surprising thing is guy did not try to take the 200 after he knocked him out

Guess he thought the fun of knocking the guy on his butt was payment enough

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I suspect that many of these tuk tuk drivers, as well as those (trike) drivers in the Philippines, go through a tough indoctrination to get their "turf". It was the same when my brother and I had signed up as paperboys on the cold streets of New York at 0400 am. Only this is more intense. Pansy drivers are not going to get the bar routes. It might even seem that some of these drivers are undercover police, or perhaps former kickboxing enthusiasts. I would not mess with any of them, in any way, except in a life or death situation, or robbery.

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Commonly we all react and respond by way of what is read in the original post.

If what evolved and everything that transpired was by way of a guy being drunk and acting stupid and belligerent .....then he gets what he deserves.

Meantime...because this is Thailand he could very well be because he was tired of being ripped off and taken advantage of, relative to a 200 baht moto taxi driver charge and refused to pay that much.

Happens all the time while many such incidents and altercations have previously been posted on Thai Visa concerning how a tourist or tourists...drunk or sober...realizes they are been cheated and then stand their ground and refuse to pay that much ....while we all know what usually ( as in, most of the time ) happens.

90 % of the time there is more to it than we really know.

Once again...if, by way of what is posted being true ( the whole truth and nothing but the truth) ...then the guy deserves to be dealt with if he is going about drinking and eating and getting good and drunk and then turns belligerent and refuses to pay his bills ( assuming they are not grossly over padded as often happens with drunken clients being taken advantage of )


You are right, of course. It may even be that he was taken advantage of in the bar. Perhaps his bill was padded, or some bar girl stiffed him, after buying many drinks. Nobody wants to be a fool, and he may have turned into a ogre when faced with a hefty fare. But still, I would not of chosen to be aggressive, at least not right away. A good alternative would be to have the tuk tuk take him to a very nice hotel, and accompany him in to the front desk. Working it out from there. The hotel manager may mitigate, for fear of having an ugly altercation. I did that once at Napolai hotel in Udon, after a ride out of soi samphan. The tuk tuk driver did not understand my directions, and was getting angry. I just had him take me there. It all worked out well.


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So, we are to believe that a bar in pattaya let a tourist leave without paying a 1500 baht tab? And then he returned to make trouble. OIC.

And I guess by your sarcastic comment that you take the word of a drunken thug instead of the bar and taxi driver....must be, after all we all know that Pattaya is the hub of gentle, responsible and respectable tourists and ex pats.

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Was this guy victimized by another violence-prone thai, or was alcohol+attitude responsible? 'Have myself used motorbike taxis more than I'd like to admit. But I always negotiate the fare openly beforehand - not always for the amount I would've thought was fair - and have never had a problem at the other end.

But three minutes unconscious?? Not sure this level of violence is a reasonable response to a refusal to pay a 200B fare (esp. as opposed to whatever the S. Korean thought he should pay).


Was this guy victimized by another violence-prone thai, or was alcohol+attitude responsible? 'Have myself used motorbike taxis more than I'd like to admit. But I always negotiate the fare openly beforehand - not always for the amount I would've thought was fair - and have never had a problem at the other end.

But three minutes unconscious?? Not sure this level of violence is a reasonable response to a refusal to pay a 200B fare (esp. as opposed to whatever the S. Korean thought he should pay).

Check the link at the bottom of the story to watch the cctv....the Korean attacks the taxi driver with a bike helmet then kicks him several times. Do that where I came from and you're also getting knocked out.....in fact I think that goes for most places.

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Was this guy victimized by another violence-prone thai, or was alcohol+attitude responsible? 'Have myself used motorbike taxis more than I'd like to admit. But I always negotiate the fare openly beforehand - not always for the amount I would've thought was fair - and have never had a problem at the other end.

But three minutes unconscious?? Not sure this level of violence is a reasonable response to a refusal to pay a 200B fare (esp. as opposed to whatever the S. Korean thought he should pay).

It was a resonable response to a drunken attacker.

I am surprised that all the rest of the taxi riders did not kick the Korean lying on the floor. Now that would have been unreasonable.

And the Korean went and paid up next day when he was sober.


Why did the Korean completely forget that he was in a fight and stare at his right foot?

The taxi rider saw that and landed one right on the button, goodnight!!!


If you come to another country, get drunk, act like an ass and try to stiff locals on the bill, you are lucky if getting punched is all that happens.

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The korean thought he could intmidate the smaller thai man. But he was wrong 5555 That Korean pr%ck probably pulls this on at home all the time and gets away with the standover shit. Good on the thai guy and if I was there I would have called the motor bike guy over and bought him a beer. Probably waited for the korean to wake up then I would have gone overcand knocked the pr%ck out again 5555

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The woman in the yellow dress seems completely unfazed by it all, priceless reaction from her

The woman in the yellow dress has her hands full trying to keep her bike's kickstand from sliding into the storm grate to pay much attention to the prize fight going on nearby.smile.png

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