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Anyway, noise. There are already laws covering excessive noise, my NV initially failed it's MOT for making too much noise and fair enough it was. Whether the police dish out fines to owners of noisy bikes shouldn't matter, as there is no real need to make a bike so bloody noisy it irritates everyone.

On another thread someone cited HD's as the main culprit, but I am not so sure about that, we are in Khon Kaen and here it seems to be pretty random, including many small bikes.

Whilst it is cool to have nice engine note, it is really uncool to make it childishly noisy, these "Frankie Abbots" will be putting playing cards in their spokes next and whilst that is okay for young Thai guys to do all this stuff, we more mature farangs should know better and set a example.

Around the world they follow the west in almost everything we do and some of these things are not good.

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Pet hate of mine - loud exhausts - the bloke riding the bike thinks he's ultra cool - whereas everyone else thinks he's a 24 carat (DELETED)

just waiting LL2 to rock up with the old "loud pipes save lives" crock of........

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I've ridden with a large number of riders over many years who do indeed do this shit.....some also rev a dozen times before shutting down...drives me bonkers at times...and i've tried to explain that its just not needed...brings unwanted attention and is alienating for the neighbours and friends at times....but as usual its their choice and personal choices is what life is all about..

EDIT...not just limited to HD riders i might add.

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Pet hate of mine - loud exhausts - the bloke riding the bike thinks he's ultra cool - whereas everyone else thinks he's a 24 carat (DELETED)

just waiting LL2 to rock up with the old "loud pipes save lives" crock of........


The Lifan200 Cross I bought a couple of days ago has a muffler system that is, one could say, ... LOUD.


I'm not sure if it makes me feel safer, more manly/bad-ass, or just obnoxious.

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I doubt that any thai will notice that my bikes are stock and dont create noise. Usually its the opposite. So how can i "set an example" Alan?

Yes, unless you are making an almighty din, no one will notice...errr?

If you not making an almighty din, then you are setting an example...

The fat bloke (Dutchbike) with the tattoos, bandanna, beard and roll-up pictured above is a bad example...sorry mate no offence.

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My HD is too loud. It has HD pipes but they are not stock. I bought it new (DEMO) from HD like that.

I am planning some baffle rework to quieten it up a bit.

That's the ticket...

Probly won't be quiet enough for you but it's a start.

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My HD is too loud. It has HD pipes but they are not stock. I bought it new (DEMO) from HD like that.

I am planning some baffle rework to quieten it up a bit.

Well there goes your performance advantage........over the bicyclists! biggrin.png

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Pet hate of mine - loud exhausts - the bloke riding the bike thinks he's ultra cool - whereas everyone else thinks he's a 24 carat (DELETED)

just waiting LL2 to rock up with the old "loud pipes save lives" crock of........

Hate to agree butt LL2 is 100% correct a slightly louder pipe does alert other scooters you are there. My 650 Kawi stock pipe way to silent. By the way Proper what type of bike are you riding? or do you drive a car or truck & have no bike. Just asking? I ask because I have seen you on Pattaya forum but never in the bike forum since it started.

Personally I don't care for ultra loud Harleys but I do enjoy a kickass sounding throaty sound of a bike well tuned. Not a Honda 110 with the exhaust stripped out.

But I love listen to tip flight fuelly dragsters so noise not a problem for me. Since it is cheaper to get a nice 1966 Lincoln horn for my ride I will probably get one from the states from my old parts when I go home this year & install it on my ride instead of going with the 30,000 baht Acropovic full exhaust system I want.

But seriously a lot of people are numb to soft exhausts & try to drift into your bike instead of hearing the engine & knowing your there. & I know LL2 he isn't talking about an unbaffled straight pipe on a pan head or shovelhead Harley so I think you may have read into the conversation more than was written. His bike isn't loud at all!

Edited by Beardog
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Pet hate of mine - loud exhausts - the bloke riding the bike thinks he's ultra cool - whereas everyone else thinks he's a 24 carat (DELETED)

just waiting LL2 to rock up with the old "loud pipes save lives" crock of........

Hate to agree butt LL2 is 100% correct a slightly louder pipe does alert other scooters you are there. My 650 Kawi stock pipe way to silent. By the way Proper what type of bike are you riding? or do you drive a car or truck & have no bike. Just asking? I ask because I have seen you on Pattaya forum but never in the bike forum since it started.

Personally I don't care for ultra loud Harleys but I do enjoy a kickass sounding throaty sound of a bike well tuned. Not a Honda 110 with the exhaust stripped out.

But I love listen to tip flight fuelly dragsters so noise not a problem for me. Since it is cheaper to get a nice 1966 Lincoln horn for my ride I will probably get one from the states from my old parts when I go home this year & install it on my ride instead of going with the 30,000 baht Acropovic full exhaust system I want.

But seriously a lot of people are numb to soft exhausts & try to drift into your bike instead of hearing the engine & knowing your there. & I know LL2 he isn't talking about an unbaffled straight pipe on a pan head or shovelhead Harley so I think you may have read into the conversation more than was written. His bike isn't loud at all!

LL2's exhaust is actually stock, but louder and throatier than the exhausts on my bikes.

Personally, I don't like loud exhausts either but as you said, louder exhausts do draw attention which could be a good thing from a safety perspective. I know myself that whenever I hear a loud bike coming up, I look for it in the mirror which means that I was made aware of it.

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The problem with overly loud exhausts is that is a distraction and any distraction is bad for other road users. People look around at you instead of what they should be looking at, or they may be startled by the loud noise and perhaps deviate from their normal course, endangering people around them, even the guy making all the bloody noise himself.

Balance this against any slight advantage to the noisy git himself (perceived or otherwise) and you have a pretty selfish person. IMO opinion a selfish person living in a fools paradise, thinking everyone will jump out of his way and let the "big boy" through.

I agree that a distinctive exhaust note could also be a distraction, but less so, less startling and in any case where do you draw the line?

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The problem with overly loud exhausts is that is a distraction and any distraction is bad for other road users. People look around at you instead of what they should be looking at, or they may be startled by the loud noise and perhaps deviate from their normal course, endangering people around them, even the guy making all the bloody noise himself.

Balance this against any slight advantage to the noisy git himself (perceived or otherwise) and you have a pretty selfish person. IMO opinion a selfish person living in a fools paradise, thinking everyone will jump out of his way and let the "big boy" through.

I agree that a distinctive exhaust note could also be a distraction, but less so, less startling and in any case where do you draw the line?

I question if a driver who is easily startled by an overly loud exhaust thereby endangering other road users should actually be on the roads.

I agree that a rider with an overly loud exhaust is a d**k but disagree with the rest of your post.

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If loud pipes can make clowns in their cars with their music on [and bikes at times] and texting with their brain in neutral take notice of my arrival and get their attention to be aware of me..then,i'm all for loud pipes..always have been.. a lot more effective than loud clothes.....FACT!


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It could be there is a link between ones age and the decibel scale.

It would be nice draw a graph but I don't have time.

So at about 20 years we can handle 100 db but by the time we are 80 it's down to 50db. So Allan....your somewhere in your late (DELETED) then?

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Boy you guys gotta have some (DELETED) eardrums My race engines I use in cars in California scream you would be crying like babies. 4 times louder than a Harley with open headers. Harleys are a little loud but when you are using bigger bikes they usually have more sound than 150's or 250's I think some of you guys are envious that you don't have a larger ride that are complaining.If I put my Lincoln horn on the bike it will be 5 times louder than any type of exhaust. some noise is for safety. My bike is so damn quiet I have scooters all the time trying to commit suicide cause they can't hear my bike & they never look or head check before drifting in my lane. This seriously is the only country I ever heard people whine about noise. It's a machine they make noise get over it. Wantan you drive a 150? (DELETED)

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The problem with overly loud exhausts is that is a distraction and any distraction is bad for other road users. People look around at you instead of what they should be looking at, or they may be startled by the loud noise and perhaps deviate from their normal course, endangering people around them, even the guy making all the bloody noise himself.

Balance this against any slight advantage to the noisy git himself (perceived or otherwise) and you have a pretty selfish person. IMO opinion a selfish person living in a fools paradise, thinking everyone will jump out of his way and let the "big boy" through.

I agree that a distinctive exhaust note could also be a distraction, but less so, less startling and in any case where do you draw the line?

I question if a driver who is easily startled by an overly loud exhaust thereby endangering other road users should actually be on the roads.

I agree that a rider with an overly loud exhaust is a d**k but disagree with the rest of your post.

So you have never been startled or distracted by a loud engine, perhaps you are stone deaf? As to your point about those easily startled shouldn't be on the road, I agree those with a nervous disposition shouldn't be allowed on the road, but they are and who is going to ban them? TIT.

And how are these poor scooter girls supposed to hear when they on their mobile phones, with all that racket?sad.png

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My bike exhaust is loud. When I come up to a light people stare back at my bike though when they hear it. Often get smiles and thumbs ups. One older gentleman rolled his tinted Benz window to give me his approving thumb's up. If the light says over a 100 seconds I shut it off as the heat is not comfortable and even i don't want to hear it idle for a long time. I think the HD's have a different exhaust note which is quite loud. Often the riders wear ear plugs. And the 2 Strokes are very twangy and in your face for 5 city blocks. The 4 strokes that have huge fart pipes that has no power band and sounds like it's farting the whole time for 2kms. A sports bike has the sound of sex, similar to Ferrari, lambo, etc. most people like that noise.

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My bike exhaust is loud. When I come up to a light people stare back at my bike though when they hear it. Often get smiles and thumbs ups. One older gentleman rolled his tinted Benz window to give me his approving thumb's up. If the light says over a 100 seconds I shut it off as the heat is not comfortable and even i don't want to hear it idle for a long time. I think the HD's have a different exhaust note which is quite loud. Often the riders wear ear plugs. And the 2 Strokes are very twangy and in your face for 5 city blocks. The 4 strokes that have huge fart pipes that has no power band and sounds like it's farting the whole time for 2kms. A sports bike has the sound of sex, similar to Ferrari, lambo, etc. most people like that noise.

The interesting thing about 2 strokes is just how far that sound travels, in the UK we used to have a kid who had a little bike and every Saturday morning the little sod would wake everyone in the street up. One morning I decided to find him and tell him off, I was surprised to find him close to a mile away from our street and you could hear it way above the same sized lawn mower engine, used by the guy right next door.

We used to build off-road Karts (160cc) and Dune Buggies (650cc) for the corporate entertainment market and had to submit a noise report to some councils, the big issue was not how noisy the Karts were, it was how far the sound carried. Our machines all employed low rpm 4-strokes and passed easily on both counts, but our clients were advised against any mods to the silencers, or they would lose their licences. Our main competitor, the Honda Pilot was a 2-stroke and were only quite because they were heavily governed, but then suffered from running and starting issues as a result.

Most of the HD's I have heard are not unduly or startlingly noisy, especially on tickover and I am inclined to agree that the sound can quite pleasurable (though I wouldn't have one myself) and in any case riders tend to be using the low rpm torque curve, at least for city riding and that does sound cool.

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