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Threatened with death


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The OP shouldn't even have to ask someone to help him. He and his family are getting death threats and he is scared to death.

He should help himself and get out of there along with his loved ones. If he doesn't, he is going to get killed. Even worse, his wife and child too.

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Trust your instincts. You have publicized a bit of what goes on in Koh Chang.

Only been here 4 years, but spent enough time in Koh Chang to learn what goes on. People disappear, is what I have been told. Court cases are few and far between. A handful of "Families" run the island. It should all sound familiar. There were unsavory people I ran into there. Local Farang types who were wheeling and dealing...even pimping by phone. One guy took me to a crappy bar that had a very young preteen girl accepting ladies drinks from a customer, and singing with him. Two of the customers there said police had nothing to do with anything...that the families ran everything. I grabbed my pack and was on the ferry the next morning. Mostly because of what I have also seen in the Philippines. When you get targeted, it never stops. Police are not police (as we know them), but rather the "front office" of the "Family" of that area. Once you know too much about who and what is involved, it becomes time to leave. I left the Philippines...I just had that gut feeling that I knew too much. Friends were dying from lead poisoning (bullets).

If you are brave..fine...but you have a family. Get out of there. If you need a business..get one in the area where your wife can deal with the "Powers that be". Settle up and move on...to a place where you feel comfortable.

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Can you go meet with CTH in BKK if they won't come to you?

Personally I think they are the problem.

They need to stand behind their subscribers, provide some sort of evidence that you have a licence, and tell you how to deal with these thugs should they come around.

...and if you are a current subscriber and you do get a shake down, they should reimburse you...although I can see that opens the door for more scams.

That will force them to provide clear proof of your license so that this cannot happen.

I'd probably explore that route initially to try and recover my money and stop it happening again...and avoid problems.

I thought he said they weren't real cth employees?

The real issue here is the police turning their backs at the cop shop.

Ummm...thats the point.

He has nothing tangible to prove to real or fake CTH employees that he has a legal CTH contract for X amount of TV's, so he was open to abuse.

If CTH gave him something meaningful that can be displayed, displaying the dates of validity, and number of TV's covered, if anyone comes questioning his legality he can tell them to piss off.

He should never have left the premises away from the CCTV, but he thought it was just a small paperwork issue.

If he had visible proof, he could ignore them.

This never would have happened if CTH valued their Clients and provided unequivocal proof that cannot be questioned.

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Can you go meet with CTH in BKK if they won't come to you?

Personally I think they are the problem.

They need to stand behind their subscribers, provide some sort of evidence that you have a licence, and tell you how to deal with these thugs should they come around.

...and if you are a current subscriber and you do get a shake down, they should reimburse you...although I can see that opens the door for more scams.

That will force them to provide clear proof of your license so that this cannot happen.

I'd probably explore that route initially to try and recover my money and stop it happening again...and avoid problems.

I thought he said they weren't real cth employees?

The real issue here is the police turning their backs at the cop shop.

Ummm...thats the point.

He has nothing tangible to prove to real or fake CTH employees that he has a legal CTH contract for X amount of TV's, so he was open to abuse.

If CTH gave him something meaningful that can be displayed, displaying the dates of validity, and number of TV's covered, if anyone comes questioning his legality he can tell them to piss off.

He should never have left the premises away from the CCTV, but he thought it was just a small paperwork issue.

If he had visible proof, he could ignore them.

This never would have happened if CTH valued their Clients and provided unequivocal proof that cannot be questioned.

i dont think this was a "misunderstanding". bills are a civil matter, not criminal. so they had no right asking for money at all. the police should have escorted the thugs off the property.

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Can you go meet with CTH in BKK if they won't come to you?

Personally I think they are the problem.

They need to stand behind their subscribers, provide some sort of evidence that you have a licence, and tell you how to deal with these thugs should they come around.

...and if you are a current subscriber and you do get a shake down, they should reimburse you...although I can see that opens the door for more scams.

That will force them to provide clear proof of your license so that this cannot happen.

I'd probably explore that route initially to try and recover my money and stop it happening again...and avoid problems.

I thought he said they weren't real cth employees?

The real issue here is the police turning their backs at the cop shop.

Ummm...thats the point.

He has nothing tangible to prove to real or fake CTH employees that he has a legal CTH contract for X amount of TV's, so he was open to abuse.

If CTH gave him something meaningful that can be displayed, displaying the dates of validity, and number of TV's covered, if anyone comes questioning his legality he can tell them to piss off.

He should never have left the premises away from the CCTV, but he thought it was just a small paperwork issue.

If he had visible proof, he could ignore them.

This never would have happened if CTH valued their Clients and provided unequivocal proof that cannot be questioned.

i dont think this was a "misunderstanding". bills are a civil matter, not criminal. so they had no right asking for money at all. the police should have escorted the thugs off the property.

How long have you been here?

This is not a new thing. It's like a traveling circus of thugs supported by police.

Of course the police should not be helping thugs...but if you were surrounded by "20" thugs demanding money...what would you have done?

Stood there and said "...this is civil matter, you have no right asking for money from me...".

Good luck with that. Let us know how it goes.

You are completely missing the point, or fail to understand Thailand.

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Can you go meet with CTH in BKK if they won't come to you?

Personally I think they are the problem.

They need to stand behind their subscribers, provide some sort of evidence that you have a licence, and tell you how to deal with these thugs should they come around.

...and if you are a current subscriber and you do get a shake down, they should reimburse you...although I can see that opens the door for more scams.

That will force them to provide clear proof of your license so that this cannot happen.

I'd probably explore that route initially to try and recover my money and stop it happening again...and avoid problems.

I thought he said they weren't real cth employees?

The real issue here is the police turning their backs at the cop shop.

Ummm...thats the point.

He has nothing tangible to prove to real or fake CTH employees that he has a legal CTH contract for X amount of TV's, so he was open to abuse.

If CTH gave him something meaningful that can be displayed, displaying the dates of validity, and number of TV's covered, if anyone comes questioning his legality he can tell them to piss off.

He should never have left the premises away from the CCTV, but he thought it was just a small paperwork issue.

If he had visible proof, he could ignore them.

This never would have happened if CTH valued their Clients and provided unequivocal proof that cannot be questioned.

i dont think this was a "misunderstanding". bills are a civil matter, not criminal. so they had no right asking for money at all. the police should have escorted the thugs off the property.

How long have you been here?

This is not a new thing. It's like a traveling circus of thugs supported by police.

Of course the police should not be helping thugs...but if you were surrounded by "20" thugs demanding money...what would you have done?

Stood there and said "...this is civil matter, you have no right asking for money from me...".

Good luck with that. Let us know how it goes.

You are completely missing the point, or fail to understand Thailand.

i would ask the police to escort them off the property. if not, i would pay or do what i had to do to keep my family safe, then move.

your the one missing the point with your babbling about displaying visible proof from CTH or how they must "value their clients". maybe you can do a commercial for them you fucso.

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Lesson learned. Don't invest in a business or property in Thailand. Money invested = gone.

Still flogging that old barstool pearl of wisdom eh? Apart from being completely untrue for property not really helping the OP is it?

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Other than boycott Koh Chang, which I'm happy to do, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to help the OP. As others have said, time to get the hell off that island. We saw similar claims as the Koh Tao saga unravelled - RTP on an island where they could work hand in glove with criminals to extort as much money as possible from business owners. I wish the OP all the best.

For some reason, all of the islands in Thailand seem to be relatively lawless. The police are fabulously ineffective, the traffic safety laws are ignored, the taxi and jet ski mafias run rampant, none of the no smoking laws are enforced, and serial killers are not pursued, due to money and influence. Why is that?

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The Art of War, dont fight a battle you cant win.

And that is it in a nutshell.

There are simply times when you have to walk away. You've lost, but not as much as you lose if you stay.

If he's already paid then isn't he good for another year or however often they come around to extort money ?

That's plenty of time to sell the business to the next sucker.

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Has a formal complaint been lodged with the Police about this alleged KIDNAPPING, ASSAULT & ROBBERY ?

What help are you expecting to receive from a forum?

He has the feeling that there are people on here that actually give a damn, and he is right, there are plenty, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, there's a new one for you (perhaps)

I agree with an earlier poster, stop the business if you can. It's not worth it.

It's all about health, not money, leave the business behind if you can.

Less is more

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Has a formal complaint been lodged with the Police about this alleged KIDNAPPING, ASSAULT & ROBBERY ?

What help are you expecting to receive from a forum?

Is there an unlike button? Not for the poster, but for the perceived ULTRA coldness of the last sentence, intended or not.

I realize the poster will say he is giving good advice, and perhaps he is, and I am deluded.

"What help are you expecting to receive from a forum?" WOW............Gosh sir, I don't think the poor man has time to reply to that sort of question, seeing as though is he is dire straights. DId you expect an answer from him?


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Pack up and Move for you and your family's safety...

Yes that has obviously crossed my mind..... but my main income source is my restaurant based here (I leave - who runs that?), I just built a house here (what happens to that?)...my life and friends are here...Of course the safety of my family is paramount but it`s just not as simple as `packing up and moving`

I would, but that's just me. Your family and health trump the house and the business. Get away, and deal with selling the house and business from arms length. Take a cue from Andrew Drummond and vote with your feet.

Sir, please consider it..strongly..

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If no one n the island is willing to help you then I would not stay on the island

If they get away with it once, they will do it again and again

The business is not worth putting your families and your own security and happiness at risk

Sell the business and leave

I hate to say it, but better a live "coward" than a dead hero. I know you aren't a coward, far from it.. but consider becoming an actor, and quickly. You know how to play the part, fake it.

No one likes being told what to do, but many are suggesting the same thing.

God Bless you and your family

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Pack up and Move for you and your family's safety...

Yes that has obviously crossed my mind..... but my main income source is my restaurant based here (I leave - who runs that?), I just built a house here (what happens to that?)...my life and friends are here...Of course the safety of my family is paramount but it`s just not as simple as `packing up and moving`

I am afraid that (at least in the short-term) it is exactly that simple.

Get away NOW and take stock.

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For some reason, all of the islands in Thailand seem to be relatively lawless. The police are fabulously ineffective, the traffic safety laws are ignored, the taxi and jet ski mafias run rampant, none of the no smoking laws are enforced, and serial killers are not pursued, due to money and influence. Why is that?

Yes, the islands do indeed seem to be Thailand's wild west.

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The Art of War, dont fight a battle you cant win.

And that is it in a nutshell.

There are simply times when you have to walk away. You've lost, but not as much as you lose if you stay.

If he's already paid then isn't he good for another year or however often they come around to extort money ?

That's plenty of time to sell the business to the next sucker.


Not so. They have been known to return the following week, as some other "authority," and demand money for something else.

One time an Italian guy who had a pizza place on the beach in Khlong Prao, had them come back three weeks in a row. The final time they found some fruit juices in the Coke fridge, said it was illegal, and demanded 10,000 baht.

The reason he paid it was because a cop, named Tiger (who everyone there knows) told him if he didn't, the restaurant wouldn't be there the next day. Like the OP, he too had a wife and newborn. He'd already paid out 30 or 40 thousand in the past couple of weeks, had had enough, told Tiger no, and he and his family left for Survanaphum the next morning.

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I knew a guy who ran a bar on one of the islands. One day a gang of thugs turned up and told him he and his gf had 10 mins to pack their things and get out.

It really is the wild west on some of these islands.

Sorry to hear your story OP. I don't think you can win by staying put. Sounds like they will keep coming back till they have sucked you dry. Good luck.

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