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NLA passes law increasing salaries of law enforcement personnel


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NLA passes law increasing salaries of law Enforcement personnel

BANGKOK, 19 March 2015 (NNT) - The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has passed the National Police Act, which adjusts the salaries of law enforcement personnel in line with the living condition of the present time.

The NLA voted 168 to 0 to pass the law, with 17 abstentions.

The law seeks to adjust the salaries of law enforcement officers, taking into consideration the present standard of living, the rising cost of living, the state’s financial capabilities, and salary discrepancies between civil servants groups, among other factors.

-- NNT 2015-03-19 footer_n.gif

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No data.
What percentage are the salaries increasing?
What about absolute numbers?
How much gets a sergeant before / after?

How much millions/billions in total for the state budget?
How many state employees receive the increase?
Who? (also the people on inaktive posts)?

Edited by tomacht8
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If wages are raised to a reasonable level in conjunction with an effective crackdown on corruption, then this is a good idea.

If wages are increased and the police are allowed to maintain all the usual corrupt practices, then this only makes sense as a bribe to keep the people with guns on-side.

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No data.

What percentage are the salaries increasing?

What about absolute numbers?

How much gets a sergeant before / after?

How much millions/billions in total for the state budget?

How many state employees receive the increase?


Who? (also the people on inaktive posts)?

You ask sooooo many questions - what do you do for a living? are you a policeman?

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It's a necessary prelude to trying to curb police corruption.

Once the salaries are raised, whether it will be followed by any serious effort to curb police corruption is different question.

The government did the same thing with taxi fares recently -- allowed fare rates to rise, even in a time of lower fuel prices, on the PROMISE that service and driver behavior would improve.

Yes, the fares have increased already. But still waiting to see if there's any meaningful improvement in service levels. Same kind of issue with police/salaries and corruption.

They always tend to do the easy part first... But then the hard part...well.... that never really seems to happen.

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If wages are raised to a reasonable level in conjunction with an effective crackdown on corruption, then this is a good idea.

If wages are increased and the police are allowed to maintain all the usual corrupt practices, then this only makes sense as a bribe to keep the people with guns on-side.

You don't stop having your fingers in pies and being corrupt just because you get a raise, it's ingrained into their psyche, why do they do it? Because they can.

For the armed blagger, it's not always about the "take or the score" it's about the feeling of power and control he has over others whilst doing it !!!

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A very good decision NLA.

Very overdue and very necessary.

Not that it will change much in the attitude of our dearest police force, but it's a step forward to provide better means of living to them.

Now, I hope they get out and do the job, they have chosen to do, a little better than before.

And I can keep dreaming.......................

They are doing the job they've chosen to do, it just differs a little from what the rest of us expect them to do.

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It's a good start. While many take bribes because they're greedy, a lot do it because they don't make enough to survive. Hopefully this is a first step to killing corruption in the BIBs.

I guess the chance that it will snow in Pattaya is bigger than that corruption will stop.

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It's a good start. While many take bribes because they're greedy, a lot do it because they don't make enough to survive. Hopefully this is a first step to killing corruption in the BIBs.

I guess the chance that it will snow in Pattaya is bigger than that corruption will stop.

It'll take years before corruption will stop here but it's a step in the right direction.

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Not sure of my history here, but I'll have go for fun.

I'm not American, but I am sure a few of you remember this and can fix the mistakes.

Many years ago, in new York.

It was known that in one precinct, the entire force was corrupt. Young cops coming from the academy were forced to follow the corruption of their peers or face serious consequences. Bobby Kennedy had all the major corrupters, prosecuted. They then sacked the entire police force for that unit. Then hired a whole new force straight from the academy. They raised all the salaries to a level that matched the prestige of the job. They gave one half of all money's collected from drug busts and other profitable crime to the police fund. From that , all police and their families were compensated for injuries on the job. Aside from a few bad eggs. The police force in America is strong, honest and reliable.

The Thai police die everyday, on the job. They must be compensated fairly. In my country, a policeman is a very highly paid job. Increased pay is a small step towards stopping corruption. There needs to be much much more done to increase the prestige that this job deserves.

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Corruption is endemic here and although an increase in salary may help some of the BIB toe the line it's a stretch to think it will stop the majority of corruption. Greed is greed and all too common, how many times has it been said that someone is so rich they don't need to be corrupt yet they are ?

With institutionalised corruption so much more than increased salary is needed starting with not protecting offenders and having them face the full force of the law as a deterrent. Unfortunately so many here are involved in corruption that they are reluctant to apply the law properly as one day they might need to be looked after too.

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It's a good start. While many take bribes because they're greedy, a lot do it because they don't make enough to survive. Hopefully this is a first step to killing corruption in the BIBs.

that will depend on the salary increase and if its high enough to make it worth having over corruption and an accompanying zero tolerance policy on corruption within the force, no exceptions and enforced.

I fully expect the first to be minor or token and zero tolerance to not even appear on the radar.

I wait to be proved wrong

Edited by englishoak
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No data.

What percentage are the salaries increasing?

What about absolute numbers?

How much gets a sergeant before / after?

How much millions/billions in total for the state budget?

How many state employees receive the increase?


Who? (also the people on inaktive posts)?

Oh yooo tink too mut....

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There is a new breed of police officer coming out of the Thai police academy, I've taught some of them. They fully understand what happens in the police force now and dislike it.. if there was change at a department level I'm sure that 5 to 10 years from now things would be better!

It's up to the current upper management. The academy seems to be doing their job!

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No data.

What percentage are the salaries increasing?

What about absolute numbers?

How much gets a sergeant before / after?

How much millions/billions in total for the state budget?

How many state employees receive the increase?


Who? (also the people on inaktive posts)?

Do you feel you have a right to know how much they earn, and what is the pay rise?

Just be pleased that they don't need to raise the 'tea money' fees. Quite frankly, its none our business, unless you are Thai....

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  • 2 weeks later...

No data.

What percentage are the salaries increasing?

What about absolute numbers?

How much gets a sergeant before / after?

How much millions/billions in total for the state budget?

How many state employees receive the increase?


Who? (also the people on inaktive posts)?

You ask sooooo many questions - what do you do for a living? are you a policeman?

Farang ask too many question.
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Very good!

The first step is stopping police corruption and their need for "tea money" is to pay them a decent wage.

When law enforcement is paid a decent living wage and provided some benefits, it is not worth the risk of losing their jobs for collecting tea money.

When I was a child in the states, it was common for people to keep a $50 bill behind their driver's licence...pulled over, hand the licence to the cop, licence returned without the money...no violation issued.

Since law enforcement in the states get paid well have good retirement and medical benefits..this does not happen any more.

Offer a bribe to a LEO in America now, and you will probably be arrested for the offer!

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