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Foreign Tourists Allegedly Dumped on Tollway by Thai Taxi

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Foreign Tourists Allegedly Dumped on Tollway by Thai Taxi

By Khaosod Eng.

BANGKOK — The Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) says it is investigating a claim that a taxi driver stranded a family of foreign tourists on a highway in Bangkok.

The allegation surfaced after a Facebook user named Surachai Hiranpraditthakul posted a photo that purported to show a foreign couple and toddler being forced to get out of a cab on the expressway because their taxi driver took a wrong turn.

According to Surachai, the family hailed the cab from Suvarnabhumi Airport and asked to go to Rama IX Road, but the driver missed the exit on the expressway and did not want to look for another U-Turn, so he simply forced the passengers to get out.

"Aren't Thai taxis bastards?" Surachai wrote, "A driver kicked foreigners out on the tollway. Friends, don't only read this post. You can freely curse the [driver]."

Read More: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1426856475

-- Khaosod English 2015-03-20

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This has happened to me as well.... kicked out because the guy was totally lost, and after 20 minutes of humoring him & wasting time I insisted we follow the directions on the map. The same directions which had gotten me there just fine many times before.

He even threatened to call the police, to explain he got lost and was now having a cry. Who knows.

I got out, also on the highway, didn't pay, left the door open.

Had enough of some loser's mental meltdown for one day.

This poor family probably had the same sort of thing happen to them.

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I generally have pretty good luck with Taxi's, but I don't mess with them if they don't want to go to a certain destination. I just get another one. A number of years ago, however, my elderly parents were visiting and we took a taxi to a popular tourist destination. About 1/2 way there the traffic was bad and the taxi driver just told us to 'get out' as he decided he didn't want to go there. It was a rather unpleasant experience.

Recently, I had one that 'decided' he had a low tire and didn't want to take me to my destination after we were enroute. He was a lot nicer, however, as he flagged down another taxi for me and didn't charge me for the distance that we had gone.

Leaving anyone on the expressway is pretty unforgivable, but parents with a child and luggage should result in legal prosecution.

In 2002, I caught a cab in Bangkok to take me to Bang Bua Thong in Nontaburi Privince. I had made that trip many times before and it is about 24 km. I always tip 200 Baht for that far out. Well, this one driver began complaining that we were going too far and eventually, about 2 km short of my destination, he pulled over to the side of the road and said he wasn't going farther. I told him, in no uncertain terms, that he WOULD take me the rest of the way or he would get no pay at all (I didn't relish walking 2 km late at night). We had a two-minute stand-off, glaring at each other, before he grudgingly finished the trip. I tipped him as if he hadn't been an ass. A contract is a contract and he knew the distance before he agreed. I write it off to laziness. Don't mess with Texas!

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My guess is there was some argument regarding that he turn off the meter so as not to inflate the fare due to his error of missing the freeway exit. Him no like. "You no like, you get out!" And they did.

But I wonder how they moved on from there. And who took that picture.

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Had a funny squabble with a Bangkok cabbie who wouldn't take a tip, turned out he was from the next village over from mine in Issan, tried to undercharge me! Another one decided I needed a shower and a relax after a long flight and took me to his house where his wife had prepared lunch too. Another lovely old boy who lectured me all the way to Rayong once about the dangers of Thai ladies.

Never found any unfriendly, although some did have exciting driving techniques.

So, everyone's just a cynical <deleted> and you are the real thang! What substances are you on dude?!!!

MJP sounds like a tourist, in love, or both.

The fact is several of the drivers are decent and get you from A to B without a story. However, there are also quite a few who are jerks. I could fill a novel with odd drivers, their disgusting habits, and baht pinching (or extending) ways. My wife and our baby were asked to leave a taxi because he was stuck in traffic. My wife, being Thai, didn't argue, but was upset. I mention this because it's not only foreigners who get the boot from taxis.

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story does not make much sense with the taxi making no money on the trip. missing the turnoff just increases the fare.

unless they paid anyway or beforehand for some strange reason.

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I was once in a taxi that broke down on the expressway.....and I had to get out lol..........worse still the driver asked me to push the taxi to the edge of the road...... Cars screeching their brakes and weaving around us.......nowhere to run.....truely petrifying 5555555

Needless to say, it wasn't a ride I have fond memory of.

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