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Foreign Tourists Allegedly Dumped on Tollway by Thai Taxi

Lite Beer

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Great press !!! Lets hope it goes international so changes might happen.

Why do farang think badly of Thailand ... This is the answer. Too much disrespect coming from Thais toward farang. This guy should never drive again and get some jail time and fine.

Maybe so, but too many visitors are disrespectful and condescending to Thais. I admit to that sin. I am more patient now than 10 years ago . The whole world has lost much of its politeness. Everyone one of us is witness to improper behaviour from Thais and non Thais alike.

In respect to this thread, I hope more news will be forthcoming as we are missing important pertinent facts.

Have you ever been travelling with a kid, for hours on end, getting off a plane, getting a taxi, the kid in tow and being patient?

For myself, I can simply say, my nerves would be outside my skin.

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And they wonder, why the tourist numbers are going down.......................coffee1.gif

Not true, they are going up, But they arrive in groups stay in groups and the locals businesses don't prosper, only the Big hotels and tour guides are getting rich, the local Bars restaurants and shops don't get a look in , so its a double edged sword.

YES it's TRUE, the numbers are going down by the year, without a shadow of a doubt. Hotels all over Thailand have been more or less empty the whole high season, it's been too easy to find a room and even to chose type of room in BKK high season, rates have never been lower since 2006, staff have never been friendlier etc.

They are converting hotels to condo's for heaven sake.

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I would have dragged the little c##t out of his taxi,shoved him in the boot and drove to the nearest canal,no way would i accept being left on a busy tollway with a woman and kid!!!!

I agree. If he tried that and my wife and child were involved, we're going to have a scuffle. He may win but he won't get away clean as I'd go after him tooth and nail. If it weren't for the wife and child, it wouldn't be so bad but when they are involved, this guy needs his ass whipped and then put in a nice jail cell to contemplate where he may have gone wrong.

You don't know most of Thailands taxi drivers have a gun in the car or another weapon, like a knife.

I can can take care of myself, but I wouldn't jeopardize wife and kid over this.

Remember, Most Thai men are cowards and damned scared and will retort to over violence if they feel threatened.

And another thing, this is Thailand and Thais takes care of their own, you would be the one in jail even if he would shoot you.

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And just who took the photo of the silly jesus freak unreal photo op familly?????

You, my well dressed friend, are clearly to lazy the read the thread before posting!!

Your question has been answered about 10 times on this thread..............coffee1.gif

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I generally have pretty good luck with Taxi's, but I don't mess with them if they don't want to go to a certain destination. I just get another one. A number of years ago, however, my elderly parents were visiting and we took a taxi to a popular tourist destination. About 1/2 way there the traffic was bad and the taxi driver just told us to 'get out' as he decided he didn't want to go there. It was a rather unpleasant experience.

Recently, I had one that 'decided' he had a low tire and didn't want to take me to my destination after we were enroute. He was a lot nicer, however, as he flagged down another taxi for me and didn't charge me for the distance that we had gone.

Leaving anyone on the expressway is pretty unforgivable, but parents with a child and luggage should result in legal prosecution.

In 2002, I caught a cab in Bangkok to take me to Bang Bua Thong in Nontaburi Privince. I had made that trip many times before and it is about 24 km. I always tip 200 Baht for that far out. Well, this one driver began complaining that we were going too far and eventually, about 2 km short of my destination, he pulled over to the side of the road and said he wasn't going farther. I told him, in no uncertain terms, that he WOULD take me the rest of the way or he would get no pay at all (I didn't relish walking 2 km late at night). We had a two-minute stand-off, glaring at each other, before he grudgingly finished the trip. I tipped him as if he hadn't been an ass. A contract is a contract and he knew the distance before he agreed. I write it off to laziness. Don't mess with Texas!

Have I got this right? Did you actually tip him????

What! I'm speechless. 200 baht tip is highly inappropriate - what extra service deserves that?

And you actually tipped bad service - wow, wow , wow, wow, I don't know what to say.

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Had a funny squabble with a Bangkok cabbie who wouldn't take a tip, turned out he was from the next village over from mine in Issan, tried to undercharge me! Another one decided I needed a shower and a relax after a long flight and took me to his house where his wife had prepared lunch too. Another lovely old boy who lectured me all the way to Rayong once about the dangers of Thai ladies.

Never found any unfriendly, although some did have exciting driving techniques.

So, everyone's just a cynical <deleted> and you are the real thang! What substances are you on dude?!!!

MJP sounds like a tourist, in love, or both.

The fact is several of the drivers are decent and get you from A to B without a story. However, there are also quite a few who are jerks. I could fill a novel with odd drivers, their disgusting habits, and baht pinching (or extending) ways. My wife and our baby were asked to leave a taxi because he was stuck in traffic. My wife, being Thai, didn't argue, but was upset. I mention this because it's not only foreigners who get the boot from taxis.

14 years, two houses, two dogs, two kids and one ex-wife.

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Ok Correct me if I am wrong but I was at Swampy less than a month ago and the taxi system there is very regulated. The drivers are a lot more organized adn you are actually given a ticket for hte cab you are going to use.

I kind of think that these people may have thought they could save seom money and not use the system and grab a cab that was dropping someone off.

For the llife of me I can not see one of the authorized taxis risking their license and their ability at Swampy for this especially considering that they make more money on the U turn. I have had many drivers that "Oh so sorry" i miss turn on me.

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And they wonder, why the tourist numbers are going down.......................coffee1.gif

Not true, they are going up, But they arrive in groups stay in groups and the locals businesses don't prosper, only the Big hotels and tour guides are getting rich, the local Bars restaurants and shops don't get a look in , so its a double edged sword.

This is a piece of bad taxi press. So I give it about two weeks before another

invented story from TAT about how a taxi driver returned 10 million baht a customer

left in the taxi.... Those stories are like clockwork, but this bad news may speed

up the time schedule a bit...

Posted from my phone using predictive text, please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors.

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If you search for expat clubs in Thailand you will find so many in each city. What these people are doing? Is it there job just to have some program in the club, then few words about laws and other stuff, eat breakfast and you pay couple of hundred baht for attending. That is all???

I am sure our word will be better heard by the Thai government if all these so called expats club get together and request the government for more support when such thing happen. There should be some police hot line who is also serious about this and they speak good English.

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I love how the local lynch squad has crucified the taxi driver based on a single photo.

It could represent any of the following...

1.The male farang noticed they were going the wrong way...got upset and demanded to be let out.

2. The farangs noticed the fare was getting a bit higher than their low class hippie budget allowed for and asked to be let out.,

3. They declared to the driver they had no money ... the driver kicked them out. (Fair enough)

Or ... the current opinion...

4. The driver was an insane nutter...lost face missing the turn off, didn't care about lost money....kicked farangs out.


I'm putting my money on number 2.


It's quite strange that no one have spotted the VERY expensive backpack the man is carrying, not to mention the kids strap seat on the womans back, also pretty expensive.

Just for the heck off it, lets pretend we know something about them, they are going relive their youth by doing some island hopping and that you DON'T do with a suitcase or two.

The guy brought his very expensive guitar so the family could relive what they did 10-15 years ago, sitting on the beach playing guitar in the sunset.

When doing some island hopping, you DON'T wear a suit, that's kinda impractical, at least I wouldn't, in fact my wardrobe looks pretty much like the man in the picture, shorts, a t-shirt and light shoes. And that's how I dress everyday, even when I go to meetings with them customers wearing suits. Ok, that must mean I'm poor and a low life, don't you agree?

income and net worth have absolutely nothing to do with how your dressed, with the exception of quality footwear or formal events where your trying to impress.

the whole thai appearance things sounds good in throry, but its flawed.

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I find this highly immoral to be plastering these photos all over the place without their consent. They're probably none the wiser though enjoying their brown rice slad and glass of carrot juice.

Because we don't know the facts. Quite possibly little Tarquin was needing a poo so they asked the taxi to stop at the side of the road. Maybe they decided it was a nice view and wanted to get a tan before going home so told the driver to go on. We just don't know. Maybe the man puthis feet up on the dashboard, I've seen that before.

Edited by Neeranam
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Witnessed four taxis refusing fares at the base of Soi 8 this afternoon. This was for an expat hubby and his Thai family, including an old woman. Last night at the top of soi 11, not one taxi would use the meter. Oh well, called Uber and ten minutes later a nice clean car with a polite driver showed up, much to the chagrin of the seething cabbies parked up on Sukhumvit ripping people off.

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BKK Taxis; I could write a book. Yes I've been ask to leave a Taxis because of a trafic jam, I had one ask the wife if she wanted a second husband, I've had a Tux - Tux driver driver spit the dummy out because I wouldn't pay 1000 bahts for a ride from the MBK to the Bobay tower, although the next Tux-Tux did the job for 100bhts ( still 40bhts too much). The guys that make me angry are the touts at Mo Chit bus station. They just don't under the basic English expletive. Maybe with the spare cash they make they should study informal English, then they may save the tourist industry.

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I cant believe some posters in this thread would actually choose violence towards the driver as an acceptable means. Sad really sad.png

Keyboard warriors.

The taxi drivers was an &lt;deleted&gt;, but think about how many taxi rides are taken everyday in this city. A few taxi drivers are idiots, like this one, but that doesn't mean every Thai taxi driver is the scum of the earth. TV posters really have no sense of proportion sometimes.

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I cant believe some posters in this thread would actually choose violence towards the driver as an acceptable means. Sad really sad.png

Keyboard warriors.

The taxi drivers was an <deleted>, but think about how many taxi rides are taken everyday in this city. A few taxi drivers are idiots, like this one, but that doesn't mean every Thai taxi driver is the scum of the earth. TV posters really have no sense of proportion sometimes.

You are right to an extent. However, I'd argue that proportion is around 10% after 8 yrs living here - which is certainly not insignificant.

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Had a taxi driver who didn't know the way to Swampy, from Safari World and took 90 minutes in his beat up car with worn out seats and weak a/c, and finally when we got there I want him to take half the fare and he threatened to call police to which I started to leave before the Thai girl I was with told me to just give him the 300/ baht on the meter so we didn't miss our plane

Once I calmed down and realized I was fighting over $5.00/ difference, I gave him the 300/ baht, and let him know with facial expressions and several f curses that he was a lying filthy dog, who deserves his crappy life for cheating people

He understood, but, she was right and she had to plead with the counter clerk to let us in past the time cut off, by explaining we had an unscrupulous cabbie

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coffee1.gif The new government is doing a great job and there are some improvements in taxi service. Just went to immigration and was amazed how streamlined the new process was. The staff was courteous and very helpful and must be accredited to Khun Prayuth and his teamsmile.png

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Stay classy Thailand

Tourism will surely grow with great reports like this

But not to worry 100 hundred of the cities 1000's of taxis have signs in their cars that say they will promise to take you anywhere you want to go .. no matter what...

Problem is with the other 100 000 taxis who are total &lt;deleted&gt;

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There's a long stretch of downtown roadside which has some taxis. It's well known taxi drivers hate it when anyone parks even close to their parking area. The exception is if it's a shiny late-model vehicle owned by a VIP with distress lights flashing. I drive a beat up p.u. truck. I parked near the Taxi drivers commandeered section. Then, about an hour later at night, I drove away. 2 km later, a front wheel rolled off of my truck. Luckily, I was already going slow, and didn't hit anyone or vehicle when I crashed to a stop within 2 meters. A taxi driver had taken ALL the lug nuts off one of my front wheels.

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Had a taxi driver who didn't know the way to Swampy, from Safari World and took 90 minutes in his beat up car with worn out seats and weak a/c, and finally when we got there I want him to take half the fare and he threatened to call police to which I started to leave before the Thai girl I was with told me to just give him the 300/ baht on the meter so we didn't miss our plane

Once I calmed down and realized I was fighting over $5.00/ difference, I gave him the 300/ baht, and let him know with facial expressions and several f curses that he was a lying filthy dog, who deserves his crappy life for cheating people

He understood, but, she was right and she had to plead with the counter clerk to let us in past the time cut off, by explaining we had an unscrupulous cabbie

One Thai GF I had , many years ago, told me she does not lower herself to their level by way of arguing with a taxi cab driver.

Of course sometimes you would have to argue with them if they are screwing you around or outright cheating you on the fare.

She told me what she would say to them is: OK...I understand now....you are from Isaan..right ??

Pom Kow Jai Laow....Koon Ben Khon Isaan...Chai Mi??


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Had a taxi driver who didn't know the way to Swampy, from Safari World and took 90 minutes in his beat up car with worn out seats and weak a/c, and finally when we got there I want him to take half the fare and he threatened to call police to which I started to leave before the Thai girl I was with told me to just give him the 300/ baht on the meter so we didn't miss our plane

Once I calmed down and realized I was fighting over $5.00/ difference, I gave him the 300/ baht, and let him know with facial expressions and several f curses that he was a lying filthy dog, who deserves his crappy life for cheating people

He understood, but, she was right and she had to plead with the counter clerk to let us in past the time cut off, by explaining we had an unscrupulous cabbie

One Thai GF I had , many years ago, told me she does not lower herself to their level by way of arguing with a taxi cab driver.

Of course sometimes you would have to argue with them if they are screwing you around or outright cheating you on the fare.

She told me what she would say to them is: OK...I understand now....you are from Isaan..right ??

Pom Kow Jai Laow....Koon Ben Khon Isaan...Chai Mi??


Ah yes, great solution.

Prejudicial thinking by judging a whole region of the country to be less trustworthy than the rest.


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