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PM vows to uphold democracy, with Thai features

Lite Beer

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Since there is so much comment preaching how bad the "Democracy" in Thailand is, can some one please throw some light on which countries democracy would be good for Thailand? I know someone said Indoesia but that wouldnt work. Thailand is a Buddhist country and Indonesia is Muslim. You may as well say a good model would be one of the Middle East countries (Not all are like Saudi).

So please lets see what style TV member feel would be good for Thailand

Taiwan, India and Japan are Asian examples. The examples do not have to come from the west.

India is based on caste as much as anything. But is not a bad example. However you appear to be basing it on how they work with the people of the country. The way the people of Thailand act is different. So maybe the examples you have cited as good as they are would not work for Thailand

The Thais have assimilated language and culture from the Chinese, Indians, Burmese and Cambodians. They are not so special or alien as you may think. They could make the system they have now work. What holds Thailand back are the power hungry elite. No representative system will survive when it as to cater to the privileged few first. That and the rampant corruption we see everyday..

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Since there is so much comment preaching how bad the "Democracy" in Thailand is, can some one please throw some light on which countries democracy would be good for Thailand? I know someone said Indoesia but that wouldnt work. Thailand is a Buddhist country and Indonesia is Muslim. You may as well say a good model would be one of the Middle East countries (Not all are like Saudi).

So please lets see what style TV member feel would be good for Thailand

Taiwan, India and Japan are Asian examples. The examples do not have to come from the west.

India is based on caste as much as anything. But is not a bad example. However you appear to be basing it on how they work with the people of the country. The way the people of Thailand act is different. So maybe the examples you have cited as good as they are would not work for Thailand

So what about Sakdina in Thailand????????

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"We have to put Thai elements into the democracy"

Appointed Senate

Appointed PM

Appointed EC

Appointed NACC

Appointed CC

Appointed Judges

Appointed Top Bureaucrats

Appointed State Board Members

Appointed Reform Committee (after election)

Appointed People's Assembly (after election)

...and one neutered, gerrymandered elected House of Representatives who do none of the appointing.

That is a lot of Thai element and very little democracy.

Can't see it working without an appointed electorate

I think an appointed electorate is exactly what you get when you eliminate or make illegal all conflicts. Democracy IS about conflicts between ideology, policies, morality, ethics, and other components. And, the beauty of Democracy is that the fights over competing conflicts are done in the open, in the public and they are PEACEFUL. They are decided at the ballot box with everyone allowed to vote. Elimination of conflict is simply antithetical to Democracy.

Unfortunately, the ability to live in the cauldron of peaceful conflict may, in fact, be very difficult within the context of Thai cultural history and values. We shall all see if it can be done.

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BANGKOK: -- PRIME Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha vowed yesterday that he was building democracy for the country - but said it would not be 100 per cent like democracy in Western countries.

So not democracy then.

correct like the man said not 100% but who wants that anyway ??

According to all the happiness/approval polls it will only be 3% of the population that will not be happy.

97% democracy for 97% of the population, 97% of the time.

The remaining 3% of the 'unhappy' populace can be imprisoned and have their attitudes adjusted, or be deported.

Some may just be happy they are not being shot at, beaten, assaulted, murdered and having grenades thrown at them for daring to protest about a criminal trying to subvert the legal parliamentary processes and grant himself, family and friends blanket amnesty to effectively put them above and beyond the law.

Some may be happy the protests and murderous attacks on them have been stopped.

Some are very unhappy that they've been removed from the gravy train they so enjoyed and maybe are a little worried they may be held accountable now.

Democracy would be great for Thailand and something completely new for the Thai people.

Are you talking about the situation in the south or Bangkok?

Some are unhappy that they've been removed from the gravy-train but the new hogs, who now have their snouts in trough, are extremely happy.

Just like the last coup, and the ones before that, the situation will not change. Only the faces of the people will.

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He really DOES NOT LIKE being asked ANY questions by ANYbody, does he? 'Just listen to what I want to speak about Friday evenings and ask your questions to the NEXT government'!! (.. 'If I have to answer them there will be trouble'!!?).. sounds more like an Army general than a prime-Minister.. doh!!! wai.gif

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"We have to put Thai elements into the democracy"

Appointed Senate

Appointed PM

Appointed EC

Appointed NACC

Appointed CC

Appointed Judges

Appointed Top Bureaucrats

Appointed State Board Members

Appointed Reform Committee (after election)

Appointed People's Assembly (after election)

...and one neutered, gerrymandered elected House of Representatives who do none of the appointing.

That is a lot of Thai element and very little democracy.

and not forgetting martial law of course... the most important part of his 'Thainess'

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"We have to put Thai elements into the democracy"

Appointed Senate

Appointed PM

Appointed EC

Appointed NACC

Appointed CC

Appointed Judges

Appointed Top Bureaucrats

Appointed State Board Members

Appointed Reform Committee (after election)

Appointed People's Assembly (after election)

...and one neutered, gerrymandered elected House of Representatives who do none of the appointing.

That is a lot of Thai element and very little democracy.

Can't see it working without an appointed electorate

That's probably coming as well - franchise limited by property and/or education level perhaps? That should keep most of Isaan out.

I suspect you're right. I don't know how they will manage it, but some sort of restriction to the franchise will be necessary if a "good government" is to be elected.

Since there has previously been a universal franchise, restrictions should well and truly set the cat amongst the pigeons. Still, we've always got martial law to keep the lid on the pressure cooker!

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<quote> "I chair countless committees to take care of all aspects - economic, finance, fiscal and education" So what? I want to know and understand why he thinks he is qualified to comment with knowledge on these issues? He's not an economist, he's not an educater; He's an army general who enjoys overthrowing legally and democratically elected governments. He's a bore, ignorant and egotistical to the super-max. This comment explains his views on himself perfectly. <quote> "If you want something from the government, please wait until the elected government comes in and ask them," and am I missing something here or what? <quote> "Protest, yes, you can protest" that is just a plain out and out lie.

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"Thai features." We all know what this means.

He said "elements" not "features". Alloy wheels in a car is a feature. The elements that comprise the wheel and how its made is what determines the strength and durability.
Corruption is not a feature of any style of democracy, because, countries that shunned "western" style democracy experienced it (corruption) also. But really there is no one particular kind of democracy. It cannot be exported or transplanted.
The idea behind eradicating corruption is:
1) an educated public, that will detect the first signs of corruption and report those responsible.
2) institutions that will hear these reports, investigate them impartially, and bring those responsible to justice.
Inculcating values at a young age, that's probably only a small part of (1), and I doubt that the lack of it (inculcated values) is or could be the only cause of corruption.
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The most ridiculous part of the whole speech is saying please have confidence in the existing justice system!!

The judiciary was one of the main areas where reform was desperately needed, you just have to look at the sentencing/fines/non sentencing/bail's etc etc to see how inept and desperately needed reform is needed.

You could have the best police force in the world, but if the judiciary is incompetent/corrupt/inept/immoral/can be influenced etc then having those best police is completely worthless.

best police force in a topic about Thailand???

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We all sit here piss and moan but in the end it will always be one way no matter what.It is hard enough trying to figure Thai way of thinking being raised in a democracy Where free speech is protected. Where justice though not perfect is applied fairly where your innocent till proven guilty. But the democracy I came from was built on the blood of patriots. And get's renewed by the same. After 250 years it still allows room for change. Yes I'm sure we would all like to have a voice in this but it isn't our place or right.But at least where I from no matter where your from or who you are you get the same rights as those who's home it is. it is best to stand back and let it unfold It will take a while but free thinkers will be born and with guidance and luck things will change it won't be overnight that you can count on but the winds of change are blowing. So if you have Thai friends whisper in there ears some changes that they need then let them bring them to the table as there own. Because Thai's like to think ideas they get are there's alone. They will learn just takes time. Wish all Thai people well and thanks for allowing me to stay here.

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So this would be sort of like how the police here 'uphold' the illegality of prostitution and gambling and such lucrative activities... but with 'Thai features'. rolleyes.gif

"I chair countless committees to take care of all aspects - economic, finance, fiscal and education."

Which surely as an army general he is totally qualified to do. Such a well rounded educated 'master of the universe' who knows all and can cure all. Sounds a lot like blabbermouth khun Toxin to me, but with complete military backing. cheesy.gif

Out with the old, in with the new, same old same old.

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"We have to put Thai elements into the democracy"

Appointed Senate

Appointed PM

Appointed EC

Appointed NACC

Appointed CC

Appointed Judges

Appointed Top Bureaucrats

Appointed State Board Members

Appointed Reform Committee (after election)

Appointed People's Assembly (after election)

...and one neutered, gerrymandered elected House of Representatives who do none of the appointing.

That is a lot of Thai element and very little democracy.

cementing their grip on power until the next Thammasat comes 'round...

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" Although I TOOK power this way ( coup ) I understand democracy ... " :rolleyes:;)

Cue Music - " But through it all I stood tall and did it My Way "

ehhhh..... sounds like prayutocrasy. thainess at its best :-)
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PRIME Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha vowed yesterday that he was building democracy for the country - but said it would not be 100 per cent like democracy in Western countries.

Bugger that. Just give them a democracy that that was not 100% like the PTP form of democracy. Or "Democracy Lite" as I like to call it.

Just make sure amnesty bills that the majority do not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want are not passed.

Just make sure to allow an opposition to debate constitutional amendments that any unelected fugitives do want.

Make sure to have no room for ministers that threaten voters by saying "they will get what they want in Phuket when they vote for the government in power"

Never be in a position where it can be construed that a convicted criminal is running the country under the guise of democracy.

Arrest people that intimidate families in Khon Kaen at the university that want to hear the head of the opposition speak, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them and the immunity the intimidators were granted.

Never allow a peaceful majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the agenda.

Never lie to the public and when found out tell them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence

Never tell protestors that they are garbage.

Never threaten protesters with violence in Chiang Mai under the guise of democracy.

Never be in the position to allow an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest uneletced criminals.

Never silence the political opposition and then telling the media "The driver did it"

In this world of terrorism post 9/11 never allow a minister threaten to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Thailand by the 1st of January 2013.

Ensure the chair persons of any schemes has to attend their own meetings instead of having a 0% attendance rate.

Never blame the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the government in power.

Never set up political orientated villages and intimidate opposition that live in those very villages.

Don't set up political orientated schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush.

And most importantly never ever let terrorists act with impunity and ensure the word BUT is never used at the end of the sentence when saying "I don't support terrorism"

So as long as it is nothing like that dark previous form of democracy Thailand is well on the right track.

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Friday night spouting hour? It's happening everyday unless I am mistaken?

Was watching the Descendants tonight when suddenly there they are again, propaganda tonight! This is certainly not the first night this has happened, and on a number of channels.

Fortunately there are a few channels that are not showing it.

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We are laughing, but keep in mind he is addressing Thais. They have no clue what democracy is or what it should be or where it comes from. They will bow their heads to this figure of absolute authority and swallow his bullsh*t, especially the ever-present mind numbing nationalistic nonsense.

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Thai features in a special type of democracy created by Prayut ??? OMG, not even

sure where to start on this topic that won't get me either banned at Thai Visa

or deported by the junta..

But I will say from a humor standpoint, this justs get better by the day. Foreign

diplomats here must be pissing themselves laughing with each new bizarre


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He is fixated on "western" democracy. Does not even bother acknowledging certain Asian countries have viable, representative governments. His preachy, bossy tone is nauseating as well.

The westerner lovers of all things coup have been rather quiet as of late.

not me my thai wife family and all thai friends were still really happy that he has taken control and a million times better than vile evil Taksin his cronies and rest. We dont care if its not democratic since we can now get on with our lives without scourge of red shirt thugs.

so load cheer for the one man prepared to get it sorted and for Suphet who almost alone managed to put hopefully for good that megalomaniac who wanted to turn Thailand into his own one party police state.

Sorry if you dont like it please @#$#%%$#@@ off to your crap western type of democracy where PC is rife most can afford any sort of home and children at schools are so thuggish many schools need armed guards in USA and politicians who line their own pockets bankers who control all aspects of life and live like lords and most are simply slaves working themselves to death for their masters.

Ive never seen anyone really hungry here and even our staff on 12k baht a month live IMO a better quality of life than most in west. My wife has visited with me most of europe USA and is shocked to see slums etc saying its worse than the slums she was brought up in in Bangkok

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We are laughing, but keep in mind he is addressing Thais. They have no clue what democracy is or what it should be or where it comes from. They will bow their heads to this figure of absolute authority and swallow his bullsh*t, especially the ever-present mind numbing nationalistic nonsense.

They understand very well that they have elected rhe same party at the last 4 elections, only to have it removed from office by an unelected establishment which answers onl to itself. They understand rhat the last election was trashed and the Junta imposed to prevent them electing the same party again.

They understand that if they protest or oppose they are liable to symmary arrest,, miltary trials and detention with no appeal.

They understand thar the Thai Army has shot unarmed civilian protesters in the past.

I would suggestt that they have a fairly clear understanding of Thailands struggling democracy and the lengths that those in power will go to to strangle it.

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