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Many state positions must comply with anti-graft laws: NACC

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Many state positions must comply with anti-graft laws: NACC
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- MORE than 50 positions for state officials must comply with anti-graft laws on conflict of interest in addition to the top jobs of prime minister, ministers local administration chiefs and deputies, National Anti-Corruption Commission member Vicha Mahakun said yesterday.

NACC member Vichai Vivitsevi was making a list of government officials who must

conform to the anti-graft laws, which ban the officials from any action deemed to have a conflict of interest.

A legal team advised Vichai on what positions should be in the list, Vicha said. State enterprise executives were likely to be on the list, plus 50 other positions.

Article 100 of the Organic Law for the Anti-Corruption Act 1999 stipulated that state officials banned from acting with a conflict of interest are the PM, ministers, local administration chiefs and deputies.

He said some legal issues needed to be interpreted for clarity. For instance if state officials can hold executive posts of companies under the control and management of state agencies that they work for or are in charge of. Earlier, the NACC increased the number of positions for government officials who must declare their assets and liabilities.

The National Reform Council is also considering a law on conflict of interest between private and public interests. Vicha said if the law was passed, it would be incorporated into Article 100 of the Organic Law for the Anti Corruption Act 1999.

Vicha said the NRC had sought recommendations on the issue from the NACC. Legal academics voiced support for the passing and enforcement of such laws, he noted.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Many-state-positions-must-comply-with-anti-graft-l-30256509.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-22

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"NACC member Vichai Vivitsevi was making a list of government officials who must

conform to the anti-graft laws, which ban the officials from any action deemed to have a conflict of interest".

Let me make a silly suggestion here, why not add to the list.............everyone in Thailand!

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Actually it should be anyone holding public office is banned from anything that could even be seen as conflict of interest. Give an example say an official has vested interest in say paving company, and said company bids on government project and due to unknown event gets information on lowest bid and wins contract said official gets the boot plus must give up any proceeds gained by it. Take the profit out of corruption and it goes the way of the dinosaurs.

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"He said some legal issues needed to be interpreted for clarity. For instance if state officials can hold executive posts of companies under the control and management of state agencies that they work for or are in charge of."

Most places I have been, this is permitted, but the government/State official must declare his conflict of interest at the earliest possible opportunity, and must not participate in or influence any decisions regarding the private company.

As others have suggested, a conflict of interest policy for State institutions should apply to all employees.


Many state positions must comply with anti-graft laws: NACC

The headline should read

"All" state positions must comply with anti-graft laws: NACC


"NACC member Vichai Vivitsevi was making a list of government officials who must conform to the anti-graft laws, which ban the officials from any action deemed to have a conflict of interest."

Really brilliant.

Somehow the last eleven months of the military coup and the Prayut regime must has escaped the NACC's attention. Prior to that point it has been explained that many flag officers wealth comes serving on corporate boards of directors. Then military appointed to the various NCPO clone organizations like the NLA, NRC, and CDC receive double or triple wages filling multiple government positions while also receiving active military pay. The NCPO has absolute power over all government braches and all Thais. Is that not a conflict of interest?

Not a word of caution or warning from the NACC to the Junta about conflict of interest. But when it comes to the previous two elected administrations, the NACC spares no effort or resources to correct the PAST. Let's see the NACC go up against the NCPO and Junta-led government if PRESENT reform has no boundaries.

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