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British male tourist commits suicide at Phuket shooting range

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11mm????? What a strange Caliber for a pistol, usually associated with a rifle. That Caliber went out with the Ark.

Nothing strange about 11mm. Not as common as 9 but plenty around.


11mm????? What a strange Caliber for a pistol, usually associated with a rifle. That Caliber went out with the Ark.

Nothing strange about 11mm. Not as common as 9 but plenty around.


well, lets say, gladly, he did not target other people before he took his own life

next farang visitor will have to sign a waiver : I WILL NOT KILL MESELF , sign here


well, lets say, gladly, he did not target other people before he took his own life

next farang visitor will have to sign a waiver : I WILL NOT KILL MESELF , sign here

You have to wonder about safety for others in these gun ranges. What's to stop some nutter shooting bystanders before killing himself. I had thought there might be some sort of bullet proof screen booth, only allowing forward fire. But that's not the way it looks, just open ended.


well, lets say, gladly, he did not target other people before he took his own life

next farang visitor will have to sign a waiver : I WILL NOT KILL MESELF , sign here

You have to wonder about safety for others in these gun ranges. What's to stop some nutter shooting bystanders before killing himself. I had thought there might be some sort of bullet proof screen booth, only allowing forward fire. But that's not the way it looks, just open ended.

When I did stuff in the UK there was NO safety, you took the risk that others were not nutters. These ranges are all shut down now. My license is gone as well as my side arms. Every "action" sport has a risk.


I had a friend a few years ago that I gave most of my furniture when I moved house. I told him to pay me when he had the money.

About 4 months later he called and said he would like to pay. By that time I had forgotten and I told him it was cool. He could have the furniture for free, but I appreciated the call.

His parents called me the next morning. He had killed himself that night. I was the last person to speak to him. He was just getting his affairs in order.

That still haunts me. If he had just said something, or I knew that he had problems, maybe I could have helped. It still chokes me up.

This kid in Phuket was far too young and any problems he had could have been solved.

Sorry to his family and friends...I know how they are feeling...


well, lets say, gladly, he did not target other people before he took his own life

next farang visitor will have to sign a waiver : I WILL NOT KILL MESELF , sign here

10 years ago , I was at a Phuket shooting range. The guy from the range was standing 2 meter beside me.

It takes only a second to put the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. A waiver , would not help much.

Quick , easy and efficient way to go , if you have the balls for it.


coping skills are no longer taught it is all about being equal. The real world is not like that it is eat or be eaten .

Do you remember, sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me.

Now they focus on bullying and not keeping score and kids are given a real bad education about the real world. coffee1.gif


this was quite the thing to do a few years back, one would think they just wouldn't allow random foreigners off the street to shoot.


Exact same thing happened on Samui few years ago they should not have these bloody things what the hell for what do you achieve with guns? Tell me that?

Too many people take the easy way out, yes you can talk to people but in the end, you are the one in control of your emotions and responsible for your life. RIP

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A sad fact: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Suicide is your birth right. You were set on the earth not by choice , but you can end it.

Suicide the solution you won't regret.

Temporary problems have a knack to come back or get worse.


Shirtless!! What's with these people, I just read about the French jumper being shirtless as well. Can some one with psychological experience tell us/me why people experiencing problems have to undress before self harm.

OK, probably callous but ever so common amongst Farang here in Thailand.

I also understand there are figures to show that people take off their glasses before committing suicide. Strange.


Ive noticed that an increasing number of young people are killing thesmelves in Thailand.

The western world has never been so affluent. Wages and salaries are very high ( except usa) and opportunities abound.

No young generation in world history has had it so good as this current one. .... born after 1985

Most Australian people born in the early eighties wouldnt know what a recession is.

Why are westerners killing themselves?

Another USA expert. The average individual income is just under $50,000 in the U.S.

  • Like 2

A sad fact: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Suicide is your birth right. You were set on the earth not by choice , but you can end it.

Suicide the solution you won't regret.

Temporary problems have a knack to come back or get worse.

My friend, I think you need to talk to someone, I think you yourself may need some help. Other than that, I have no words for the comment you just made. Please......Talk to someone, and settle down. Seriously.


11mm????? What a strange Caliber for a pistol, usually associated with a rifle. That Caliber went out with the Ark.

It's the metric system for a .45 caliber (45/100ths of an inch diameter bullet & = 11.43mm)

Half the time, in the news, the Thai press will be referring to a .38 caliber as a 38mm, which would be one big-ass gun (38 mm = 1.496 inches) !


Shirtless!! What's with these people, I just read about the French jumper being shirtless as well. Can some one with psychological experience tell us/me why people experiencing problems have to undress before self harm.

OK, probably callous but ever so common amongst Farang here in Thailand.

its a sort cleansing he proberly could take his pants off but just shirt like naked being born many people who commit suicidw with a plan strip down naked so i read but in the state mind to do that to oneselve you must be really in trouble and a dark place


11mm????? What a strange Caliber for a pistol, usually associated with a rifle. That Caliber went out with the Ark.


It refers to .45 inch calibre as in .45 ACP. The Thai press when reporting, always convert the Imperial to Metric.


One of the things to remember is that once the decision has been made to end their life, most suicide victims become much happier. They do see an end to their suffering and this means they may not exhibit some of the signs we associate with being suicidal.

Scott, I'm interested in your knowledge connected with this incident and particularly interested in the quoted comment.

How do you know this? Study, observation or something else?

Btw, my inquiry carries no negativity or bias. I agree completely with your observations and, macabre though it may be, I have a fascination with suicide.

As for the young man killing himself. At 21, a waste of a young life, but to be clear headed enough to go to a gun range, test the weapon and then turn it on himself, he clearly wanted out. It's also quite possible he came to Thailand specifically for this reason.


A sad fact: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Suicide is your birth right. You were set on the earth not by choice , but you can end it.

Suicide the solution you won't regret.

Temporary problems have a knack to come back or get worse.

My friend, I think you need to talk to someone, I think you yourself may need some help. Other than that, I have no words for the comment you just made. Please......Talk to someone, and settle down. Seriously.

BuaBS does make an unusual post, but I'm sure there are many who've suffered from depression and/or suicidal thoughts, will understand/relate to what he has written.

  • Like 2

well, lets say, gladly, he did not target other people before he took his own life

next farang visitor will have to sign a waiver : I WILL NOT KILL MESELF , sign here

You have to wonder about safety for others in these gun ranges. What's to stop some nutter shooting bystanders before killing himself. I had thought there might be some sort of bullet proof screen booth, only allowing forward fire. But that's not the way it looks, just open ended.

Do a google of "shooting gun range".

You'll find plenty of reports of suicides or murders or sometimes both.


11mm????? What a strange Caliber for a pistol, usually associated with a rifle. That Caliber went out with the Ark.

not strange. They mean cal. 45


Ive noticed that an increasing number of young people are killing thesmelves in Thailand.

The western world has never been so affluent. Wages and salaries are very high ( except usa) and opportunities abound.

No young generation in world history has had it so good as this current one. .... born after 1985

Most Australian people born in the early eighties wouldnt know what a recession is.

Why are westerners killing themselves?

You clearly have as much understanding of the realities of Western economies as you do of the salaries in the USA! Please also read below, it isn't always about money........

A sad fact: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I am not sure why people here think that suicide is either about bankruptcy, a girl, or "depression" (whatever that is). Not that you mentioned depression in your post, but many other posters did and yours sums them up. There is a broad spectrum of mental problems, ranging from mild depression to total insanity. Try telling sufferers of bipolar disorder (the late Spike Milligan, Stephen Fry, Robbie Williams to name a few famous examples) that their problem is a "temporary problem"!

We don't yet know why this young lad ended his life, and perhaps we never will, and for sure it is sad. But for people to presume that his problems were temporary or just "depression" may be somewhat naive of the spectrum of mental illnesses that exists out there.

RIP Liam.... whatever your reasons.

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you <deleted>,have alook around and see how many men are not wearing shirts at any time of day or night,they think its there right not to wear a shirt in this country,but gezzz its got nothing to do wtith whats going on in some blokes head,if they want to end things they will end it no matter where they are,geez get real before posting those silly statements or are you just taking the piss out of some poor fella who thought f it,im done


We all suffer from depression. Depression is a disease. It is a disease accumulated over time. It causes an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Like heart disease you might not be aware that you suffer from depression without being tested and followed up with a diagnosis, by a medical professional, of the severity of your depression i.e Mild, Severe, or Major. Your survival rate depends on strict maintainence of your depression medication (One used with great success is called Abilify) which normalizes the imbalanced chemicals in the brain while boosting your energy levels and professional counseling. If left undiagnosed or untreated depression, especially Severe to Major types may likely cause suicidal thoughts, attempts and or completions. There have been people I know who had the best medical interventions. Nevertheless they finally took their own lives. Succumbed by an incurable Depression.

We read about people committing suicide by jumping, hanging, by overdose, by a gun etc. But the truth of the matter is, a good majority of people commit suicide by purposely not taking their illness medication, purposely taking substances that, in the near term or far term, kills them and purposely putting themselves into life threatening situations. If you hate yourself enough then suicide might just be your fate.

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