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is there as ghost in my house


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my wife is strict with her religion every day water front gate food at her shrine and has a room whith photos of past family members and prays there every morning

our bedroom is upstairs near her prey area

my wife had to go away now been 4 days away went to bed and noise in house and could not find out where

back to bed and then saw noise was coming from door moving back and forth in room i watch it for some time never done this before

is someone angry with me

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Yes your door is for leaving a window open and allowing the breeze to move it back and forwards wink.png

Usually if doors and windows are shut (put into the lock) they stop swinging in the breeze. If that does not work, OP must hire an exorcist immediately. There are plenty of underemployed Farang Real Estate salesman that now specialize in this sort of thing, 500 Bht maximum. Will cost twice as much if wife rectifies this problem with a bunch of monks.


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Can you make a YouTube video when the ghost knocks on your door?

Simple eat a lot of garlic this can keep vampires away!

Also that one that only speak Thai!

My advice watch some Thai zombie movies turn the volume laud , then the ghost in your house run away , and beaten by the nearest soy dog!

If a ghost Is realy invisible a soi dog can catch it because it makes noise!

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This was one of the things that took me by surprise when coming to Thailand and talking to Thai people, even educated ones. Almost every Thai believes in ghosts and some of them have tales of "personal encounters". Just accept it as part of their culture and get used to it.

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This was one of the things that took me by surprise when coming to Thailand and talking to Thai people, even educated ones. Almost every Thai believes in ghosts and some of them have tales of "personal encounters". Just accept it as part of their culture and get used to it.

Same as in some parts of Scotland in fact.

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Ask if anyone is there? It's quite possible you do have a spirit wandering around the place, try leaving a drink out a night for it. Or talk to it. Maybe someone died there a long time ago and hasn't yet passed over? Before you do all that ....check your door latches and window fittings and anything that may be loose outside that could explain the noises.

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Probably a pure coincident, but next to the OP there was an ad: "Best Rehab Deals"....................coffee1.gif

Strange mine shows an Agoda ad "Where is you next destination?..."

Google ads are very clever, the ad shown reflects the kind of pages you have been visiting or searches you have made. so I guess you like travel pages.. JOC on the other hand must have other interests.

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My gf and I purchased a townhouse that needed some work. We employed a thai team of "workers" to help,during the renovations the team were living on site . Work started to slow down ,so asked what is problem,answer we all very tired cannot sleep because of noisy children at night time,these children were found to be ghosts and were noisy because they had no toys, they specificaly needed toy police car and toy gun. On buying these are leaving them in the house nights bacame quiet and everbody got to sleep. Later the roof painter downed tools as there was a ghost trying to push him off the roof,had to provide safety harness and rigging an safety rope anchors before he would resume. When Thai visitors arrived after the renovation they too said they felt that there was still a ghost hanging around.We lived with it,no problems

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This was one of the things that took me by surprise when coming to Thailand and talking to Thai people, even educated ones. Almost every Thai believes in ghosts and some of them have tales of "personal encounters". Just accept it as part of their culture and get used to it.

Same as in some parts of Scotland in fact.

Same as in some parts of the World would be more accurate. Sadly the belief in superstitious nonesene is a worldwide phenomenom.

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