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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'

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And yet more posts have been removed. Let's try and keep things from getting personal. Further such posts here could result in posting suspensions.


No time to read all 500+ replies, but it was an April Fools?

Even by Thai standards "Lt. Col. Bawornpop Sutornreka" seems to be a made up name.

Me too. Was any of them actually charged with anything?


Does anyone know how many of the 72 detained had to be released later with no action by the police (i.e., no charges or "fines" or deportation)? I doubt a single one, although I'd guess some may have been able to pay their way out.

Just about anytime a black is arrested anywhere for anything in this day & age, the black exceptionalists will pipe up, moaning about racism and profiling and subjecting whatever authority happens to be involved to the warmest possible scrutiny and near-inescapable criticism. The facts will be what the black exceptionalists say they are, and that's what most of the media will report. And some moron at the UN or NGO will surely be found willing to contribute his 2c if it should align with his personal agenda or fee schedule. More & more among the public however have come to understand this reverse-racist agenda, and fewer & fewer take it seriously or are sympathetic with it because they realize it only serves to promote criminal activity by blacks and makes the general public less safe.

Here, the police actually managed to move in on what almost all of us readily recognize as a regular, open criminal activity by a well-recognized element of the foreign population, and predictably, the black exceptionalists are all atwitter. violin.gif But if you've sourced information showing that those rounded up in this instance turned out to be sidewalk preachers or encyclopedia salesmen or tourists buying wooden elephants to take back home, please feel free to share.

Ah the words of reason. Refreshing to see someone post what is undoubtedly true.


Regardless of ones views around the dealing of plants and racial profiling etc, this article is tourist killer.

Particularly amongst those so called quality tourists, it is guaranteed to produce a gag reflex.

Then again, there's always the red neck bigot market....

Swings and roundabouts, I guess.


Regardless of ones views around the dealing of plants and racial profiling etc, this article is tourist killer.

Particularly amongst those so called quality tourists, it is guaranteed to produce a gag reflex.

Then again, there's always the red neck bigot market....

Swings and roundabouts, I guess.

"this article is tourist killer."

Lol. 'Says an expert... Like, fer sure...

<deleted> You couldn't possibly have it more backwards. No - not unless you think visitors desiring confrontation with drug dealers on the street represent a large part of the tourist demographic, particularly the "so called quality tourists. Of those that are even aware of it, the vast majority of tourists will see this as a good thing, and will be happy - pleasantly surprised even - that the Thai police were able to carry out a credible law enforcement op NOT constrained by western style political correctness.


Regardless of ones views around the dealing of plants and racial profiling etc, this article is tourist killer.

Particularly amongst those so called quality tourists, it is guaranteed to produce a gag reflex.

Then again, there's always the red neck bigot market....

Swings and roundabouts, I guess.

"this article is tourist killer."

Lol. 'Says an expert... Like, fer sure...

You're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy... You couldn't possibly have it more backwards. No - not unless you think visitors desiring confrontation with drug dealers on the street represent a large part of the tourist demographic, particularly the "so called quality tourists. Of those that are even aware of it, the vast majority of tourists will see this as a good thing, and will be happy - pleasantly surprised even - that the Thai police were able to carry out a credible law enforcement op NOT constrained by western style political correctness.

You seem to have confirmed my point.


Sounds like some typical racist BS. But that said, still better than the US, at least here I would just get rounded up, piss in a cup and be on my way, Stateside the cops would shoot me and say the felt threatened. And look at some of the bigoted posts here. I wish you guys would wear special hats or something to let people know that you're racist scum.

Hmmmm. After the Ferguson shooting it would seem that plenty of black Americans hate whitey because of the colour of their skin.

Back home ( not the US ) many of our our darker skinned citizens are racist against whitey, and in my experience are far more racist than whitey.


Regardless of ones views around the dealing of plants and racial profiling etc, this article is tourist killer.

Particularly amongst those so called quality tourists, it is guaranteed to produce a gag reflex.

Then again, there's always the red neck bigot market....

Swings and roundabouts, I guess.

"this article is tourist killer."

Lol. 'Says an expert... Like, fer sure...

You're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy... You couldn't possibly have it more backwards. No - not unless you think visitors desiring confrontation with drug dealers on the street represent a large part of the tourist demographic, particularly the "so called quality tourists. Of those that are even aware of it, the vast majority of tourists will see this as a good thing, and will be happy - pleasantly surprised even - that the Thai police were able to carry out a credible law enforcement op NOT constrained by western style political correctness.

You seem to have confirmed my point.

Maybe you should have a cranial specialist look at it.


Majority of you posters once again, STILL don't really understand and are completely &lt;deleted&gt; ignorant. You all continue to argue with Blue about PC "nonsense" and call him "the Al Sharpton of Thai Visa" but as a Black man I make several valid points and you just ignore it. Once again, this thread is exactly society playing out online. It's extremely frustrating to talk about discrimination when people have never experienced it and think you're just playing the race card.

This isn't about America, the West, or any of the BS you all keep bringing up. In Thailand, there IS a racial stigma to being "sii dum" or DARK. I grew up with it here and the US, double the amount of bullshit. Yes, these drug markets exist but acting like Lower Sukhumvit is the only place where people openly sell drugs in Bangkok is completely absurd. These "coloured raids" happen all the time but nothing changes. So what does that tell you? How long have you lived here? How does a person sell drugs in the open eye of the law but get away with it? Come on guys. Let's all just be honest here. There is a little bit of $ involved between two parties. Thai people themselves will tell you that they are racist towards Blacks (generalising obviously but I've had too many Thais tell me this & I've experienced it ).

All of you talking about statistics with Blacks and crime I have a question for you. Out of this raid that many of you say the police did a "great job on", how many of these Blacks were actually found guilty? Where is the evidence for the job well done? Do you have stats? Don't worry, I'll wait...

The issue is there are lots of places in BKK where people should be rounded up for drugs, extortion, crime, scams, etc. These happen in plain sight yet it never stops. My point is if you're going to be so gung ho about "Coloureds in lower sukhumvit" you should also equally be passionate about getting the Russian mob out, the sleezy White sexpats which have become the stereotypical face of farang, etc etc etc. EQUALITY my melanin deficit brothers. That is the word.

I feel as though I'm wasting my time writing this, because realistically this won't move you or make you care until you get profiled yourself. Remember last year when cops were targeting white tourists and stopping them in the streets for drug tests? White people went crazy, set up a FB page, crying tears saying "its not fair to be profiled". Oh Word its not?! Blacks here have been saying and telling you the same thing for YEARS but none of you cared until it happened to you in the Land of Smiles.

I just smile.


Does anyone know how many of the 72 detained had to be released later with no action by the police (i.e., no charges or "fines" or deportation)? I doubt a single one, although I'd guess some may have been able to pay their way out.

Just about anytime a black is arrested anywhere for anything in this day & age, the black exceptionalists will pipe up, moaning about racism and profiling and subjecting whatever authority happens to be involved to the warmest possible scrutiny and near-inescapable criticism. The facts will be what the black exceptionalists say they are, and that's what most of the media will report. And some moron at the UN or NGO will surely be found willing to contribute his 2c if it should align with his personal agenda or fee schedule. More & more among the public however have come to understand this reverse-racist agenda, and fewer & fewer take it seriously or are sympathetic with it because they realize it only serves to promote criminal activity by blacks and makes the general public less safe.

Here, the police actually managed to move in on what almost all of us readily recognize as a regular, open criminal activity by a well-recognized element of the foreign population, and predictably, the black exceptionalists are all atwitter. violin.gif But if you've sourced information showing that those rounded up in this instance turned out to be sidewalk preachers or encyclopedia salesmen or tourists buying wooden elephants to take back home, please feel free to share.

Does anyone know how many of the 72 detained had to be released later with no action by the police (i.e., no charges or "fines" or deportation)? I doubt a single one, although I'd guess some may have been able to pay their way out.

What's the problem with the roundup? They roundup girls on Pattaya promenade, and ladyboys all the time, and let them go after paying a small fine. Roundups are just part of the fabric of Thai society, and if foreign people don't like it for whatever reason, they are free to depart for wherever they came from. For the PC among us, TiT, not back home.

I wasn't happy to hear about random testing on Sukhumvit for tourists, but it didn't make me stay home, and I guess that applies in the current situation under discussion. If said individuals were seriously PO they could always leave, but they choose not to.


Majority of you posters once again, STILL don't really understand and are completely <deleted> ignorant. You all continue to argue with Blue about PC "nonsense" and call him "the Al Sharpton of Thai Visa" but as a Black man I make several valid points and you just ignore it. Once again, this thread is exactly society playing out online. It's extremely frustrating to talk about discrimination when people have never experienced it and think you're just playing the race card.

This isn't about America, the West, or any of the BS you all keep bringing up. In Thailand, there IS a racial stigma to being "sii dum" or DARK. I grew up with it here and the US, double the amount of bullshit. Yes, these drug markets exist but acting like Lower Sukhumvit is the only place where people openly sell drugs in Bangkok is completely absurd. These "coloured raids" happen all the time but nothing changes. So what does that tell you? How long have you lived here? How does a person sell drugs in the open eye of the law but get away with it? Come on guys. Let's all just be honest here. There is a little bit of $ involved between two parties. Thai people themselves will tell you that they are racist towards Blacks (generalising obviously but I've had too many Thais tell me this & I've experienced it ).

All of you talking about statistics with Blacks and crime I have a question for you. Out of this raid that many of you say the police did a "great job on", how many of these Blacks were actually found guilty? Where is the evidence for the job well done? Do you have stats? Don't worry, I'll wait...

The issue is there are lots of places in BKK where people should be rounded up for drugs, extortion, crime, scams, etc. These happen in plain sight yet it never stops. My point is if you're going to be so gung ho about "Coloureds in lower sukhumvit" you should also equally be passionate about getting the Russian mob out, the sleezy White sexpats which have become the stereotypical face of farang, etc etc etc. EQUALITY my melanin deficit brothers. That is the word.

I feel as though I'm wasting my time writing this, because realistically this won't move you or make you care until you get profiled yourself. Remember last year when cops were targeting white tourists and stopping them in the streets for drug tests? White people went crazy, set up a FB page, crying tears saying "its not fair to be profiled". Oh Word its not?! Blacks here have been saying and telling you the same thing for YEARS but none of you cared until it happened to you in the Land of Smiles.

I just smile.

Perhaps you might enjoy living in Zimbabwe ( as long as you are from the "right" tribe ), where they discriminate against whitey. In China they discriminate against Uighers and Tibetans, in Russia being Chechen is a disadvantage, in Burma, it's not great being a muslim, in Malaysia the discrimination against ethnic minorities is government policy.

It's not just Thailand, but if people choose to live here they can complain, but to expect something different is like being Canute.


Regardless of ones views around the dealing of plants and racial profiling etc, this article is tourist killer.

Particularly amongst those so called quality tourists, it is guaranteed to produce a gag reflex.

Then again, there's always the red neck bigot market....

Swings and roundabouts, I guess.

this article is tourist killer.

Hardly. Given that most tourists are Asians, it won't have any real effect on tourist numbers.


Racial prejudice is phenomena that is perpetuated against the slave class.

It is a form of control. It diverts the potential revolt away from the owners.

The evidence of inferiority, engineered through social conditioning and education etc., when juxtaposed on an incontrovertible fallacy, produces a double advantage. In the case of Europeans and blacks for example, it results in the lower echelons and the most abused members of society either unable to get ahead (the blacks) and a mental conflict which produces a decapitated intellect amongst the whites.

Amongst social engineers, racial prejudice remains the shinning example of one of the most important and critical tools for those engaged in the farming and harvesting of humans.

  • 3 months later...

I cordially invite all who want to come to England and walk down the street calling people "coloureds". I know I won't have to buy you a return ticket.

What would you call them? What name/ title is in preference this year?

Knowing the way that the British government has gone down the tubes in years gone by, I wouldn't be surprised if we had to refer to 'people of colour' as 'massa'...

Because, obviously, we need to make up for years of stuff that happened centuries ago that had nothing to do with us, our parents or our grandparents...


Majority of you posters once again, STILL don't really understand and are completely <deleted> ignorant. You all continue to argue with Blue about PC "nonsense" and call him "the Al Sharpton of Thai Visa" but as a Black man I make several valid points and you just ignore it. Once again, this thread is exactly society playing out online. It's extremely frustrating to talk about discrimination when people have never experienced it and think you're just playing the race card.

This isn't about America, the West, or any of the BS you all keep bringing up. In Thailand, there IS a racial stigma to being "sii dum" or DARK. I grew up with it here and the US, double the amount of bullshit. Yes, these drug markets exist but acting like Lower Sukhumvit is the only place where people openly sell drugs in Bangkok is completely absurd. These "coloured raids" happen all the time but nothing changes. So what does that tell you? How long have you lived here? How does a person sell drugs in the open eye of the law but get away with it? Come on guys. Let's all just be honest here. There is a little bit of $ involved between two parties. Thai people themselves will tell you that they are racist towards Blacks (generalising obviously but I've had too many Thais tell me this & I've experienced it ).

All of you talking about statistics with Blacks and crime I have a question for you. Out of this raid that many of you say the police did a "great job on", how many of these Blacks were actually found guilty? Where is the evidence for the job well done? Do you have stats? Don't worry, I'll wait...

The issue is there are lots of places in BKK where people should be rounded up for drugs, extortion, crime, scams, etc. These happen in plain sight yet it never stops. My point is if you're going to be so gung ho about "Coloureds in lower sukhumvit" you should also equally be passionate about getting the Russian mob out, the sleezy White sexpats which have become the stereotypical face of farang, etc etc etc. EQUALITY my melanin deficit brothers. That is the word.

I feel as though I'm wasting my time writing this, because realistically this won't move you or make you care until you get profiled yourself. Remember last year when cops were targeting white tourists and stopping them in the streets for drug tests? White people went crazy, set up a FB page, crying tears saying "its not fair to be profiled". Oh Word its not?! Blacks here have been saying and telling you the same thing for YEARS but none of you cared until it happened to you in the Land of Smiles.

I just smile.

Listen man, you don't understand what its like!

Us honky crackers get profiled every day in the land of smiles. It isn't fair... How many years do we have to put up with this oppression in this country which isn't ours in any way shape or form and where we clearly didn't originate from?!?

Prices marked up for stuff because of the colour of our skin, people treating us like we have the word ATM stamped on our foreheads, people thinking our girlfriends have been picked up from a bar when, in fact, it was a bistro!

It hurts...


Majority of you posters once again, STILL don't really understand and are completely <deleted> ignorant. You all continue to argue with Blue about PC "nonsense" and call him "the Al Sharpton of Thai Visa" but as a Black man I make several valid points and you just ignore it. Once again, this thread is exactly society playing out online. It's extremely frustrating to talk about discrimination when people have never experienced it and think you're just playing the race card.

This isn't about America, the West, or any of the BS you all keep bringing up. In Thailand, there IS a racial stigma to being "sii dum" or DARK. I grew up with it here and the US, double the amount of bullshit. Yes, these drug markets exist but acting like Lower Sukhumvit is the only place where people openly sell drugs in Bangkok is completely absurd. These "coloured raids" happen all the time but nothing changes. So what does that tell you? How long have you lived here? How does a person sell drugs in the open eye of the law but get away with it? Come on guys. Let's all just be honest here. There is a little bit of $ involved between two parties. Thai people themselves will tell you that they are racist towards Blacks (generalising obviously but I've had too many Thais tell me this & I've experienced it ).

All of you talking about statistics with Blacks and crime I have a question for you. Out of this raid that many of you say the police did a "great job on", how many of these Blacks were actually found guilty? Where is the evidence for the job well done? Do you have stats? Don't worry, I'll wait...

The issue is there are lots of places in BKK where people should be rounded up for drugs, extortion, crime, scams, etc. These happen in plain sight yet it never stops. My point is if you're going to be so gung ho about "Coloureds in lower sukhumvit" you should also equally be passionate about getting the Russian mob out, the sleezy White sexpats which have become the stereotypical face of farang, etc etc etc. EQUALITY my melanin deficit brothers. That is the word.

I feel as though I'm wasting my time writing this, because realistically this won't move you or make you care until you get profiled yourself. Remember last year when cops were targeting white tourists and stopping them in the streets for drug tests? White people went crazy, set up a FB page, crying tears saying "its not fair to be profiled". Oh Word its not?! Blacks here have been saying and telling you the same thing for YEARS but none of you cared until it happened to you in the Land of Smiles.

I just smile.

Listen man, you don't understand what its like!

Us honky crackers get profiled every day in the land of smiles. It isn't fair... How many years do we have to put up with this oppression in this country which isn't ours in any way shape or form and where we clearly didn't originate from?!?

Prices marked up for stuff because of the colour of our skin, people treating us like we have the word ATM stamped on our foreheads, people thinking our girlfriends have been picked up from a bar when, in fact, it was a bistro!

It hurts...

And if you have a problem with me using the racial slurs 'honky' and 'cracker'... its OK... because I am white... and as a proud white man suffering from discrimination, I am reclaiming the words from the people that used them to abuse myself and my white brothers and sisters for decades...


I think the racism card here is being over played.... In this case we are talking about 'Generalisation'..

If we are to Generalise - we could choose anyone of choice in this area, IF we are looking for a Criminal, who would we stop when being realists ?

If I were the Police looking for drug dealers, the probability would be that I stop a Black Guy in Soi 3, however, I'd like to think that I can profile on an individual basis. Some will still say this is wrong, but there really is no 'better way'... We all profile.

Thus: If there is a Black Guy walking down Thonglor he's likely to be going somewhere, If there is a Black Guy loitering around Sukhumvit Soi 3, he's likely to be up to no good.

Now, some may hang onto the words 'Black guy' and accuse me of racism... But, no... The key words are 'Walking' vs 'Loitering' and thats where profiling comes into it (as well as a multitude of other characteristics / behaviour etc)

Each situation is based on its individual merits, however, when society attempts to become 'efficient' we claim racism...

I wonder exactly what the percentage of those caught were actually 'undesirable'....


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Didn't take long for someone to use the race card.

They have every right to target the Africans. They hardly come here to open legit businesses.

You're not in the textile business then I take it? There are far more legitimate African business people in Bangkok then the hundred or so drug dealers you see hanging around Nana, but I wouldn't expect the kind of foreigners who barely venture a kilometer from a girly bar to actually realize that, but it is true. And "using the race card" is clearly acceptable in the case of the police specifically targeting people of one race, I hope they don't inconvenience the many legitimate business people and tourists who just happen to be black and in the wrong part of town at the wrong time.


How can someone be clearly guilty of having black skin. I didn't know being a black person was a crime.

It's not a crime, but dealing in drugs is.


More good news. You guys can play the racism card all you want, fortunately Thais and Thailand could not care less about such matters. Fact is the vast majority of drug dealers etc. in the mentioned area are black, hence it makes lots of sense to go after black people.

As a sidenote, most of the mentioned black people in that area are here illegally as well, which I am sure the police will find out once they check their passports and missing workpermits.

But but but - that's being racial, they should be allowed to sell drugs and be in the country illegally - according to the bleeding hearts.

Of course thailand could stop them at immigration on the way in and send them packing- now THAT would be racial.


One flame post and subsequent replies have been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Another crackdown just for show. Like a raid at Ricks' Joint in "Casablanca". BTW I saw a post on FB from a black girl (backpacker type ) about profiling in Thailand. She got stopped a few times by BiB for being black. Each time as soon as they determined she was American they lost interest/ treated her respectfully which she contrasted with certain experiences in US.


Majority of you posters once again, STILL don't really understand and are completely <deleted> ignorant. You all continue to argue with Blue about PC "nonsense" and call him "the Al Sharpton of Thai Visa" but as a Black man I make several valid points and you just ignore it. Once again, this thread is exactly society playing out online. It's extremely frustrating to talk about discrimination when people have never experienced it and think you're just playing the race card.

This isn't about America, the West, or any of the BS you all keep bringing up. In Thailand, there IS a racial stigma to being "sii dum" or DARK. I grew up with it here and the US, double the amount of bullshit. Yes, these drug markets exist but acting like Lower Sukhumvit is the only place where people openly sell drugs in Bangkok is completely absurd. These "coloured raids" happen all the time but nothing changes. So what does that tell you? How long have you lived here? How does a person sell drugs in the open eye of the law but get away with it? Come on guys. Let's all just be honest here. There is a little bit of $ involved between two parties. Thai people themselves will tell you that they are racist towards Blacks (generalising obviously but I've had too many Thais tell me this & I've experienced it ).

All of you talking about statistics with Blacks and crime I have a question for you. Out of this raid that many of you say the police did a "great job on", how many of these Blacks were actually found guilty? Where is the evidence for the job well done? Do you have stats? Don't worry, I'll wait...

The issue is there are lots of places in BKK where people should be rounded up for drugs, extortion, crime, scams, etc. These happen in plain sight yet it never stops. My point is if you're going to be so gung ho about "Coloureds in lower sukhumvit" you should also equally be passionate about getting the Russian mob out, the sleezy White sexpats which have become the stereotypical face of farang, etc etc etc. EQUALITY my melanin deficit brothers. That is the word.

I feel as though I'm wasting my time writing this, because realistically this won't move you or make you care until you get profiled yourself. Remember last year when cops were targeting white tourists and stopping them in the streets for drug tests? White people went crazy, set up a FB page, crying tears saying "its not fair to be profiled". Oh Word its not?! Blacks here have been saying and telling you the same thing for YEARS but none of you cared until it happened to you in the Land of Smiles.

I just smile.

Don't worry be happy

I'm suprised Obama hadn't intervened. Of course they aren't voters so he probably doesn't care about those kind of blacks.


Majority of you posters once again, STILL don't really understand and are completely <deleted> ignorant. You all continue to argue with Blue about PC "nonsense" and call him "the Al Sharpton of Thai Visa" but as a Black man I make several valid points and you just ignore it. Once again, this thread is exactly society playing out online. It's extremely frustrating to talk about discrimination when people have never experienced it and think you're just playing the race card.

This isn't about America, the West, or any of the BS you all keep bringing up. In Thailand, there IS a racial stigma to being "sii dum" or DARK. I grew up with it here and the US, double the amount of bullshit. Yes, these drug markets exist but acting like Lower Sukhumvit is the only place where people openly sell drugs in Bangkok is completely absurd. These "coloured raids" happen all the time but nothing changes. So what does that tell you? How long have you lived here? How does a person sell drugs in the open eye of the law but get away with it? Come on guys. Let's all just be honest here. There is a little bit of $ involved between two parties. Thai people themselves will tell you that they are racist towards Blacks (generalising obviously but I've had too many Thais tell me this & I've experienced it ).

All of you talking about statistics with Blacks and crime I have a question for you. Out of this raid that many of you say the police did a "great job on", how many of these Blacks were actually found guilty? Where is the evidence for the job well done? Do you have stats? Don't worry, I'll wait...

The issue is there are lots of places in BKK where people should be rounded up for drugs, extortion, crime, scams, etc. These happen in plain sight yet it never stops. My point is if you're going to be so gung ho about "Coloureds in lower sukhumvit" you should also equally be passionate about getting the Russian mob out, the sleezy White sexpats which have become the stereotypical face of farang, etc etc etc. EQUALITY my melanin deficit brothers. That is the word.

I feel as though I'm wasting my time writing this, because realistically this won't move you or make you care until you get profiled yourself. Remember last year when cops were targeting white tourists and stopping them in the streets for drug tests? White people went crazy, set up a FB page, crying tears saying "its not fair to be profiled". Oh Word its not?! Blacks here have been saying and telling you the same thing for YEARS but none of you cared until it happened to you in the Land of Smiles.

I just smile.

I'd like to direct some questions towards SuayChang....

I agree with much of what you write - But disagree with your final comment (highlighted in bold).... Those hanging around Soi 3 approaching anyone attempting to sell drugs, selling women etc are quite different from someone walking down Sukhumvit 22 towards emporium, work, the pub etc...

No one would complain about guys (black or white) getting pulled over and searched because they've been profiled when wearing flip-flops, shorts and a vest... However, people going to and from work have been questioned and searched, one guys 70 year old parents were harassed and asked to urinate in a cup...

There is quite a difference and this difference has little to do with race and everything to do with probability.

Thus: My question to you SuayChang -

- How many of the black guys arrested / rounded up on Sukhumvit Soi 3 would you think are up to no good?

- How many of the 'people' questions, searched by the Thonglor Police (around the Asoke to Thonglor area) would you think were up to no good?

IF all these people on Soi 3 are honest and feel so unfairly treated why haven't they set up a Facebook page? Could it be because they are not really there for honourable reasons in the first place and the BiB are right on this one?


How can someone be clearly guilty of having black skin. I didn't know being a black person was a crime.

Lets put it another way. Having received 5000 complaints about criminal activity by black people

And 5 complaints about criminal activity by white people,

the obvious "suspects" would a good place to start the investigation, no????

Have a nice day

Bad Tony The President of the Not Politically Correct Society

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