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Prayut to get names of 100 corrupt officials next week

Lite Beer

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Just 100?

My exact thoughts.

Must be 100+ in Kathu, Phuket alone.

The guilty parties are well known and have thumbed their noses at the government for decades. I wish the government did something fast and decisive. I would not say a word if some of the biggest slime balls were tried, convicted and executed. The damage and harm they have done has cost the country billions and inflicted psi, sorrow, hardship and death on many.

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Wait, let me guess. Exactly zero of the corrupt officials will be military. Even though the military is the most corrupt organization in Thailand.

And exactly what proof do you have for that sweeping statement?

Even the Thai people regularly vote the RTP as the most corrupt organisation in the country.

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OK...this is good ( in theory ) ....but will everyone be treated with the same level of disdain and or treated with the same amount of leniency.

I would surmise it depends on the level of corruptness and the level of enriching themselves at the expense and or harm to other people.

Meantime you wonder if all the officials to be held accountable are members of the opposition to the Ruling Junta and their supporters or does the list include some of his friends and political supporters.

I wonder, I wonder


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It would appear that this Bonanza owner is the son of former red shirt leader Paiwong Taechanarong. LINK

It would appear that Paiwong began accumulating this land in 2004.

I wonder how many reds are on this list of 100. I hope the list is both sides of the aisle.

Well with the Shinawatra clan so long in power, who will have their cronies promoted, automatically there will be more reds than yellows who have the chance to be corrupt.

(If it is a list of high level corruption....not some low level who take 1000 Baht)

Given the good general's less than brilliant personality, should this exercise look like a witch hunt of political foes, it will reflect poorly on him and the country. He has a naughty list. Does he have a nice list ? Could a red shirt possibly make the nice list ? Could people with apposing views to his and the Thai elite actually be good for the country ?
What a silly idea!
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2 newbies on this page (1) straight away slam the PM for getting amongst the grafters ??? are these the next ones to join the ranks of the Army bashers, maybe replacing 2 that have just left.

Most posters are welcoming the news, but also there are to be thousands more to add to the corrupt officials list.

There seems to be a NOT very well hidden organized group on TVF that are doing their level best to decry any move by the PM that may involve persons from the previous government that uncovers anything corrupt.

Gone are the days on TVF when 99% of comments were from individuals, who posted what they personally felt.

Any move from any government to delete the corrupt offenders is welcome. Then Thailand can start to move forward.

Welcome to today's musings from paranoia corner....
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Wait, let me guess. Exactly zero of the corrupt officials will be military. Even though the military is the most corrupt organization in Thailand.

And exactly what proof do you have for that sweeping statement?

Even the Thai people regularly vote the RTP as the most corrupt organisation in the country.

Actually there is no need to ask for proof.

The fact that the Military has taken over the country so many times while it is hard to remember how many times exactly...... clearly shows who really is in Charge.

You could say the corruptness of the Police is to the advantage of the Military as that fact seemingly has the people believing that the military officials are not corrupt ...at least in theory.

And then again.......what outsiders say as being corrupt ( both Thai and Foreigner ) is not considered corrupt by those people that could be or maybe will be questioned and held accountable....one day...but most likely not ...while part of what the present Military government is working hard at is making it very difficult for any one to hold them accountable while they hold others accountable.

The main difference being is they have a large and looming military establishment to back themselves up and get their way ...no matter what ..if need be so.


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This is how the purge begins.

Corruption! Corruption!

Mr. Prime Minister will save us.

Who cares about due process, anyway?

It was taking too much time.

Thank goodness for Article 44.

Mr. Prime Minister shall make the decisions based on evidence.

He is a just and beloved leader.

Well said this is EXACTLY the truth! Why would it be important for the junta leader to know the name of "johnny bag o donuts" from "nakorn who knows where"? And why highlight any political affiliations unless you are trying to defame your opponent?

These are more calculated purging techniques....modern day witch hunting at its finest.

If you dont think the rest of the world can see through it all, you're nuts.

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Most people calling for the heads of 100's even 1,000's, couldn't name two officials. laugh.png

I can.

Their names are Somchai Nung and Somchai Song.

A blind man could throw a dart at the Thai bureaucracy over his shoulder, blindfolded (just to make sure) & hit a corrupt official.

Right now they are after Somchai Roy.

Edited by jaywalker
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Most people calling for the heads of 100's even 1,000's, couldn't name two officials. laugh.png

Don't bet on it. One government official living in my area who 4 years ago after the flood didn't have enough money to repair his home etc. then was lucky enough to get a job as a governor of a province. I'm told his rate is 50,000 /month and his wife's about 30,000 so total income is about 80,000/month or 1,000,000 baht per year. Today he is driving a 7 series BMW and his wife is also driving a new car plus the home has been refurbished since the flood with new furniture and not cheap stuff. Many on here likely have pensions of 1,000,000 baht per year or higher but how many of them drive 7 series BMWs. I for one hate to see corruption and what it does to this country and hopefully the PM will continue his fight against it. I agree corruption is most everywhere and the battle will take time but I think he is doing the right thing, starting from the top. I'm no fan but I do wish him all the luck.

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One wonders who picked exactly 100. The number itself is suspiciously even. Something like 97 or 113 would have been less unbelievable. Besides I think it should probable be a much higher number, like 12,647 or so....

1.264.724, is probably more réal..

might i add PER PROVINCEwhistling.gif

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Just 100?

I scratched my head on this one to. I thought there must be some zero's missing. Then I read the following statement and then noticed blood on my fingers from scratching my head. Transfers for being involved in graft what happened to firing and jail terms. Is there some sort of get out of jail free card here in Thailand? Transfers alone will NEVER solve the graft problem its a slap on the wrist. There seems to be no punishment for graft just a loss of face through a transfer to the hinterland.

For senior officials involved in graft, he said transfer orders might need approval from the Cabinet.

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One wonders who picked exactly 100. The number itself is suspiciously even. Something like 97 or 113 would have been less unbelievable. Besides I think it should probable be a much higher number, like 12,647 or so....

1.264.724, is probably more réal..

might i add PER PROVINCEwhistling.gif

per Tambon

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Ok; so they move 100 more jerks sideways and then what. Nobody ever gets fired, tried, convicted, jailed, assets seized, as they would in a properly run country.

They should listen to the Prime Minister of Singapore talking about the possibility of execution for the worst offenders of graft.....but of course those in power here fear for their own necks !

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