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Bangkok – The tourism industry has already seen positive changes after last week’s cancellation of martial law enforcement, Deputy Prime Minister MR Pridiyathorn Devakula said.

The arrivals of high-spending tourists from Europe and the United States are expected to increase, Pridiyathorn said.

During martial law enforcement, inbound tourists could not buy travel insurance policy due to the perceived security risk.

The deputy prime minister said the government expects the tourism rebound to compensate for the weak demands for exports.

The country has projected a zero growth for this year’s exports, he said.

Despite the bleak picture of the Thai economy, the people should not be overly concerned because the government is working to strengthen the economic fundamentals, he said.

After adjustment measures carried out by the government, the economy is projected to bounce back and grow about 5 per cent within the next few years, he said.

In another development on attempts to revitalise the economy, the public-private partnership committee has approved strategic plans to involve private investment in 20 public projects worth 1.35 trillion baht from this year to 2019.

If approved by the Cabinet, the plans will take effect by this month.

Of the PPP projects planned, two will likely get started by this year.

One of the two is the construction to extend the mass transit train route (blue line) from Hua Lumphong to Bang Khae and from Taopoon to Tha Phra.

Another project is the building of an inland clearance depot in Lat Krabang.

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Haha! A few days and instant reaction of international tourists. What a moronic statement of fact they purport! Will the BS ever stop from idiotic Thai Tourism leaders? And the almighty PM, puts up with this BS or believes it? Un-f****ing-believable!

And the almighty PM, puts up with this BS or believes it?

He is the "brain" behind it!!


THis has to be wishful thinking on the goernments behalf - how is it possible to see any conclusive evidence in a matter of days?????? Especially with Song Khran on the horizon....

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And of course the numpty governments and foreign offices in the rest of world have no idea that the introduction of Article 44 is actually worse than the martial law it's replacing. Yeah Right!

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What a TIT

No way the drop of martial law is going see drastic changes to tourism in 4days :o

obvious increase at moment is due to holidays in west & songkran high season here in thailand.

These officials are as thick & twisted as it gets :-/

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Yes of course.

Easter and Songran have no effect compared to the lifting of martial law whic, actually, very few tourists will be aware of or understand the actual implications of.

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Tourism rebounds? Didn't the TAT say that Martial Law was proving to be a good thing for tourism and that number were increasing daily because of it.

So what they said previously was an outright lie because now they admit that foreigners couldn't get travel insurance?

I've read some clap-trap propaganda in my time but none are more creative, stupid and outright moronic than under a Junta.

I wonder how they are going to spin Article 44 as a positive move towards democracy and pushing up the number of tourists.

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Thailand is so 1990's, apart from Chinese hordes and sad old sex tourists it will not rebound, especially when tourists get murdered and Burmese patsys get arrested for it.

The tourism industry has already seen positive changes after last week’s cancellation of martial law enforcement

Whew! I was worried it was going to go the other way, or maybe take longer than 48 hours. Thanks for the good news Minister!


Tourism rebounds? Didn't the TAT say that Martial Law was proving to be a good thing for tourism and that number were increasing daily because of it.

So what they said previously was an outright lie because now they admit that foreigners couldn't get travel insurance?

I've read some clap-trap propaganda in my time but none are more creative, stupid and outright moronic than under a Junta.

I wonder how they are going to spin Article 44 as a positive move towards democracy and pushing up the number of tourists.

'Rebound' was the only word left. IIRC tourism had already 'surged' due to the imposition of martial law.

Problem is (as all too usually) crap reporting. PD said nothing of the sort. What he actually said that removing martial law removes the prohibition on travel insurance from providers in the US and EU. Nothing more. He also said that exports were down by 3% in Q1 and that this alone would reduce GDP growth by 1.6% - and in that context he hoped that tourism would help to pick up the slack later in the year. As for the government CAPEX projects, actual spending will be end-loaded (as is always in the case with infrastructure projects and benefits are for 2016 and later rather than for this year.

Tourism may grow. It may not. But no way does someone read about martial law ending on the Monday and make a flight booking the same day! Leaving aside all this spin an boosterism, we will be lucky to see GDP growth above 3% this year.


PD is actually one of the few people in the cabinet that can count to 20 without removing socks. And from what I have heard, he has had just about enough BS and may 'gracefully step back' before too long.

This Deputy Prime Minister MR Pridiyathorn Devakula, needs his head examined.

If he tells us that the tourists started flooding the country because of the lift of martial law, 4 days ago, and the future of the economy is all roses because of the government steps, he is either lying or hasn't got the brain to understand the real truth.

Hope we are not going back listening to government rhetorics without any substance.

Do I feel just a little doubt creeping in.....................?? (about time!!)

You are aware:

1. Khun Devakula is a minister in your beloved leaders government

2. Khun Devakula is a member of the Royal family

In just one post, you managed to challenge Art 44 and LM!!

Well done Sir!!clap2.gif


That was quick!!!! martial law lifted 4 days ago, tourism already booming 4 days after... Thailand, the hub of funny news. And clowns as well.

ha ha ha...but true.


Something to do with Easter holidays in Europe perhaps

And nothing to do with Songkran which is traditionally a tourist attraction!!!


not yet 1 week that martial law ended and tourism already rebounds !!

A very very Quality statement:

1.) Long hall travell and tourism is booking 3 to 6 months in advance !!

But Thai sees result already after 5 days :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

2.) Not any one of my relatives or friends knows that there were a martial law in Thailand,

and that it had an effect to travell insurance ;

3.) Travell insurance were only avoid, if the exident would have beed happened in direct relation with

unrest or war activities, related on reason of martial law;

When this thai people will get informed whats going on in Thailand and abroad ??

Most reasons why western tourist are not coming any more to Thailand are 3 others:

1.) Tourists got aware, that Thais try to cheat foreigners where they can;

2.) Thailand tourisam expenses increased for westerners for more than 60%

about 40% of the exchanging rate of money

and about 20 up to 50% increase of prices in Thailand ,

prices are totally out of controll in Thailand;

A cheap food " with same quality " I get in Europe cheaper than in Thailand,

Drinks are same , same or higher - a can of beer i get in super market for less 50,- cent

in thailand it is practically the dubble price;

A coffee on a budget bub on the beach I pay in croatia less than 1,50 Euros,

In Thailand I pay today 2,50 to 3 Euros !!

3.) And we get extremly digestive problems, if we today confronted with the " New High Quality "

Tourists which get Thailand todays from China and russia ;

Europeans flee from Chinese and russions like in past for the epidemy of Pest, and today from Ebola;

( where I think against Ebola you can protect you, how agoinst this chinese hordes on beches, buses,

museums, hotel buffets ??

Only one way : Dont take the way into Thailand !!

And if you there, hide or run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The tittle is wrong. Not tourism rebounds. should be tourism expected to rebound just like the artile says. People that write most of these I guess do not reread what they wrote.


Geezus Gunna, get a new Thai teacher. The language does indeed have a future past and present tense.

It doesn't actually. There are means of adapting a sentence to achieve this however, such as saying gum lung (...ing) in front of a verb for present continuous tense, for a past tense meaning you have to insert a time aspect, as you do with the future. They also say laio to emphasise that something is in the past eg: gin laio or eat already. If someone returns from the market you say - go market come already.

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Another very good conclusion :

The increased flocking in tourists after martial law banned,

will compensate the loss on export !!

so on the end,

tourists back, no more income,

loss on export !

Dont they realice why export goes down and not increase ??

It is their monetary policy to keep the thb so high 1

and not profitable quality products for Export !

So they should use their brain to compensate and not the tourists and their spending !!

Bring thailand back to a touristic destination and not a garbidge box for Chi !!

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