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American arrested, 2 injured, in multi-vehicle road crash in Pattaya


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Sound like she was under the influence of some drugs cocktail, either that or that she's

a deranged sort.... in this case the loony bin is beaconing to her....

Drunk, deranged or just scared of being lynched.

Thais will make a hundred yard dash in 4 seconds if there is a farang down and being kicked. I've seen it.

So you keep saying.

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There are times when the Thai police show amazing restraint...she could have been beaten to a pulp...and no one would have said a word...she is a lucky...if not dumb blond...

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Sound like she was under the influence of some drugs cocktail, either that or that she's

a deranged sort.... in this case the loony bin is beaconing to her....

As one of TV's finest I weight in with the following succinct analysis: She caught husband/BF with his hand in the Pattaya cookie jar and went bonkers

There it is, case closed. Now back to Facebook.

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1. following a 30 minute wrecking spree which saw her damage 13 vehicles and injure 2 people.

2. Accidents happen. I am thinking the Thais caused the ensuing chaos.

3. In Africa you might be wise not to stop in case

4. that could explain why she run away. ( thai style )

5. Yeah, she was just embracing the Thainess of not losing face and was in need of fleeing lessons.

Sure, Thailand attracts the best foreigners on this planet!

Once again Thailand does it!


Edited by ravip
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Sound like she was under the influence of some drugs cocktail, either that or that she's

a deranged sort.... in this case the loony bin is beaconing to her....

Drugged is what I was thinking, and it is certainly not beyond the pale that she might of been slipped a Micky Finn in a bar, but left before it kicked in and started driving home or to the hotel, not knowing she would be totally losing it 10 minutes later.

We have many times heard about pretty western women getting drugged here, Rohipnol, Valium, Deet or the like. So, she escaped her potential attacker and fell into a different bad scene. Panic would also make sense as the drugs kick in even if she had two beers, a Micky coming on fast would explain most all of this incident.

Edited by animatic
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It is possible she simply panicked big time and it escalated out of control. In Africa you might be wise not to stop in case of a road accident, even when it is against the law, you drive directly to your embassy and then report.

When you sat it's possible she paniced, what other scenario do you imagine occurred?

Maybe she heard there was a clothes sale at the mall?

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I watched a Thai mob kill a farang.

Farang was an angry drunk and acting up, yelling at people, making a scene. The guy was being an a-hole but I don't think he deserved to have his head caved in.

The police showed up, handcuffed the guy.... then and the mob attacked & police stood back.

5 or 6 Thai guys violently kicking his head and clubbing his skull with a heavy piece of wood while he was handcuffed.

This happened in front of a hotel, all caught on video too.

Thais are only good at fighting in mobs never on a one on one.whistling.gif

Upset a Lady-boy and they will fight one to one. Weird isn't it ? TIT

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This is what becomes with the Americans driving on the wrong side of the road back home. Send her back home for good before she kills some innocent bystander and make sure she never returns.

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Another good reason to never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand.

How old are you? Try living a normal, functional, family life here without a car.

69. I live a normal (maybe not), functional (not family) life here.

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Sound like she was under the influence of some drugs cocktail, either that or that she's

a deranged sort.... in this case the loony bin is beaconing to her....

Drunk, deranged or just scared of being lynched.

Thais will make a hundred yard dash in 4 seconds if there is a farang down and being kicked. I've seen it.

And yet so many foreigners insist on living inThailand or spending lots of time there, begs the question, why ?

I just cannot imagine what it is like "back 'ome" for the people who would rather risk their lives on a daily basis to live in Thailand.

When you consider all the dangers and downfalls of living in the LOS posted on TVF some of the other countries must be an absolute hell on Earth. whistling.gif

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