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Obama defends Iran deal as 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity


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Obama defends Iran deal as 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama staunchly defended a framework nuclear agreement with Iran as a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" to prevent a bomb and bring longer-term stability to the Middle East. He insisted the U.S. would stand by Israel if it were to come under attack, but acknowledged that his pursuit of diplomacy with Tehran has caused strain with the close ally.

"It's been a hard period," Obama said in a weekend interview with Thomas Friedman, a columnist for The New York Times. He added that it is "personally difficult" for him to hear his administration accused of not looking out for Israel's interests.

Now in his seventh year in office, Obama cast the Iran talks as part of a broader foreign policy doctrine that sees American power as a safeguard that gives him the ability to take calculated risks.

"We are powerful enough to be able to test these propositions without putting ourselves at risk," he said, citing his overtures to Cuba and Myanmar as other examples of his approach.

The president's comments come days after the U.S. and other world powers reached a tentative agreement to curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. The framework cleared the way for negotiators to hammer out technical details ahead of a June 30 deadline for a final deal.

Obama argued that successful negotiations presented the most effective way to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but insisted he would keep all options on the table if Tehran were to violate the terms.

"I've been very clear that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on my watch, and I think they should understand that we mean it," Obama said in the interview published Sunday. "But I say that hoping that we can conclude this diplomatic arrangement — and that it ushers a new era in U.S.-Iranian relations — and, just as importantly, over time, a new era in Iranian relations with its neighbors."

The president said there are many details that still need to be worked out with the Iranians and cautioned that there would be "real political difficulties" in implementing an agreement in both countries. He reiterated his opposition to a legislation that would give the U.S. Congress final say in approving or rejecting a deal, but said he hoped to find a path to allow Congress to "express itself."

The White House plans an aggressive campaign to sell the deal to Congress, as well as to skeptical Arab allies who worry about Iran's destabilizing activity in the region. The president has invited leaders of six Gulf nations to Washington this spring and said he wanted to "formalize" U.S. assistance.

On the substance of the Iran framework agreement, Obama outlined more specifics of how the U.S. would seek to verify that Tehran wasn't cheating. He said there would be an "international mechanism" that would assess whether there needed to be an inspection at a suspicious site and could overrule Iranian objections.

The nuclear talks have marked a remarkable shift in the frozen relationship between the U.S. and Iran. It has become normal for officials from both countries to communicate and hold face-to-face meetings. Obama is yet to meet with Iranian President Hasan Rouhani, though they did speak on the phone. He has also exchanged letters with Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Obama said the letters include "a lot of reminders of what he perceives as past grievances against Iran." But he said the concessions Khamenei allowed his negotiators to make in the nuclear talks suggests that "he does realize that the sanctions regime that we put together was weakening Iran over the long term, and that if in fact he wanted to see Iran re-enter the community of nations, then there were going to have to be changes."

Associated Press writer Hope Yen contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-06

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More like once in a life time screw up and a cock up Mr. president, like you care what going to happened

after you have retired and writing your memoirs for a hefty royalties,

Iran is not a country to be trusted, they openly call for the destruction of Israel, they're arch foes

of any Sunni countries, they funds and support rouge countries and terrorist groups, they involve

themselves in countries they have no business being there, like Yemen,

What else do you need Mr. president that you're trusting a regime that is all to happy to sacrifice

millions of their people to the end results.... time will tell, Mr. president....

So unlike us who only involve our selves in countries we have business being in ,and sacrifice thousands of our people to the end result , but we were not all to happy whistling.gif

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Obama is allowing Iran to enrich uranium, even though they don't need it for energy, and they could just buy it like most other countries. What a stupid deal. North Korea again, but worse.

Come on, UG. You know Obama is the fifth best president ever.

From the Texas A&M University Public Relations Office: "After almost six years in office, Americans have rated President Obama the fifth best President ever:"

1. Reagan & Lincoln tied for first,

2. Twenty three presidents tied for second,

3. Seventeen other presidents tied for third,

4. Jimmy Carter came in fourth, and

5. Obama came in fifth.


I wonder what criteria one would use that would tie Reagan and Lincoln for first ?

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What is so special about the relationship between Israel and the United States?.....When it comes to trade, I can't think of one commercially made item that can be found in a supermarket, or Wal*Mart store.

Its seems to be a one sided RELATIONSHIP. How many billions of dollars have we given to the Israelis over the past 50 years? How many billions of dollars have we given Egypt to stay friendly with its neighbors. And for what? a semi-peace in the Middle East?

And who are we to dictate to any country who can have or can't have nukes? Especially since we are the only nation on the planet that has used two on Japan during the 2nd world war? Used on civilians as a terrorist act to force Japan to surrender.

The treaty with Iran is meaningless, what became of the talks with North Korea? I thought it was we will never allow them to develop Nuclear weapons? Now they are working on expanding the distance of their missiles.

"Once in a lifetime opportunity?.....Really? I didn't know Obamabomb can predict the future! Iran, as well as North Korea can not be trusted. A signature on a doted line to them is meaningless.

Does anyone remember PM Chamberland of GB in 1939, who proudly in hand waving it to the crowd of spectators claiming he has the signature of The Furrier of Germany agreeing to never to go to war with Britain again!......well we know how that turn out!

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All of President Obama's flowing rhetoric in support of Israel and the non-threat to Israel's security with the deal being made with Iran pales into insignificance when dealing with the realities of Iranian actions in the past...amid forecasts for their future actions.

Following is an indication of some of the action that will be taken by Iran when they get their hands on the frozen funds.


Iran 'is intensifying efforts to support Hamas in Gaza'
By Con Coughlin, Defence Editor4:58PM BST 04 Apr 2015
Iran has sent Hamas’s military wing tens of millions of dollars to help it rebuild the network of tunnels in Gaza destroyed by Israel’s invasion last summer, intelligence sources have told The Sunday Telegraph.
It is also funding new missile supplies to replenish stocks used to bombard residential neighbourhoods in Israel during the war, code-named Operation Protective Edge by Israel.
The renewed funding is a sign that the two old allies are putting behind them a rift caused by the conflict in Syria, where Shia Iran is backing President Bashar al-Assad against Hamas’s mainly Sunni allies.
Iran has sponsored Hamas’s military operations for years, despite the contradiction that Hamas is part of the worldwide, Sunni-supremacist Muslim Brotherhood, while Iran is Shia.
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I really do not think this deal will go through, the US press is really putting a spin on this for the good and there is really nothing good in it. On paper looks great but we already know how ineffective UN inspectors are. This part is a complete joke.

Iran already has ICBM's and enough juice to make a bomb, The need to by the targeting technology so it will hit its target. They will get this from China.

They also have a US MARINE in prison in Iran but of course his freedom is not important to this Administration.

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Anyone would think the US is the only country involved in the negotiations and Obama is to blame for everything.

All the other countries walked out and Kerry stayed and begged for a deal - ANY DEAL. This is a 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity, because presidents this naive don't come along more often.

So you are saying the other countries to not agree?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Obama is allowing Iran to enrich uranium, even though they don't need it for energy, and they could just buy it like most other countries. What a stupid deal. North Korea again, but worse.

Like other countries? The US, China, and Russia make their own for nuclear energy purposes. Why shouldn't Iran?

Iran like the US, Russia, China, and Iran are signatories to the Non Proliferation Nuclear Agreement that PERMITS refinement of uranium for purposes of power generation. Why should some signatories be able to exercise their rights but not Iran?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Anyone would think the US is the only country involved in the negotiations and Obama is to blame for everything.

All the other countries walked out and Kerry stayed and begged for a deal - ANY DEAL. This is a 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity, because presidents this naive don't come along more often.

Pure fantasy. Please cite a reference that the other countries walked out. Russia and China have largely remained silent and uninvolved in the negotiations but have NEVER walked out on negotiations.

Anyone really think that either Russia or China who are part of the P-5 want another nuclear armed nation near their borders that is controlled by an Islamic regime? Especially one that has expressed imperialistic aims over the entire Middel East and supported jihadists in Syria, the Sinai, and Iraq?

None of the P-5 countries have WALKED OUT. What they have indicated however, is that if the P-5 does not agree on a treaty that shutsdown Iran's nuclear weapons program, each are free to make their own agreements with Iran that WILL be counter to US and Israel security.

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Obama is allowing Iran to enrich uranium, even though they don't need it for energy, and they could just buy it like most other countries. What a stupid deal. North Korea again, but worse.

Like other countries? The US, China, and Russia make their own for nuclear energy purposes. Why shouldn't Iran?

They are nuclear weapons states. Iran is claiming they are only interested in peaceful use. They don't need to enrich. 17 nations have peaceful nuclear programs and not a single one of them enriches uranium.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Anyone would think the US is the only country involved in the negotiations and Obama is to blame for everything.

All the other countries walked out and Kerry stayed and begged for a deal - ANY DEAL. This is a 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity, because presidents this naive don't come along more often.

Pure fantasy. Please cite a reference that the other countries walked out.

Fantasy? Hardly.

Call this something less than a confidence-builder. CBS News reports that talks with Iran may go another 48 hours after the deadline for a deal passed last night, but the talks will be a lonelier exercise. Three of the nations in the talks have walked out, while John Kerry tries wheedling the Iranians into an agreement of any kind:


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I must admit I am quite baffled by what is really going on in these talks.

Apparently the latest official statements on the talks; American, Iranian and Russian versions are markedly different in what they say?

I cannot believe that the US Administration did not make the release of the three American prisoners, one an ex-Marine, a prerequisite before the talks even start. It would be a gesture of good faith from the Iranians, if they did. I note that John Kerry always avoids that question in press interviews.

Going back to basics; it still does not make any sense for a country like Iran, which has large reserves of oil, to spend huge amounts of money to develop nuclear energy.

My only conclusion is that Obama just wants to do something big on the international stage, before he leaves office, that he can say this is his legacy.

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Obama is allowing Iran to enrich uranium, even though they don't need it for energy, and they could just buy it like most other countries. What a stupid deal. North Korea again, but worse.

Come on, UG. You know Obama is the fifth best president ever.

From the Texas A&M University Public Relations Office: "After almost six years in office, Americans have rated President Obama the fifth best President ever:"

1. Reagan & Lincoln tied for first,

2. Twenty three presidents tied for second,

3. Seventeen other presidents tied for third,

4. Jimmy Carter came in fourth, and

5. Obama came in fifth.


Reagan & Lincoln tied First? Says it all really. how does Reagan compare to Lincoln? what a joke. Obama cam fifth as in Fifth columnist maybe! cheesy.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Anyone would think the US is the only country involved in the negotiations and Obama is to blame for everything.

All the other countries walked out and Kerry stayed and begged for a deal - ANY DEAL. This is a 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity, because presidents this naive don't come along more often.

Pure fantasy. Please cite a reference that the other countries walked out.

Fantasy? Hardly.

Call this something less than a confidence-builder. CBS News reports that talks with Iran may go another 48 hours after the deadline for a deal passed last night, but the talks will be a lonelier exercise. Three of the nations in the talks have walked out, while John Kerry tries wheedling the Iranians into an agreement of any kind:


So they didnt all walk out, to use your term. Please stop lying.

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The deal is a joke Iran have not really agreed to anything binding, Obama and Kerry should stick to what their good at ruining the USA,

Your right. As soon as sanctions are lifted Iran will say that the Americans broke the deal and they are cancelling it. Look at all the deals they have broken in the past. America should stop being the worlds policeman. They have lots of blue on either side to protect them and can knock anything out of the air coming their way. You cannot overcome centuries of ethnic hatred just let them blow each other up. I have lost track of who is Sunni and who is &lt;deleted&gt;. Let em have at it as fewer numbers on each side are a good thing. Like children who tire of fighting they will eventually find a new way on their own.

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Once in a lifetime opportunity? does this guy never tire of patting himself on the back? He is trying to build up his so called legacy so that he can raise the price of the multitude of speeches and appearances he will give after leaving office. Being president is a low paid thankless job but all the gold comes after leaving office. Its all the requests he will get to sit on boards, lobby, speeches etc. that will bring in the real sheckles. Maybe his wife could be a real contender in 2016. I see by Jeb Bushes approval rating that dynasties are definitely the way to go today. They better start grooming a younger Bush for the future.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Air . A right wing lying piece of internet propaganda founded by the infamous right wingnut Michelle Malkin. One who if her lips are moving she is lying. Anybody that reads that crap other to know the enemy and believes a single word has serious problems with reality. Of course all the right wingnuts come flying out of the woodwork. If tricky dicky, opps Dick Nixon (who on many issues was actually to the left of Obama) or ronald ray guns, darn this computer just has a brilliant mind of it's own, I tried to type Ronald Reagan, proposed this they would singing praises to the high heavens. Give me a break, if, big, big, big if Iran ever develops a nuke and launches a nuke that country will be a glass parking lot. There is NO solid evidence Iran is trying to produce a nuke, none, nada, zip. But seeing as who so many of our perceived and real enemies, Russia, China for example have nukes we should just launch a preemptive strike, right brilliant thinking right wingnuts.
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