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Ready to run, Clinton to announce 2016 bid on Sunday

Lite Beer

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Interesting that the Teapublicans continue to point at Benghazi as HRC's downfall.

Fox (ministry of propaganda) spent so much time trying to prop up that massive mountain of BS, it's tough to walk away from it.

It will be interesting to see what kind of impending doom they'll make up to scare the electorate into voting for them. It's already gotten interesting with Cruz and Rand stumbling out of the gate during their first week. Then again, what did you expect?

Watch Hillary come out Sunday, if you want to see how it's done.

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Secretary Clinton carries a lot of baggage, and she is not guaranteed victory as some on the left presume; but she will be very difficult to beat. Republicans need to ignore the hyper-partisan nuts and choose a strong ticket that appeals to moderate voters in purple states. Normally Governor Bush would be an ideal candidate but his last name is going to make it hard for many people to vote for him. I like Senator Portman or Governor Huntsman as possibilities. And as a wildcard for VP, how about Democrat Senator Jim Webb? He was President Reagan's Secretary of the Navy and could help the GOP win Virginia.

Your assertions are pretty much spot on, with the exception of your suggestion to the Republicans to "ignore the hyper-partisan nuts". While that is indeed exactly what they should do, it ain't never gonna happen, for the simple reason that the hyper-partisan ones constitute the majority of the voter turnout in the primaries, and they like their meat raw. So all of the occupants of the tiny Republican clown car are forced to cow-tow to the mouth breathers and put on their Acme Rocket Skates to see who can get farthest to the right the fastest. The winner then has to do his/her best to try to reverse course and tip toe back toward the center during the national campaign, hoping the wing nuts don't see, and that the middle wasn't watching. But the problem for that person then becomes political attack adds reminding voters of some of the bat sh*t crazy things they said during the primaries. Until the Republicans can find a way to divorce themselves from the extreme right it's going to get increasingly difficult for them to win the White House back. Not that they can't. The Dems are perfectly capable of shooting their own toes off. And though I do think that Hillary will probably win, being a serious lefty, I wouldn't trust her as far as I can drop kick an anvil. Her mortgage is held by Wall Street, and she's not about to piss them off.

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Hillary: Anything he can do, I can do better and it's a chance for me to remind him that his dabbles with Monica haven't been forgotten or forgiven. If I were a man, they would call me an arrogant b*stard.

Americans should misremember to vote for her and give the rest of the world a break.

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Secretary Clinton carries a lot of baggage, and she is not guaranteed victory as some on the left presume; but she will be very difficult to beat.

There are a large number of Dems (voters) who could not bring themselves to actively vote for Clinton resulting in a low turnout. I understand that low turnouts generally favour the Republican party so Clinton getting the nod could be dangerous. However, given the likely Republican candidates she will highly likely win and by a good margin.

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Elizabeth Warren would be exciting.

But right now she couldn't win the general election.

Another limited experience left wing Senator to follow Obama?

Fat chance.

The republicans would love to run against Warren.

Sorry, Charlie. rolleyes.gif

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Democrats will have a voter turnout problem because some will think they don't need to vote as Hillary is inevitable, and because others think she is a big yawn. The Democrats will fiddle...

Indeed, that too.

No doubt a couple of Dems will throw their hat into the ring but it will only be for show which means no gusto at all. The same could be said of the Republicans in that whoever gets the nod will be entirely up to the koch brothers. Paul and Cruz are only there in order to show that other candidates are less crazy. Put all the crazies out first so when Jeb states he is running he will seem normal.

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It would be interesting for America to have a woman President, especially at a time of the Islamic conflicts. America has been one of the few democracies not to ever have a Head of State.

In the long run I'd like see a minority woman as a front runner for POTUS. Minorities account now for about 30% of the US population and represent the largest population growth. Maybe if Hillary is elected, she will have an organization of senior officials that might include minority women who can have the experience and talent to one day run for POTUS.

So you want a minority person regardless as to whether they are any good or not, smile.png .

I'm sure they can find a black lesbian disabled person somewhere in the Democrat party.

BTW Warren claims to be part American Indian- vote for her cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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There is such a huge base of Americans on some form of assistance it will be hard for the GOP to win.....it wont be a vote for what we want or can accompish as a nation....rather a vote for give me more free sh!! And let me keep my free shi& ...

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Secretary Clinton carries a lot of baggage, and she is not guaranteed victory as some on the left presume; but she will be very difficult to beat. Republicans need to ignore the hyper-partisan nuts and choose a strong ticket that appeals to moderate voters in purple states. Normally Governor Bush would be an ideal candidate but his last name is going to make it hard for many people to vote for him. I like Senator Portman or Governor Huntsman as possibilities. And as a wildcard for VP, how about Democrat Senator Jim Webb? He was President Reagan's Secretary of the Navy and could help the GOP win Virginia.

The Dems were extremely foolish to discard Hillary in the primaries. Had she been the candidate she would have won easily, THEN they could have gone for the half caste, and again, he would probably have been a shoo in.

Now, Hillary is so tainted by the bad mistakes she made as Sec State that she might only win if the Republicans put someone named "Bush" on the ballot, or some worse incompetent.

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..............Does her husband know how to bake cookies? What will be his role in the white house?.........Remember she resigned as Secretary of State. And she still has to answer to the Benghazi attacks and also countless other facts surrounding the IRS cover ups, IRS files hidden in the White house, of Prominent political opponents. There are so manny things she has been involved with, very little accomplishments as a Senator or as Secretary of State. She is a looser. Cornelia Rice (Secretary of State under Bush) could run circles around her if she ran for President.

You are absolutely right about Condoleeza Rice. That is a woman I could vote for as president. And Rice is a huge and knowledgeable American football fan, mentioned as a possible future NFL commissioner.. Hillary cannot overcome her sense of entitlement regarding the presidency. She accomplished nothing as a Senator (among the worst attendance records in the senate). As Secretary of State, what were her accomplishments, other than failing to respond to the Benghazi attacks and blame it on a You Tube video? She was more concerned about soliciting donations to the Clinton Foundation. She was fired from her position as an attorney with the Watergate investigation for "unethical conduct and a lack of moral integrity" by her Democrat boss. Who can forget her "enemies list" and the IRS files of Republican politicians found in the President's White Houose quarters during the Bill Clinton presidency. Nixon was vilified for this, but Hillary gets a pass because she is a woman? Don't forget "Travelgate". The media seems to be willing to give her a pass on her foibles, but I have a sneaking suspicion some of these will come back to bite her in the butt.

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They say America is not ready for a Woman to be a President.Did n't America used to have a retarded cowboy as president for 8 years?

Retarded. If you mean Dubya, he's a graduate of Yale University and of Harvard Business School. He was a fighter pilot in the military. He was a self-made multi-millionaire before he ran for POTUS.

He was President of The United States of America.

Now what was your resume again, Einstein? whistling.gif

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Propitious timing it is.

Hillary Rodham Clinton gets to run for president at the height of the Republican Party Regressive Period of US history.

Republicans have won two of the past six elections of a president. R's have won but one of the past six presidential elections if one counts the Bush Bros & Family chad count in Florida in 2000, which led to a narrow GW Bush win in 2004.

The Democratic party nominee for prez has won the national popular vote in five of the past six elections of the president, to include the 2000 chad year tallying.

Propitious indeed.

The Republican Party Regressive Era contributes mightily to electing the first woman president.

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It doesn’t matter who wins in 2016, because by the time Obama leaves office he will have handed over control of the US to the United Nations. cheesy.gif

Do the wing-nuts still believe that or have they been taking their thorazine?

There is something happening right now that could possibly ensure defeat for the GOP in 2016, and it has nothing to with the Dems, liberal media bias, Kenyan-communist plots, culture wars etc. The funny thing is Fox News doesn’t mention it, so none of the Raging Patriots have a clue. The rest of the media is ignoring it because it is all too distasteful.

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They say America is not ready for a Woman to be a President.Did n't America used to have a retarded cowboy as president for 8 years?

Retarded. If you mean Dubya, he's a graduate of Yale University and of Harvard Business School. He was a fighter pilot in the military. He was a self-made multi-millionaire before he ran for POTUS.

He was President of The United States of America.

Now what was your resume again, Einstein? whistling.gif

Dubya was never in the military running the risk of having to serve in Vietnam. His father and friends got him a (at that time) cushy job in the Air National Guard bypassing a rather long waiting list. There are also rumours that when he moved to another state during his service term he never reported for duty again.

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They say America is not ready for a Woman to be a President.Did n't America used to have a retarded cowboy as president for 8 years?

Retarded. If you mean Dubya, he's a graduate of Yale University and of Harvard Business School. He was a fighter pilot in the military. He was a self-made multi-millionaire before he ran for POTUS.

He was President of The United States of America.

Now what was your resume again, Einstein? whistling.gif

Dubya was never in the military running the risk of having to serve in Vietnam. His father and friends got him a (at that time) cushy job in the Air National Guard bypassing a rather long waiting list. There are also rumours that when he moved to another state during his service term he never reported for duty again.

I forgot to mention that Dubya was the governor of the State of Texas. Now what does your post have to do with Dubya showing that he was a "retarded cowboy"? I was answering Derek M.
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I hope the derogatory reference to the "retarded cowboy" who served two terms wasn't directed at Reagan. That would be unwarranted and unfair. None of today's presidential candidates, Clinton and Jeb Bush included, are fit to walk in his footsteps.

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Just some info.

Candidate Profile: Hillary Clinton

Campaign Slogan: I deserve this

Campaign Strategy: Overwhelming tide of inevitability

Biggest Scandals: Deaths of four Americans at Benghazi, use of private email account for government emails, choice of Nina McLemore dress at a 1998 presidential function


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Becoming a fighter pilot is never "cushy". It takes a lot of work and is dangerous job. Any more silly, discredited talking points? rolleyes.gif

This comes lot closer and is actually on topic:

This is the main problem with Hillary, she just can't help herself. Whenever she sees a chance of "bigging herself up", or just getting herself out of a hole, her first instinct is to tell a whopping great big lie. No matter that it should be obvious that the lie will very quickly be exposed as such, she still does it. A massive character flaw which at the very least should raise serious questions as to whether somebody with this problem is a fit and proper person to hold the position she aspires to. When she is President and gets caught out doing it she will be crucified. My particular favourite "whopper", which i have posted before but is worth a second showing because is quite funny as a classic example of it not even crossing her mind that the lie will very quickly be exposed as such, rightly subjecting her to ridicule, which as President would surely demean the office.

When she went to New Zealand in her role as Secretary of State she gave a press conference during which, in an attempt to ingratiate herself with her hosts, she announced that she had been named after their most famous son, Sir Edmund Hillary the mountaineer who was the first person to climb Everest. To which Sir Edmund later responded, amid much laughter, "Why should this be? In 1947 when she was born i was an anonymous schoolmaster!" Anyone with an ounce of nous would have checked the dates first before making a fool of themselves with such a claim, but oh no, not our Hillary. As i said before she just can't help herself.

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Its a sad sort off circumstance in this day and age.....considering that the worlds top job as a good chance to fall into the lap of a person that least deserves it.....a hell fire i am hollier than thou Bitc'.......and we scoff at at Thailand and there woes.......Americand for the most part....are sad to say pretty much equal to there Issan counter parts........There is a way out and a positive path ahead but it is so murky that it wont happen........conservatives are not the enemy....but sadly its all about killing the goose that lays the golden egg...

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Hope she doesn't blow her chances...as Monica and bill did.

Hey man , they have both had their flings ,

she is gonna get my vote , because she is Wh.te .

I love her 2 bits wai2.gif

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