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Huge drug cache seized in Bangkok


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Huge drug cache seized in capital

BANGKOK: -- A drug trafficking gang comprising Thai and Myanmar nationals was smashed by narcotic suppression police and more than 2.3 million methamphetamine pills were seized.

At a press conference chaired by Royal Thai Police commissioner Pol Gen Somyot Phumphanmuang on Tuesday, eight Thai and Myanmar suspects were arrested and brought before the media with the huge drug cache comprising 2.3 million methamphetamine pills, 15 kilogrammes of “Ice” or crystal meth, and guns.

The commissioner said the drugs were smuggled into Bangkok from the North to Bangkok and hid at several places in Saphan Song area of Bangkok awaiting to be delivered to customers.

He said narcotic suppression police followed one suspect, Mafee Surawong, to a house where they seized 300,000 methamphetamine pills.

His confession led to more seizures and arrests comprising Thai and Myanmar nationals in two rented houses in Bangkok.

One if them is Prachong Purknang.

He confessed to be a major drug agent in Saphan Soong area and received the drug from Muser and Wa tribes across the border.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/huge-drug-cache-seized-in-capital

-- Thai PBS 2015-04-14

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Ice is a terrible drug.

Working in a rehab a few years back, one client took all the satellite dishes off the roofs of all the houses in his street. They were sending x-rays into his head.

This man got clean after quite a few attempts. Still clean today and manages a service for a international company.

Very hard to catch the boss.

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I think most of the drugs are made in Myanmar and smuggled into Thailand. Isn't it time for Myanmar to make a serious effort to shut down the places which makes these drugs and arrest those responsible ? Until the flow has stopped little will change in Thailand.

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Some of these drug busts will usually come back on Thailand's streets anyway.

And once a year, when they burn all these drugs, where all the cops and government officials are standing next to the drugs, always makes me laugh.

Would they really burn all the drugs, standing next to the fire, wouldn't all of them be so stoned that they'd all start laughing about themselves?

The hub of confiscated drugs that make their way back on the streets. cheesy.gif

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I think most of the drugs are made in Myanmar and smuggled into Thailand. Isn't it time for Myanmar to make a serious effort to shut down the places which makes these drugs and arrest those responsible ? Until the flow has stopped little will change in Thailand.

It's relatively easy to make your own speed in a bathtub. Shut down Myanmar and another country takes over.

If you're telling me now that there's no more cocaine in Colombia that will actually be sold on American roads and no more Mexican heroin, I would agree with you.

The little difference is that the rich take the good stuff, while the poor smoke or inject crack. That really cracks me up, for god's sake.

Drugs were and will always be available. Thaksin's war on drugs for three months made the impossible possible.

Those bar girls could buy their pill for 30 baht before the war, just to find out that they had to pay 500 for one, after only three months of war against drugs.




Edited by lostinisaan
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I think most of the drugs are made in Myanmar and smuggled into Thailand. Isn't it time for Myanmar to make a serious effort to shut down the places which makes these drugs and arrest those responsible ? Until the flow has stopped little will change in Thailand.

Yeah, right..... Isn't it time to call the War on Drugs the international disaster it is costing trillions of dollars annually with an ever growing drug trade? You'l notice that here, as elsewhere, only a few low level guys were caught. So what now - they get life in prison and some new mules carry the drugs for the rich and connected. Yeah, right.....

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I think most of the drugs are made in Myanmar and smuggled into Thailand. Isn't it time for Myanmar to make a serious effort to shut down the places which makes these drugs and arrest those responsible ? Until the flow has stopped little will change in Thailand.

Yeah, right..... Isn't it time to call the War on Drugs the international disaster it is costing trillions of dollars annually with an ever growing drug trade? You'l notice that here, as elsewhere, only a few low level guys were caught. So what now - they get life in prison and some new mules carry the drugs for the rich and connected. Yeah, right.....

Have to agree with you Bill, and I speak as someone who doesn't bother with drugs at all.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

how long and how many Thais. does it take to count 2.3 million pills. i did not know they can count that high!

they come up with these amounts and it is probably only 2kilos!!!!!!!


I'm Irish and I can work out how to guesstimate the number of identical pills in any given weight.

Should be easy enough for the Thais.................coffee1.gif

Unbelievable that there are so many negative points being raised about this seizure. They should be congratulated for this, just for the 15kg of Ice alone, with the pills as a bonus.

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So many pills. Just makes you wonder how many people are under the influence of them working or driving around thailand. Anyone know how much they cost per pill just out of interest?

300 thb for 1 pill of yaa baa

3'000 thb for half a gram of meth

Don't ask how I know these things.

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I think most of the drugs are made in Myanmar and smuggled into Thailand. Isn't it time for Myanmar to make a serious effort to shut down the places which makes these drugs and arrest those responsible ? Until the flow has stopped little will change in Thailand.

Myanmar is not a united country but a series of independent Sates that were colonialized by Britain in the same way as India and Malaysia and are now part of a police state (similar to North Korea and a well-known SEA country). The major difference is that the rulers of some of those States have worked out that they can can maintain their control by selling drugs.

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I hope they are able to confiscate all the drugs soon so all the drug problems will finally be solved.

Intradiction and criminal penalties worked so well in America, no reason that approach won't be a huge success here too.

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Happy to see the pills of the streets.well done to the police involved ! That stuff messes with people's brains.

Especially that meth stuff, though the current govt solution is just as dangerous, which is locking them up like sardines in inhumane conditions for months or years on end with next to zero nutrition and no medical care, minimal family contact, and indifferent prison guards watching over them.

Better that they legalize cannabis and let them chill at home having the munchies and listening to or playing music like most normal people do. Nobody every died or caused major social problems from using herbs.

Edited by borisloosebrain
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good to see the police doing something positive, hopefully this is all of what they found and not just the stuff for show

Why do you start positively then the rest of it just sinks to a level that's really is not becoming. Why is it, that no matter what the RTP do, there is always some one who can't help themselves and allow the balance of their post to denigrate the coppers despite them having done and excellent job. Maybe you should follow the old rule, that is if one cannot say something good about someone, then don't say anything at all. Will be interesting to see what the police haters have to add.

Edited by Si Thea01
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good to see the police doing something positive, hopefully this is all of what they found and not just the stuff for show

Why do you start positively then the rest of it just sinks to a level that's really is not becoming. Why is it, that no matter what the RTP do, there is always some one who can't help themselves and allow the balance of their post to denigrate the coppers despite them having done and excellent job. Maybe you should follow the old rule, that is if one cannot say something good about someone, then don't say anything at all. Will be interesting to see what the police haters have to add.

Yes on this occasion the BIB are to be congratulated. This is a significant bust. However as to the cynics on here and their posts about the RTP can you really blame them? The police are notoriously corrupt, are said to be the biggest Mafia in the Country, and are generally incompetant at doing their job. The RTP seriously need significant reform, and until that takes place criticism of them will occur and rightly so.

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good to see the police doing something positive, hopefully this is all of what they found and not just the stuff for show

Why do you start positively then the rest of it just sinks to a level that's really is not becoming. Why is it, that no matter what the RTP do, there is always some one who can't help themselves and allow the balance of their post to denigrate the coppers despite them having done and excellent job. Maybe you should follow the old rule, that is if one cannot say something good about someone, then don't say anything at all. Will be interesting to see what the police haters have to add.

Yes on this occasion the BIB are to be congratulated. This is a significant bust. However as to the cynics on here and their posts about the RTP can you really blame them? The police are notoriously corrupt, are said to be the biggest Mafia in the Country, and are generally incompetant at doing their job. The RTP seriously need significant reform, and until that takes place criticism of them will occur and rightly so.

I don't have a problem with people being critical, when it's deserved and for some of the reasons you have stated, providing it has been reported in the media release, not just a thought in someone's mind. One can be sceptical without being cynical so why, in the one breath, is there praise, then in the other, scepticism? There has been no report or even a suggestion of corruption in this incident, yet one has gone off on a tangent that has absolutely no bearing on the matter..

Is it just trying to be smart or looking for kudos from the like minded? I am not sure your description of the RTP fits all members, so rather than denigrate the whole force, let the criticisms, if due, come forward when warranted,not just for the sake of sensationalising one's post. One should also take notice of the poor quality of reporting and what may be lost in the translation from Thai to English before offering up their biased musings.

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what happens to the confiscated drugs.. Too valuable to burn ?

Too valuable to whom? What do you recommend could be done with them? Me thinks the only ones to benefit at this time would be the manufacturers, as the dealers are certainly out of pocket with the confiscation or maybe you're advocating the possibility of some nefarious activities occurring within the ranks of those who seized them? If not, then what are you suggesting?

Edited by Si Thea01
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I think most of the drugs are made in Myanmar and smuggled into Thailand. Isn't it time for Myanmar to make a serious effort to shut down the places which makes these drugs and arrest those responsible ? Until the flow has stopped little will change in Thailand.

The situation will never change whilst those in charge still partake. That will never happen.

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I think most of the drugs are made in Myanmar and smuggled into Thailand. Isn't it time for Myanmar to make a serious effort to shut down the places which makes these drugs and arrest those responsible ? Until the flow has stopped little will change in Thailand.

Possibly but more likely that they are coming into Myanmar from China then down into Thailand.

They just busted a huge syndicate in NZ worth billions in P.

Guess what? they main players were 8 Chinese and 2 NZ one of whom worked for customs.

You can buy the main ingredient to make P or ICE over the counter in China although it is not allowed to be sold in large quantities-- undercover journalists have approached shops in China and done deals for thousands of packets of pseudo ephedrine over the counter and tonnes of it are turning up in Australia and NZ so I would say that the main supply of P is coming from China.

Nothing has been done about the drug companies making this stuff and they don't have to be accountable for the quantities made or where it ends up.

Until this happens many will prosper in great wealth and the poor will continue to be bashed trashed and turned into lunatics and criminals.

Those of us who are stupid enough to be honest caring citizens will have to live with increased crime and danger.

Meanwhile politicians will build more private prisons and private security firms and hardware/software manufacturers will thrive.

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