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Lessons Thailand can learn from Finland


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In order to escape the mindless rut of rote learning, Thailand would need to hire teachers who have the passion and skill to actually teach. Very few Thais have these skills. To recruit real teachers would require that the MOE and local school administrators give up their lucrative salaries and money received through corrupt practices and spend that money to entice Thais to leave the private sector.

When I use to teach English, a British friend of mine and I created curriculum to teach Thai public school teachers Western teaching and classroom management techniques. <head shake and sigh>

The thing that generated the most interest among our Issan school teachers was using The Chicken Dance and The Hokey-Pockey as an 'ice-breaker' exercises. Go figure!

Qui habet aures audiendi audiat, qui docet in doctrinat. They perhaps have ears but actually listening, as in attempting to comprehend, seems to beyond most who have been raised and indoctrinated in the Thai School System - teachers included. ermm.gif

Edited by connda
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Finland was one of the most depressing countries I ever worked in. Everyone in the office had these special lamps to prevent SAD or whatever that depression is called. One day, when waiting for a bus to work one moring in the dark I saw it was -15C but with a wind chill. Never again. All that silence is golden is so unfriendly,

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Dont know what this guy have been smoking, but i would like some of it.... biggrin.png

How on earth do they think that Thais would even consider to learn from a foreign nation, when they dont even think to learn of their own mistakes........ ooops sorry, there is no such thing.... Thailand is perfect.... saying anything else would be to make someone loose face and that is unthinkable....

i think the Thai Education system does as many other sectors need a lot more than a reform, it need to be taken down and built up again....

Been seeing first and second hand that Thai university teachers have been taking money for grades and other ways of corruption. they abuse their power / status to avoid working too hard. Like using more senior students to grade and check junior students homework and exams.

Very few teachers start their classes on time, but always finish early, this is how the whole culture is used to the Thainess.... wai2.gif

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Finland was one of the most depressing countries I ever worked in. Everyone in the office had these special lamps to prevent SAD or whatever that depression is called. One day, when waiting for a bus to work one moring in the dark I saw it was -15C but with a wind chill. Never again. All that silence is golden is so unfriendly,

Very chilling story!

...and it has exactly ...what to do with the OP?

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insead of looking at educational reform they should concentrate on how Finland has democracy...

And how they finance it


Finland Personal Income Tax Rate 1995-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar The Personal Income Tax Rate in Finland stands at 51.50 percent. Personal Income Tax Rate in Finland averaged 53.10 percent from 1995 until 2014, reaching an all time high of 62.20 percent in 1995 and a record low of 49 percent in 2010. Personal Income Tax Rate in Finland is reported by the Finnish Tax Administration
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insead of looking at educational reform they should concentrate on how Finland has democracy...

They've chosen to look at Germany.

Probably a sensible decision. They are also working with the German chamber of commerce on a project to revamp Thai technical colleges, apprenticeships and worked based education. Again based on the German technical apprenticeship model.

Thailand is also building on the established relationships with British and American universities, and schools in Italy and South Korea as well as Finland.

A lot happening again now. But somehow, the previous government were more concerned with such pressing matters as blanket amnesties and securing 2.2 trillion of budget unsupervised loans.

Edited by Baerboxer
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More statistic nonsense!!

So the highest ranked Finnish University ranks better in the world than it does in Europe??

Makes sense.

Don't understand the Thai fashionation with the the Finish model, okay they have good schools, but no better than the Scandinavian countries.

And are no doubt the worst English speakers among the Nordic countries.

You have no clue what you are on about but i do as i'm finnish by ethnicity but born in Sweden (and 3 years in finnish school in Finland). Now, i don't know details about danish or norwegian schools but i can assure you that swedish schools are far, like lights years, behind finnish schools.

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