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Five men arrested in relation to alleged Anzac day terrorism plot in Victoria

Lite Beer

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Apparently the parents of some of those who were arrested were warned by security their children were being monitored. It is claimed all five arrested were friends of the IS supporter shot by police in Melbourne some months back. The morning news in Oz states one of the five arrested has been charged with a terrorism related offence. Police have applied for preventative detention for another individual.

Interestingly one of those arrested is an Aboriginal who converted to Islam about 18 months ago and had had a stop put on his passport. The father claims his son was physically assaulted and racially abused by police during the arrest process and is lodging a formal complaint.

The utter stupidity of those arrested is mind boggling. As another poster said all they would have achieved would be an increase of hatred and bigotry towards the Muslim community; perhaps that was their aim. However, at this stage its speculation whether these manipulated fools would have been cognisant of the damage they would have caused to Australian societal cohesion.

Edited by simple1
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I love this bit "... two of the suspects sustained minor injuries during their arrest, police said...."

yea I blame that on Christine Nixon, when she was appointed Chief Commiss she abolished attitude adjustments and replaced it with the motherly give a <deleted> a hug policy.
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It seems that Thailand, as unfair as their policies towards the Rohingyas and southern Muslims seems to be, is one of the few countries that doesn't have any problems with being politically incorrect (non PC). Japan rarely allows Muslims entry, China is doing what it has to do.

Islamophobia? A phobia is an irrational fear or aversion towards something. You can discard the first in my case, but aversion? Yes sir.

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The politicians woke up to this a long time ago.

The right wing politicians encourage Muslim immigration because they provide cheap labour in competition with other workers, thereby dividing and distracting the working class. Meanwhile, most Muslim immigrants vote Labour so their presence will be quietly encouraged by politicians on that side.

The oldest trick in the book.

In earlier times they used to work the Catholic - Protestant caper which lingers on in Belfast.

After 9/11 Muslims have been set up to play the same role as Jews were forced into in the Third Reich.

FWIW, 9/11 is often compared with Pearl Harbour, but the prototype was almost certainly the Reichstag Fire. The trail is easy to follow if you take the time to research it. Grandfather Prescott Bush was a friend and business associate of the German industrialist and banker Thiessen: Read his book " I paid Hitler".

If you take the time to read the history of the Middle East after WWI (or look at good stuff on Youtube) you will see that millions of Muslims have good reason to hate the West. The ISIS movement appears to be a warped attempt to revive the Caliphate of old. Where there is no positive outlook for the future one can hardly be surprised if people start following a weird millenial vision. Has happened before in many other times and places.

ANZACs in particular should take a long hard look at our role in military adventures in the Middle East and try to work out what benefit we gained for our sacrifice.

Tony Abbott committed Australia to yet another deployment in Iraq, with Labour falling in behind. Parliament never even

sat to debate the wisdom of the venture, let alone try to evaluate the costs and benefits of the previous campaign.

All over the West we are being failed by our politicians, and more and more people are becoming disenchanted with the political process where their vote is wasted and the same stuff goes down no matter who you vote for.

Our enemy is not Islam, it is us.

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I am sick of the liberals and lefties and particularly the political correctness that prevents or at the very least frowns upon anyone that speaks out and speaks their mind.

you risk being labled a racist instead of a person having an opinion or a belief, every one else can say what they like ad infinitem ( like calling the west, americans in particular, infidels, western dogs and anything else that will belittle the western races but call one muslim a terrorist and your a racist, they can say what they like about christianity and any religion and not a peep from and of you lefty types that have not left the sanctuary of the city or the university, but say one word against mohammad and you die.

you lot make me sick to my stomach and living here in Thailand now is a much better option, at least here you can call a muslim what they are without the liberals calling for your head. and dont fool yourselves the vast majority of muslims are part of the problem not just the radicals if you do nothing or give tacit approval you are as bad as the person with the bomb.

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At what point will we wake up?

Probably when it's too late by the look of things.

I think a lot of people are awake, but there isn't a lot that can be done. It's a little like applying the brakes when you are on black ice. The vehicle just keeps careening forward, out of control. You hope it eventually stops without hitting something or ending up in the ditch, but you have no control.

There isn't much we can actually do. Unless some people are advocating starting a war on Islam, but in that case, we will not be much better than they are.

We are better than they are in every way. To demonstrate this just examine how western nations treat their citizens compared to how Islamic states treat theirs. Islam is completely incompatible with western style democracies, even half of Canadian Muslims recently polled agree with this statement. To paraphrase Nicolas Sennels, the west can triumph in this clash of civilizations, but would certainly lose some of its ideals in order to do so. To this extent you have a point, but to passively hope for the best will IMHO result in the end of liberal democracy as we know it. In other words there is no choice other than to eradicate Islam as a political ideology in all places where democracy is the model for society.

You wouldn't be a democracy then would you?

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Picture of one of the '' Alleged '' plotters who has been charged, remanded in custody and will appear in court on Friday.

A teenager has been charged with planning an IS-inspired terror plot in Australia on next week's Anzac Day.

Sevdet Besim was one of five teenagers arrested over the foiled plot which he allegedly planned to carry out during an event to mark the centenary of the landings at Gallipoli in WWI.



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How about you stop attacking the poster and start condemning the Muslim nutjobs that were '' Allegedly '' planning an attack on an ANZAC Parade ?

Is there a reason why you would attack a poster supporting the ANZAC's but not a word of condemnation ?

What a strange mentality.

I am sure some of the real '' Diggers '' on here can explain that mentality to me.

Posts removed to enable reply.

My, my you do love twisting peoples words. Along with some others on TV you're a follower of the far right who are not very different in methods to Islamic facism.

If you feel that I twisted your words, feel free to report the offending post. I am sure if your claims are correct then it will be deleted.

However, I see that you still feel it necessary to hurl unfounded allegations at the poster and still refuse an outright condemnation of the perpetrators who '' Allegedly '' were planning an attack on an ANZAC day Parade.

One of whom has now been charged, remanded and will appear in court on Friday. One is still in custody and 3 have been released. As I reported in my post above.

Your replies speak volumes.

Have a nice ANZAC day. I probably will not see you in Kanchanaburi.

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You need to think about what happened in Boston- just a couple of young guys- home made pressure cooker bombs. Horrendous.

So good job done.

What I find really incomprehensible - is apart from killing and maiming some infidels ( passage to paradise) what do they hope to achieve- just more worldwide hatred of Muslims - most just want a peaceful life and prosperity for their families.

From what the police reports are saying they don't believe they were planning a bomb attack, they were going to use swords and big f'n knives. These have been found in the main suspect's house.

Additionally they were going to specifically target police. A contingent of Victorian police sometimes marches to the War Memorial in the parade (correct word ?), I think these nut-jobs were probably going to wade into the police line with these swords (I'm not sure but I can't remember whether they take their side-arms off for the march). A beheading in front of the cameras (this parade is highly televised) would ensure ALL Australia saw it.

Some mosques have already been torched over the Sydney chocolate cafe murders, if this possible scenario went thru that would really light the flame, Australians are rarely passive - and I do feel sorry for the peaceful legitimately Muslim population.

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Have a nice ANZAC day. I probably will not see you in Kanchanaburi.

No you will not. I'm currently back in Oz and will be attending Anzac Day memorial services at Tewantin, QLD.

Both of my uncles survived their service in the infantry with the British Army during WW11 in North Africa and Italy. I respect those who served and support the Oz government decision to send forces to Iraq to assist with countering IS.

What I do strongly disagree with is the blanket condemnation and vilification of all Muslims - let's leave it at that...

Edited by simple1
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This article is completely cleansed of the fact that the teens are probably Muslim. Australia has a serious problem with radicalized Muslim youth, a direct consequence of its lax immigration policy.

In Hallam 14.4% of the population is muslim. In Hampton park 11.3% are muslim.(Combined total of 25.7%) Both suburbs are connected just a line on the map (one side of the road is Hallam and the other Hampton Park) and form part of the City of Casey. There are 6 Mosques in the area.

45% of the population were born in Australia and 46.5% speak english.


Some public members on the media have already alleged that the police are targeting muslims and these arrests are racist unjustified and an attack on Islam.

"In Hallam 14.4% of the population is muslim. In Hampton park 11.3% are muslim.(Combined total of 25.7%)"

No. Depending on the populations of the two places the total percent would be between the two given percentages.

If it were 14% of 10,000 and 11% if 20,000 (just as an example) that would be 1400 and 2200 or 3600 out of a total of 30,000, which would be 12% in total.

14.4% of (100 %) + 11.3% (of 100%) (TOTAL 200%) = 25.7% (of 200%) / 2 (100%) = 12.85% Combined Total.........

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I listen to Australian radio, daily, for news from home, and believe me it is becoming more and more evident that those who criticise and denigrate those who speak out against this radicalisation of the Muslim youth or even mention the words, Muslim, Islam or even draw an association between them branded as bigots, racists, or suffering from Islamophobia. They do not have an argument, they just use these terms in their attempts to shutdown the debate that is currently raging within Oz and apparently, spreading world wide. Even the press fails to mention that the suspects were of the Muslim faith. Why are they so gutless? Sure there a good Muslims, so let them be heard.

It has been proven, beyond doubt, that people from the left, want open borders, cannot articulate how the country can afford this and also vote for those on the left, who are trying their best to bring about unwanted and dangerous change. It's a shame that people who are so disloyal to one's country cannot be charged with "Treason" because that is what they are guilty of. Same for those pollies who are advocating extreme social change and have no qualms in lying in their attempts to put our nation's sovereignty and security at risk. They should be labelled traitors and treated as such. Why is it, with the Islamic State declaring war on the west, and people dying within our country, that these types continue to decry everything that our security forces do in their attempts to protect our nation and it's citizens?

I have no problem with any nationality coming to our country, after all, we are a nation of immigrants, the first being the unwanted crims that the Poms sent us in the late 1700's. Our country is one of the most compassionate in the world; has allowed many to settle here, yet people with this leftist mentality cannot see through the forest for the trees and are unable to comprehend the seriousness of what is now evolving, not only here but in England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden and many other countries that are now becoming to numerous to list.

Just remember what the English pollie said. That they knew the immigrants would not assimilate and that they would break down English culture. Sounds like they didn't care I would say. Same is happening in Australia. When are these politicians going to care for their own citizens instead of mollycoddling too the minority. They have to realise that they cannot be all to everyone but everyone has to be responsible.

This post is about Muslim fanatics planning attacks on police and citizens on what has become our most revered day of remembrance. I wonder why we do not have problems with the Chinese, who came here in the 1800's, Greeks and Italians who first settled in Oz in the 50's and helped build our great country. There are so many nationalities that have done the same but are too numerous to name.. We also have the various religions, too numerous to mention, whose followers have assimilated into our society and respect our culture, so pray tell what is wrong with the Muslim community. Why can't they denounce these radicals and show that they are assimilating and accepting of our culture?

It is also interesting to note that those arrested were associates of that young Muslim radical who recently attacked two Police in Victoria, almost killing one by stabbing him many times in the head. Believe it or not, Australia is heading for deep trouble if they don't do something soon to curb this radicalisation of young Muslims, who despite being born here, for some reason, hate the country, and are trying in their hundreds to travel overseas and fight for the Islamic State. If they go, then by fighting for the enemy then they are being treasonous and should be dealt with us such.

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Have a nice ANZAC day. I probably will not see you in Kanchanaburi.

No you will not. I'm currently back in Oz and will be attending Anzac Day memorial services at Tewantin, QLD.

Both of my uncles survived their service in the infantry with the British Army during WW11 in North Africa and Italy. I respect those who served and support the Oz government decision to send forces to Iraq to assist with countering IS.

What I do strongly disagree with is the blanket condemnation and vilification of all Muslims - let's leave it at that...

what about the blanket condemnation and vilification of non muslims as infidels, is that acceptable. Muslims and Islam are far less tolerant of others than we are of them. We accept them into our homes and they want to slaughter us and say we are not accepting and tolerant. I hate these bullshit excuses that when a Muslim slits the throat of a non muslim it is done in the name of peace, tolerance, harmony and god and when non muslims complain about it, it is a personal attack against Islam and racist.

How on earth can people stand back and support people like this, these animals wanted to kill innocent people in the name of the most evil cult called islam. Only the sickest people on the planet would support and apologise for this excrement.

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How on earth can people stand back and support people like this, these animals wanted to kill innocent people in the name of the most evil cult called islam. Only the sickest people on the planet would support and apologise for this excrement.

Easy when you are a Muslim.

No blanket condemnation. No blanket mass demonstrations.

Only the constant whine of...........................................................




No-one understands us.

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There will come a day when Western nations will have no other choice but to arrest and prosecute those who commit such crimes and those that assist them ... then after serving sentence these dissident and seditious criminals will be stripped of citizenship ... expelled from the country ... banned and banished - Exiled to any other country that will take them ... a Mid East one ... or they will remain in prison if no where to go (much as Guantanamo)

Self-loathing Western excuse makers after flogging should be sent along with them ...

Survival of nations will come to that...

Nations cannot long survive multi-multiculturalism when those diverse people allowed in hate their host country with a passion, want to change it into a replica of whence they came... a surly cancer in each Western country - killing it ...

Some Western countries will fall - the blind - deaf and dumb hosts not knowing what happened -- reaching out to apologize once again with the stub of their hand that has already been cut off. And their parasitic victors will dismantle the culture of their dead hosts much the same as ISIS is doing in Iraq and Syria..

Edited by JDGRUEN
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This article is completely cleansed of the fact that the teens are probably Muslim. Australia has a serious problem with radicalized Muslim youth, a direct consequence of its lax immigration policy.

I boiled when I saw the arrogance and look of insolence on the face of one trussed up in the back of the police car.

I'm disliking them more by the day, and muslim leaders will not ask what's happening in their mosques, but what is Australia doing to these young men to cause them to act this way.

We have an emerging major problem in Australia.

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Picture of one of the '' Alleged '' plotters who has been charged, remanded in custody and will appear in court on Friday.

A teenager has been charged with planning an IS-inspired terror plot in Australia on next week's Anzac Day.

Sevdet Besim was one of five teenagers arrested over the foiled plot which he allegedly planned to carry out during an event to mark the centenary of the landings at Gallipoli in WWI.



What despicable piece of crap this creature is!!!

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Have a nice ANZAC day. I probably will not see you in Kanchanaburi.

No you will not. I'm currently back in Oz and will be attending Anzac Day memorial services at Tewantin, QLD.

Both of my uncles survived their service in the infantry with the British Army during WW11 in North Africa and Italy. I respect those who served and support the Oz government decision to send forces to Iraq to assist with countering IS.

What I do strongly disagree with is the blanket condemnation and vilification of all Muslims - let's leave it at that...

what about the blanket condemnation and vilification of non muslims as infidels, is that acceptable. Muslims and Islam are far less tolerant of others than we are of them. We accept them into our homes and they want to slaughter us and say we are not accepting and tolerant. I hate these bullshit excuses that when a Muslim slits the throat of a non muslim it is done in the name of peace, tolerance, harmony and god and when non muslims complain about it, it is a personal attack against Islam and racist.

How on earth can people stand back and support people like this, these animals wanted to kill innocent people in the name of the most evil cult called islam. Only the sickest people on the planet would support and apologise for this excrement.

Personally I have no issue whatsoever in fighting the ideology, individuals and groups who undertake the activities in this OP and the numerous other topics regarding Islamic extremism.

For the past few years it has been primarily Muslims who are dying & suffering in their thousands actually fighting IS and other Islamic extremist groups, why is this not acknowledged & respected by you and others?

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Personally I have no issue whatsoever in fighting the ideology, individuals and groups who undertake the activities in this OP and the numerous other topics regarding Islamic extremism.

For the past few years it has been primarily Muslims who are dying & suffering in their thousands actually fighting IS and other Islamic extremist groups, why is this not acknowledged & respected by you and others?

Nice attempt at deflection. Not.

This happened in Australia.

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Personally I have no issue whatsoever in fighting the ideology, individuals and groups who undertake the activities in this OP and the numerous other topics regarding Islamic extremism.

For the past few years it has been primarily Muslims who are dying & suffering in their thousands actually fighting IS and other Islamic extremist groups, why is this not acknowledged & respected by you and others?

Nice attempt at deflection. Not.

This happened in Australia.

Read Chooka's post & you will hopefully understand the context of my reply, though I won't hold my breath

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We are better than they are in every way. To demonstrate this just examine how western nations treat their citizens compared to how Islamic states treat theirs. Islam is completely incompatible with western style democracies, even half of Canadian Muslims recently polled agree with this statement. To paraphrase Nicolas Sennels, the west can triumph in this clash of civilizations, but would certainly lose some of its ideals in order to do so. To this extent you have a point, but to passively hope for the best will IMHO result in the end of liberal democracy as we know it. In other words there is no choice other than to eradicate Islam as a political ideology in all places where democracy is the model for society.

You wouldn't be a democracy then would you?

You can eliminate a death cult from a democratic society

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Have a nice ANZAC day. I probably will not see you in Kanchanaburi.

No you will not. I'm currently back in Oz and will be attending Anzac Day memorial services at Tewantin, QLD.

Both of my uncles survived their service in the infantry with the British Army during WW11 in North Africa and Italy. I respect those who served and support the Oz government decision to send forces to Iraq to assist with countering IS.

What I do strongly disagree with is the blanket condemnation and vilification of all Muslims - let's leave it at that...

what about the blanket condemnation and vilification of non muslims as infidels, is that acceptable. Muslims and Islam are far less tolerant of others than we are of them. We accept them into our homes and they want to slaughter us and say we are not accepting and tolerant. I hate these bullshit excuses that when a Muslim slits the throat of a non muslim it is done in the name of peace, tolerance, harmony and god and when non muslims complain about it, it is a personal attack against Islam and racist.

How on earth can people stand back and support people like this, these animals wanted to kill innocent people in the name of the most evil cult called islam. Only the sickest people on the planet would support and apologise for this excrement.

Personally I have no issue whatsoever in fighting the ideology, individuals and groups who undertake the activities in this OP and the numerous other topics regarding Islamic extremism.

For the past few years it has been primarily Muslims who are dying & suffering in their thousands actually fighting IS and other Islamic extremist groups, why is this not acknowledged & respected by you and others?

It has been acknowledged.

The only reason that Muslims are fighting IS is because they had NO other option. It is only happening because the West has in the main refused to get involved and put boots on the ground. As I have highlighted on at least 2 other threads.

Muslims have been killing Muslims for 1000’s of years. That is not going to change anytime soon. Here is the reality. Normal, everyday run of the mill people from Western Countries, who work hard and in the main are law abiding no longer care. If Muslims in Muslim Countries want to be savages, killing each other, beheading each other, burning each other, crucifying each other, crack on. It is a problem for Muslim Countries and Muslims to sort out.

Where it becomes a problem for the hard working, law abiding people of Western Countries is when not content being offered a better life, start to impose their will in respect of ALL things Islamic including the nasty parts that are not acceptable in the West. I will not bore you with a list of them, you already know what they are.

Not content with trying to impose Islamic values on Western Countries, they also have no compulsion in resorting to extreme violence to assist them in their quest for Islamic Law. As highlighted by the arrest of these @rses who were planning an ANZAC Day Parade atrocity. Personally, I would have arrested them, tagged them, released them and if they turned up anywhere near a Parade turned them into T-Bags. No warnings, no arrests just instant death.

This is NOT a troll post and simply a response to a post without attacking the poster.

Neither is it impolite or disrespectful.

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