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Australian health blogger Belle Gibson admits faking terminal cancer


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The truth about Belle Gibson
In an exclusive interview The Australian Women's Weekly unpicks the story of wellness advocate Belle Gibson
by Clair Weaver

AUSTRALIA: -- In an exclusive interview in the May issue of The Australian Women's Weekly on sale today wellness advocate Belle Gibson admits her cancer diagnosis was not real.

The 23-year-old shot to fame after claiming she healed terminal brain cancer with wholefoods but an investigation by The Weekly has uncovered a web of half-truths.

In a special investigation, The Weekly reveals the reality behind her cancer diagnosis, the current financial state of her business, The Whole Pantry - and her belief that she has been hard done by.

Gibson was asked outright if she has, or has ever had cancer.

“No. None of it’s true,” she confessed.

"I don't want forgiveness," she told The Weekly. "I just think [speaking out] was the responsible thing to do. Above anything, I would like people to say, 'Okay, she's human.'"

Source: http://www.aww.com.au/latest-news/in-the-mag/belle-gibson-teaser-20269

-- Woman's Weekly2015-04-23

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really???, so someone lies about having cancer in order to convince others to choose wholefoods (precisely what we used to eat before the chemical manufacturers poisoned everything and now virtually everything can be said to cause cancer)...and everyone calls for her imprisonment.

using the same logic or reasoning others have used by suggesting she be imprisoned for fraud, every pharmaceutical company on earth including the ones responsible for the chemo therapy push (that has a 3% survival rate), should be sued, dismantled, and the culprits imprisoned - for scientific fraud, medical malfeasance, conspiracy, grievous bodily harm & death.

but lets ignore the multinationals raking in billions upon billions in sick money every year and go after the individuals that (even though she lied), her intent or motive (other than making a quick buck) was clearly aimed at helping those condemned to the lies of modern medicine.

There are scores of people that have cured themselves of debilitating illnesses, diseases and cancers via natural means (exactly what BigPharma DONT want you to know or believe), so this woman could be said to be on the right track.

So critically important is the truth regarding the links between inadequate nutrition and disease/cancer that the elite oligarchs have taken massive steps to ensure the continual demise of the natural world and the reinforcing of their world of fiction.

If you are one of these people that prefer to remain asleep and receive all of your 'disinformation' from mainstream media, your local GP, corrupted governments and their master corporate giants, then don't spend the next 3 months researching the Codex Alimentarius & Agenda 21. The complete hijacking and systematic destruction of our food supply is intrinsically connected to the cancer industry and its absurd, self-defeating approach to finding a cure.

Personally, I would NEVER elect to be sliced, poisoned or burned by the criminally insane medical fraternity and always choose nature as the one true healer.

I find it strange that Nature delivered every single one of us into this world, and provided the most robust immune system ever conceived along with an abundance of everything we need to live long, healthy lives, but then we turn to mankind and his insidious crafts and finite wisdom to keep us here longer and fight the symptoms most often presented by living a life disconnected from nature and all that she has provided.

What an upside down, back to front, topsy turvy world we have been led to create.

Time for a change ???

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official cancer cure in many countries:

cut it away, poison your body to almost death or radiation

success rate : about 2% survival after 5 years

and it will cost you an arm & a legg sick like a dog

who are the real scammers? this is MEGA BUSINESS for pharma, hospitals, etc... budget for prevention, not even 1% of the marketing budget of pushing pill ads on TV !

I assume you're referring to brain cancer, if so across all brain cancers, the five year survival rate in Australia is 22%.


I am in the process of recovering from major surgery and follow up treatment for a cancer that is the second most common for men in Oz. The specialists have access to extensive database / statistics of survival for the various stages. Without intervention my survival rate would would have been approx 1 / 2 years, with medical intervention approx 10 / 15 years.

The person in the OP had lied continuously after being challenged on a number of occassions. From my POV ahe should be charged for fraud and criminal damage.

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Rad the full article at the Aussie peppers, where she's asking for a brake and that she had a ' full

and hard life ' at 23 years old, wonder what other people who are much older and with a real

hard life story to tell, and don't tell, will say....

what a little fraudster scrubber she is. profiting on other people's good nature and...

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how many billions in every civilized country is not rieked in every year, with their WAR ON CANCER...

so 40 years later, they still don't know what causes it or a cure for it ?

pesticide & herbicide & GMO (thank you monsanto, inventor of AGENT ORANGE), fastfood, truckloads of sugar, no excercise, 50.000 chemicals allowed in the food supply, antibiotics in animals, radiated plants we eat, ...

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how many billions in every civilized country is not rieked in every year, with their WAR ON CANCER...

so 40 years later, they still don't know what causes it or a cure for it ?

pesticide & herbicide & GMO (thank you monsanto, inventor of AGENT ORANGE), fastfood, truckloads of sugar, no excercise, 50.000 chemicals allowed in the food supply, antibiotics in animals, radiated plants we eat, ...

I think it is time for your prunes thumbsup.gif

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She lied on blog about having cancer and then curing herself with Quinoa? Big deal. It's not like she lied about the reasons for going to war. Yeah, she's an idiot and a charlatan, but hardly more of an idiot than the standard idiocy exemplified day in and day out by people lying about their accomplishments.

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She lied on blog about having cancer and then curing herself with Quinoa? Big deal. It's not like she lied about the reasons for going to war. Yeah, she's an idiot and a charlatan, but hardly more of an idiot than the standard idiocy exemplified day in and day out by people lying about their accomplishments.

She was in the process of having a book published on her lifestyle 'cure'. The unnecessary suffering & death she could have caused by publishing misinformation is unknown. However, IMO her attempt to publish for profit was not idiocy, but criminal

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really???, so someone lies about having cancer in order to convince others to choose wholefoods (precisely what we used to eat before the chemical manufacturers poisoned everything and now virtually everything can be said to cause cancer)...and everyone calls for her imprisonment.

using the same logic or reasoning others have used by suggesting she be imprisoned for fraud, every pharmaceutical company on earth including the ones responsible for the chemo therapy push (that has a 3% survival rate), should be sued, dismantled, and the culprits imprisoned - for scientific fraud, medical malfeasance, conspiracy, grievous bodily harm & death.

but lets ignore the multinationals raking in billions upon billions in sick money every year and go after the individuals that (even though she lied), her intent or motive (other than making a quick buck) was clearly aimed at helping those condemned to the lies of modern medicine.

There are scores of people that have cured themselves of debilitating illnesses, diseases and cancers via natural means (exactly what BigPharma DONT want you to know or believe), so this woman could be said to be on the right track.

So critically important is the truth regarding the links between inadequate nutrition and disease/cancer that the elite oligarchs have taken massive steps to ensure the continual demise of the natural world and the reinforcing of their world of fiction.

If you are one of these people that prefer to remain asleep and receive all of your 'disinformation' from mainstream media, your local GP, corrupted governments and their master corporate giants, then don't spend the next 3 months researching the Codex Alimentarius & Agenda 21. The complete hijacking and systematic destruction of our food supply is intrinsically connected to the cancer industry and its absurd, self-defeating approach to finding a cure.

Personally, I would NEVER elect to be sliced, poisoned or burned by the criminally insane medical fraternity and always choose nature as the one true healer.

I find it strange that Nature delivered every single one of us into this world, and provided the most robust immune system ever conceived along with an abundance of everything we need to live long, healthy lives, but then we turn to mankind and his insidious crafts and finite wisdom to keep us here longer and fight the symptoms most often presented by living a life disconnected from nature and all that she has provided.

What an upside down, back to front, topsy turvy world we have been led to create.

Time for a change ???


Back when wholefoods was all there was, the average age of death was probably about 40.

Not that I'd want to live long enough to be decrepit, but I'm well into retirement age now and think that's pretty good going.

The point isn't to be fanatical about wholefood vs processed, but to have a balanced diet. If fast food was really that bad, I'd have been dead long ago, likewise with processed. Love hotdogs on white bread rolls, yum.

Personally, I would NEVER elect to be sliced, poisoned or burned by the criminally insane medical fraternity and always choose nature as the one true healer.

So you won't have cataracts removed ( no cure in nature ), treat diabetes ( no cure in nature- my mother thought there was and died of it ), have a fractured femure rodded or a fractured neck of femur pinned ( good luck healing those naturally )? I could go on and on and on with examples, but by all means heal a cleft palate with some herbs if you can.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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official cancer cure in many countries:

cut it away, poison your body to almost death or radiation

success rate : about 2% survival after 5 years

and it will cost you an arm & a legg

sick like a dog

who are the real scammers? this is MEGA BUSINESS for pharma, hospitals, etc...

budget for prevention, not even 1% of the marketing budget of pushing pill ads on TV !

Wait till you get cancer fella and you will change your tune.

But that's got nothing to do with this lady trying to profit from those who have.

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oncologists, you know, the cancer doctors, 85% of them, say they will never get one of those for themselves or their family

2% survival after 5 years

but they take the easy cancers ... breast & prostate, easy to cut out/away to up their numbers

if i ever get cancer, first thing i do is: change my diet : no more sugar, flour, meat ...

educate yourself or not .... animal protein is in many cases the cause of cancer

china study, anyone ?

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oncologists, you know, the cancer doctors, 85% of them, say they will never get one of those for themselves or their family

2% survival after 5 years

but they take the easy cancers ... breast & prostate, easy to cut out/away to up their numbers

if i ever get cancer, first thing i do is: change my diet : no more sugar, flour, meat ...

educate yourself or not .... animal protein is in many cases the cause of cancer

china study, anyone ?

Erm, it's too late once you have cancer to change your diet. You need to change it NOW, to prevent cancer starting.

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