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34 taxis rounded up for rejecting passengers

Thaivisa News

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'The deputy police chief said the operation was necessary because behaviors of taxi drivers could affect Thailand’s reputation in the eyes of foreign tourists.' You don't say. And still it is apparently failing to sink in. A number of these drivers must be extraordinarily well off - or extraordinarily dense - given the fines they seem content to keep racking up.

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I never thought I would defend taxi drivers, BUT, it seems a valid reason to reject a customer if they have to return the taxi and fear they will miss the deadline (assuming its the truth). I for one would support financial help such as a lease to buy system for taxi drivers to purchase their own cars and eradicate such excuses and at the same time reduce the number of wealthy individuals/firms who own fleets of taxis, one would hope you would also see a drastic improvement in driving if they actually own their vehicle.

Have to disagree to a point dean008. If they have a legitimate reason for not picking up, all they have to do is turn their RED light off. That way nobody will hail them and then be rejected. As for a drastic improvement in driving, hell will freeze over before that ever happens. Although I have to say that when I've used Grab Taxi I've always felt safe. Grab Taxi does seem to insist on a higher driving standard.

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These taxi drivers need to be warned, and logged on a government site, if 3 or more offences, to lose their driving/taxi permits!

If this can be done, they will learn that they put thier jobs at risk........this will also spread around their working circles and maybe this situation will get better?

I hope that the government/police can keep up the pressure........if only a stakeout once or twice, they will not take this seriously :-)

Afook, there is already a 3 strikes your out system in place. If you read the post from earlier this week this now only applies to minor infringements. Major infringements are now 1 strike TAXI LICENSE GONE. It's up to the public to make sure they report the drivers.

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Now go cleanup all the other Sois.

I stay on Suk Soi 20 when in Bangkok and have not gotten a ride in years. Have to walk all the way to Sukhumvit to get a ride.

Every one of them is a criminal posing as a taxi driver.

If this happens to you, you can contact the Land Transport Department Hotline on 1584.

You need to make a note of the license plate or the number painted on the door, taxi colour and the time and place of the incident.

The driver will receive a 1,000Bt fine for every complaint when he renw=ews his yearly permit.

But last time I called, this hotline was only in Thai, they referred me to call tourist police who then referred me back to the 1584 hotline, maddening!!!

Other then that, it is a step in the right direction, soi 11 is ridiculous with these clowns. They want 400 baht just to go to Ploenchit.

I hope we see a lot more of this. I will definitely start reporting these guys. Instead of opening the door and asking if they will take me I will just get in and tell them like I used to do.

If they refuse I will report every time, even if I have to get a Thai to do it. Fed up with these guys!!

Yes 1584 can be difficult and unhelpful sometimes, especially the automated system at the start (not tried it recently)

There are however 2 phone apps that you can used to report to the same government department as 1584. The first is called "Taxi Reporter", the newer one is called DLT Chekc-in" (DLT being the Department of Land Transport). If you can't be bothered with the 1584 reprting process, try iusing the apps. The more people using them, the better!

As far as the arrests are concerned, I'm a little confused as to where this crack-down is originating from. Initially it was the army doing this, now reports of Tourist Police doing it, and the drivers being "handed over to" the police?

The army's involvement sounded good and a move in the right direction, but if we are back to putting it in the hands of the police again so quickly, my hopes are not high for this to actually reap any long term improvements......

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I used to just laugh it off, they are trying to make some money etc etc until i was standing in the pissing rain with my 15 month old baby and 5 taxi's would not take me. So much for good Buddist values but a definite for Thainess. Only and always about themselves.

Perhaps one of the fines should also include a good dousing down in public with nice disease ridden Bangkok rainwater straight from the roof gutterings, for about 10 minutes. Perhaps by the people he refused to pick up? Nothing like a bit of public humiliation to instill something properly in the memory....

If you are full of excuses of why you cannot take passengers, DON'T TURN YOUR FREE LIGHT ON! It's not rocket science!

Edited by cyborgx
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I never thought I would defend taxi drivers, BUT, it seems a valid reason to reject a customer if they have to return the taxi and fear they will miss the deadline (assuming its the truth). I for one would support financial help such as a lease to buy system for taxi drivers to purchase their own cars and eradicate such excuses and at the same time reduce the number of wealthy individuals/firms who own fleets of taxis, one would hope you would also see a drastic improvement in driving if they actually own their vehicle.

I think the key issue is.... does the taxi have its meter light turned on, or off, as it's driving down the street.

If it's got the meter light turned on, it's supposed to be open for taking customers.

If it's got the meter light turned off, then it shouldn't be stopping at the curb for potential rides.

If the taxi has his meter light on and stops curbside in response to being hailed, then he'd better accept the fare.

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20+ years and never had a problem with taxi's. Of course, I have been refused several times based on destination, but you can find another cab to take you or you can supplement the pay with a surcharge or an upfront tip, whatever. You have a place to go and they need to make a living.

To defend the cabbies. If the get "stuck" in traffic, and with Bangkok's notorious traffic flow problems, it is a frequent occurrence, the meter clicks at a crawl, and you, as the passenger in the jam, aren't going anywhere quickly. And, the cabbies do know the traffic patterns. So, if they refuse the trip it is typically for a good reason.

My brother-in-law tried the Bangkok taxi cab routine for two solid years. He had to give it up, couldn't feed his family on the pay he made working six twelve hour days. The profit margins are so low, it only takes about on hour of slow moving to kill the days profits. add licensing fees, rental fees, insurance fees, etc. to the mix and... He is a good and honest man, hard worker and legitimate, yet, he could not make it work. After two years he had to call it quits. He tried, he just could not make it work and he did try.

Now - are there thieves out there? Well, of course. And they should be dealt with.

The majority of Bangkok cabbies are just average Joe's doing their best to eke out a meager living in a most difficult metropolitan area. There but for the grace of God go I.

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I never thought I would defend taxi drivers, BUT, it seems a valid reason to reject a customer if they have to return the taxi and fear they will miss the deadline (assuming its the truth). I for one would support financial help such as a lease to buy system for taxi drivers to purchase their own cars and eradicate such excuses and at the same time reduce the number of wealthy individuals/firms who own fleets of taxis, one would hope you would also see a drastic improvement in driving if they actually own their vehicle.

Funny how that is only ever a problem in Thailand (Bangkok), isn't it. Never get that excuse anywhere else. Pathetic.

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taxis are scum ..... try to catch one on Sukhumvit after 3.00pm and ask to go to Ramkhanpeng or Bang na ... no chance.

Start revoking licenses ..... put some plain clothes police on Sukhumvit , MBK , Rama IV and have them ask for taxis ..

coffee1.gif good work BIB

I take a taxi from Sukhumvit 55 to Ramkamhaeng 60 every day

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Seems this government is doing something about problems.. never seen the previous one do anything like this. At least its progress.

I might start to agree with you on this providing this isn't a one night wonder clamp down. If this continues relentlessly for a few months and has periodic checks, I might just start jumping for joy. in the meantime. coffee1.gif

"2015 the year of Thainess Tourism" - Can we revisit this in December 2015 or January 2016 and see how it has worked out?

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EVERY scamming taxi driver that parks near a hotel is paying off the police. It's gong to be impossible to stop it.

Taxi driver lease these prime scam zones from police and prey on first time visitors with no intention of operating a legitimate taxi service.

They are criminals posing as taxi drivers, colluding with police to defraud visitors.

Call 1584 every time a taxi driver refuses the fare. Report the taxi colour, time and number painted on the door.

EVERY one? How could you possible know that? If you actually want to establish a modicum of credibility, try toning down the hyperbole.

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EVERY scamming taxi driver that parks near a hotel is paying off the police. It's gong to be impossible to stop it.

Taxi driver lease these prime scam zones from police and prey on first time visitors with no intention of operating a legitimate taxi service.

They are criminals posing as taxi drivers, colluding with police to defraud visitors.

Call 1584 every time a taxi driver refuses the fare. Report the taxi colour, time and number painted on the door.

EVERY one? How could you possible know that? If you actually want to establish a modicum of credibility, try toning down the hyperbole.

Yep. If they are parked in front of a hotel in the street they are paying off th police. Every one.

You think the police or the taxi mafia let a legitimate taxi on their turf?

There are many honest taxi drivers but they ain't allowed to park in the prime scammer turf.

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I used to just laugh it off, they are trying to make some money etc etc until i was standing in the pissing rain with my 15 month old baby and 5 taxi's would not take me. So much for good Buddist values but a definite for Thainess. Only and always about themselves.

Yeap. See, and that's the problem. Everyone's a denier, everyone's a love-it-or-leave it parrot, everyone's a disciple of "thainess", everyone wants to silence the critics, and last but not least, everyone says it's never happened to them ...

... until it happens to THEM!

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I used to just laugh it off, they are trying to make some money etc etc until i was standing in the pissing rain with my 15 month old baby and 5 taxi's would not take me. So much for good Buddist values but a definite for Thainess. Only and always about themselves.

Yeap. See, and that's the problem. Everyone's a denier, everyone's a love-it-or-leave it parrot, everyone's a disciple of "thainess", everyone wants to silence the critics, and last but not least, everyone says it's never happened to them ...

... until it happens to THEM!

@ hawker9000, I am intrigued.

After weighing up all the pros and cons of living in Thailand as opposed to staying in my home country or picking another country altogether, I chose Thailand. That was 10 years ago this August.

Luckily for me it was the right decision as I am happily married to a beautiful lady and have an 18mo son who I adore. We just had a new house built outside of Chiang Mai which cost me a fraction of what a house would have cost me "back 'ome". So I feel I made the right decision.

(I did go through a broken 3 year marriage and divorce but I got over that and started again, meeting my current wife in 2009)

I have a question for you.

According to a lot of TV posters Thailand is a terrible place to live, and they don't have a good word to say about anything "Thai", including it's people, culture and religion.

I can look at the heading of a topic and know exactly who will be commenting on that topic, the same old crowd of complainers.

My question is - if it is such a bad place populated by such bad people, what the heck is keeping these foreigners in Thailand ?

They never say a good word about the place so I don't know what stops them from leaving. There must be something they like about the country.

Or are they the kind of people who just like moaning and groaning and living in a state of misery ?

I am not denying anyone the right to complain as this is a forum and we all have that right, but if I found myself sitting next to a "seasoned moaner" in a bar I would find another bar stool, or bar.

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I used to just laugh it off, they are trying to make some money etc etc until i was standing in the pissing rain with my 15 month old baby and 5 taxi's would not take me. So much for good Buddist values but a definite for Thainess. Only and always about themselves.

Yeap. See, and that's the problem. Everyone's a denier, everyone's a love-it-or-leave it parrot, everyone's a disciple of "thainess", everyone wants to silence the critics, and last but not least, everyone says it's never happened to them ...

... until it happens to THEM!

@ hawker9000, I am intrigued.

After weighing up all the pros and cons of living in Thailand as opposed to staying in my home country or picking another country altogether, I chose Thailand. That was 10 years ago this August.

Luckily for me it was the right decision as I am happily married to a beautiful lady and have an 18mo son who I adore. We just had a new house built outside of Chiang Mai which cost me a fraction of what a house would have cost me "back 'ome". So I feel I made the right decision.

(I did go through a broken 3 year marriage and divorce but I got over that and started again, meeting my current wife in 2009)

I have a question for you.

According to a lot of TV posters Thailand is a terrible place to live, and they don't have a good word to say about anything "Thai", including it's people, culture and religion.

I can look at the heading of a topic and know exactly who will be commenting on that topic, the same old crowd of complainers.

My question is - if it is such a bad place populated by such bad people, what the heck is keeping these foreigners in Thailand ?

They never say a good word about the place so I don't know what stops them from leaving. There must be something they like about the country.

Or are they the kind of people who just like moaning and groaning and living in a state of misery ?

I am not denying anyone the right to complain as this is a forum and we all have that right, but if I found myself sitting next to a "seasoned moaner" in a bar I would find another bar stool, or bar.

The usual hyperbolic drivel. Some complain and do leave; a few would like to leave but after so many years with no longer anything left to go back to in their home countries, really can't (some have discussed such personal circumstances here at TV in other threads, but you think you can maybe drive your point if you ignore them). And then there are the others - perhaps the majority - who are merely criticizing from a perfectly objective perspective but do still prefer the place overall. And whenever they do, trust someone like you to raise this worn out old love-it-or-leave it flag. To see the rips & tears and want to comment on or discuss them, is merely the rational thing to do, as opposed to excoriating everyone who does so, repackaging for them what they believe - not to mention actually said - about "a bad place populated by such bad people", being "a terrible place to live", not having "a good word to say about anything 'Thai'", which is NOT what most are saying, but precisely what someone like you says when trying to silence or at least marginalize those with whom you disagree.

You actually are purposing to deny anyone the right to complain - you just think you're being clever about it. By taking on the "seasoned moaners" (gee, nothing pejorative or prejudicial about that ...), you're actually NOT changing barstools like you said you would. My advice; consider a small dose of your own advice. Not for me. I could care less. Unlike you, I truly DON'T deny anyone the right to complain, or even to complain about the complainers (I just draw the line at telling people to leave). Do it for yourself.

Again. Someone FULL of advice to others who aren't happy to leave, but then hangs around HERE moaning at the moaners.

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Re @ Hawker 900 "I am intrigued", Sir many of us have lived and worked here in Thailand for more that your 10 years. Hopefully our efforts have been beneficial to Thailand's development. Many who comment here in this forum do so not as "whiners" but as people who think they have something positive to contribute. Maybe you should try to see this point, or just move to another bar stool and be comfortable with your complacency.

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Thais will generally not complain about most things as they feel they will cause the provider to loose some face .. .. be it service or food in a restaurant or transport prices or quality of goods purchased or the lack of, or bad internet, or bad service from TOT, and a poor taxi service ....

So a simple question .... how the heck can anything improve if no one complains ?

It's simple logic in my book ... if no one pushes, complains or argues for better then everything will stay the same way ..... !!


Edited by steven100
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Re @ Hawker 900 "I am intrigued", Sir many of us have lived and worked here in Thailand for more that your 10 years. Hopefully our efforts have been beneficial to Thailand's development. Many who comment here in this forum do so not as "whiners" but as people who think they have something positive to contribute. Maybe you should try to see this point, or just move to another bar stool and be comfortable with your complacency.

Fair comment, but my earlier post was not targeting the type of people you mention, ....................."Many who comment here in this forum do so not as "whiners" but as people who think they have something positive to contribute."..............................

If you read my comment again, carefully, you will see that. I thought I asked a fair question, but maybe I was wrong.

Many of the posts I read have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

So I don't have to try and see that point as I am already aware of it, but thanks for the advice anyway.

I probably should not have used "sitting on a barstool" as an example as I rarely step foot in bars these days being kept busy at home with family or away working.

Edited by Rimmer
Personal attack removed
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I used to just laugh it off, they are trying to make some money etc etc until i was standing in the pissing rain with my 15 month old baby and 5 taxi's would not take me. So much for good Buddist values but a definite for Thainess. Only and always about themselves.

Try the GrabTaxi or EasyTaxi app, if you want to spend more for a nicer luxury car then use GrabCar in the GrabTaxi app. I never use street taxis anymore if I can avoid it.

There seem to be more of these apps coming on stream. GrabTaxi, EasyTaxi, Uber, now Nakhon Chai Air bus company are setting up a service. Whilst I have only been refused a few times, and ripped of rarely, maybe their emergance is a sign that the Taxi industry has rather shafted itself?

Happened in the UK years ago - when the licenced private hire cars started to take business from the Hackney carriges.

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I used to just laugh it off, they are trying to make some money etc etc until i was standing in the pissing rain with my 15 month old baby and 5 taxi's would not take me. So much for good Buddist values but a definite for Thainess. Only and always about themselves.

Yeap. See, and that's the problem. Everyone's a denier, everyone's a love-it-or-leave it parrot, everyone's a disciple of "thainess", everyone wants to silence the critics, and last but not least, everyone says it's never happened to them ...

... until it happens to THEM!

@ hawker9000, I am intrigued.

After weighing up all the pros and cons of living in Thailand as opposed to staying in my home country or picking another country altogether, I chose Thailand. That was 10 years ago this August.

Luckily for me it was the right decision as I am happily married to a beautiful lady and have an 18mo son who I adore. We just had a new house built outside of Chiang Mai which cost me a fraction of what a house would have cost me "back 'ome". So I feel I made the right decision.

(I did go through a broken 3 year marriage and divorce but I got over that and started again, meeting my current wife in 2009)

I have a question for you.

According to a lot of TV posters Thailand is a terrible place to live, and they don't have a good word to say about anything "Thai", including it's people, culture and religion.

I can look at the heading of a topic and know exactly who will be commenting on that topic, the same old crowd of complainers.

My question is - if it is such a bad place populated by such bad people, what the heck is keeping these foreigners in Thailand ?

They never say a good word about the place so I don't know what stops them from leaving. There must be something they like about the country.

Or are they the kind of people who just like moaning and groaning and living in a state of misery ?

I am not denying anyone the right to complain as this is a forum and we all have that right, but if I found myself sitting next to a "seasoned moaner" in a bar I would find another bar stool, or bar.

You have the right attitude while that sort of attitude should always be maintained....especially living here in Thailand.

Meantime ......"If I found myself sitting in a bar and sitting next to a person who had lived in Thailand for 30 years( a Seasoned Moaner as you say)....I would listen to what he has to say and learn something....because usually they are correct about certain issues while you will come to learn that their explanation of experiences or observations, by way of moaning and groaning and complaining and criticizing can be of use to you while helping you to avoid some of the problems they have experienced or observed and pointing out to others......although their presentation, in the form of a moaning and complaining and criticizing "rant" has to be overlooked

The longer you stay here the more you learn while often enough what you see and observe and experience and learn, all too often, includes the negatives...such as Taxi cab drivers trying to cheat you, although a small concern on the grander scale of things.

Believe me partner...if you get to know Thai people and you learn to speak and understand their language I can assure you 110 percent they are amongst the biggest moaners and complainers also....as that aspect of being a human is inherent in all of us...while there are plenty of issues here in Thailand for everyone to complain about...Thais and foreigners alike.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I never thought I would defend taxi drivers, BUT, it seems a valid reason to reject a customer if they have to return the taxi and fear they will miss the deadline (assuming its the truth). I for one would support financial help such as a lease to buy system for taxi drivers to purchase their own cars and eradicate such excuses and at the same time reduce the number of wealthy individuals/firms who own fleets of taxis, one would hope you would also see a drastic improvement in driving if they actually own their vehicle.

"No, change over time":

This doesn't need to be difficult, just follow the system they use in Singapore. If change over time is say 3:pm, the driver must at say 2:30pm put show a sign behind the windscreen, fairly big, which is easy for potential passengers to see. Simple wording "Change 3:pm"

Simple, focused, clear, effective.

On a different angle, the errant rip-off Thais taxi drivers should try this profession in Singapore. Getting the special license is quite rigorous, one even simple complaint and there is solid punishment, serious complaint and their special license is revoked permanently, no chance whatever of appeal. Pretty much the same in Hong Kong.

But this is LOS = Land of Scams/Lack of Sanctions

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I never thought I would defend taxi drivers, BUT, it seems a valid reason to reject a customer if they have to return the taxi and fear they will miss the deadline (assuming its the truth). I for one would support financial help such as a lease to buy system for taxi drivers to purchase their own cars and eradicate such excuses and at the same time reduce the number of wealthy individuals/firms who own fleets of taxis, one would hope you would also see a drastic improvement in driving if they actually own their vehicle.

"No, change over time":

This doesn't need to be difficult, just follow the system they use in Singapore. If change over time is say 3:pm, the driver must at say 2:30pm put show a sign behind the windscreen, fairly big, which is easy for potential passengers to see. Simple wording "Change 3:pm"

Simple, focused, clear, effective.

On a different angle, the errant rip-off Thais taxi drivers should try this profession in Singapore. Getting the special license is quite rigorous, one even simple complaint and there is solid punishment, serious complaint and their special license is revoked permanently, no chance whatever of appeal. Pretty much the same in Hong Kong.

But this is LOS = Land of Scams/Lack of Sanctions

Good ideas.....but commonly there is always a percent of them that find ways to corrupt the rules and regulations and profit from the enforcement of the rules and regulations.....usually making matters worse or more difficult for those that are trying to abide by the rules and regulations and be...well...... honest.....to a degree or best they can under the circumstances.


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Re @ Hawker 900 "I am intrigued", Sir many of us have lived and worked here in Thailand for more that your 10 years. Hopefully our efforts have been beneficial to Thailand's development. Many who comment here in this forum do so not as "whiners" but as people who think they have something positive to contribute. Maybe you should try to see this point, or just move to another bar stool and be comfortable with your complacency.

Fair comment, but my earlier post was not targeting the type of people you mention, ....................."Many who comment here in this forum do so not as "whiners" but as people who think they have something positive to contribute."..............................

If you read my comment again, carefully, you will see that. I thought I asked a fair question, but maybe I was wrong.

Many of the posts I read have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

So I don't have to try and see that point as I am already aware of it, but thanks for the advice anyway.

I probably should not have used "sitting on a barstool" as an example as I rarely step foot in bars these days being kept busy at home with family or away working.

"Many of the posts I read have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

So I don't have to try and see that point as I am already aware of it, but thanks for the advice anyway."

See, and that's where you go off the rails. Presumptuous in the extreme to set yourself up as the decider or verdict-giver of whether someone else's comment constitutes a "contribution" or not, sufficient to make them persona non grata. Even a negative vote is a contribution, but apparently not if it flies in the face of your vote. You really should at least TRY and see that point. Why not just simply voice your disagreement - you can even leave in the self-righteous I'm-positive-you're-negative schtick - and leave off with the smug invitations to hit the highway?

No need to render any disclaimers regarding your drinking habits...whatever they are. And I think we "get" your "figurative" barstool. thumbsup.gif (Oops. An emoticon. 'Guess I'll be invited to leave the country now.)

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I used to just laugh it off, they are trying to make some money etc etc until i was standing in the pissing rain with my 15 month old baby and 5 taxi's would not take me. So much for good Buddist values but a definite for Thainess. Only and always about themselves.

Yeap. See, and that's the problem. Everyone's a denier, everyone's a love-it-or-leave it parrot, everyone's a disciple of "thainess", everyone wants to silence the critics, and last but not least, everyone says it's never happened to them ...

... until it happens to THEM!

@ hawker9000, I am intrigued.

After weighing up all the pros and cons of living in Thailand as opposed to staying in my home country or picking another country altogether, I chose Thailand. That was 10 years ago this August.

Luckily for me it was the right decision as I am happily married to a beautiful lady and have an 18mo son who I adore. We just had a new house built outside of Chiang Mai which cost me a fraction of what a house would have cost me "back 'ome". So I feel I made the right decision.

(I did go through a broken 3 year marriage and divorce but I got over that and started again, meeting my current wife in 2009)

I have a question for you.

According to a lot of TV posters Thailand is a terrible place to live, and they don't have a good word to say about anything "Thai", including it's people, culture and religion.

I can look at the heading of a topic and know exactly who will be commenting on that topic, the same old crowd of complainers.

My question is - if it is such a bad place populated by such bad people, what the heck is keeping these foreigners in Thailand ?

They never say a good word about the place so I don't know what stops them from leaving. There must be something they like about the country.

Or are they the kind of people who just like moaning and groaning and living in a state of misery ?

I am not denying anyone the right to complain as this is a forum and we all have that right, but if I found myself sitting next to a "seasoned moaner" in a bar I would find another bar stool, or bar.

The usual hyperbolic drivel. Some complain and do leave; a few would like to leave but after so many years with no longer anything left to go back to in their home countries, really can't (some have discussed such personal circumstances here at TV in other threads, but you think you can maybe drive your point if you ignore them). And then there are the others - perhaps the majority - who are merely criticizing from a perfectly objective perspective but do still prefer the place overall. And whenever they do, trust someone like you to raise this worn out old love-it-or-leave it flag. To see the rips & tears and want to comment on or discuss them, is merely the rational thing to do, as opposed to excoriating everyone who does so, repackaging for them what they believe - not to mention actually said - about "a bad place populated by such bad people", being "a terrible place to live", not having "a good word to say about anything 'Thai'", which is NOT what most are saying, but precisely what someone like you says when trying to silence or at least marginalize those with whom you disagree.

You actually are purposing to deny anyone the right to complain - you just think you're being clever about it. By taking on the "seasoned moaners" (gee, nothing pejorative or prejudicial about that ...), you're actually NOT changing barstools like you said you would. My advice; consider a small dose of your own advice. Not for me. I could care less. Unlike you, I truly DON'T deny anyone the right to complain, or even to complain about the complainers (I just draw the line at telling people to leave). Do it for yourself.

Again. Someone FULL of advice to others who aren't happy to leave, but then hangs around HERE moaning at the moaners.

................................."Unlike you, I truly DON'T deny anyone the right to complain, or even to complain about the complainers (I just draw the line at telling people to leave). Do it for yourself.

Again. Someone FULL of advice to others who aren't happy to leave, but then hangs around HERE moaning at the moaners."................................

You have misquoted me and twisted my words more than a number of times. That is the way you get your point across, very sad.

For one, I have never denied anyone the right to complain, and said as much in my comment.

And I don't think I was full of advice towards anyone, I simply asked a simple question (which you did not seem to be able to answer, all you did was attack and flame me) and stated that I was happy to live in Thailand, that's all.

If you cannot reply to my posts in a civil manner, minus the flaming and mis-quoting, don't even bother replying as I will just ignore you.

That is not the way I originally aimed my question at you.

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Re @ Hawker 900 "I am intrigued", Sir many of us have lived and worked here in Thailand for more that your 10 years. Hopefully our efforts have been beneficial to Thailand's development. Many who comment here in this forum do so not as "whiners" but as people who think they have something positive to contribute. Maybe you should try to see this point, or just move to another bar stool and be comfortable with your complacency.

Fair comment, but my earlier post was not targeting the type of people you mention, ....................."Many who comment here in this forum do so not as "whiners" but as people who think they have something positive to contribute."..............................

If you read my comment again, carefully, you will see that. I thought I asked a fair question, but maybe I was wrong.

Many of the posts I read have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

So I don't have to try and see that point as I am already aware of it, but thanks for the advice anyway.

I probably should not have used "sitting on a barstool" as an example as I rarely step foot in bars these days being kept busy at home with family or away working.

"Many of the posts I read have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

So I don't have to try and see that point as I am already aware of it, but thanks for the advice anyway."

See, and that's where you go off the rails. Presumptuous in the extreme to set yourself up as the decider or verdict-giver of whether someone else's comment constitutes a "contribution" or not, sufficient to make them persona non grata. Even a negative vote is a contribution, but apparently not if it flies in the face of your vote. You really should at least TRY and see that point. Why not just simply voice your disagreement - you can even leave in the self-righteous I'm-positive-you're-negative schtick - and leave off with the smug invitations to hit the highway?

No need to render any disclaimers regarding your drinking habits...whatever they are. And I think we "get" your "figurative" barstool. thumbsup.gif (Oops. An emoticon. 'Guess I'll be invited to leave the country now.)

......................"and leave off with the smug invitations to hit the highway?"...........................

......................."(Oops. An emoticon. 'Guess I'll be invited to leave the country now.)"............................

Please show one example of me asking someone to leave the country, or an "invitation to hit the highway" as you put it.

You have accused me of that a number of times, now show me where I told anyone to leave if they don't like it.

Edited by Rimmer
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I used to just laugh it off, they are trying to make some money etc etc until i was standing in the pissing rain with my 15 month old baby and 5 taxi's would not take me. So much for good Buddist values but a definite for Thainess. Only and always about themselves.

Yeap. See, and that's the problem. Everyone's a denier, everyone's a love-it-or-leave it parrot, everyone's a disciple of "thainess", everyone wants to silence the critics, and last but not least, everyone says it's never happened to them ...

... until it happens to THEM!

@ hawker9000, I am intrigued.

After weighing up all the pros and cons of living in Thailand as opposed to staying in my home country or picking another country altogether, I chose Thailand. That was 10 years ago this August.

Luckily for me it was the right decision as I am happily married to a beautiful lady and have an 18mo son who I adore. We just had a new house built outside of Chiang Mai which cost me a fraction of what a house would have cost me "back 'ome". So I feel I made the right decision.

(I did go through a broken 3 year marriage and divorce but I got over that and started again, meeting my current wife in 2009)

I have a question for you.

According to a lot of TV posters Thailand is a terrible place to live, and they don't have a good word to say about anything "Thai", including it's people, culture and religion.

I can look at the heading of a topic and know exactly who will be commenting on that topic, the same old crowd of complainers.

My question is - if it is such a bad place populated by such bad people, what the heck is keeping these foreigners in Thailand ?

They never say a good word about the place so I don't know what stops them from leaving. There must be something they like about the country.

Or are they the kind of people who just like moaning and groaning and living in a state of misery ?

I am not denying anyone the right to complain as this is a forum and we all have that right, but if I found myself sitting next to a "seasoned moaner" in a bar I would find another bar stool, or bar.

You have the right attitude while that sort of attitude should always be maintained....especially living here in Thailand.

Meantime ......"If I found myself sitting in a bar and sitting next to a person who had lived in Thailand for 30 years( a Seasoned Moaner as you say)....I would listen to what he has to say and learn something....because usually they are correct about certain issues while you will come to learn that their explanation of experiences or observations, by way of moaning and groaning and complaining and criticizing can be of use to you while helping you to avoid some of the problems they have experienced or observed and pointing out to others......although their presentation, in the form of a moaning and complaining and criticizing "rant" has to be overlooked

The longer you stay here the more you learn while often enough what you see and observe and experience and learn, all too often, includes the negatives...such as Taxi cab drivers trying to cheat you, although a small concern on the grander scale of things.

Believe me partner...if you get to know Thai people and you learn to speak and understand their language I can assure you 110 percent they are amongst the biggest moaners and complainers also....as that aspect of being a human is inherent in all of us...while there are plenty of issues here in Thailand for everyone to complain about...Thais and foreigners alike.


Thanks gemguy, good advice.

I have picked up some of the language and you are right, I hear lots of complaining. The most common complaint seems to be about the weather, and also the cost of basic commodities rising.

My wife is constantly whining about the weather, especially the heat. I told her apart from buying an aircon and fans it is beyond my control. biggrin.png

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yes i agree with you a lot of the taxi drivers are crooked and want to steal from you by not using metres and not pick you up at all, why are they there??? if not to get fares, on sukumvit 4 last saturday night i got in the cab because if you ask at the window they just drive off so i got in and told him where i wanted to go he said no and i said you have to take me its the law and then he started shouting get out and when i went to look at his number he raised his arm to punch me until i got out.

report them all is the only way it will get better

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Now go cleanup all the other Sois.

I stay on Suk Soi 20 when in Bangkok and have not gotten a ride in years. Have to walk all the way to Sukhumvit to get a ride.

Every one of them is a criminal posing as a taxi driver.

If this happens to you, you can contact the Land Transport Department Hotline on 1584.

You need to make a note of the license plate or the number painted on the door, taxi colour and the time and place of the incident.

The driver will receive a 1,000Bt fine for every complaint when he renw=ews his yearly permit.

"I stay on Suk Soi 20 when in Bangkok and have not gotten a ride in years. Have to walk all the way to Sukhumvit to get a ride. Every one of them is a criminal posing as a taxi driver."

As an example of unjustified over-exaggeration and generalisation this nonsense takes the biscuit.

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