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Scientists convinced of tie between earthquakes and drilling


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Why are conservatives & the religious constantly at war with science?

Scientists or business interests. Hmmm. Who should I believe?

Your question goes to the heart of the matter, but I am uncertain if it takes you where you think it does.

Sentence 1: I have no particular understanding why religious folks are at war with science, as you say, other than the same reason that conservatives are, and that is threefold:

a) Its not the science per se that is so antagonistic but the fact that the science is a great big wooden horse laden with pet leftist projects in its belly- everything from the distasteful eugenics population control to revising the chain of being placing humans on par with a mule- these sorts of canned leftist utopia pet agendas always ride the wake of the abused science.

b), the science: its not science. Modern climatologists oil and polish their near improbable models so they appear to glide effortlessly, until you look closer. Either context is absent, data fudged, chronology excluded, sun activity minimized, select cores dubious, etc. Thus noting the climate variously changes or the earth rattles does not make science or man made science change.

c) Most pertinently, science is at war with [not] everything traditional-conservative, only that which is intransigent to the priest class of the Scientific Community,

sentence 2: Scientists or business interests are hardly separable. Since they are hardly separable they are suspicious. Since they are suspicious, see Sentence 1- this is why conservatives are skeptical of political engineered scientist conclusions. Rarely can actual science be done in varied fields without genuflecting to special interests, grants, funding, and what is accepted as science (remember, when a body of knowledge is accepted as science by definition it excludes. When science has a practice process that excludes, it is no longer science- period! It is special interest, and no different than religion at this point. Most research academia today is this way).

Science should increasingly be viewed with great suspicion, and this is sad. However, it was long ago hijacked and increasingly, not always, is a tool of politics.

Silly post. Just more business interests trying to convince voters the scientists are all stupid or corrupt.

Yes, I agree the post I responded to was silly but I did not want to come directly out and say that. As the post asked questions, I responded. Rebut, deny, slam or protest the response but it was a genuine effort to answer the (I presume) rhetorical questions. I have re read my post and the only thing I could possibly change would be elaboration on how very much areas of science have exclusionary zones for which papers will not published, funding denied, or otherwise ostracized by the community. That this exists is indisputable. That this exists wholly supports the post I made above; it cannot be otherwise.

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Why are conservatives & the religious constantly at war with science?

Scientists or business interests. Hmmm. Who should I believe?

Your question goes to the heart of the matter, but I am uncertain if it takes you where you think it does.

Sentence 1: I have no particular understanding why religious folks are at war with science, as you say, other than the same reason that conservatives are, and that is threefold:

a) Its not the science per se that is so antagonistic but the fact that the science is a great big wooden horse laden with pet leftist projects in its belly- everything from the distasteful eugenics population control to revising the chain of being placing humans on par with a mule- these sorts of canned leftist utopia pet agendas always ride the wake of the abused science.

b), the science: its not science. Modern climatologists oil and polish their near improbable models so they appear to glide effortlessly, until you look closer. Either context is absent, data fudged, chronology excluded, sun activity minimized, select cores dubious, etc. Thus noting the climate variously changes or the earth rattles does not make science or man made science change.

c) Most pertinently, science is at war with [not] everything traditional-conservative, only that which is intransigent to the priest class of the Scientific Community,

sentence 2: Scientists or business interests are hardly separable. Since they are hardly separable they are suspicious. Since they are suspicious, see Sentence 1- this is why conservatives are skeptical of political engineered scientist conclusions. Rarely can actual science be done in varied fields without genuflecting to special interests, grants, funding, and what is accepted as science (remember, when a body of knowledge is accepted as science by definition it excludes. When science has a practice process that excludes, it is no longer science- period! It is special interest, and no different than religion at this point. Most research academia today is this way).

Science should increasingly be viewed with great suspicion, and this is sad. However, it was long ago hijacked and increasingly, not always, is a tool of politics.

cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif "Science should increasingly be viewed with great suspicion" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Conservatives, business interests....and religious whacks like the Taliban might agree.

I kindly thank you for repeatedly reposting my post. Should science "increasingly be viewed with great suspicion?" Absolutely. Who wishes to live in a world where opinion leaders form your thought process and conclusions about everything, even the things self evident to you as a human, are off limits for critique. Modern science has lost a great deal of credibility, period. My previous points regarding scientists and special interests are so vested as to be ubiquitous- from tobacco to Monsanto, from big Pharma to DARPA, from Genome Mapping to hybrid humans with multiple parents, from bring extinct species back to the wonderful eugenics progress of gene splicing, the list goes on quite a bit. If a man looks with objectivity upon the world and declares these things are self policed, okay, ethical, and tightly controlled, they are a liar or a fool. It is indisputable that science has run muck of ethics and whole divisions purchased by governments and corporations.

The scientific method is among the most remarkable advances in human history. This revolution, this science, has made possible worlds and vistas undreamed of.. ever! What a time to be alive and bear witness to both the capability and the hubris of man. However, to pretend science exists as some incorruptible priestly class immune to the politics of being human overlook the single greatest truth of science itself- the scientists ARE part of every equation and observation. How then does one intellectualize their detachment?

You join the enlightened few on TV that actually believes a better argument is made by pejorative or negative association. Argument by pejorative is a juvenile ad hominen and rather than make "the worse argument seem the better," actually reflects poorly, personally.

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"Blah blah blah.. Modern science has lost a great deal of credibility, period."


The biggest polluters pour millions of dollars into republican campaigns. That's all we need to know.

Discrediting the scientific community is just part of the strategy.

Why do so many of your posts hinge on irrelevant American politics?

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Peter Locke @UncleBibby

that nepal earthquake thing is scary & depressing... hundreds dead... is this from climate change or fracking or is it just a nature thing?

What is scary and depressing is the sheer ignorance on display.


I actually came back to this thread to see if I could make a joke linking the Nepal Earthquake to fracking, and someone has actually and seriously beaten me to it! cheesy.gif

God save the world from these uneducated simpletons.

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Yup, I was right.

Good old Newsweek, never lets a tragedy pass without trying to link it to CO2. After they linked CO2 levels to Ebola and the war in Syria, I suppose this was inevitable.

More Fatal Earthquakes to Come, Warn Climate Change Scientists


“Climate change may play a critical role in triggering certain faults in certain places where they could kill a hell of a lot of people,” says Professor McGuire.

Some of his colleagues suspect the process may already have started.

The only other group I have seen exploiting terrible disasters for their own ends with such enthusiasm are the Nigerian scammers with their fake donation websites........

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What is this? Global Warming, Mk. II?

Better throw lots of money at these "scientists", guarantee them jobs for life, get every other scientist remotely connected to seismology on board, ridicule all scientists who aren't believers, etc, etc.

May we please know your credentials in climatology? My guess is you have none, yet somehow believe that you know better than 98 per cent of climatologists who assure us that anthropomorphic global warming is a reality, and a soon-to-be disastrous one.

So you have spoken to every one of these scientists individually?

More likely that you have read something in a newspaper while sitting on the throne.

Off with his head!

I’m still inclined to believe the scientists more than the contrarians who might well have vested financial interests.

After all think what would have happened to our friends and relatives had we all believed what the seven dwarves testified in Congress all those years ago about them not believing cigarettes were addictive even though the scientists said quite the opposite. And who was right ?ph34r.png

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