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Riot erupts in Baltimore after funeral for man hurt in police custody


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Riot erupts after funeral for man hurt in police custody

BALTIMORE (AP) — Rioters looted stores and hurled rocks and bricks at Baltimore police Monday, injuring several officers just hours after thousands mourned the man who died after suffering a severe spinal injury in police custody.

Several hours later, the city remained in chaos: The National Guard was put on alert by the governor, ready to move in rapidly if needed, the Baltimore Orioles postponed their game and seven police officers were hurt.

Some of the officers had broken bones, and one was unresponsive, said Capt. Eric Kowalczyk. Television footage showed a police cruiser in flames and stores being overrun by small groups of people. A CVS store was set ablaze. Officers using shields and wearing helmets used pepper-spray in an effort to keep the rioters back.

A helicopter circled overhead as groups of rioters moved through the city. One group piled onto and rode a car as it drove down the street. Officers for the most part formed lines to keep protesters at bay.

Monday's riot was the latest flare-up over the mysterious death of Freddie Gray, whose fatal encounter with officers came amid the national debate over police use of force, especially when black suspects are involved. Gray was African-American.

The smell of burned rubber wafted in the air in one neighborhood where youths were looting a liquor store. Glass and trash littered the streets, and small fires were scattered about. One person from a church tried to shout something from a megaphone as two cars burned.

Gray's family was shocked by the violence and was lying low; instead, they hoped to organize a peace march later in the week, said family attorney Billy Murphy. He said they did not know the riot was going to happen and urged calm.

"They don't want this movement nationally to be marred by violence," he said. "It makes no sense."

Police urged parents to locate their children and bring them home. Many of those on the streets appeared to be African-American youths, wearing backpacks and khaki pants that are a part of many public school uniforms.

The riot broke out just as high school let out, and at a key city bus depot for student commuters.

Many who had never met Gray gathered earlier in the day in a Baltimore church to bid him farewell and press for more accountability among law enforcement.

The 2,500-capacity New Shiloh Baptist church was filled with mourners. But even the funeral could not ease mounting tensions.

Police said in a news release sent while the funeral was underway that the department had received a "credible threat" that three notoriously violent gangs are now working together to "take out" law enforcement officers.

A small group of mourners started lining up about two hours ahead of Monday's funeral. Placed atop Gray's body was a white pillow with a screened picture of him. A projector aimed at two screens on the walls showed the words "Black Lives Matter & All Lives Matter."

The service lasted nearly two hours, with dignitaries in attendance including former Maryland representative and NAACP leader Kweisi Mfume and current Maryland Rep. John Sarbanes.

Erica Garner, 24, the daughter of Eric Garner, attended Gray's funeral. She said she came after seeing video of Gray's arrest, which she said reminded her of her father's shouts that he could not breathe when he was being arrested on a New York City street. Garner died during the confrontation.

"It's like there is no accountability, no justice," she said. "It's like we're back in the '50s, back in the Martin Luther King days. When is our day to be free going to come?"

With the Rev. Jesse Jackson sitting behind him, the Rev. Jamal Bryant gave a rousing and spirited eulogy for Freddie Gray, a message that received a standing ovation from the crowded church.

Bryant said Gray's death would spur further protests, and he urged those in the audience to join.

"Freddie's death is not in vain," Bryant said. "After this day, we're going to keep on marching. After this day, we're going to keep demanding justice."

Gray was arrested one week before he died when officers chased him through a West Baltimore neighborhood and dragged him into a police van.

Police said Gray was arrested after he made eye contact with officers and ran away. Officers held him down, handcuffed him and loaded him into the van. While inside, he became irate and leg cuffs were put on him, police have said.

Gray asked for medical help several times, beginning before he was placed in the van. After a 30-minute ride that included three stops, paramedics were called.

Authorities have not explained how or when Gray's spine was injured.

Police acknowledged Friday that Gray should have received medical attention on the spot where he was arrested — before he was put inside a police transport van handcuffed and without a seat belt, a violation of the police department's policy.

Associated Press writers Juliet Linderman and Jeff Horwitz contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-28

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Riot erupts after funeral for man hurt in police custody

The headline should read "man died in police custody"

His only crime was looking at a policeman, this drawing their attention, after which he ran away in fear... Some time between this point and when he arrived at the police station, his spinal column had been severed and was refused treatment...

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"We also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well."

- Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake


Just saw the Baltimore police chief say he was going to hunt down those responsible for the burning and rioting. As the mayor was standing behind him, it seems to me all he needed to do was turn around and he would find her.

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Obama sends a white house representitive to Freddie Grays funeral.

The mayor of Baltimore (dem) says give them room to destroy

You can't blame the rioters for kicking off when they are getting all this support from the democrats.

On what evidence is available there are some Baltimore police who should be facing at least manslaughter charges for the killing of Freddie Gray but that is no reason for people who should know better putting other good cops in harms way by offering tacit support to riot.

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These riots and looting aren't for Freddie Gray. They are an excuse for the rioters to loot stores, steal, and create general mayhem.

The rioters are doing this for themselves and they are showing just how selfish they are. They are tearing their own town and neighborhood apart showing how little things mean to them. What kind of animal in nature burns and tears his own habitat down?

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Riot erupts after funeral for man hurt in police custody

The headline should read "man died in police custody"

His only crime was looking at a policeman, this drawing their attention, after which he ran away in fear... Some time between this point and when he arrived at the police station, his spinal column had been severed and was refused treatment...

And of course that means the mobs are allowed to burn and loot? These mindless actions cheapens and destroys the support by the greater community across the nation for the wrong that has been done by the police. Every act of looting and rioting means fewer and fewer white people give a damn about the injustice ... That is just the way it is... no one can change it ... it is human nature. Had they formed long lines in protest, bearing signs speaking of the injustice, bearing flowers in honor of their neighbor, had speakers on podiums telling the story, asking for support, the white community across the nation - by in large would have embraced sympathy for the man and the black people Baltimore as they watched the news. BUT NO - burn and pillage is all these fools know ...

Notice that the violent riots, burning and looting takes place in black neighborhoods ... not in the white communities in small towns and suburbs... Why ? - because these rioters know the people living there have guns and will defend their property and lives against the violent actions of hooligans.

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Riot erupts after funeral for man hurt in police custody

The headline should read "man died in police custody"

His only crime was looking at a policeman, this drawing their attention, after which he ran away in fear... Some time between this point and when he arrived at the police station, his spinal column had been severed and was refused treatment...

If you read the whole story..you would see that he was "irate"...which could have been the reason (not justification) for rough handling.

I have seen officers tackle suspects to the ground, put a knee in the back, and cuff them, routinely. The harder they resist, the more force is used. Acting up in the back of a police car will not go well for you either.

If the man is innocent...he has recourse...but putting up a struggle will not end well...for anyone.

I do believe he was profiled...."just staring" in some cicumstances, can irritate a situation. It should not lead to arrest...but you notice people get angry (especially police) if somebody tries to intimidate. There is such a thing as an "curious stare" and an "agressive stare". When tensions are high, I just leave the area.

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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Statement based on lack of knowledge.

It will take many more decades (and Presidents) to iron out racial problems. Electing Obama was not the smartest plan...but it at least demonstrated that minorities...too, can sit at a desk in "White" House. Not a bad thing (for Racial equality). I don't think he can change America by himself...no President can.

Too me, it sounds like racial tension at the city Police/civilian level....Federal law already has mandated equal rights... it is up to local communities to implement that.\

Moreover...it sounds like Minorities are "pushing the police to the limit"....calling them out.... and the police are breaking down (falling into a no-win situation).

I grew up in the sixties....and had to have armed police escorts lined up on the streets leading to my Junior high School. The Blacks would march across the city and stone the 13 year old white boys, going into a predominately white junior high school. I had no idea what was going on.

Minority groups are pushing harder and harder...but society is still lagging. I sure am glad to be in Thailand... (now I am the minority ....feels great..not dodging bricks and rocks, anyways)

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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Before I clicked on this topic, I knew it was going to be the usual racist teapublicans somehow blaming Obama.

Along with all the rest of the despicable racist comments usually working Obama into it, ya all.

Haters gonna hate, huh?

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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Statement based on lack of knowledge.

It will take many more decades (and Presidents) to iron out racial problems. Electing Obama was not the smartest plan...but it at least demonstrated that minorities...too, can sit at a desk in "White" House. Not a bad thing (for Racial equality). I don't think he can change America by himself...no President can.

Too me, it sounds like racial tension at the city Police/civilian level....Federal law already has mandated equal rights... it is up to local communities to implement that.\

Moreover...it sounds like Minorities are "pushing the police to the limit"....calling them out.... and the police are breaking down (falling into a no-win situation).

I grew up in the sixties....and had to have armed police escorts lined up on the streets leading to my Junior high School. The Blacks would march across the city and stone the 13 year old white boys, going into a predominately white junior high school. I had no idea what was going on.

Minority groups are pushing harder and harder...but society is still lagging. I sure am glad to be in Thailand... (now I am the minority ....feels great..not dodging bricks and rocks, anyways)

I am well aware of the race problems in north america. I grew up poor in the 70's in a predominately black neighbourhood, I know only too well the issues. I had many black friends when I was very young, as they got older they had to chose between being black or being friends with whitey; 99% chose being black. I lived through a week where the police were on strike and the blacks ran riot through the neighbourhood. I was 12, my father and I would sit up all night with the lights out and a 12 gauge each across our laps, protecting our family and belongings. I know only too well what ca happen when they decide to have a go at what they think is causing them to have such a crap life.

Yes it will take many decades to sort out many many decades, but it wil only get sorted when they accept responsibity for themselves and stop blaming everyone else for their problems.

Charles Barkley is one of the few not afaid to state the real probleM

Barkley went on a long monologue on the subject: “Unfortunately, as I tell my white friends, we as black people, we’re never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you’re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people. It’s a dirty, dark secret; I’m glad it’s coming out.”

Barkley said that young black men who do well in school are accused of “acting white” by their peers. “One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people. And for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person. And it’s a dirty, dark secret"

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I am in no way justifying what could have been use of excessive force or negligence by the Baltimore police in this incident and it should be investigated and justice served, however:

If Freddie Gray's alleged arrest record is accurate (Ref: Liveleak and others), what was he even doing on the street?

Profiled? If one doesn't want to be profiled, one should not be a career criminal and/or attempt to play "Catch Me if You Can" with the police.

The violent Baltimore protesters should be warned that their violence could be taken as a protest of the arrest and death of one of their own.

Latest News: Baltimore is under a state of emergency and schools are closed. Maryland National Guard troops are on their way to Baltimore.


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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Statement based on lack of knowledge.

It will take many more decades (and Presidents) to iron out racial problems. Electing Obama was not the smartest plan...but it at least demonstrated that minorities...too, can sit at a desk in "White" House. Not a bad thing (for Racial equality). I don't think he can change America by himself...no President can.

Too me, it sounds like racial tension at the city Police/civilian level....Federal law already has mandated equal rights... it is up to local communities to implement that.\

Moreover...it sounds like Minorities are "pushing the police to the limit"....calling them out.... and the police are breaking down (falling into a no-win situation).

I grew up in the sixties....and had to have armed police escorts lined up on the streets leading to my Junior high School. The Blacks would march across the city and stone the 13 year old white boys, going into a predominately white junior high school. I had no idea what was going on.

Minority groups are pushing harder and harder...but society is still lagging. I sure am glad to be in Thailand... (now I am the minority ....feels great..not dodging bricks and rocks, anyways)

The claimed level of white racism in America is overblown and manufactured all done to rile up blacks so that a poor voter turn out will not happen in 2016 as it did in 2014. By far most racism in American is Blacks hating whites - not vice versa. Racial instigators such as Al Sharpton plus Eric Holder and Obama are stirring up the racial pot. White racism was dying out until the obama henchmen and henchwomen decided to manufacture a political agenda...Just look at the advancement in education and employment that was going on all through the 2000s ... black people all over America rising up to get good educations and jobs... But the manipulated blacks - those ignorant ones - who refused to get an education - who believe that the message of HipHop and horribly ugly Rap are not just entertainment to them but a desired lifestyle. Blacks are arrested more in America because they intentionally commit more crimes - bringing themselves to the attention of police. Riots solve nothing and only make matters worse... Bad cops doing bad arrests - violence - killings have to be dealt with by the law - not by burning and looting. The more burning and looting they do -- the less anyone in America cares about their situation -- it is a natural fact of life. It is how people react to those who do massive violence as a form of protest ... they cut off their nose to spite their face. But ignorance is as ignorance does.

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I am in no way justifying what could have been use of excessive force or negligence by the Baltimore police in this incident and it should be investigated and justice served, however:

If Freddie Gray's alleged arrest record is accurate (Ref: Liveleak and others), what was he even doing on the street?

Profiled? If one doesn't want to be profiled, one should not be a career criminal and/or attempt to play "Catch Me if You Can" with the police.

The violent Baltimore protesters should be warned that their violence could be taken as a protest of the arrest and death of one of their own.


Funny to hear them on CNN saying that Freddie Gray would never want the burning and looting to be happening in his name. Hah! If Freddie were still alive, he would probably be out leading the way to the nearest broken into liquor store.

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I, a resident of Chicago USA, the death capital of the US, for 70 years have some definite comments which I am sure would cause me to be banned for racism so, I cannot comment. Truth is indeed stranger then fiction and, unfortunately, is not


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Riot erupts after funeral for man hurt in police custody

The headline should read "man died in police custody"

His only crime was looking at a policeman, this drawing their attention, after which he ran away in fear... Some time between this point and when he arrived at the police station, his spinal column had been severed and was refused treatment...

And of course that means the mobs are allowed to burn and loot? These mindless actions cheapens and destroys the support by the greater community across the nation for the wrong that has been done by the police. Every act of looting and rioting means fewer and fewer white people give a damn about the injustice ... That is just the way it is... no one can change it ... it is human nature. Had they formed long lines in protest, bearing signs speaking of the injustice, bearing flowers in honor of their neighbor, had speakers on podiums telling the story, asking for support, the white community across the nation - by in large would have embraced sympathy for the man and the black people Baltimore as they watched the news. BUT NO - burn and pillage is all these fools know ...

Notice that the violent riots, burning and looting takes place in black neighborhoods ... not in the white communities in small towns and suburbs... Why ? - because these rioters know the people living there have guns and will defend their property and lives against the violent actions of hooligans.

Please don't attempt to put words in my mouth as you are implying that I condone the actions of the rioters... I do not condone the actions of the animals on either side of this situation...

There are too many cases where civilians die at the hands of police in the US and this one stinks to high heaven... Had the cops not killed this kid on the way to the police station, the riots would not have taken place... Cause and effect...

There have been 380 people killed by police in 2015 alone...


All part of the reason I left the US as this sort of thing is escalating at an alarming rate... Both the change in tact by the police and the breakdown in civility as demonstrated by the riots... It is only going to get worse...

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Riot erupts after funeral for man hurt in police custody

The headline should read "man died in police custody"

His only crime was looking at a policeman, this drawing their attention, after which he ran away in fear... Some time between this point and when he arrived at the police station, his spinal column had been severed and was refused treatment...

If you read the whole story..you would see that he was "irate"...which could have been the reason (not justification) for rough handling.

I have seen officers tackle suspects to the ground, put a knee in the back, and cuff them, routinely. The harder they resist, the more force is used. Acting up in the back of a police car will not go well for you either.

If the man is innocent...he has recourse...but putting up a struggle will not end well...for anyone.

I do believe he was profiled...."just staring" in some cicumstances, can irritate a situation. It should not lead to arrest...but you notice people get angry (especially police) if somebody tries to intimidate. There is such a thing as an "curious stare" and an "agressive stare". When tensions are high, I just leave the area.

He has recourse? Sorry, but he's dead... His family has recourse against the BPD for a wrongful death law suit... Still doesn't justify burning the city down, but hey, that's what the natives want and the Baltimore Mayor gave them free reign to do so...

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The majority of what you see is thuggery....

There is a "mix" of activism going on.....

1. teens out on the street, just making a name for themselves...acting out.

2. organized crime groups , promoting violence against the police..and breaking down the "illusion of law enforcement"

3. Looters and thieves.....just wanting that apple watch or new ipad.

4. Civil rights Activists...validly trying to demonstrate (non violent)

5. Civil rights Activists...invalidly involved in violence.

basically...chaos. Even if positive measures to mete out justice are implemented, thugs, thieves, teen gangs, and organized crime are stirring this up.

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How right you are.

To see the full extent of the problem, take the train from New York to Washington DC. What were once prosperous cities have become urban jungles rotten at the core. The road trip on the NJ Turnpike and the interstates is quite different. There you see pleasant villages and countryside, but it's only part of what America has become.

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The militarization of the US police surely plays some part in this.

That's right. It was the 'militarized' BPD with their 'militarized' bicycle helmets.


But if you want to bring in 'militarization', you're a bit late because the Governor has activated the National Guard.

Enough 'militarization' to suit you?

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