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UN: Israeli military killed 44 Palestinians at UN shelters


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Israeli apologists seem to be playing with statistics in order to justify the massacre of 551 innocent children. The results of your accountancy can be seen by Google Images: children killed Gaza. However way you try to rationalize it, this remains an obscenity in the 21st century.

Many other nations in history have committed crimes against humanity, but have confronted their past, and have been able to move on. Israel is still in a state of denial.

OF course it's an obscenity. What else might be an obscenity? religion? The reward of 72 virgins for killing Jews in the name of Allah?

How would you suggest israel protect itself? Choose to protect say half the people within rocket range? More? Less? Or maybe it would be better to sacrifice a small number, say 10?,20?, 30? to keep the western press quiet? Or maybe offer no resistance at all to win the approval of the likes of you

Israel isn't in a state of denial. Are you kidding me? Not confronted its past? Are you completely ignorant of Jewish history? It's precisely because the past has been confronted that Israel exists today ..Israel makes no apology for killing children You want to put your kids in harm's way? Up to you....

How would you suggest israel protect itself?

Perhaps by Israel not provoking a war with Hamas in the first place and by Israel getting serious about a just peace agreement with the PA, and accepting an long standing offer of an indefinite truce from Hamas in return for lifting the blockade of Gaza.

Simple as that. You've got to start with peace somewhere.

We've been here many times before in this debate.

Acquaint yourself with the facts at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_2014_Israel%E2%80%93Gaza_conflict

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Not mentioned is the 1:1 ratio of combatants killed relative to civilians, a ratio almost unprecedented in modern urban warfare. So the 2000 dead figure repeated ad nauseum by Hamas and their apologists has decreased to 1000, as did the 1500 killed during operation cast lead also came down to 750. This is not about drones but I would refer anyone to the civilian to combatants ratio due to drone attacks. Perhaps the Obama administration should be congratulating Israel on their restraint and accuracy.


This is exactly what I mean by Israel and its apologists being in a state of denial and distortion to justify the massacre of innocent civilians.. First you alter the "more than 2,200 killed" mentioned in the OP to 2,000. Then you pluck a mysterious 1:1 ratio out of thin air and in an instant you make 492 real people disappear.

Those "real people" were Hamas TERRORISTS. That is the whole point.

The terrorist to civilian ratio of Palestinian deaths in Operation Protective Edge is an unprecedented 1:1, a news study released last week reveals - supporting earlier findings regarding the so-called "civilian casualties" Hamas touts to international media.


..and the source according to your link for these amazing figures is..

The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC), also known as Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in honor of Meir Amit, is an Israeli-based research group with close ties to the Israel Defense Forces and the American Jewish Congress.The organisation is part of the Israel Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center (IICC).


It was Hamas themselves who admitted 50% of the casualties from operation cast lead were their fighters. This admission came long after the 'facts' used in preparing the Goldstone report were gathered. Of course you one issue activists had long left that building in search of a new bone to chew. You may if you like choose to disbelieve the source as it does not support your poisonous and warped agenda, but it's Haaretz, which is about the only Israeli source you believe, when it suits you to that is.


So if 49 fighters killed first admitted by Hamas rises to around 700 it does not take a genius to work out that the Israeli sources turn out to be far closer to the truth that wildly exaggerated claims by terrorists and their sympathizers.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Israeli apologists seem to be playing with statistics in order to justify the massacre of 551 innocent children. The results of your accountancy can be seen by Google Images: children killed Gaza. However way you try to rationalize it, this remains an obscenity in the 21st century.

Many other nations in history have committed crimes against humanity, but have confronted their past, and have been able to move on. Israel is still in a state of denial.

OF course it's an obscenity. What else might be an obscenity? religion? The reward of 72 virgins for killing Jews in the name of Allah?

How would you suggest israel protect itself? Choose to protect say half the people within rocket range? More? Less? Or maybe it would be better to sacrifice a small number, say 10?,20?, 30? to keep the western press quiet? Or maybe offer no resistance at all to win the approval of the likes of you

Israel isn't in a state of denial. Are you kidding me? Not confronted its past? Are you completely ignorant of Jewish history? It's precisely because the past has been confronted that Israel exists today ..Israel makes no apology for killing children You want to put your kids in harm's way? Up to you....

Sire, and the criminal court will deal with it.

The good thing is that both Hamas AND Israel will be dealt with.

A great move by the Palestinians to sign up to the International court, Israel just bombs away at anything and must be brought to task. So too should Hamas, and they will.

What is Israel to do you ask?

Well everything it has done so far hasn't worked so time to do something different instead of continuing try and con the world.

Its too late Israel, you had your chance to be reasonable time and time again and you blew it. The world has had enough as noted by the ever increasing majority recognising Palestine.

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What change does the world "recognizing" "Palestine" do when the Palestinians themselves are so split and Israel isn't part of the process of border definition? The world can recognize the Duchy of Green Monkeys ... doesn't change things on the ground if the conditions aren't right.

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What change does the world "recognizing" "Palestine" do when the Palestinians themselves are so split and Israel isn't part of the process of border definition? The world can recognize the Duchy of Green Monkeys ... doesn't change things on the ground if the conditions aren't right.

Recognizing Palestine is the first step. It sounds like it doesnt matter but when EU countries start recognizing Palestine, thats actually a big step. Its partly symbolic, showing a stance. You have to start somewhere.

Recognizing Palestine is a step that opens up the possibility for further steps.

Thats the reason why the world recognizing Palestine actually is important and can surely be valuable in the future

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The Israeli government, and people who support it, are war criminals. No doubt about and Western media is complicit in shielding them.

People who support Hamas right to use their community's children as shields, who support Hamas total disregard for their community's safety by locating themselves purposely in civilian areas are war criminals. No doubt about (it) and Western media (BBC at least) is complicit in shielding them.
Their is no intentional use of human shields. The claim is just a way of demonizing the enemy since its inhumane to use human shields and in this case its even supposed to be their fellow Palestinians that are used.

Its the same thing when people try to demonize Israeli jews by accusing them of harvesting the internal organs of killed Arabs.

The human shields claims are based on nothing, its pure propaganda. Its used as an excuse that is fed to the Israeli jews and the US public as an excuse for collateral damage and deaths of a high amount of innocents during bombings.

Gaza is overpopulated, its a open-air prison. Theres no place for hiding rockets and for hiding places used to launch the rockets. Its a tiny densely populated strip of land.

It is a proven fact with numerous statements by Hamas leaders and plenty of video evidence.

Please stop with stupidity.

Being over populated is not an excuse to attack another nation.

Most if not all military worldwide does everything to protect its citizens not to put them in harms way.

Gaza is a densely populated strip of land. Google Map Gaza. The only option they have is to stop shooting rockets. I dont believe Youtube videos. My anti-apartheid jewish-Israeli friend share videos of arabs being randomly kidnapped in vans in Israel, and other unsavoury acts commited by IDF against kids, the videos might be cut of context etc. and I take the videos with a big pinch of salt. Im also highly skeptical of what defectors and political refugees say.

An example: Just look at all the political refugees/opportunists/crooks that feed the US government lies while in exile and then goes back to their countries and show their true faces when they become the new leadership.

Edited by BKKBobby
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Gaza is overpopulated, its a open-air prison.

An open-air prison with luxury hotels, shopping malls and one of the worst obesity problems in the world. If Gaza was not being used as a giant terrorist base, there would be no need for restrictions on their movements.

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Gaza is overpopulated, its a open-air prison.

An open-air prison with luxury hotels, shopping malls and one of the worst obesity problems in the world. If Gaza was not being used as a giant terrorist base, there would be no need for restrictions on their movements.

Well, I think that's a big stretch. I think there are poor conditions there for the most part and there is blame for that from multiple sources including their own government, Hamas, and Israel. Obese people may look well fed but in reality many poorer obese people are not getting good nutrition and the state of being obese contributes to serious diseases.

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My point is not that Gaza is a wonderful place to live. My point is that it is only a "prison" in the sense that people's movements and actions are restricted in order to stop terrorist attacks on Israel. The Palestinians elected Hamas - a terrorist organization - so they bear much of the responsibility for their situation.

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Israeli apologists seem to be playing with statistics in order to justify the massacre of 551 innocent children. The results of your accountancy can be seen by Google Images: children killed Gaza. However way you try to rationalize it, this remains an obscenity in the 21st century.

Many other nations in history have committed crimes against humanity, but have confronted their past, and have been able to move on. Israel is still in a state of denial.

OF course it's an obscenity. What else might be an obscenity? religion? The reward of 72 virgins for killing Jews in the name of Allah?

How would you suggest israel protect itself? Choose to protect say half the people within rocket range? More? Less? Or maybe it would be better to sacrifice a small number, say 10?,20?, 30? to keep the western press quiet? Or maybe offer no resistance at all to win the approval of the likes of you

Israel isn't in a state of denial. Are you kidding me? Not confronted its past? Are you completely ignorant of Jewish history? It's precisely because the past has been confronted that Israel exists today ..Israel makes no apology for killing children You want to put your kids in harm's way? Up to you....

How would you suggest israel protect itself?

Perhaps by Israel not provoking a war with Hamas in the first place and by Israel getting serious about a just peace agreement with the PA, and accepting an long standing offer of an indefinite truce from Hamas in return for lifting the blockade of Gaza.

Simple as that. You've got to start with peace somewhere.

We've been here many times before in this debate.

Acquaint yourself with the facts at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_2014_Israel%E2%80%93Gaza_conflict

You mean perhaps, Hamas should not start firing rockets at civilian targets. One thing is sure with you Dex. You love going around in circles coming out with the same propaganda and anti Israel rhetoric.

Hamas could have had peace they chose rockets instead. Hatred stops you from seeing the truth.

I can do better than that,

Mind you the source is rather pro arab.

Hamas rejects 5-year Israeli truce in exchange for end to Gaza blockade http://rt.com/news/240209-hamas-rejects-truce-deal/

Edited by konying
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My point is not that Gaza is a wonderful place to live. My point is that it is only a "prison" in the sense that people's movements and actions are restricted in order to stop terrorist attacks on Israel. The Palestinians elected Hamas - a terrorist organization - so they bear much of the responsibility for their situation.

Not a prison but closer to a prison than a luxury resort.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Israeli apologists seem to be playing with statistics in order to justify the massacre of 551 innocent children. The results of your accountancy can be seen by Google Images: children killed Gaza. However way you try to rationalize it, this remains an obscenity in the 21st century.

Many other nations in history have committed crimes against humanity, but have confronted their past, and have been able to move on. Israel is still in a state of denial.

OF course it's an obscenity. What else might be an obscenity? religion? The reward of 72 virgins for killing Jews in the name of Allah?

How would you suggest israel protect itself? Choose to protect say half the people within rocket range? More? Less? Or maybe it would be better to sacrifice a small number, say 10?,20?, 30? to keep the western press quiet? Or maybe offer no resistance at all to win the approval of the likes of you

Israel isn't in a state of denial. Are you kidding me? Not confronted its past? Are you completely ignorant of Jewish history? It's precisely because the past has been confronted that Israel exists today ..Israel makes no apology for killing children You want to put your kids in harm's way? Up to you....

How would you suggest israel protect itself?

Perhaps by Israel not provoking a war with Hamas in the first place and by Israel getting serious about a just peace agreement with the PA, and accepting an long standing offer of an indefinite truce from Hamas in return for lifting the blockade of Gaza.

Simple as that. You've got to start with peace somewhere.

We've been here many times before in this debate.

Acquaint yourself with the facts at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_2014_Israel%E2%80%93Gaza_conflict

You mean perhaps, Hamas should not start firing rockets at civilian targets. One thing is sure with you Dex. You love going around in circles coming out with the same propaganda and anti Israel rhetoric.

Hamas could have had peace they chose rockets instead. Hatred stops you from seeing the truth.

There is no peace and should be no peace until theres some give and take. Israel is a bully that is giving sham deals.

Hamas AND the average Gazan dont agree with the status quo.

If USA was Gaza, USA would do a Dresden on Tel Aviv to get what is their legal rights.

Edited by BKKBobby
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Where I live in Chiang Mai is closer to a prison than a luxury resort. tongue.png

Maybe you stay at that Israeli hotel I stayed at in Chiang Mai. All signs in only hebrew, all thai staff speak hebrew. Shabbiest hotel ive been to, only went there because my girlfriends friend owns the place. They pay all that money to go from Israel to like a 0,5 star hotel in Chiang Mai. Edited by BKKBobby
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There you go, as usual the findings are that Israel is as capable and willing to act no better than the lowlife terrorists they spew about.

You mean like America or the UK or most countries at war? The "lowlife terrorists" are the one that started the conflict in the first place and have refused to maker peace for almost 7 decades, even though they lose war after war. Most people will go pretty far to defeat an enemy that is set on genocide. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Where I live in Chiang Mai is closer to a prison than a luxury resort. tongue.png

Maybe you stay at that Israeli hotel I stayed at in Chiang Mai. All signs in only hebrew, all thai staff speak hebrew. Shabbiest hotel ive been to, only went there because my girlfriends friend owns the place. They pay all that money to go from Israel to like a 0,5 star hotel in Chiang Mai.
I'd be careful what you admit to, the BDS mafia would have you booted out of the river to the sea club quicker than you can say occupied territories if they got wind of your (ahem) girlfriends friend.
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Where I live in Chiang Mai is closer to a prison than a luxury resort. tongue.png

Maybe you stay at that Israeli hotel I stayed at in Chiang Mai. All signs in only hebrew, all thai staff speak hebrew. Shabbiest hotel ive been to, only went there because my girlfriends friend owns the place. They pay all that money to go from Israel to like a 0,5 star hotel in Chiang Mai.
I'd be careful what you admit to, the BDS mafia would have you booted out of the river to the sea club quicker than you can say occupied territories if they got wind of your (ahem) girlfriends friend.

Can you rewrite your post in english that is easy to understand. I didnt catch anything you wrote. It was to cryptical for me. English is not my native language. I dont even know what the BDF mafia is.

I dont need to be careful, trust me. You dont know me or my background. Keep in mind.

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